Warmth in the Storm - Chapter 6 - PokemonFluffAddict (EternalFluffAddict) (2024)

Chapter Text

I awoke once more in my den to the sensation of a cool and comfortable morning, but this day seemed… uncertain from the very start. I was feeling entirely lost as to what course to take from the very onset of my awakening, but the reason was obvious: I would most certainly be more alone today than those days previously, with little excitement to envision. There was no meeting with Gary to look forward to, and It was precisely that sort of event which was my main driving force as of late. Each new experience served to propel me onward unto a path of discovery and excitement, additionally encouraging me into looking forward to the day to come, but now…

Since I now found myself without any such path to follow, I wondered what should be done instead. Without him to look forward to, I felt as though only my entrusted duty remained for me today. It was a sobering thought, being suddenly reduced back to routine and mediocrity.

Yet, despite the negative direction my thoughts had taken, I paused to consider that serving only my duty had perhaps been the wrong way to approach all of my days. Up until now, my own routine had hardly changed in hundreds of winters, and I could have predicted my own path down to the footstep if I were so inclined to do so. It honestly took meeting a small child in a precarious situation to finally give my life some momentum against the mediocrity that had consumed me, the twist of fortune finally removing me from the perpetual rut that I had clearly been thrust into for many winters. Thanks to our unlikely meeting, I had finally realized that I was an extreme anomaly in my own way of living, and with that knowledge, I could now escape my own predictable pathways. The observations of others had bestowed upon me the clarity to that truth, and it was a blessing beyond measure, owed all to my first human friend who had effectively shown me light in the darkness of ignorance. I had never even thought to consider the daily lives of the other residents of this place, besides whether they were living well and if the mountain itself was safe for them to live on, comfortably.

Once my eyes had been opened, I truly grasped the reality of things as they stood. There were countless pokemon and humans on this mountain other than myself, and every day, they did more than simply see to their assigned duties or tasks; I also quickly realized that I was very much at a disadvantage in trying to copy anything that they did. In one, quite easily grasped example, I was not very good at… having fun. Even the definition of such was dull and gray to me, identified only by the vaguest of feelings that arose within my chest, but surely there had always been more to see in life. It was highly plausible that such had always existed, but merely remained unseen in my own ignorance, at least, until this season dawned.

…Surely it was so.

Thinking of all the times past and all the seasons I had lived through until this point, I knew now that I had not even tried to enjoy my life until now, but instead viewed simply being alive as the mechanism that enabled me to do my duty…

Perhaps that would be a shocking fact to any who kept me in their earnest thoughts, esteem and prayers after all this time.

Perhaps it was also a pitiful way to live, but reason told me that it would remain as such forevermore until I, myself, finally approached the issue and changed things. But luckily for me, I was now fully aware and awake to do so.

Finding myself truly free and clear to chart my own course, I now had the rest of my impossibly long life to consider, proceeding ever onward, and so… I now pondered what things I could try to enjoy with all that time, or what things I could pursue with the boundless freedom bestowed unto me, even as my paws physically carried me out of my dark, lonesome cave earlier than the usual time would rouse me, despite my directionless hesitance.

While I pondered the possibilities, It would be enough to do at this moment what tasks must be done. I could figure out what else I would occupy my time with while I worked, or even afterwards at my leisure. After thinking such things with a lighter chest… I stretched my body forward, then back to remove the stiffness from it, feeling quite well-conditioned from the onset of my awakening, then flexed my paws, and flung myself forward to run onward with vigor.

Digging my paws into the abundant, soft white powder, I started a sprint to the northeast at reckless speed. Effortlessly I traversed the long-forgotten, powder-laden paths of the mountain in mere moments, ascending the mountain elevation at a rapid pace and eventually arriving just before where the natural barrier of the high cliffs surrounded the True peak.

After hitting the beginning of that impasse, I bent my route to the right in a long, wide arc while beginning to sweep south and down the mountain from my starting position in the east. I clamored over hard stones, more forgiving dirt, and welcoming snows while working my way radially to the west in a wavy pattern, traveling slightly southward with each pass that I completed. It may have been the same patrol I had done many times before, but I had started it in an odd place this day out of a rebellious desire to break the norm, for even without solid ideas of more grandiose ways to do so, the desire to shatter routine could not be defied. When the grander scope was considered, one could argue that my efforts were a marginal effort to break from the sameness, but they also brought to myself an inexplicable comfort, and that alone was enough for me.

I looked out over all of the mountain as I ran past bright, familiar scenery from my high vantage point. There were many sheltering forests and berry groves that would support numerous pokemon communities in the lands far below my own home; in addition, everyone seemed well, and no voices of serious conflict or alarm reached my ears, while my sight beheld no sudden shifts of topography or similar issues to address. As it was my primary directive to keep this mountain in a liveable state - such unchanging sights, which included flashes of flourishing pokemon, gave me a satisfying sense of accomplishment.

I was altogether pleased to see more and more of such sights even from afar, when I suddenly wondered about my own feelings of elation and I remembered… that feeling from a previous day, one which arose purely within myself after learning that Gary was enjoying the way that we ran together. I originally thought of it as more of a vicarious feeling of happiness, if not for the resonance in my chest that accompanied his own enjoyment. And so, I pondered it now, fully.

Thinking back, I had also enjoyed it when we ran together at that time. It was an easy thought to leap to, since Gary remained on my mind quite strongly already. Unfortunately, he was gone for today at the very least, but perhaps… I could reclaim some of the joy of that time if I tried hard enough?

It was a tempting experiment. I had never actually tried running for fun by myself, or any other activity for my own enjoyment. Additionally, from the standpoint of pure knowledge, I did not even know how fast I could run! And it would be quite useful to know that, would it not?

The desire rose within.

Suddenly feeling more convinced, I wished to try going all out in speed, for curiosity’s sake, as well as for the aforementioned functional knowledge of the future. Still, a normal sprint would not do for this experiment. For a true test of my speed, I would need to gather all of my strength for this, and such was not a thing to be done on a whim, but I was encouraged in my earnest curiosities to try.

I slowed my pace, and focused instead upon my sleeping strength, wanting to truly know what my limits were. I breathed in deeply, drinking in the bitter chill of the area along with the air itself, my fur grew icier and wilder as I slowly filled myself with energy, feeling the chill thrumming invisibly from the bottoms of my fur-covered paws, up to my pointed muzzle, and all the way back to the tips of my tails. I was now hyper aware of my body, but the impossibly cold flow of temperature to me was just as comfortable as a warm, enjoyable day would be.The feeling may be sharp and powerful, but it was a feeling of strength and security that flooded me. I was coiled in an unusual way, besides the musculature of my body or its other physical workings; I was now alike a storm, contained, yet waiting to be set loose. My body tingled from every extremity, and my paws flexed impatiently as I slowed to a full stop to prepare.

Pausing to examine myself and my present state, I observed that my tails were shimmering quite a bit more than they usually did, and my fur had taken on strange, angular and sharp contours that were never present before. Additionally, my tails had fluffed up significantly, and I felt even more ‘aware’ of myself, even down to the single furs extending from my body. A sense of impatience also lingered in my very being, on top of every other feeling that powerfully flowed through me. My teeth even itched with the desire to do anything other than merely stand here waiting and unmoving, yet now there were no more preparations to make, and I remained stubbornly stationary in the preamble of my test.

I was ready to try this, and I grinned to myself, feeling surprised that it had happened unbidden.

[I wonder… How fast can I run? What horizons could I reach at my full strength?] I tossed my locks and swished my tails. [How quickly may I complete this exploration, this task, at my full power?]

A laugh burst from my muzzle, feeling excitement rising within me along with the curiosity, and I squared my paws, drinking in just a bit more of the chilled, powerful air to my chest, almost as if taking one more bite when one was already full. I shifted my center of gravity back, preparing to pounce, held for a moment, and then thrust all that saved power and anticipation into my hindpaws, propelling myself onward fiercely as my feelings and force aligned.


It was… like I had lept straight downward from a cliff, so swift and overwhelming was the acceleration that it overwhelmed my perception at once, and I lost track of myself. I flew so far and fast that I had crashed into the tundra with the sound of a massive impact before I even realized, but… there was no shock of the impact to myself, and instead the sensation of slipping into water at the time of contact. A moment passed and I realized… my paws were still running, as if on instinct, and I understood that I was now flying through the snow formlessly, as a shade of frost and stored power. It took some small amount of time to get used to the speed I traveled, but when I had, I found that I could see all around me in any direction as I ran, as if the icy landscape that I touched was all part of my eyes now. It was a bizarre feeling, and though it was quite useful, I did not wish to merely glide through the snow, I wanted to run upon it!

With a flex and pull of my intangible paws, I leapt out of the snow in my normal form with an vast, explosive cloud of white powder, and… shockingly, I realized in that brief moment of being airborne, that I could have even stepped onto the floating powder if I wished to! My paws hit the tundra once more and I sprinted onward, the wide brim of my tail fan helping to carry that plume of featherlight crystals to follow me as I continued along my instinctual patrol in a streak of white. Breathing forcefully, I pushed myself harder and faster as I completed my curving sweeps of scouting at a blistering pace, in stark contrast to what I had done ever before. What I must have looked like to another if they could even perceive me! Likely enough, it would only be the sound or the streak of pale fur, but still! Honestly, I wanted to laugh at myself, at the whole situation. What an absurd speed I had! What an utterly absurd creature I was! Had I always been such a thing? I could no longer remember my childhood, but it was fascinating regardless!

And now I want to know more things, and experiment even further!

I aimed a low-level beam at the ground as I jumped upward, blasting the snow into the air in an enormous plume of whiteness, then yanked it all into my influence and threw it far before me, like a regal pathway of snowfall and winter haze to greet me. I landed onto the normal ground, gathering just a bit more frost unto myself and leapt onto the cloud of snow. Firmly in my mind, I imagined that the haze was instead the same as solid ground and my paws… immediately found purchase upon it, and I ran hard and fast, finding it felt no different than a springy version of the ground as I did. I was stepping upon the crystal clouds suspended in the air, and by adjusting the pathway with my power and carrying it along to throw before me, I could run up, and up and up! As long as the path extended, I could practically fly with it if I focused correctly! I could leap, and I could climb as well, and the winter would catch my steps as I willed it so. Even the traction was perfect, and I felt no risk of slipping or falling like with the stones or the ground!

I continued to run and climb higher, breathing hard, but not minding the slightest strain upon me as I found myself exhilarated at the numerous discoveries all at once, and before much longer I found myself looking out upon the mountain from high above. While my steps were sure and true upon the crystalline veil, I beheld the real snow-covered ground itself stretched out far below me.

And it was now I finally noticed the most important factor.

I… I feel it once more! That feeling from another day!

I howled out in exhilaration. My feelings, even while alone, soared in enjoyment. Running like this, or perhaps, ‘flying’ like this… This was that ‘fun’ that had eluded me for my whole life! I was always capable of it! I had just simply failed to know about it before now!

I ran onward like that, tracing a path in the sky and leaving a wake of falling, glittering powder as I passed by. My chest was burning in excitement and exhilaration, and my breaths were deep and powerful from the exertion and speed at which I traveled. Some detail was lost at my height and speed, but that could not be helped! Experimentation requires such sacrifices!

Still, I did need to be responsible, so I descended toward the ground slightly to observe things closer, looking out over the places that I protected and watched over; numerous peaceful places filled with so many varieties of pokemon, all living their lives in relative harmony. While I could observe them freely, with how conspicuous I had become, many of them were not oblivious to my presence and had seen me in return.

Though I did notice I was getting intense looks from pokemon on occasion, today most of them seemed to be entirely in disbelief, as if they were seeing something they could not understand or even believe. The amusem*nt struck me hard and I laughed, as hard as I had ever done at their dumbfounded expressions, and sprinted onward even faster in reply, even as my muscles started to ache from the strain.

Even though I was alone today… there was clearly still happiness to be found, if one would look well enough! It truly felt as though it was worth existing for moments like these. Mayhap in the grandest view, this was but a series of small sparks of joy on the otherwise blank, boring landscape of my long life, yet I still ran onward in defiance to such thoughts, uncaring of those times before and focused upon both the now and the future both, fulfilling my entrusted task and enjoying it all the while. Engaging and embodying this happiness is enough for now, and I was heartened by a comforting thought: There is time enough to continue to change my life for the better.

From now on, I would make sure to search for more things that I could truly enjoy.


My patrol was quite the long one, especially now that I was actually paying more attention to the duration it took to complete, and this particular method of traversal seemed to be much more taxing to my body. On the positive side of things though, it was at least a much more alacritous method, by a strong factor of at least threefold. Perhaps even more. I had a poor grasp of time to define further.

