The Quarry: How to Unlock Final Girl Achievement (2024)

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The Quarry: How to Unlock Final Girl Achievement (1)

By Jamie Russo

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The Quarry: How to Unlock Final Girl Achievement (5)

The Final Girl achievement can be unlocked by ensuring that Kaitlyn is the only survivor at the end ofThe Quarry. There are many opportunities to kill the rest of the playable characters, but keeping Kaitlyn alive requires specific decisions to be made as early as the first chapter. Some of the Hacketts will die from the required decisions, but it's not necessary to kill all of them to unlock the achievement because it onlytracks the playable characters.

In order to make Kaitlyn the only survivor at the end of the game, players will need to actively try to kill the other counselors. Players can make sure everyone dies in The Quarry if theyfail quick time events or deliberately choose the worst available options. It should be fairly easy to kill off the other playable characters, but keeping Kaitlyn alive will take a bit more work and a lot of planning ahead. Kaitlyn's survival will depend on decisions made throughout the game starting in chapter one.

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While some characters can be killed early on, others will need to survive alongside Kaitlyn until later chapters in order to keep her alive. For example, if Ryan doesn't survive to kill Chris Hackett, then players won't get the chance to kill Max at the beginning of chapter 10.To unlock the Final Girl achievement inThe Quarry, players will need to domake a lot of specific choices to get the right outcome.

How To Keep Kaitlyn Alive & Kill Everyone Else In The Quarry

The Quarry: How to Unlock Final Girl Achievement (6)
  • Chapter One: The Quarry’s Abi should break in, then pick up the teddy bear to the right of the door and keep it.
  • Chapter Four: When Ryan hears noises coming from the bushes, players should choose to shoot the gun, then be insistent, then shoot the gun again to kill Jacob. Emma can also be killed in this chapter by immediately opening the trapdoor after entering the treehouse. Players should be aware that if Emma inspects the bags first, then opening the trapdoor won’t kill her.
  • Chapter Five: To keep Kaitlyn alive, it’s important that players are successful with the quick time events for her in chapter five. Kaitlyn also needs to hold her breath in between the quick time events.
  • Chapter Six: When The Quarry'sNick starts to act strange, Abi will try to help him, but he throws her across the room.Abi will then have a chance to grab a gun and shoot Nick. However, doing nothing will ensure Abi is killed by Nick, so not shooting is the correct option.
  • Chapter Seven: When Laura first gains the ability to explore the police station, players should instead just stay in the cell and go to sleep. The next morning, when Travis speaks to Laura, players should choose to be demanding and then shoot Travis. Doing so will eventually lead to Travis killing Laura in The Quarry.
  • Chapter Eight: When Ryan and Laura come across some cages, players will have a couple of choices to make. It’s important that Ryan and Laura choose not to open the cage. Additionally, when Lauraaimsher gun, Ryan should let her shoot instead of stopping her.
  • Chapter Nine: In chapter nine, Dylan and Kaitlyn will be in the scrapyard. Dylan will have to warn Kaitlyn and sound the horn to keep her alive, buthe should fail the quick time event so he dies. If players miss this opportunity, Dylan can still be killed in chapter 10 by having Kaitlyn wait instead of run when he finds a vantage point.While playing asRyan in chapter nine, players will need to shoot the werewolf that falls through the attic floor, and then fail the quick time event after.
  • Chapter Ten: As long as Ryan shoots the werewolf in chapter nine, Max can be killed in The Quarry. As soon as the firstchoice is presented,players need toselect the swim to shore option. When Max starts swimming, a werewolf will pop out of the water and kill him. To keep Kaitlyn alive in chapter 10, players will need to interact with the doll in the kitchen, or her death is unavoidable. Toward the end of the chapter, Kaitlyn will need to go to the freezer instead of running. After opening the freezer, she can use the doll as a decoy to lure the werewolf and lock it inside.Once the freezer is locked, Kaitlyn will escape as the sole survivor of The Quarry, and the Final Girl achievement will be unlocked.

Next:The Quarry: How to Unlock Different Outfits

The Quarryis available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Playstation 5, and PC.

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The Quarry: How to Unlock Final Girl Achievement (2024)
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