The Quarry Kaitlyn: How To Save (2024)

The Quarry Kaitlyn: How To Save (1)

Images via Supermassive Games

If you want to know how to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry, we can help you out. The Quarry pits a group of teenage camp counsellors against the worst night of their life, and they only have your influence to save them. Kaitlyn is one of the most capable members of the group, who steps up and leads them through much of the horror. To help you make sure she gets to leave Hackett’s Quarry in one piece, here is how to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry.

  • To keep more of your crew alive, check out how to save Emma in The Quarry.

How To Save The Quarry Kaitlyn: General Tips

It goes without saying, there will be major spoilers in this guide and we do not recommend that you follow this guide on your first playthrough. Also, there are a lot of factors at play in this game. We can outline the most important points and when critical decisions need to be made. However, things can change based on your specific outcomes. The game isn’t random by any means, but with so many possibilities it can feel that way.

The game has many skill check moments, QTEs, button mashing, or holding your breath. Succeeding in these will help you get to the best possible outcomes, so long as you also make the right decisions along the way.

  • For more tips on survival, check out how to save Abigail in The Quarry.

How To Save The Quarry Kaitlyn: General Danger

The Quarry Kaitlyn: How To Save (4)

The Quarry Kaitlyn: How To Save (5)Click to enlarge

Kaitlyn is one of the smarter, more sensible, and more resilient members of the group. As a result, she doesn’t have too many moments where she is in out-and-out danger. There are some times when she will face danger, such as being stalked around the lodge by Bobby. So long as you are mostly succeeding in skill checks, she will be safe.

Later, when she approaches the radio hut with Abi and Nick, they can hide from the werewolf in the cabin. Provided you broke the lock earlier as Abi and Emma, they won’t have any issue getting in. Even if you didn’t break the lock, they will still get into the cabin and out of harm's way. For the sake of keeping Kaitlyn alive and well, it is definitely best to break into the cabin earlier, and pick up the stuffed rabbit as Abigail, it will be needed later.

Then there is the scrapyard sequence, where Kaitlyn and Dylan go to find a working car. You will be playing as Dylan here, and really he is the only one in danger here, but so long as you get Kaitlyn into the car and away from the werewolf, she will be fine.

  • As much as you might not want to, here is how to save Jacob in The Quarry.

How To Save The Quarry Kaitlyn: First Real Danger

The Quarry Kaitlyn: How To Save (6)

The Quarry Kaitlyn: How To Save (7)Click to enlarge

The only time Kaitlyn is in real danger of dying is in the finale of her, Dylan, Abi, and Emma’s story. This comes just after she and Dylan return to the lodge from the scrapyard. At this point, provided everyone is alive, you will have Kaitlyn and Dylan in the lodge, and Abi and Emma either in the basem*nt or in Chris Hackett’s office. This is when the werewolf who attacked them at the scrapyard will return.

For the most part, this section is all about skill checks, as Kaitlyn and Dylan run from the werewolf. Abi and Emma can find silver ammunition in the office to give to Kaitlyn, but there is a much safer option. At one point you will be given a choice as Kaitlyn, either go to the office where Abi and Emma are or hide in the kitchen. Choose the kitchen, and Kaitlyn and Dylan will take cover behind the counters.

The werewolf will follow them in and search the kitchen for them. When you get the opportunity, have Kaitlyn sneak to the back of the kitchen, and get the stuffed animal from Abigail’s bag. Throw the rabbit into the freezer and the werewolf will chase after it, where Kaitlyn and Dylan can lock it inside and save the group.

With that, Kaitlyn is out of mortal danger and will survive the ordeal at Hackett’s Quarry. Now that you know how to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry, you should check out how to save Dylan in The Quarry.

The Quarry Kaitlyn: How To Save (2024)
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