Some of my giddiness had worn off as I tired, but I was still enjoying myself, even after my speed had slipped back into a much more leisurely run along the sky. Another wonderful boon was that I was now almost entirely done with my patrol at the speed I had started, and there were no obstacles to avoid high above the ground, which further increased the ease of my exploration

Everything felt peaceful too. In my lack of single minded focus, or perhaps due to the fact that I now paid greater attention, I noticed much of the mountain that I had not before. From above, I also observed many new places I had never seen before with my eyes on foot, the angle affording me a whole new perspective of the territories I watched over. Trees both bare and green had an altogether different look from high places, now looking like intertwined leafy circles and ovals that offered shelter to those below, and though the boughs indeed shaded some places from my eyes, I had run these paths on foot countless times, and had a more complete picture of where I had been before, leading the high vantage point to reveal a truth unto me.

Surprisingly, despite my hundreds of lived winters here, I had not seen everything that this mountain had to offer, and now there were all new places to investigate for curiosity’s sake. I carefully made a note of places that looked interesting to explore in the future, enjoying the pleasantly icy wind that blew through my fur and feeling quite relaxed. Almost sleepily so.

I ran slower and slower, half-falling into a stupor as I traveled. The breeze was well, and the sky was bright but not blinding as my paws propelled me onward along the intangible road. I idly wondered at how high I could have gone if I tried, and then my paws… did not find any purchase onto the shimmering path, and instead sank through it, which likewise collapsed into falling snows.

I was plummeting unhindered, toward the ground.

Shocked beyond measure, I quickly breathed in some icy air and flailed, trying to regain control of some nearby snow, or at least myself, but the ground was rushing up to meet me before I could even focus properly.


The impact was… significant at that height, and also stunned me into inactivity. I felt the aftereffects of the collision throughout my whole being. There was even a large indentation in the snow where I fell, and it was also quite loud. Shaking off a phantom ringing of the ears, I felt that I was not physically stunned or hurt, but rather a fair bit mentally rattled from the sudden change of scenery and the shock of suddenly falling from that height. I had not even tried to move yet. I should really check on myself.

Hmm. Nothing felt unusable. All limbs and extremities accounted for. As for the movement checks… oh. Yes. I was not even in one piece or one place. I was spread here and there in haphazard, stretched pieces within the snow, which I had merged into upon the initial impact. That intangibility of mine had kicked in to protect me, it seems.

I inaudibly sighed in relief, causing a gentle gust of snow to waft from the crater I was spread throughout. With what my body had done, there would be no real injuries to me then, unless of course, you counted the gaping wound in my pride.

I gathered myself together within the snow itself, and honestly considered staying there for some time out of shame, before thinking better of it and jumping out of the snow in a large cloud of glittering powder, shaking my body liberally from clawtips to tail to test every part of me as a precaution, just to make sure everything still worked. It did, which was good of course, but…

I was… quite possibly a complete fool!!

If I had been another pokemon, that failure of mine may have been a severe injury! Broken limbs were likely at the very least, or outright death without my strong defenses! I did not think myself in extreme danger because my body was quite strong, but instinctively, I had merged with the snow to protect myself, so it was definitely likely to cause SOME manner of injury without that ability. All of that was besides the point however! The greater point was, of course, that I was horrendously embarrassed! I prayed that no one, NO ONE had seen my failing, my falling, or my flailing tumble from the sky.

I might curl into the snow and hide forever if someone brought it up to me…

[I wonder what I was thinking… ] I moaned piteously.

I had definitely gotten carried away. It was frightening how easy it had been too. All of my caution and inquisitiveness had slipped from me at one point of my enjoyment. It struck me now. Fun could be dangerous.

Still, despite my mental flagellation and my heated muzzle, I journeyed onward and southward as I swept west, firmly setting my paws upon the ground this time, then turned myself southeastward and back again. I sighed bitterly, realizing I had now returned to my normal way of things. It was a little frustrating, to be honest, but I felt a distinct lack of confidence in the new method after the most recent experience.

So far, there were just no issues for me to solve, which was good. I suspected peace was often very much like that. With no geologic instabilities or natural disasters to dig my paws into, I began to consider the resident’s lives in greater detail instead. As far as I could see, pokemon were living their lives and positively thriving, and there was nothing I needed to do for them. They arbitrated between themselves well enough, with no great conflicts to cause audible discord to perk my ears. Even the coming storm that I worried about, felt distant and greatly far away from this place at present. Left without any issues to address in the immediate future, I turned my thoughts to my own failure from before.

Examining myself carefully, I observed that my fur had reverted to its normal appearance again, and there was no more humming energy within my body, and perhaps even less than normal; there was only the familiar kind of energy within myself that enabled my movement and very life. Such prompted a theory. Perhaps I had simply run out of that essential strength to continue running in the sky, and without it I could not maintain the pathway either. I did feel quite tired now, and that was exceedingly unusual in itself. While I could certainly continue to physically walk onward, I found that I did not wish to, presently…

Therefore, I decided to take a break for now, at the tail end of my patrol, to simply lay and breathe in the mountain’s air. Each inhale brought a mild tingling sensation that swept through me, alleviating the fatigue that had settled and spread throughout my form little by little. My eyes swept over the landscape, one that I was slightly less familiar with, as far south as I was. I panted in quick, invisible breaths as I waited for my strength to recover.

…Which was odd, now that I paid attention to it. I suppose I was not even warm enough to leave visible traces of my breath in the air at present? Or was it always this way? Other pokemon surely did, but not myself…

Some few pokemon witnessed me as they passed by on their business, and gave me quite a wide berth when they noticed me. I was simultaneously glad of the space and hurt from the gesture, and I actively looked away from any observers as my emotions swept me in a negative direction.

‘Did they fear me? Did they hate me?‘

Intrusive thoughts such as those were constant, and I rather wished to recover as quickly as I could to escape. I did my best to remove those ideas from my mind as I continued to recover myself.

As I tried not to stare at them, I noticed that if I did not gaze directly at them, they would observe me for far longer and rather more curiously than fearfully. My elation at that fact was hidden from my muzzle, but felt strongly in my chest nonetheless.

I had accidentally discovered a way to put some of their fears to rest. Perhaps their fright of me had been somewhat born from… my own gaze fixed upon them, and not knowing what I was thinking. I had not truly known to be stealthful when I observed others. But now that I do know… It made some sense to me. I think that if the Ice Lord stared down at me strongly with no communication, I, too, would feel a bit intimidated.

I began to recall Gary's lack of fear toward me at this time too. In actuality, I had stared at him quite strongly, many times now, and he had never been the least bit frightened of me. And then, there was his friendship to consider on top. Thinking of those pleasant thoughts, the stress of these pokemon’s gazes was much lessened. I felt my chest remained calm instead of stressed as I focused upon more pleasant experiences.


That was one theory proven from before actually! I surmised that such a fear could be overcome and lessened with help of a calmer mind, though it took thoughts of a dear friend to realize it. I also had thoughts of my second friend, Glaceon, at the same moment. Perhaps such a miracle could be replicated again.

If I could just talk to those other pokemon someday, perhaps things would actually end up in a positive light, just as they had with Glaceon. Perhaps more friends were also a possibility. I rather felt much better from a mental standpoint at those thoughts.

Still… It would be best to leave for now. Even though I had gained some resistance to the pointed gazes currently upon me, it still felt uncomfortable to remain here as an object of much attention. I gathered up the snow around me, using it to obscure my form as I leapt into the tundra below, running through it, following along the well traveled path of mine to emerge out of sight, much farther away from the surprised voices that had arisen from the location I fled from.

Even now, I am still running away. I know this, but I cannot help it this time.

Another day I would actually try talking to them. I swore it would be so, but I did not wish to rush things I was ill-prepared for. As long as I took new steps onward, I would eventually make progress and reach new experiences for myself. I also definitely did not need to force myself to do everything at once. The one thing I had in abundance was time, after all. That, and perhaps the endless snows.

I began to observe as I ran on paw once more; with my speed and strength restored, I was properly hidden from most eyes. The skyrunning had been a bit too conspicuous as it was, but perhaps there would be a way to make it work unseen, in a similar manner to now, and I cast my gaze to the individuals I passed in absence of issues to solve.

The pokemon that were active today were more varied than a few days ago. Not just the typical snow dwellers were out and about, but many four legged species such as Ponytas and Purrloin were present in numbers today, along with their evolutions. Many flying types were abundant on this warmer day too, and a significant number of other pokemon, unaligned with the cold climate were present as well. In addition to those, the usual snow wanderers had their usual presence here too, moving about energetically about truly making it quite a hub of activity today. Perhaps it was a time of last minute foraging before the end of the season? Either that, or last minute preparations for the soon-to-arrive storm. Some pokemon knew of the storm's approach almost when I did, after all. Especially the snow dwellers.

Well, no matter what the reason for the bustle was, Gary would have loved to see it like this, and a pang of longing struck me then. I should really take him along with me to observe us once more, now that I am becoming braver around others. I can also take the opportunity to find out why his mother wanted our information so badly, and what would be its purpose in the end.


It seemed as though, no matter what I did by myself, my thoughts would only fall back into one place, to one boy. I felt it, despite trying to hide it. It was lonesome. Distressing. I was… stuck.

I needed to break away somehow, or I would only make myself miserable the entire time he was absent. My efforts to distract were ineffective: the thoughts crept in anyhow, both welcome, and unwelcomed. Happy and sweet memories to recall on most occasions, but now tinged with a lingering sadness at his absence. As that sadness congealed, it progressed into frustration, and then anger at the unfairness of it. Why did he have to go at all!

Thankfully I was at least well aware of my own childishness, but in truth I had… momentarily considered taking out my frustrations on a nearby tree, but then I remembered Gary’s parting words, his promises. And that grounded me back unto myself, where I continued to run recklessly onward without cease. I suddenly did not wish to be on this patrol any longer, and had taken some leave of my senses too.

Time left me then, and I was moving onward without any awareness beyond other presences at all. I do not know how long it lasted, only that it was painful for me, but eventually I slowed my pace.

I felt myself stop naturally and snap back to the present. My paws cut into the tundra, and my ears went back.

A deep breath, exhaled into a frozen wind. Grounding myself.

I would see him again. It would be alright.

...It would. Surely it would.

Looking around, I found myself quite far past the end of my patrol path. I had finished my observations of the mountain without even my own notice. Mentally checking what I remembered after the fact, there was still nothing that stood out as a problem that needed my intervention, which was good of course, yet…

Once again, as if by unbreakable habit, I had stopped at our favored meeting place, near that crystalline tree I had made when I was bored. Now, I laid down in the snow under glittering branches, facing the village. All without choosing to do so consciously. My paws carried me here by instinct, and though this place was full of memories that were good, it was currently a forthright reminder of his absence, and I could not help but sigh in deep sadness with that understanding. It was like I was still waiting, even though there would be no comfort to look forward to.

This was bad.

I simply could not remain like this. I needed to figure out what to do about this situation, but my carefully controlled thoughts and even my instincts had both failed me now, and despite the effort to do so, I had not diverted my focus away from Gary at all, despite my best efforts to distract myself. I felt my confidence drain from me.

Actions of mine suddenly felt so worthless. A feeling of helplessness descended. Uselessness. Pointlessness. Sadness. Frustration, and then… Crushing loneliness…

And that felt… familiar. Somehow, it felt terrifyingly familiar.

When I wondered about my past, namely, my perpetual state of solitude that I found myself in, I had briefly entertained a curiosity about why I had come to linger in such a state, but now…

Now, of all times, true understanding of said reality came back to me with startling, and alarming focus, with my own words and thoughts revealing one more mystery that loomed over myself. How in the Great One’s name had I withstood this loneliness for so long? Was it only by not being aware that I was spared the pain and agony of it?

…Would it not have been better to remain ignorant?

With a curious hunch, I suddenly felt that both Gary and Glaceon would strongly disagree with that last thought of mine, though they were not present to ask.

…Ah! A sudden inspiration! Glaceon! She had not gone on a journey and very much could be asked! That could be the solution to my troubles!

Well, it was a little early still, yet the idea stood out to me as a new, non-Gary related action. I shall simply ask her for advice today. She may know some things I do not, and even if seeking counsel is a failed venture in the end, I would have a measure of company for the moments we conversed. Imposing myself twice on her so soon however… seemed somewhat impolite, especially as we already had plans for later today, and I would be intruding on her in the early morning before she may be prepared for guests. Therefore, I should bring her a gift when I go, to apologize to her for doing so.

