How to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry (2024)

How to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry (1)

Want to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry? Both her and Dylan make for a fun duo in the later stages of the game, so it's understandable that you'd want to keep her alive, but if you don't take the right precautions early on, it becomes pretty difficult. One of the most important steps to ensure her survival is actually all the way back in chapter 1.

In this guide, I'll walk you through what you need to do to keep Kaitlyn alive and to stop her being infected. This also includes a lot of the necessary steps to ensure Dylan lives as well. There are lots of spoilers in this guide, so be sure to leave now if you don't want any.

How to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry

Besides passing quicktime events in other chapters, here's what you have to do in order to keep Kaitlyn alive in The Quarry:

  • Chapter 1: While playing as Abigail and Emma, break into the cabin to grab the bags to provide a hiding spot later. Also, make sure to grab the stuffed animal to act as a decoy for Caleb in chapter 10.
  • Chapter 5: When Dylan gets bitten in the radio hut, choose Terrified - Chainsaw as Ryan to chop off his arm. This will ensure he goes with Kaitlyn later and doesn't get infected.
  • Chapter 9: In the scrapyard when operating the crane as Dylan, select Lift Car - Slam Car then pass the quicktime event to drop the car on the werewolf, saving Kaitlyn.
  • Chapter 10: The final step in saving Kaitlyn is killing or trapping Caleb. While playing as Kaitlyn and Dylan in the lodge, Caleb will attack in werewolf form. Select Run - Beam - Hide and complete the quicktime events. If Abigail and Emma are in Hackett's office and they have the silver shells, they can pass one to Kaitlyn. Otherwise, you'll end up in the kitchen. Choose Freezer - Use decoy to trap Caleb, that is, if you grabbed the stuffed animal in chapter 1.

If you want to help another character survive the ordeal, saving Kaitlyn and trapping Caleb is also a vital part of how you save Nick.

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How to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry (2)

Sean Martin

Guides Writer

Sean's first PC games were Full Throttle and Total Annihilation and his taste has stayed much the same since. When not scouring games for secrets or bashing his head against puzzles, you'll find him revisiting old Total War campaigns, agonizing over his Destiny 2 fit, or still trying to finish the Horus Heresy. Sean has also written for EDGE, Eurogamer, PCGamesN, Wireframe, EGMNOW, and Inverse.

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How to save Kaitlyn in The Quarry (2024)


Can you keep Kaitlyn alive in The Quarry? ›

Kaitlyn's survival will depend on decisions made throughout the game starting in chapter one. While some characters can be killed early on, others will need to survive alongside Kaitlyn until later chapters in order to keep her alive.

How to get Kaitlyn to survive The Quarry alone? ›

Since Abigail took the stuffed toy in chapter one and left it at the lodge in chapter five when Bobby broke in, Kaitlyn will find it in the kitchen, throw it in the freezer as a decoy, and lock werewolf Caleb inside the freezer, thus saving herself and surviving the remainder of the night.

Can you save Caitlin in The Quarry without the rabbit? ›

The player is offered the choice of whether to break the lock on the cabin door. It's important that the player does so, because inside the cabin is a stuffed rabbit that Abigail must pick up. The rabbit plays a crucial role in keeping Kaitlyn alive later in the story.

Can Kaitlyn survive without the toy? ›

Drop the car and when the spam A option comes up fail it so Kaitlyn gets infected (this is the only way for her to survive at the end WITHOUT the teddy bear from Episode 1) Dylan will then drop it late getting you to the same point in the lodge except Kaitlyn is infected. This is vital to getting this achievement.

Do I warn Kaitlyn or lift my car? ›

As Dylan, you'll get inside a crane, trying to move a car. It's important that you warn Kaitlyn when you see a werewolf coming, and that you complete every QTE. Then, use the horn to attract the beast to Dylan and complete the QTEs to use a lighter against it, saving Dylan in the process.

Is it better to kiss Dylan or Kaitlyn in The Quarry? ›

Unfortunately, the kiss decision does not impact story choices that lead to different endings.

What happens if you kiss Kaitlyn in The Quarry? ›

If he kisses Kaitlyn, it will be very brief and no one will cheer. A message reading "Dylan is a little disappointed" will appear. Regardless of who he kisses, Ryan will comment that he's "always happy to please" after the kiss.

Should Kaitlyn run or freezer? ›

If Kaitlyn isn't infected and we opt to "run", Caleb will instantly grab Kaitlyn, violently killing her. If we "hide in the freezer" and Dylan isn't infected, Kaitlyn will get trapped, freezing to death after the chapter concludes. Both solutions will also kill Dylan if he isn't infected.

Who is the easiest to keep alive in The Quarry? ›

Max Brinly

Due to having just one potential death as a playable character in chapter 10, Max is fairly easy to keep alive in The Quarry. While marooned on an island, a quick-time event will take place, giving players the option to remain on the island or swim to shore.

What happens if you warn Kaitlyn? ›

Whether you warn her or not, Kaitlyn will get into the car, protecting herself, and Dylan will then move the crane upwards. The beast will jump to the car and be ready to attack Kaitlyn. Here you can choose between slamming the car or pressing the crane's horn. To kill Dylan, you have to select the second option.

What happens if Kaitlyn doesn't shoot Caleb? ›

Kaitlyn. If Kaitlyn is not infected, and she fails to shoot Caleb, she will be mauled to death. If Kaitlyn is not infected, and she chooses to hide in the freezer but fails to close the door in time, she will be mauled to death.

What happens if you don't kiss Nick The Quarry? ›

After talking, Abigail has the option to kiss Nick. If she does not take this chance, the conversation will continue - topic now shifting to how the two met and their feelings towards each other. Abigail is then given another chance to kiss Nick.

Should I pick Kaitlyn or Jacob? ›

If you pick Jacob, Ryan will dare him to jump over the firepit naked, which gets vetoed because it's too dangerous and the game moves on, so there's a pretty clear choice here: Pick Kaitlyn. Ryan will ask her whether she ever hooked up with Jacob. Ryan will ask her what she wanted to be when she grew up.

Is there a way to save Kaitlyn? ›

Chapter 9: In the scrapyard when operating the crane as Dylan, select Lift Car - Slam Car then pass the quicktime event to drop the car on the werewolf, saving Kaitlyn. Chapter 10: The final step in saving Kaitlyn is killing or trapping Caleb.

Should you keep the gun or give it to Kaitlyn? ›

Either choice you make, Ryan will give his gun to Kaitlyn, although he won't be pleased about it. Either way things resolve, Ryan and Dylan will leave the lodge with a gun and the second gun will remain with Kaitlyn at the lodge.

Can you save Caleb without killing Kaitlyn? ›

The only two ways Caleb survives is if he kills Kaitlyn and Dylan, or Kaitlyn and Dylan trap Caleb in the freezer and Laura doesn't kill Silas and he retains his werewolf powers and survives the cold. However in that case Silas will kill Laura, Ryan, and Travis.

Is it possible to keep all characters alive in The Quarry? ›

You must kill the creature at the end to save everyone and get the best ending, or else Laura and the sheriff will die, and everybody will still be infected. You must shoot Silas the second chance you get to save everyone and get the best ending.

Should I run or hide Kaitlyn Quarry? ›

If Kaitlyn isn't infected and we opt to "run", Caleb will instantly grab Kaitlyn, violently killing her. If we "hide in the freezer" and Dylan isn't infected, Kaitlyn will get trapped, freezing to death after the chapter concludes. Both solutions will also kill Dylan if he isn't infected.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.