It should be something nice that anyone would like though, so I will go with berries this time. I know where some should still be despite any belated or frenzied foraging of this season. I was, for some unknown reason, absolutely certain of where I needed to go for food at the last minute, despite it being a location I had not visited very often, and it was even far outside the patrol areas I frequented. Still, I knew it was there and I would most definitely find what I needed.

Hmm, I really should not tarry over the details, knowing my next destination. I rose, pointed my body toward the northeast, and set out immediately, ascending the mountain once again, toward a place I discovered from a vague, unplaceable curiosity of so long ago.

After one longer, but mercifully swift and direct run where the world became only a blur, I arrived at a place that was north and northeast of my home after passing through the desolate portions of the slopes near the peak. This location itself was nestled between the main peak and a much smaller one that rose from the northeast. The area was largely covered in coarse stone with slippery snows on top, was constantly blasted with cold, unforgiving winds with little vegetation for shelter, and all the while consisted of an excessive number of cliffs and steep inclines bespeaking exceptionally poor footing. It was a harsh, unforgiving place to say the least, and while that made it a lifeless area with no pokemon, the intersection of the two peaks actually formed a small, strange and fairly inaccessible valley near here, far out of the sight and knowledge of anyone, and it was there where my path led this morning. It would be a hard journey to make for most pokemon, not only due to its proximity to the peak, but due to the fact that one would have to wind their way over and around the steep cliffs and crags, or otherwise through a specific cave route to actually enter the oval-shaped, hidden valley that stretched onward to the northwest as it curved and followed my larger mountain home. It was also a place that would be difficult to discover by accident, nestled between such tall, rocky hazards, which protected it well by obfuscating its existence. The location seemed to be almost deliberately out of the way of the usual paths that pokemon would take here, which was reasonable.

No one was foolish enough to live near where I lived. Even if they put their fear of me aside to journey here, I would likely still remain the only fool that chose such an inhospitable place to reside.

For me, there were no obstacles worthy of the name here. The whole landscape was full of safe and welcoming snows, ensuring that a fall or injuries would never happen, and when it came to reaching the valley itself, I was similarly confident in my abilities. It was simple indeed to take the hidden cave route from my memory, to jump over the cliffs with ease, or merely to become frost incarnate and take the snow pathways up and over. After all, to me, the snow was a versatile trail that led nearly anywhere it needed to on this mountain, and with my ability to move the snow where I willed it, nothing was truly out of reach for me. Just today my new trick could even take me into the sky.

Today though, I chose to jump upward and over for swiftness sake, landing silently upon the steepened overhang far above me, and progressed carefully and onward over the rocky areas, journeying more slowly due to some areas that lacked snow, actually giving me slight trouble from the precarious footing. It took some time, but not nearly as long as the other routes, yet it was still long enough for one to take a leisurely meal to completion. I kept ambling along at my pace with deep focus, until I eventually spied a second cliff ahead that dropped off sharply, overlooking the beginning of the valley that was my goal. I scrambled there more quickly then, excited to behold this place once more.

This was the location I had discovered previously, and it was extremely different than one would expect in such a place. The very first impressions one would have on first glance is a deep green grove, rather looking like it would prefer to reside at the foot of the mountain instead of near the peak. Fighting against the endless white snow and grayscale of the rough natural stone, plantlife abounded here. There were many types to see, in all sizes too, as well as bushes laden with berries here, growing out of a ground that was covered in soft soil, rather than rocky ground or assorted gravels that were native to this area. Herbs that were less interesting to me, not being food, also sprouted here and there in defiance to this wintery place, and the whole area remained largely hidden and buried in-between the cliffs. There were even trees here, though the cold had started to affect them due to the season. The snow definitely reached here too, but due to the unique geography and the trees that were also growing in this place, there were some places that were largely bereft of the ever-present white layer, revealing short, hardy grasses in some places, and bare dirt in others. The valley sloped slowly downward the farther you entered it, and there was even a small, partially-frozen pond on the right side once you reached about halfway through.

I jumped down to the ground and proceeded forward into the valley. Altogether, it was quite a pleasant place, but I had no reason to come here usually. Perhaps I should visit more often for a change of pace in the future though. It was one of the rare small holdouts of stronger greens amongst the endless white and gray of the surroundings. I could go down the mountain to find other greenery, but this place was almost magical in its defiance, and struck me as quite beautiful now. I also felt as though I could properly appreciate its beauty now, if not before. There was even much food that one could snack upon here as well, though this time the food shall be given as a gift. I approached the nearest plants that currently held an abundance of sweet smelling fruits, and I began to carefully harvest the berries that looked the best for eating, creating a pile to inspect and transport later.


I had taken a fair number of berries from the bushes before I was abruptly struck by a feeling of… strangeness. Of incongruity.

I set down the berries I had already picked in a clear, safe and visible place, then ran north to the closest edge of the valley, jumping high onto a cliff that overlooked the location, then climbed even higher, just to be absolutely sure of my thoughts. From the heightened elevation that afforded a greater view of this valley as a whole… the feeling of strangeness intensified.

This area… Something was definitely unusual here.

What was this place, truly? Viewed from high above, it was clear that these bushes and trees were growing in neat, orderly rows at a relatively even spacing, as if they were planned out and planted intentionally. And then, there were more curious things. Some of the berry plants were even grouped by similar types, and the varieties available were far superior to the rest of the mountain. From afar, I even caught sight of an unusual dark-colored berry that was unfamiliar to me, and I jumped back into the valley to examine them out of curiosity.

Upon stepping close, I could see that the berries were not merely a dark shade, but instead colored mostly in inky black or paler, yet still sable grays, possibly related to individual ripeness. They all had a curious, repeating pattern upon them, like a curved white worm ending in a rounded speck at the end of the berry, but the oddest thing to me was that I somehow knew that they were delicious, despite not having seen them before. Their bushes were carefully ordered in a separate plot away from the rest of the plants, too deliberately to be left up to nature to do. This too, was one more mystery piled upon all other mysteries here, and that was still not taking my own into account! Why did I know those berries were delicious? Was it merely my instincts saying that this new find was delicious, or had I… forgotten them somehow?

This region itself was even more puzzling. By advancing into the vale and observing things closer to paw, even more facts were revealed. The soft, fertile soil that I stood upon did not seem to originate here and must have been brought in from elsewhere, and setting their deliberate positioning aside, the berry bushes and trees would not have grown so well without active care in their initial stages, which suggested that there was an actual caretaker of this place. All the evidence pointed towards a capable, unseen paw at work here. There should be one, in any case…

But then, the hypothesis fell flat. There were no scents here, giving flat rejection to that theory. There were no physical claims at all, even very old ones. Not even the faintest suggestion of such. Even as I walked forward and examined all with my eyes, ears, nose and even my sensing of presences, I still found traces of anyone. But someone must have been here once, and perhaps I should even know of them, since I found this place on my own. The only clue to be had was that I seemed to vaguely know of this place’s existence, and so I must look to myself: I too, must at least be suspected of being the one responsible, however… I did not honestly believe myself to be the caretaker of this place. Even considering myself as a possible culprit seemed extremely unlikely.

First, I had no strong memory of this place… Only a vague awareness of its existence. On my first foray here, I had even become lost in the cave pathway for a time when trying to exit. Again, had I simply forgotten? If that was indeed so, then how was this place even created? I had no power over the soil and stone, and could not move it myself. The most soil I could transport if I tried was a mere mouthful at a time, and I highly doubted I would do something so deeply tedious and unpleasant the number of times it would take to fill this entire valley. I also had no idea how to actually perform feats of agriculture as the humans did, so it seemed clear to me that I was not responsible for planting, planning or growing things...


I also did not know any other who would or could do such a thing….

I walked among the many different bushes and trees, all laden with a large, untouched bounty of fruits.

[It is almost like it is emergency food… And there are so many bushes here… Too strangely arranged to attribute to anything other than deliberate effort and far too many to be intended to support just one individual…] I mused, tilting my head. [What was this created for? And who was responsible?]

I felt quite frustrated at running headlong into one more mystery I currently had no way to solve. It was truly infuriating! Disgruntling, disheartening, and even saddening…

A dreadful thought intruded. If my lack of knowledge here was related to my mind’s shattered state, and my memories were somehow destroyed, then how much of myself actually remained? Has part of me already been lost forever…?

My mood had soured considerably… That was not a good direction to let my thoughts wander towards, but the thought came unbidden, and unwelcomed. I should really finish up what I came here for, instead of letting myself get increasingly flustered or upset. I could save that ponderance or frustration for later when I had nothing more constructive to do. One long sigh of futility left me though.

I could really use a research partner. Or a well-learned historian. Any help would be welcomed.

Returning to the beginning of bushes once more, I began to make quick work of the task of gathering additional berries for my previously abandoned pile. I threw myself into the task with fervor, but also wondered whether I was trying to run from my thoughts at the same time. The tedium took over, and my thoughts quieted.

Grab and place, grab and place. sideswiping my body into a tree here, a tree there, picking up what fell freely. Adding it to the mound. Building a mountain of fruit, one colorful piece at a time. Simple repeatable actions, a calm, boring task. Still, the work progressed quickly as a result, and I found that quite fortuitous. It helped that I did not have to think very hard about what I was doing, and could simply move my body in a repetitive manner to accomplish my goal. The mindlessness was even relaxing, and there was a very small element of enjoyment, almost akin to berries that would taste just slightly sweet.


Oh dear. Mindlessness may have a drawback. In my overzealousness, I had gathered a significant number of berries now. More than enough for a family of four Eevee evolutions to consume for a reasonable amount of time, and perhaps even far too much. I frankly had no idea how excessive it was, since I ate very little and did not observe other pokemon eat their meals. While distracted, I had almost certainly exceeded what I should have done though, and I was disappointed in myself for overpicking what potentially may not be eaten.

Well… at least the work was completed. Begrudging victory I suppose.

To try and wash away my feelings, I moved over to the strangest patch of plants and ate one of the unusual black berries for the first time, right off of the plant itself. And I was immediately thrown for a loop.

Putting it simply, it was one of the most complex flavors I had ever experienced in a single food, and I tasted subtle notes of many different things within it, even that indescribably spiky, tart flavor that I normally disliked quite severely, but in this case was quite tolerable. It was the same flavor that appeared when berries were slightly old, and the sweetness had ceased to be and changed into something much fouler. Avoiding it was one large reason for my interest in preserving food, many winters ago, and I had similarly avoided those berries which naturally contained said flavor before spoiling, for as long as I could remember.

With this berry however, I felt no need to stick my tongue out or scrunch my face at its acrid or tart undertones, since It was quite handily balanced out by a warm, fiery sensation and taste that I now found I rather enjoyed, despite my icy nature. The fact that so many things could exist in one single berry was baffling. This berry was truly an enigma. Despite its confusing nature, it had actually answered questions of mine. Those two flavors that I focused upon strongly were standing out over all others, and were obviously the most important to me.

Perhaps these two were the experiences I most liked and disliked? The burning, fiery flavor for my most desirable, and the acidic, spoiled taste for the undesirable. I would have to inform Gary about my findings. He may even be able to identify those mystery berries I had discovered...

…When he returned that is.

My thoughts had once again returned to him. I had erred.

Once my thoughts were there, my mood once again took a negative dip. It seemed to happen so very naturally as well. Fiery blasts and curses... I could not deviate my thoughts very easily could I?

Why were the thoughts of him laced with such an inescapable pull?

It would be best to go to Glaceon’s place soon.

I eyed the end result of my work with some worry. With such a large pile of berries, It would take some doing to transport, and I now could not run through the snow to escape this place. The cave route it must be, unless I could safely jump while carrying this, but that honestly seemed like a disaster in the making, so I would check on the difficulty of transport first.

I leapt into the snow beneath the berries, then rose out of it after positioning my tails to lift the pile as it was. Hm. Even curling my tails to shift them inward together, the pile felt somewhat unstable and prone to slight shifting as I carried it. Jumping would definitely cause a mess, even if I tried to wrap my tails around it. Amazingly, even with the volume and scope of my tails, I still lacked the extensiveness and largeness of tail necessary to secure all the berries for a high leap.

The cave route was necessary.

Well, there was no way around it then. I ventured to the southeast, where there was a slight increase of non-edible vegetation and things seemed to be wildly growing, passed a few non-fruiting trees, and forced my way through a collection of tall brush, revealing the cave passage into this valley. Though, I supposed with the context that I was currently leaving it, the ‘exit of this valley’ was more appropriate. It now struck me as odd that it was so carefully concealed, but this may simply be a coincidence.

I stared into the deep darkness with little apprehension, mentally charting my route ahead of time. My night vision would help here, though there were other ways around the loss of sight, if one were clever with their powers. The cave-dwelling flying pokemon were one example, with their ability to see through sound. The way I checked the stability of stones was a similar mechanism, but utterly unusable for navigation, not to mention that it was unnecessary for me. I had a practiced paw, decent vision in all but the blackest of pitch, and a distressing familiarity from the time I had discovered this place and gotten lost. I may now be even safer in cave exploration after my recent Ice Stone foray.

Thinking such, I stepped into the cave with confidence, and was enveloped by the darkness at once. My pace onward was slow and careful as I kept my eyes on the surrounding stones and floor, mindful not to trip where it was uneven, or scratch myself upon jagged edges. After a short while of forging through the dark abyss, the path widened considerably, enough to fit several of me walking side by side with my tails fully spread out. The silence would have pervaded this place completely, if not for the ebb and flow of strange whines and groans that floated to my ears, likely caused by the wind whipping throughout, and when that was also absent, one could hear the dripping of water echoing in various places, both near and far, but the direction it came from was nigh impossible to pinpoint without seeing it.

A curiouser thing was the lack of denizens here. There was not a single Zubat, Noibat, nor Shuckle to be seen here, though I have definitely witnessed them occupying other local caves. Likewise, there were no rock-inclined pokemon, and furthermore, no one whatsoever here. It seemed to me that it must have been like that for enough time to cause all traces to have ceased to exist. This place was quite similar to the valley in that way. A perfect habitat to live, but completely free of all pokemon to live it.

Further and further still, stepping through the veil of the dark, there were changes to the cave structure as I progressed. Side passages jutted out into large hollows, and slopes that ascended or descended littered the gently wavering main path on either side, but the forward path was always the one I chose, since I knew it from previously. Here and there were also great natural basins of stone, which seemed to collect water from the dripping of stone icicles above. It was such things that kept the quiet from truly ruling this place. Far off, I swore I could hear the trickling beginnings of a river or a stream, but progressing onward, the sound became distant and vanished once more.

After my journey had progressed for a time longer. I stepped out into a much larger room after passing more pools of water, and there was new light here for the first time in the form of gentle radiance from Ice Stones embedded in the ceiling far above. Looking onward, there were more and more paths at various angles before me, but no continuance to the straight and simple one. This large portion would be a nightmare to navigate if one was exploring this blindly, but I had the answer already prepared.

Hugging the leftmost wall as I stepped into the room, I followed along with the stone until reaching a hard to spot passage at an inward angle, left and sloping. I entered it immediately. This path was small at first, and curved around further left and descended at an angle, spiraling on and on, but widening once more as it leveled off into flat, smoother stone, and I followed it confidently forward, knowing the longest part of the journey had concluded.

I knew that I was presently heading perfectly southwestward with my abnormal sensitivity to direction, but how I did so was unknown. Perhaps a clever human would be able to explain to me how pokemon such as I instinctively seemed to know where the northward extreme lies. Still, I proceeded under the guise of pathfinding through the cave, as if I was uncertain. Mayhap spending a whole day while using my powers, I could map the entire layout for future exploration, but I also felt that such a thing would be cheating! Still, I did wish to explore this place further in future, but perhaps at a measured pace instead of all at once.

One must leave some mysteries to be explored later! Perhaps, with a friend at that time. That would be far more enjoyable than to do so alone.

On a whim, I howled out into the darkness, listening forward carefully to the way my voice would warp and echo, and when my voice came back to me as a distorted caricature of myself, the way it bounced suggested larger hollows ahead, rather than a simple straight path. Progressing on, I found a number of close hollows ahead on either side, and farther still stepped onto a largely flat and straight pathway, with many cuts into the rock on the right and the left. The dripping of water had largely ceased on one specific side of the path, which was my right. The leftward empty entrances all seemed to lead into a much larger room, too vast for me to even see the back of, while each doorway on the right led into a much smaller, organized cut into the stone. They were uniform in shape, and perhaps even in size based upon my cursory study in passing. It was surely unnatural, and perhaps the other cuts to the left were created by someone as well.

More curiosities…

And once again, I doubted I could cut these small rooms, so precise as to be copies of the next, from a natural cave, even if given sufficient time and help to remove the debris. I had the ability to cut stone with my claws, surely, but not anywhere near the finesse to do such a thing cleanly.

Hah… Evidence to the contrary existed in my own home. Those newly made, ragged grooves on my own cave floor would likely be a permanent addition to it, and I have no good ways to gently smooth it out for convenience. My makeshift solution later on was to fill in the cuts where I had lashed out with ice during the time I was cleaning my cave, but it was far from being ‘fixed’. Regretful. Curse those reactions of mine, and curse those wretched heat symptoms that drive one into a painful frenzy. I was still somewhat of a fool at times in dealing with the effects of frustration… I clearly remembered how that stone had tasted as I crushed it in my jaws from the vexation . Blech.

Honestly, the biting itself was rather pleasant, but the consequences of a mouth full of stone grit were not. It would have been nice to have something that would withstand my bite to remove the stress from me at times. Well… maybe the humans had made something clever designed to withstand the angry bite of a pokemon? Many of them cared for us now, and perhaps they had thought of such things. It was a hopeful thought, but not implausible.

I would search for something when I could manage to do so.

Finally smelling less stagnant air ahead, I sped up my pace, briefly stumbling and nearly losing a few berries in my haste, feeling much happier as light began to return to my path. Some time after leaving the valley, I finally emerged from the cave, back into the sun and sky, and the first thing I did was to stretch my paws and take note of my position. It had taken me outward and southways of the smaller peak. The sounds of distant pokemon had returned in full to tickle my ears, in sweeping directions from the south all the way through the northeast, but from the northwest to the pure north there was only silence.

There were currently no pokemon upon the uppers of the mountain peaks, except for myself.

Which was also curious. It was truly strange that none chanced to live along at least the fringes of the area preceding the peaks, but perhaps they were seeking to avoid those who lived above? The high peak itself was understandably frightening, but fear of me should be insufficient to keep them away from a convenient place to live like the vale or the cave. Or… was my own reputation truly that extreme? I had no way of knowing.

Ultimately, with my familiarity of the mountain, I was sure that this place was closer to where Glaceon lived than my own home, and that was a fortune to make up for some time lost while traversing the cave, though it was still quite early for a visit. I needed to carefully check the peak of the mountain, as well as the secondary peak against my current position to properly ascertain where I was, but luckily I had visual confirmation of both landmarks, so mapping out the two sights and elevations in my head gave me enough to be certain of my location.

And so I knew exactly where to go!

I took a slow and loping pace southwards, considering the safe transport of food as priority. I wished not to jostle it and risk losing the berries to the snow, lest they be very difficult to recover from the ground once dropped. It slowed my pace considerably, but allowed me to take in more of the scenery, deepening my knowledge of the area and its topography. In the highest places of the world, things which grew naturally thinned out as the fortitude to survive such places increased, but it was rarely entirely barren near my home. There were stubborn inhabitants like myself here and there, holdouts of hardy flora that often huddled in small patches where the soil would support them, but as one descended further, things gradually developed into more particular characteristics. A forest may be a forest to most, but in the west, trees tended to be largely tall and spaced well apart, clad in permanent greens, while in the south there was a greater mix of tree species, unslumbering and seasonal both, but the eastern region was by far the most dense and diverse, blocking out the sun in places, and largely untouched by being far away from human hands. Such details had been observed by me for ages, but only fell into prominence with my ‘awakening’. While an expert may be able to tell better than I, for myself and the rest, such differences in the treelines only became varied and noticeable once one had descended the mountain for a decent spell.

I passed by some few barren patches of snow, coarse dirt and rocky pebbles on my way, as well as areas interspersed with varied trees that failed to qualify as a forest in my eyes. There were even the barest few bushes and berry trees that bore life-giving fruit, even in this bleak area where none dwelled. Abundance was alive and strong in this place, despite what one would think from all the snow and inhospitable conditions.

After breaking away from the more desolate region, it was a long, easy run through and down the sweeping mountain paths. They were old routes, once carved out by glaciers or ancient avalanches, some of which I had personally witnessed. Nature became more abundant as I descended in height, but I still had a relatively unhindered route straight towards my friend’s home.

Running until the sloping ground had almost reached a level state, I arrived at that specific patch of forest that bordered and concealed Glaceon and Espeon’s homestead, yet it was still a far cry from my destination. Entering the forest forced me to change the way I ran, dodging quite a few trees as I traversed, while simultaneously avoiding the presence of others that either lived here or had traveled from nearby. As the sun crept higher in the sky heralding the end of the early morning, I had not yet reached the place where the trees cleared into a more open area, where Eevee kits were likely to be running around under the watchful gaze of their parents.

Onward I go, deeper on and further in, over shadow-kissed snows where the trees had thickened and yet kept their leaves past the falling season, whose density made my pace stall considerably, even as I avoided what looked to be a nesting area for flying pokemon. The trees broke slightly then, and I slunk my way through the taller forests and hardy underbrushes often topped with powder, and the trees continued to thin now. Carving a path southeastward with my newfound freedom of movement, it was not long before I fully broke away from the dense tree line that had kept me hidden, though still occasionally passing old thick-trunked trees dotted sparsely here and there as the large open area came into view. Some nervousness swept over me then and fluttered in my belly, like a bothersome bug. I did my best to ignore the feeling though, and continued.

Running onward through the open area with feigned confidence and in full view of the surroundings, not wishing to be perceived in a bad light, I saw no one whatsoever as I ran. There were no Eevees playing in the distance this day, and both parents were similarly out of sight, but it was still quite early, so perhaps they were asleep.

I passed through what seemed a quiet, vast expanse of snow, eventually spotting the boulder that lay near their home, circling around it from the far side to be seen in the farthest view possible.

But still, I beheld none here. The den however, was in visual sight at this point, and I had the distinct impression that approaching closer than this could very well be seen as rude. I decided to err on the side of caution, figuring it would be polite to call out in such a case.

[Glaceon! O-or Espeon. I have… come once more!] I called in the direction of the den, continuing to keep a respectful distance from it. Inwardly, I was frustrated at my fretting stutter.

Silence was the only answer I received after waiting for a reply, and I co*cked my head and looked around.

Upon closer inspection, it did not feel like anyone was here currently. I hadn’t paid attention to the signs around me as I arrived in my nervous state, or it would have been evident at once. It was strange that there was no one here presently though, and it did not seem as though this place had been abandoned either. The signs of living were fresh, and they could not have left more than a short time ago, so perhaps they were nearby? Perhaps I could even find and meet them.

I closed my eyes and cast my senses away from myself as I delved deep to grasp for the presence of others. It may have been sufficient to merely do this in a haphazard way while moving around and searching physically, but I knew now that by calming my mental state and concentrating, the figurative ripples that other creatures made were much easier to discern, and I would have a direction to follow much sooner than stumbling around blindly. The stone-hunting I had done previously had lent a paw to me in an unexpected way here.

Without any distractions, it truly felt as though the world became alike to a great black lake with innumerable ripples upon it. In my mind’s eye,I felt that each disturbance was a distinct presence. Every ripple was subsequently possessed of a shadow too, of varying sizes and intensities. The sizes themselves did not directly correlate to the intensity of the presence it represented, and despite the sheer volume of information, I knew instinctively that every single being that I was sensing now was a pokemon; humans looked and felt quite different to this after all. Still, there were far too many to pay attention to all of them at once, and I wondered how long it would take to find one single, specific pokemon out of the multitude...

Perhaps I could narrow things down though. If ‘size of the shadow’ was truly alike to ‘stature’ and the intensity was the representation of power, then the search could be tightened significantly. I had seen many powers on this mount, and therefore had much to compare things to when it came to strength. I had beheld the highest peaks of the Ice Lord’s might and majesty, and the lowest of lows in the forms of the smallest, most gentle children: the visage of two particular small Eevees came to mind. One could include humans in the equation too, but they would place only slightly over the lowest of pokemon, since they lacked the special powers that even the weakest of pokemon usually possessed. But it was not absolute.

Humans were clever, broad–minded and cunning, and sometimes that cleverness pushed them far above what their threat would otherwise signify. Their tools and traps were stronger than their own powers for one thing. As a planning, self-improving species, they would only grow in strength as time went on, and may someday overshadow us all in might. Still… perhaps that would be alright in the end. In the future, with fortune’s favor, they may recognize us as equal thinkers.

But such was a fancy, a hope, and most certainly not a guarantee of what is to come.

Perhaps the groundwork for such a beneficial future for pokemon must be laid now and not later, lest we be eternally consigned to become or remain mere beasts in the eyes of many. We think, we feel, and we desire, and when our desires aligned with those of humanity, innumerable individuals of all our various kinds endeavored to work with humans, in the hope of attaining mutual prosperity.

It is doubtful whether the majority of humans would ponder such a thing. Even Pokemon may be unaware of their reasons for their kind working closely alongside humans in ages past and present, but such is an instinctive action, a deep calling that is far older than even myself. It is etched into our blood, and must have been so since before, or perhaps after the times in which we warred upon each other. That was so long ago that not even I was present, but the stories are well known to me. There are many ageless entities in this world, and the stories have been carried on by many such beings.

Still, such a turbulent time I cannot even imagine, even with all of my ponderance.

I wonder if working together was actually the Great One’s plan. If only one could ask him.

…Quite a topic to explore, but one I would have time to think upon later. I would like to do so with human help too, perhaps once my Gary had returned to this place. But I had let myself become distracted. My thoughts wandered far too much at times.

Hmm… thinking back to present problems, I should sort this information out quickly.

In this meditative state of mind, I could feel that there were a number of pokemon that were in this relative area, but only one of them that was quite close, small in stature, of reasonable strength, and was moving slowly toward this location. I could surmise that this pokemon may be Glaceon or Espeon returning here. While not a guarantee, the convocation of similarities to my intended quarry, along with the specific nature of its path, made it quite likely.

I opened my eyes once more and sprinted toward the direction it was in, suppressing my own presence, so as not to be frightening to the ones I might meet. No one seemed to sense me though, not even once that I could recall… Perhaps my efforts to suppress my own presence were unnecessary? Was this sensing ability one that few possessed? I mused over such thoughts as I dashed through new areas of the surrounding forest, passing by more and more trees, plants, and the occasional unplucked berry bush as I weaved through the snowy environment that was slowly becoming less dense with ground foliage, and I had run a fair distance now.

I felt the small pokemon’s presence clearly now, without even needing to focus upon it, and the trees were just a bit more dense here, which hid my quarry from sight, far ahead. I slowed my pace out of a desire to approach in a more reasonable, unthreatening manner. Still, I had overshot the target, and circled around to observe it cautiously from behind, in case it was not who I thought it was. I peeked around a nearby large tree at the location of the unknown pokemon, and immediately beheld a blue, small quadruped with pointed ears.

It was in fact, a Glaceon, and indeed, it was also the one that I knew personally! I was quite happy to find her. My paws had taken me forward in several quick, excited steps before I could rein in my feelings, and I forced myself to exercise a bit more restraint in my approach. It did not feel polite to frighten a friend. She was unaware of my existence still, and I intended to make myself known as I followed behind her, closing the distance.

[Hail to you my friend. Are you well this day?] I called to her, slowing to a stop while still some distance behind her.

She stopped in her tracks as her ears perked in momentary surprise, before they returned to normal alertness.

[Huh? Celeste? Is that you?] She looked back, spying me between the trees, then turned to face me, approaching with easygoing footfalls and a smile. [It is you! I’m alright, thanks for the ask. I hope you are too! What’s happening? It’s odd seeing you out this way... Did something happen nearby?]

I fidgeted at her question, and moved out into a more open patch of ground as I gazed her way.

[No, not as such. Rather, I have been searching for you,] I hesitated, head lowering somewhat. [I went to your home, but found no one there. I searched for you at that point, since there was no one… This was the first direction I checked,]

Glaceon looked a little perplexed, and that was laced with a look of wonder, that shifted smoothly towards curiosity. [I see. That’s some crazy luck or tracking you've got, but it's good to see you anyway. Did you need something from me?]

Either she was very clever or I was quite easy to read. Perhaps both. Regrettable on my part if that second one were the case, and slightly embarrassing as well. As I did not enjoy obfuscating things when unnecessary to do so, I should just be honest.

[Well… yes,] I spoke hesitantly, moving to her at a slow pace now. [I actually could use some pieces of advice. There are things I am uncertain about, and I could not arrive at any solutions on my own, so I am seeking help…] Shifting uneasily on my paws, I worried that my actions were strange. […May I accompany you?]

If Glaceon thought such, I did not see it, for she just laughed and nodded as she jerked her head towards the direction she was heading with a happy swish of her tail.

[Sure! Come along. The company would be great. I’m actually heading home from what I was doing, and maybe everyone else will be home by the time we arrive too,] She replied in a happy tone.

I waited for her to turn towards her home, then fell in a half-pace alongside her, following along and feeling relief. I observed her, and she indeed seemed quite well enough, although I wondered what she had been doing out this far from home? She was unhurt, her coat was clean and groomed, and she carried nothing with her, so it was unlikely to be food-related or be about battling another. Surely she did not need more stones? I wonder what it could be.

Suddenly, I noticed that our pace had slowed considerably, which brought me out of my musing. Once I paid attention fully, I noticed that Glaceon was watching me closely from the corner of her eyes, and she had a large smirk on her muzzle, which widened as she saw the recognition in my eyes. She laughed and turned to look at me fully, grinning upward. [Celeste, you can be pretty easy to read sometimes,]

[Ith-feh. What? I-is that so? What have I done?] I asked her in alarm, embarrassingly having tripped upon my own tongue in my surprise.

[Definitely an easy read! And you were practically salivating curiosity while staring. I don’t mind telling you about it, but it’s probably not even gonna be that interesting to you when I do. It’s most definitely not relevant to you either, since everyone would have no choice but to shut up and listen to you if you got involved,] She explained, finishing with an amused look.

I looked at her with increased curiosity and tilted my head. Glaceon began to talk after a small chuckle.

[Well, I warned you. Here comes the boring!] She cleared her throat in dramatic fashion. [I’d heard there was some movement as far as territory lines in the area go, especially north, so I went to scope out the changes and make sure they didn’t affect us, and that was my task when I left home. Entirely nothing changed in the end, and the whole thing just ended in some scuffles long before I got there to check it out. Meanwhile Espeon has the ‘vees, and he’s teaching them about some ways to deal with the snow as a non-ice type in the meantime, and also about some safe places to forage if they’ve still got a bunch of energy after all that.]

Glaceon’s investigation topic seemed more than reasonable to keep apprised of, but I have never studied such a thing myself and could only guess at its importance. She may be right about my involvement though.

[I see. You are right. I find that I am rather lost about the subtleties of the local territories though. My place has always been my place for as long as I remember and no one has complained to me. I would only intervene in such a thing as territories if some other pokemon got overly greedy or oppressive, such as with the Weaville clan incident of some time ago,] Glaceon winced, and fixed me with a curious eye, but also seemed nervous and did not ask anything. Hm, I would keep it in mind to tell her about it if she was truly interested, but that would be a tough thing to retell in detail. It could be retold over a snack perhaps.

[The Eevee’s education you spoke of is rather interesting,] I spoke to her instead with a smile. [It sounds like very useful knowledge for them. Especially so, if they do not end up using those Ice Stones we brought for them,]

Immediately a bounce seemed to appear in Glaceon’s step, and a warm look as she gazed into the distance.

[Yeah, exactly! It is too bad I can’t help with that one, but they'll get to show me what they learned when I get back. I’m looking forward to it! Any growing up they do is amazing to see! Though, sometimes it feels a bit lonely, but that always happens when you’re watching your kids. I will be happy to be back home soon though. I hope everyone is home safe when we get there too,]

I hummed. [Well, this is a safe mountain. I endeavor every day to make it so, though I am not omnipotent. Do you fear something in particular?]

Her posture faltered slightly.

[No, not exactly. It’s… actually my own issue. I get… worried when they go out,] She shook her head. [Someone had to check on this though, and I wasn’t about to bring my children to some place where they might have to fight! They’re a bit young for that…] She explained, then trailed off into a sudden silence, staring downward.

Several things about her statement struck me as bizarre. As well as her reaction.

[It is an understandable sentiment to me, since you care for them so. Though… should they not already be strong enough to put up a fight if needed? I understand not directly delivering them into danger, but conversely speaking… We are born in such a way that we may fight immediately.]

Glaceon’s ears drooped quite heavily at my words and she stopped walking, and there was an immediate pang of regret within me. Had I said something wrong? I had merely stated a fact and asked out of curiosity, yet I had gotten this reaction. And I did not understand it…

I… wanted to apologize, to make her forego that defeated posture, so I approached, and looked over her with concern. She shook her head and sighed before I could speak, and her eyes were desperate when she faced me fully.

[No, you’re absolutely right about what you said, and you don’t have to look like that. I mean… I know you’re right about it but…] She suddenly took on another visage, of helplessness and frustration. [But I just don't want them to have to fight right out of the egg! I get that sometimes it’s the way of things but I’m not about to force them to do it!]

Glaceon stopped there, and I truly did not know what to say here to comfort her, but I felt some understanding with her as well. When I thought of those two Eevees being forced to fight immediately, or if they had to fend for themselves from the very onset of their lives like I had… I felt uneasy and significantly unwell. Like something vile had coiled within me and wriggled unpleasantly. Such a terrible situation felt truly wrong to inflict upon such pure souls.

A frustrated cry caused me to blink and return to where I was. My icy friend had stuffed her face into the snow and now shook it quite energetically, flinging the snow everywhere. …Huh. I have done that very thing before. Maybe it is a habit of us cold-bodied pokemon. Glaceon herself looked a little embarrassed now, but had regained some of her posture.

[You know… I may have said all that about not forcing them to fight or putting them in danger, but I’m not about to forbid them to do it either. If they want to fight later…? I guess I just have to accept it, like I did with my eldest daughter,] She paused there, then let out a small laugh and the tension left her body, her muzzle breaking into a small, proud smile that bespoke a fathomless depth of affection. [She turned out to be even more hard-headed than me, in more ways than one! And that’s saying something! She stayed near the mountain too, which is nice because she visits the most… but yeah. I’m hoping that any other children of mine won’t be quite so aggressive…]

I honestly struggled to imagine her eldest daughter, as I had already gotten quite the strong impression of stubbornness and assertiveness from Glaceon when she wished for it, and her eldest was even worse?

[I see. Well, I can only wish you fortune on that front. Our natures are our natures, and it is unlikely we can do much of anything about core facets of our being,] I spoke, thinking of her youngest as well.

[Yeah that’s true!] She turned and began to walk once more in a better mood, and I followed her. [I actually did try to curb a bit of Umbreon’s aggressiveness, but failed spectacularly! She turned out just fine though. Thankfully, despite her desire to fight, she was much less rambunctious than my youngest daughter or I would have had real trouble with her!]

She looked more unburdened now, and she wore an easy smile as she wound her way through the trees and the returning brushes. I much preferred when she looked like this, rather than worried and upset, and my own feelings were lighter just by seeing it.

[Yes, having met your youngest, I can understand. Yet it is curious as well. For how much she loves to play rough, she does not seem to have much desire to fight, does she? I feel that desire from your young son instead though,]

Glaceon was visibly delighted at my words. [Ha! You’ve got them pretty well checked out huh? That’s them in a Chespin though. You just wouldn’t expect that girl to be so much of a pacifist on the inside at first meeting,] She mused aloud.

I certainly agreed with her.

[That is for sure, but your son was more obvious, considering many of the first questions he asked me pertained to combat. Perhaps he truly wishes to fight or compete someday. Let us hope he finds a good path that suits him well,]

[Yeah, definitely,] She gave a huff, but there was an accepting smile attached. [I worry, but in the end, I have to let them live and be happy, however that might be,] Spoke Glaceon with a soft tone.

I said nothing in reply to that, but in my mind and soul, I wished that they would both grow well and healthy and live long, happy lives.

And then my curiosity crept back to me, insistently.

[About your eldest daughter, would you tell me a bit more about her? Especially since she is in this area. In the case that I meet her, I do not wish to be unaware of it…] I asked, wondering how she was like and unlike her mother.

Glaceon looked happy to oblige and grinned. [Well, she’s an Umbreon like I’d mentioned. She surprised all of us with that one! It happened early on, shocking all three of us, including her older brother. Though… maybe we shouldn't have been so surprised at the same time. Once we processed her change fully, it occurred to everyone that her evolution was probably a foregone conclusion,] She paused in speaking to laugh gently. [Anyway, she really loves to fight, won't do it for no reason, is largely good natured outside of battle, and probably would be an ideal partner to a human trainer. I figured she would set out on her own to find one, but she really didn’t leave the greater mountain area. I asked her why, and her response was ‘There’s pokemon out there in need of protection. I don’t need to fight others just for a dumb reason like proving that I’m the strongest.’]

I stared at Glaceon.

That is… an extremely unusual personality for a pokemon. But, to me, it felt very agreeable.

[How interesting. She seems like she would actually be quite a good fit for my job, if she possessed the skills to do it,] I pondered aloud.

Glaceon looked over in shock.

[Celeste? Do you really think so?] She asked in a surprised voice.

I nodded to her with certainty.

[If she is as you say, then yes. I myself have not had much of a desire for things in the past, but I have always felt strongly that I must look after those in need. Therefore, I consider that desire to be quite important, for without it, I may have lost my own way, so very long ago,]

I fell into thinking about that in silence, but managed to catch the whispered words that came from my friend.

[That’s the kind of thing she aspired towards. If she heard her say that it would blow her mind…]

I tried. I really did try to pretend I had not noticed, but failed in spectacular fashion. I laughed aloud in a burst of joviality, causing Glaceon to startle and shrink at first, then smile sheepishly as she pieced together the reason.

I grinned at Glaceon good-naturedly, feeling a desire for gentle mischief. [I shall have to tell her if I see her, after I observe her a little. Just to be sure she is as we ponder, you see,]

Glaceon seemed to recover at that point, then half covered her muzzle with a paw.

[Oh dear. My poor daughter is going to have such a terrible shock,] She replied with a playful air of worry, moving her paw on her chest in exaggeration.

And then she devolved into a fit of giggles, perhaps imagining the result.

Even I could not help but to join her in laughter.

I did not know any particular routes out this way, so all of the navigation was left entirely to Glaceon, and as she plotted the course for us, there were a number of easier topics that came up. Naturally, I also pressed her for more stories about her children too.

Apparently her eldest daughter was a bit of a traveler, and did not stay in one place. Though she was often on the mountain itself, at other times she would journey out west, between the human town and the lakeland that existed there. Farther away from here, she would mediate troubles, and she had several groups of pokemon she was and had been involved with. Interestingly, while she was the eldest daughter, she was actually the middle child, the third-born of five. She grew up alongside her older brother, who was the longest to stay at Glaceon and Espeon’s den before leaving it. She and her brother ended up butting heads and battling constantly, but Umbreon supposedly won every battle against her brother once she evolved.

I knew the two youngest fairly well, so I asked for more details about her next oldest child. According to her, he was quite timid and sensitive outwardly, but was a very strong fighter. Because of that, he had taken a long time to decide what to do, which worried both parents at the time. After some winters had come and gone, he became a Sylveon, and moved out to the ‘eastern wild area’, past the snow and just before the ocean. Apparently the reason he gave for such was because the mountain was ‘too cold for my liking’.

If I ever visited the beach, it may be possible to meet him, and I mentioned as much to Glaceon. She laughed, and told me all I had to do was look out for any Primarina, as he had come to love their music and was a huge fan of them. Apparently some had migrated nearby from an Island somewhere in the greater region, and the last time Sylveon had visited, he could not stop gushing about them. His mother even suspected he was sweetly attracted to one in particular. He had mentioned nothing about it to her, but she still suspected nonetheless.

I thought to ask for stories about her eldest son next.

Glaceon jerked as if she was struck by an attack, and her muzzle shut so swiftly I could hear the click of her teeth. Something akin to a growl and whine left her, and she looked furious for a moment, before clamming up completely and continuing to walk in utter silence. At the same time, her whole demeanor seemed… powerless and utterly miserable.

While I may not yet be the most perceptive when it comes to feelings of others, that response, as well as the implications of it were impossible to miss, even for one such as me.

Something had happened. Something terrible.

I followed along in equivalent silence, but there was not much change in her mood or posture, and she seemed to have withdrawn into her thoughts too. It was much like what happens to me at times, but her thoughts seemed to be dark and unpleasant. She also looked much worse than when she was merely worried before. I truly wished to help her somehow.

In such a case where something like this happened to me, what helped me was… distractions or tasks that needed to be completed. There may be no important tasks here, but there must be something that can be a distraction to her. A topic or conversation that she found tiresome or tedious, or one that required a lot of focus.

…Hm? There was one, was there not? Just recently too, I believe.

Territories. That may work! I shall try that.

I made an attempt to divert the topic.

[Glaceon, what can you tell me about the ownership of the nearby regions? Can you explain how it works in greater detail to me?] I asked, internally hoping that this would help avert her thoughts from the dark place they were.

Glaceon looked up, appearing surprised to get a question, but after some thought, she started on an explanation, speaking slowly. While her mood did not suddenly recover, I had gotten her talking again, and the tension began to leave her body as she began to explain about the areas near her home. I listened attentively, partly from my own curiosity, but also wanting to see more of that stress leave her too. Perhaps this knowledge would also serve me well someday.

Apparently, nearby and in many places beyond our lands, there were mostly interconnected territories known as “Wild Areas”, and in such places, no one pokemon truly ruled over it. Those within usually specifically agreed not to seek its control, and shared the area equally. It was a rather straightforward and uncomplicated method, and so long as there was abundance of food within such an area, I doubted very much that anyone would break the peace and simplicity it offered.

Next, she explained that aside from wild areas, there were small groups that cropped up on occasion, sometimes called ‘Community Dens’, where pokemon families, clans, or sometimes totally unrelated pokemon would form a kind of den-homestead. These sometimes were actual burrows or dens, but other times they were simply natural shelters that saw much cohabitation and cooperation. It did not even require a central or communal home as long as the cooperation was present. I asked if Glaceon's homestead was an example of such, but she replied that it was not, and stated that they were too few in number for that to apply.

Following that, there were apparently some areas collectively called ‘No Mon’s Land’. These places usually contained things that were too important for any one pokemon or group to keep control of, though on occasion, it happened anyway, which usually caused an outbreak of battles in that area because everything was thrown off balance. Areas like this were berry orchards or large bush patches, natural shelters that were too large to properly control, important water sources, or places that needed express guarding for one reason or another.

She then went on to elaborate that bodies of water themselves sometimes had other subtleties and could be home to numerous water pokemon, but she could not explain it to me. Water-based pokemon apparently had their own rules, and because she had no Vaporeon children, she was not well aware of how that side of the terrain was handled. Amusedly, I thought perhaps I would simply find the Primarina to ask. It would be a fun excuse to seek out her Sylveon son.

The journey had been passing quickly, and I was quite engaged in our talk, but in the small lull between topics, I took the opportunity to examine how my friend was feeling now.

Glaceon looked much better now, and also seemed rather into the explanation itself. Her ears and tail no longer drooped, and her eyes were bright with enjoyment once more, while her body betrayed no significant stress. I think the talking had really helped. She had described these territories as a boring matter, but I did not really see that evidenced in her speech. Either she enjoyed it far more than she let on, or else she may simply enjoy teaching others something new.

She cleared her throat and gave a playful smile that sent a relieved feeling through me. [There’s two more types that actually are more relevant to you and me Celeste. Individual territories, and… Sacred Ground,]

I tilted my head at both, but was more baffled by the second one.

[You asked why we didn't count as a community den? Well, we are just one family, so we actually fall into individual territory holders. If we had more generations of the family that lived around here, it would start being a community den, but a family-focused one. That probably won't happen anytime soon though.] A smirk appeared on her muzzle. [My kids all seem to want to spread out, rather than hang around their mother. On the other side of things though, I don’t really hate anyone visiting, and might even consider other pokemon living with us, but the children are the biggest concern for us right now. I don't know if I could handle someone I didn’t know living with us, with the children being as young as they are. We kind of picked this remote area on purpose too. It’s not exactly popular,]

[I see… Well, I believe I at least understand the differences now. But perhaps even one more individual that is not of your family lineage may change how others view it, turning it into a community in their eyes, rather than an individual territory]

She nodded at my reply. [It’s possible, but I think it might need to be more than one. Anyway, individual territories. They only happen when a strong individual or small group stakes them out specifically. Like me and my mate did. It comes with issues, like, you have to defend it from encroachment, and you can be challenged for it. You technically are supposed to get first rights to everything there though, resource-wise. Celeste, you actually fall into that category too! ]

[Why is that?] I asked her

She scoffed and smiled. [Because only someone fantastically stupid or too young to know any better would challenge you where you live on the mountain. It’s remote, harsh to move around, and I don’t think there’s much there to want to take, not to mention that you’re so unimaginably strong too. You could waltz up to pretty much anywhere you wanted, sit down, say ‘this is mine’, and that would be the end of it. Celeste’s new territory acquired, and no one would question it.]

Hearing her say it like that made me feel a little embarrassed…

[I see. Well, there are many caves on this mountain, but that one is mine. Truly, for what purpose would one seek to take it though? Like you yourself said, it is not very resource rich, and the cave itself is not large, but I make it work perfectly well because I require less resources on average than many individuals, while the place where it lies in serves some convenient purposes in its location instead,] I explained, now secretly wondering if there were better places I could move to.

[I did wonder about that… ] She mumbled. [But the last area to talk about is… Sacred Grounds. Like… the top of the mountain for example. Even the dullest, densest pokemon can feel it deep down in their bodies, and immediately know what those places are. We avoid them in most cases, but sometimes, there are guards. Celeste, I'm pretty sure that’s what you are,]

That was an interesting perspective. I did fancy myself as such once, had I not? Even using that word specifically in my mind as well.

[One of my least employed jobs is indeed protecting the peak, but there are a few things that make my job easier, allowing me to focus on the rest of the mountain. One would actually need to know ahead of time how to enter into it, if they did not possess wings to carry them over the cliffs.] I confessed. [Flight is sometimes one of the few ways to get to the places one should not go,] I thumped my tails. [But I would not allow it to be easy for humans or pokemon to enter without cause,]

Glaceon looked up in wonder, appearing to think over my side of things.

[Why do you do it? Why protect the peak?] She asked.

My reply was immediate.

[Because it is very dangerous,]

Glaceon looked considerably startled at my reply. [Oh! Really? That’s a new one to me. Why is it dangerous?]

I had been there many times, but that was not the problem with the area. Going there was not likely to harm you, but there was something dangerous about staying there, even aside from the extreme conditions and sudden freezes that could occur. In terms of weather and temperature specifically, I would be perfectly fine there, as would many other pokemon. So why was it that I knew deeply that it was dangerous…?

Frustratingly, I could not recall, and could only give a vague reply. Another Ice Lord question for the heap I suppose.

[Honestly? I… do not know. But it is a truth regardless. I know it is important to the world, but I also know it is extremely dangerous. What I am positive of is thus: one who stays there for too long shall be visited by a truly terrible fate. Perhaps others can feel that truth within their bodies as well, and perhaps that is the reason why none approach the highest peak,]

[Or the one up top just scares the fur off of everyone,] Glaceon joked with a light tone.

I smiled amusedly. [Perhaps that is also the case, but he is not always there. Do you or others have a desire to go there and explore when he is away?]

She shook her head vigorously. [Nooope! I don’t want to stick my neck out for nothing! Is there even some good reason for going all the way up there?]

[...I would have to ask him,] I replied, softly. [I feel that I once knew more things about it, but it is lost to me. Still, maybe he remembers where I do not. I have a number of other things to ask him now too,] I sighed deeply. [I hope it goes well when I do.]

[Me too Celeste,] She said, [You’re braver than I am to want to try that, but maybe that's just the power difference between us,]

[Perhaps so,] I replied, in some melancholy, wondering when he, too, would return. [How long has it been since I have seen them? I wonder what they think of me. Am I doing my job well?]

Glaceon walked in front of me and flicked her tail trying to reach my nose with it, and continued to do so, then with a small hop, she finally managed to bop me. I laughed at her and playfully swatted at the tail. I felt that she was definitely trying to cheer me up now. I appreciated it very much.

[Ha! Finally got you. I hope that explanation helped though!]

[It did indeed. All of that was… rather fascinating, truly. I had never bothered to know, thinking it was unimportant, but maybe I should soon find a way to keep an eye on how things shift, so that nothing shall spiral out of control. It is an overlooked aspect of this place, and I feel shame for thinking it was unimportant now.]

Glaceon looked at me thoughtfully at that, appearing to mull something over in her mind.

[Celeste, can I ask a bit of a strange question?] She looked tentative, but not afraid, and curious as well.

[You may ask any questions you like, both strange and mundane at your leisure,] I reassured her, smiling.

[I heard some things from my daughter about you. Umbreon specifically. She’s a dark type, so she groups up with others of her type sometimes, but doesn’t actually get along with all of them.]

Understandable? I could not follow where her thoughts were leading.

[I see. But that is fine, is it not?]

[Sure, but that's not really all of it,] She looked into my eyes. [Umbreon told me about a rumor that was going around. At first, I thought it was just a dumb type thing that sparked it, because I’ve been here long enough to know at least about you well enough to know what type of pokemon you are, but the whole rumor I heard just never added up to me, and after meeting you… Well, it’s even more strange that a rumor like that exists at all.]

Her words made me tilt my head with a questioning noise.

[Glaceon… I did not really talk to anyone for a terribly long time. For winters and winters it has been like that, so I have heard nothing about it whatsoever. I did not even know what was said about myself in recent times, remember? It has practically been a silent mountain to my ears. If you desire my input on it, perhaps start with what the rumor actually is.]

[Oh, that's right...] Looking awkward, she continued her thoughts. [I’ll just come out with it then. A lot of dark types are terrified of you, and some think that you hate them and will attack them on sight. There are even some Weaville that talk about you like you’re either a horrible monster, a tyrant, or the living specter of Yvetal or something… There are a few others that say… much worse things, involving killing pokemon, according to my daughter,] Glaceon scowled following that statement. [She didn’t believe it, and she actually gave the worst offenders a thrashing over spreading the rumors.] She winced. [It was a bad enough thrashing that they moved over the lake to avoid her after that. Even I knew those parts were false, just from living here. Heck, she herself was living proof that it was a lie,] She gave me a subtle look. [Do you have any clue what it’s all about though? It’s really started to bug me…]

Ah. There was a clear flash of memory. Well, I could guess who many of the rumor-spreaders were, and their appearances and scents flashed through my mind like a storm. Still, it seemed that some of them may have relented on their parting words, as they must not all be cursing my name as they promised, for my reputation to only have a simple bad rumor. Or… maybe I overestimated their competence, and these ‘rumors’ were what they considered their ‘revenge’? Even the context of the rumors had seemed to change from what was declared. It was one of the few times I DID have to intervene in pokemon to pokemon affairs. But it was so very long ago… I could not even place the time frame…

[I believe I do know from where these rumors spring. It involves a group that once brought misery to this mountain. I wonder if you heard something about it, based upon your reaction earlier. Is it possible to pass a message to your daughter?] I asked her.

She pressed a paw to her muzzle in thought. [I can try. I don’t know when she’ll come around next though. What’s the message?]

[You may tell those Weaville of rumor, the dark types, or any others who wish to know, that I hold nothing against any species, and nothing against any type of pokemon. I only had an issue with that one singular clan of Weaville for the crimes they perpetrated. Time has likely distorted the truth of the matter. I will not banish or interfere with anyone who wishes to live here in peace, but should they or any others try and cause trouble, or try and rule the mountain once more, I will come down just as hard as I did in the past, and they will get the same ultimatum as that clan,] I paused, considering that there had been some who had already received a command from me, and a low rumble accompanied my voice. [And for those who had actually perpetrated the crimes, specifically those whom I have already warned personally… They will not receive a second warning, and shall instead receive immediate judgment.]

Glaceon shivered, and seemed a little intimidated. I shrank back uneasily. I may have gotten a bit too heated by remembering this event, but my anger was not directed at Glaceon at all, so I wished she would not look or feel as fearful as she does…

[O-okay. Got it. That’s kind of long, but I bet I could pass along the gist if I see her. It seems… reasonable, but also kind of terrifying,] She said with a slight shrinking of her body.

…I worried immediately. I did not think it was such a terrifying response at the time. Now, I wondered.

[Do you think so? I thought It was rather even tempered, considering the reasons. I am certainly not about to lash out at one for a petty reason, although perhaps…] My ears folded in shame and I shifted on my paws as I recalled a more recent history. [The incident with that other Ninetales was not my proudest moment, and may actually count as petty.]

That seemed to strike her differently, and Glaceon gave me a more relaxed smile. [I dunno. He didn't die. Honestly, he was just plain asking to get roughed up at the very least, and he got off with barely a scratch! Right?]

I laughed, one part embarrassed and one part reassured. [Indeed. He may keep the singed fur and that frightening memory as a momento and live his life as he pleases here. I will bear him no further grudge. I have reflected upon my actions though, and will not let anger cloud my judgment and take things too far next time.] I announced resolutely.

[Well, that's good then,] She replied in a chipper tone, but a shadow crossed her face and she looked over at me pensively. [I have no idea whether I’m about to regret this, but, y’know, morbid curiosity. What exactly was the ultimatum you gave the Weaville clan?]

[To flee or to perish.] Glaceon jerked and stared up at me, and my ears drooped slightly at the scrutiny. [I had much less… personal awareness then, but this issue was duty-related so I remember the event perfectly and with clarity even now. I calmly told each and every one of them that they must leave this place immediately, and if they dared to perpetrate any further trouble I would personally return them to Arceus then and there,]

Glaceon shuddered as her eyes opened wide. [That’s the first time I’ve heard you say the name too…]

I had no choice but to avert my gaze slightly. [Well, I do not utter it for a careless reason. It is just the way I choose to speak of them. It was important to use it then in the past, as well as now for the sake of your question, so as to be unambiguous,]

Glaceon nodded, staring. [So, what happened after?] She asked in a hushed voice.

[Some fled at my declaration, as they were either sane, or cowards. No matter which it was, it granted them survival and safety in the end,] I then growled, disgustedly. [Some fought me for their pride, and they were brought to the ground because of it, one by one, and then in greater numbers when they thought that tactic would somehow avail their cause and serve them better to overcome me,]

I sighed deeply and stared off into the snow, remembering just how badly I had to hurt some of them to fully beat the will to fight from them. It was, by far, the least enjoyable thing I have ever done. One could not call it anything but cruel to witness it, but I made quite sure to keep their lives intact for them, just that one time.

I faced Glaceon again. [In the end, I healed them all just enough for them to be able to move and flee this place, though that was not by my design or out of any negative feeling. Healing is just… not truly something I am very good at,] I confessed, pausing momentarily when I found I could no longer recall how I had managed to do it. [And then afterward, I told them once again, to flee this place immediately or vanish from this world forever. I made it clear to them that there would be no second chance after this mercy was granted to them; should they come after the denizens of this mountain or myself once more…]

My thoughts consumed me with a strong bitterness. I very much disliked remembering this event, and discovering only now that I lacked the ability to render emergency aid was a crushing blow to me as well.

[What if they really did some back someday?] Her voice pressed softly.

[Those specific individuals in question? They would be watched, quite closely, and they would not find my grace and protection upon them without first showing some proof of redemption. And they cannot lie about such a thing. I would know,] I said sternly.

She fixed me with a worried gaze. [And… what if they caused trouble?]

I sighed heavily, folding my ears solemnly and closing my eyes.

[I would pity them and their choices of course, but I would deliver them to the Great One all the same… And then I would mourn them…]

A nauseous feeling crept over me at the thought, and I coughed as that feeling made its way to my throat. I scowled as I recovered my composure, seeing the world once more. [As terrible as carrying out that ultimatum would be, I would have definitely done so before as well, had they not seen reason. They were all given a chance to flee before we fought, and again once they knew my strength firsthand. If they cause problems once more, then I must end them for everyone’s safety. They have been given an abundance of mercy already.]

She did not respond, and I glanced over at her. Glaceon’s head was lowered, and she appeared to be processing everything I had said.

I, myself, found myself ruminating over those past actions now. So many things had happened in such a short time back then. Someone had alerted me of trouble. Voices carried to my ears from all over. Cries of sorrow, desperation, defeat, and despair, and thus, I was moved to action. My own investigation, swiftly delivered, verified all the claims that had been given me and personally overheard. It also confirmed and foretold what foul actions they would take in the immediate future, and I no longer had any choice about what must be done.

[It was a complicated thing though, the original event. The whole clan needed to be punished for the actions of the few of them. It was not unfair, because while not every member of the group was perpetrating those terrible crimes, they all leveraged that awful reputation and authority to equally benefit from it. Having them all be complicit was the only way I could balance things…]

But I wonder now if there was another way. A better solution I could have employed. I could not find it at the time though, and one could not turn back time. I was duty bound to act. I was duty bound to protect…

[So there was only one thing that could be done,] I concluded, speaking the last of my thoughts aloud.

[I’m not gonna lie, that sounds… heavy,] Glaceon finally spoke in a serious tone, after a long pause.

I certainly agreed with her. It was very much a burdensome thing.

[It is indeed, terribly so. It feels disgusting within me to recall and even to speak of it. It was an unenviable job, but one that needed to be performed to protect the rest of the mountain. I had to do it for the sake of good, kind pokemon like you, who just wanted to live here in peace. Still, however much I am capable of, I still feel as though I am not as powerful as the humans believe me to be. Peace and relative safety are the only two things I have the capability to grant, when all is laid bare.]

I felt some regret for my eventual judgment now, though I had not before. Was it too soft or too strict? I could live with my decision, but now did not know if it was truly the correct one.

[Does it still bother you now?] She asked me gently.

[I cannot say. The thoughts had never surfaced until now, and I am not sure how to feel as I question things anew,] I mused aloud. [I would like to think I was fair, but many could argue that I granted them far more mercy than they deserved. Others may believe the way I struck them down repeatedly was unnecessarily cruel. So I wonder, what was the correct answer?]

Glaceon sighed. [I couldn’t say. I’d have to know what the clan did, but no one wants to talk about it, and it's an old story. We moved in super long after that all happened. It's practically just a legend now. Only pokemon like you know the truth now, and won’t say a word.]

I lashed my tailtips in anger at the memory, still conscious of the berries upon their lower reaches. [No one speaks of it, because it is too vile to think about, too painful to remember for us. Even I do not wish to recall it, and I consider it a personal failure for being unaware of the situation for so long. It very nearly progressed too far into something irreversible, with many lives lost. Consider too, that the many laments were enough to move me into action, at a time when I was much less sensitive to emotions of myself and others as a whole.] I looked at her with a sigh. [But I am willing to tell you. That event, you may truly regret to know, but if you wish to know regardless, I shall tell you all I remember.]

Glaceon looked incredibly uncertain as I stopped conversing, but then nodded after a moment of consideration. [Next time maybe. I think that's enough heavy stuff for us for now. I do want to know though, some time.]

[Very well. It is definitely a sort of topic that requires a snack to lift one’s mood afterward,] I said gently, walking closer to her.

She smiled downward at the snow, and bumped her body sidelong into mine, and I giggled when she stumbled instead of me, being unable to unseat my balance. She pretended to be undaunted as she walked along unfazed in expression, but I could almost swear I could see a slight darkening in her cheeks.

She was rather lovely and kind, and her antics were welcomed by me. The sentiment I had gleaned was a kind of “cheer up” vibe once again. There was yet one thought that yet pricked at my chest however. It was a slight return into uncomfortable territory, so I was hesitant to mention it.

Still, I had to know for sure.

[Are you more afraid of me or less afraid of me after such a story?] I asked her, with a genuine curiosity, along with nagging worry.

Her steps almost faltered, and she audibly huffed in frustration.

[Ugh, that's not fair to ask Celeste, especially with that crazy ability of yours,] She grumbled. [If I reply at all, you get the truth regardless.]

[You may always choose not to answer, I will not mind,] I replied gently.

Her expression was conflicted, but she chose to speak once more, seemingly candidly. [I don't honestly know. Maybe both and neither. I don't think hearing the story changes much about who you are and what you do and I just… wonder whether I could do what you're doing if I was that strong, and I’m not sure about any of it.]

I plopped a tailtip on her back reassuringly.

[I think that is fair. In the end, we may take whole seasons to arrive at answers, but I truly seek no harm for anyone. I hope you can at least believe that much.]

[I mean, I would certainly think so, especially after you let them run so many times…] She mumbled.

Though she fell silent for a time, we both soon returned to more normal conversation topics, like our respective likes and dislikes, and our observations about the current state of the mountain. I also asked just a few more pointed questions concerning the factions of pokemon in the area, and how their winter preparation fared. It seemed things were progressing decently well on that front in fact, but she did not know everything about the smaller groups on the mountain.

My friend fell into a sudden lapse of speech after we had passed through a number of other, much more innocuous topics. It was unusual, so I spied upon her from the corner of my eye. She was wearing a small frown as she walked, still pathing onward excellently enough, but looking as though something was bothering her, and had been gnawing at her for some time. I continued to watch, and she made it past a few pawfuls ot trees before she stopped with a loud sigh, then turned and looked at me quite pointedly, sitting and lashing her tail over the ground, meeting my eyes once, then looked away again. I sat down before her and waited also, having care to protect the supplies I carried.

[Celeste… About me talking about my eldest… Soon, okay? I just need some time, and you told me about your story too, so… On a free day, with no Eevee-sitting or other things to worry about, and maybe with berries at the ready, I’ll tell you the story. Like when I visit you at your place.] She pawed at the ground uncomfortably. [Espeon says I should talk about it, and start trying to overcome it… A-and I trust him, so... Would you listen to me then?]

She looked at me with pleading eyes, but I was in need of no convincing. I stepped up before her, nuzzling down along her ears. Comparing our sizes, she was like a child to me at this moment, but this was perhaps the first time that the actions would truly match. From our positions, it probably looked like the offering of comfort from a mother to her child for an outside observer. I paid that thought only a little mind though. Considering hers and Gary’s actions before now, I was absolutely positive this was one of the many roles a friend could fulfill. It may not have been a duty that was entrusted to me, but it felt no less important.

[Of course I shall, my friend. Do so at your pace. Merely hint as to when, and I shall prepare the snacks that day,] I spoke to her, finishing with a gentle purr as I rubbed my muzzle along her neck.

She did not seem to react at the touch at first, but then pressed forward earnestly and rested her weight against me, without reserve. It felt good to offer her support like this, and there was a strange sort of fulfillment that pervaded my being as well. I planned to let her lie there as long as she wished, but she seemed too flustered to continue for long, and she shifted away after a few more peaceful moments. Once she stepped back from me, aside from a shy look on her muzzle, I could see that she looked both relieved and tired as well.

[Thanks...] She whispered.

It seemed as though whatever pained her was still there, but I believe the burden upon her had lessened. A tiny amount perhaps, but with her looking improved at all, It was more than likely a good thing to speak more of it, and Espeon’s advice to her seemed to be sound. Snacks were not a difficult thing to prepare, and would be well worth doing so if it would help the both of us talk about uncomfortable things. Perhaps those unusual berries I have discovered would be nice to have on paw for that time. But for now, I could only offer her a comforting smile.

[You are welcome any time, Glaceon. I am very happy to be of assistance to you,]

We sped up our pace slightly after the emotional moments had passed, and before long Glaceon announced that we were nearly at our destination, but it was odd that she said such. Her steps were certainly confident ones, but a direct route was not at all the path we had taken. And then I considered that fact further, arriving at a conclusion.

…My friend, you may think you are being sly, but I am very much aware of what an indirect, meandering path we have taken. Perhaps you really needed this talk, or needed the time to calm yourself. Whatever the reason, it was completely fine to me, and I had firmly decided to feign ignorance.

Glaceon beamed with satisfaction upon stepping out of the opposite tree line than the one I usually exited from, again in sight of the boulder that lay near her den. [Well, here we are! Home finally, and the walk wasn’t too bad either. Especially with company.]

[Yes, that is true,] I agreed. [I also enjoyed the company.]

Looking around, I was pleased that she was relaxed and joyful, however… This place was not mine, and I knew that very well. As such, there was some regret within me: a part of me that worried about being here, fearful that I was intruding or imposing overmuch. Realistically though, all I could do about it would be to speak my fears aloud to her, and let her tell me whether they were worries best left behind or ones that were reasonable.

[I must give my apologies for coming again so soon, but I have suddenly… found myself with free time, and for the first problem of several, I feel lost as to what to do with it,] I spoke hesitantly, making an effort to keep my ears upright.

Glaceon, thankful fortune, did not seem bothered in any way, and merely smiled with an amused expression at my words.

[So that’s why you came over originally? Haha, I see, buuuut I might just put you to work you know! All that free time for me to usee…] Spoke Glaceon with a playful tone, advancing with a grin as if to be menacing.

However… Her words seemed quite fair to me.

[That is alright I think…] I said with a nod.

Glaceon looked surprised and stood up straight. [Whuh. Really? I mean, I was just joking, but I guess I wouldn’t turn down the help…]

[I am grateful just to be allowed here, therefore… If there is something I can do, I will do my best to help.]

Her face took on an unreadable expression and she stepped up to me. I gazed down into her icy blue eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

She stood up onto her hind paws and touched her nose to my own. A whimper left my muzzle, and her front paws landed on either side of my nose. Her gaze was intense, but it was also resolute and earnest. It was even comforting and… so very warm. How strange and wonderful for such a cold creature like herself to have such a thing…

[It’s alright Celeste. You’re welcome to come around here, anytime you need to. I promised I’d help you, and I meant it, okay?] She told me with a soft voice.

A swirling vortex arose in my chest. It was as if I could not decide how I should feel, and while it raged within me, the tumult of all of it was overshadowed by the power of her gaze. Something became caught in my throat, and it was quite difficult to swallow it down, but I still worked hard to offer a reply, but it choked and would not escape me.

I was… slightly ashamed of the difficulty of that struggle, but I still fought, and when I finally overcame it, I regained the composure to speak, in clipped tones.

[O-okay Glaceon… I will remember that…]

She smiled more kindly now, and gave one more nuzzle before stepping back from me, and sweeping over me with her gaze. Was she checking if I am alright? Quite possibly. I was beginning to learn from the actions of others, and I am increasingly becoming more aware of my unmet needs and problems, as well as my tendency to seek help for them in others when I cannot find the solution myself.

What I do not know for sure is whether that is a good thing to do or not.

I looked over at my icy friend as well. She was so small, yet full of kindness and wisdom in places I was certainly lacking, but she was more than that. There was a strong, outgoing nature within her to contrast my reclusive tendencies, but we could still communicate well despite our differences. She was also patient and easy to talk to about difficult things, and I was very grateful that she was the first Pokemon that I had tried to talk to. If it were another pokemon I had met, I wonder if I would have had such a warm reception. She had invited me to her home, and allowed me to stay. She even looked me over out of concern. And even now she was carefully staring up at me with… confusion?

[Um, hey, Celeste? What’s all that?] She asked, staring and also pointing at my tails with her right paw.

…Ah, at the berries upon them. It took a moment to realize, as used to the weight as I was. Truly, I am surprised the question has not come up until just now, though now I felt slightly awkward for bringing all of these after hearing her pointed sincerity. Well, here goes my explanation.

[I felt I could not simply come here and impose myself upon your lives without some form of apology for it, so… are these alright as a gift for your family?] I asked her

She gave me a look, clearly full of deeper meaning, and a very small amount of amusem*nt, but I could not quite decipher the rest…

[Celeste, these are more than alright.] She stepped close and nuzzled into my neck; It felt very pleasant, but startled me slightly. Something about that touch, or perhaps her, affected me in a strong way. [You don't really need to bring a gift in the first place, and you definitely didn't have to go out of your way either, which I'm almost positive you have already, to get all these.] Her paws took her towards my side, where she seemed to look over the bounty in detail. [Geeze, how many did you bring?] She flashed a gentler smile at me as she stepped back in front. [But still, thank you.]

I sighed in relief. Despite her assurances that it was unnecessary, I know I would not have felt very relaxed without the gesture, at least this time. I will surely need to work on that worry though, to become comfortable without it.

[I am glad they are acceptable, and you are most welcome. I hope their tastes are enjoyable to your family,] I spoke earnestly. [While working, I became lost in thought while working and failed to count them. Apologies if there are too many.]

[Oh they’ll definitely get eaten eventually!] She laughed jovially. [Hopefully you didn’t put yourself out of food for us though?]

I thought about myself, and my lack of passion about taste. At least, until recently. Nothing I carried was particularly appealing to me today, but there was nothing I detested either. Before that stormy night, I did not remember enjoying food at all, even when its flavor tasted better than average or appealed to my tongue; food was merely a means to keep me alive and working at the time. Oh, but perhaps she spoke instead of the purest essentials in terms of survival instead? In such a case, I should offer assurances.

[No, I have not done such a thing. Do not fret. I eat… surprisingly little for one my size, and a long fast of weeks would not likely kill me either. I simply try to keep my strength at an optimal level in the event I am needed,] I told her, wishing to reassure her.

She stared but nodded, and though I felt there were unsaid sentiments, she seemed content enough at my words.

[That’s good then. I wouldn't want you to go too far and hurt yourself…]

I tilted my head and stared at her in return, quite on purpose this time and hoping to pry some answers from her, but she remained strangely oblivious, or perhaps, intentionally obfuscatory to my nonverbal question.

She smiled at me brightly after the long moment passed, and I felt as though I might not get any answers this time.

[Okay Celeste, follow me! We can put those away so you don’t need to keep carrying them, but let's leave some of them here for now. Alright?]

[Very well. ] I replied, fully taken by her momentum and abandoning my pursuit of information for now.

At her behest, I shifted a small portion of the pile of berries off of my tails and into the snow near her home, a goodly number more than my tails numbered, but did not count precisely, and then moved to follow Glaceon while carrying the rest. She had looked back once to verify I was behind her, then began to prance through the snow in a southward direction, humming and seemingly happy with herself, or perhaps the temperament of the day. I padded along behind her, and began idly comparing the size of my paws with her footprints.

My strides were much longer and my paws were also larger than hers, yet I found myself attempting to match our paces. It was impossible to walk exactly where her paws had landed previously, but I tried regardless, giggling at how difficult it was. Glaceon soon took notice and glanced back at me.

[What’s so funny?] She asked, looking confused.

I laughed gently, feeling caught. [Well… Trying to walk only in your pawprints is rather challenging!]

She laughed too as understanding spread over her muzzle at once.

[Oh wow, I haven't done that since I was an Eevee! Yeah, well you are much larger so of course it would be hard for you! Meanwhile your own footprints are… missing?] Her voice trailed off in higher pitch, and she proceeded to look around, even examining the snow behind me.

[Oh, my apologies. Here is one to examine,] I replied to her, then gently pressed one paw into the snow to leave a clear indent, and moved away from it for her benefit. Her eyes followed my path away from it, and she looked even more confused than she had before.

She stepped over to the print to examine it, wide eyed, then looked back at me. [That's so strange. I almost asked if you were a ghost, but it's not that since you can make footprints if you try… Still, I guess no one could really track you if you didn't want them to.]

I nodded at her with a wry grin, knowing full well how strange I was. [That seems to be the way of things. I found out recently that the nearby village of humans call me a Snow Spirit. I recall that a spirit is something like a ghost, and such things as well as pokemon are often intangible. Perhaps they were right, but I am also alive, so it is not perfectly accurate either.] A musing huff escaped me. [My very being seems to be quite strange in all respects. If it would not be frightening to you, I could show you more anomalous things about myself.]

Glacoen looked quite intrigued and even excited at my offer.

[Sure! Honestly I've been curious about a lot, but I didn’t want to be rude and pepper you with questions too much,] She said, muting her expression somewhat.

I gently placed the freest of my tails upon her back, which gave her pause, and I smiled.

[You may ask anything you like, but I cannot promise I will know. I will try and answer what I am able to, and show you what things I can, but sometimes, I simply cannot do what I cannot do,] I explained.

[Fair enough! Show me more things another time then! I’m excited to see!] Was her cheery response, and that understanding and anticipation led to a rather comfortable undertaking as we both moved along.

…Though I was actually quite surprised that no questions were asked of me immediately. It was a bit of a shame, since it would be nice to continue on such a topic she was curious about.

I suppose it is just the view to occupy us for now.

This journey, and this scenery was not bad though. It was most definitely a snowy forest like many others in this area, but it was far enough removed from the peak to have better soil for leafy plants to grow more easily. It was not only snow and stone everywhere in our locale after all. In fact, the larger mountain to the much farther north only had the barest snows near the peak, and was a mountain quite unlike this one, and rather full of much more green, though you were required to cross a sea channel to reach it. I entertained the thought of building an ice bridge to explore it someday. Meanwhile, our southward direction was still the domain of the snow, though its influence would lessen as you would go southwards or eastwards far enough. Also while I was reminded of the eastward sea at this time, I set a goal to at least explore its beach someday.

The weather was nice and cool, unthreatening, and gentle. Glaceon hummed into the soft ambiance of the snow falling off branches occasionally, along with the background chatter of the local pokemon, while her soft crunching footfalls were a much more close and distinct sound.

As nice as this scene would be alone, I have now learned that such a thing was much better to experience with a companion.

It was a slow, easygoing pace, but my friend’s presence so close to mine kept me feeling well, and pleased with how things were right now. All was well while we walked through the forest, covered in lively greens. It felt truly like home in a sense, more so than the cave I lived within. I may not have personally witnessed everything that had changed over time, but all things here were familiar and comfortable.

There was no conversation, but this was a gentle, happy time. Powerfully so. Some feeling welled up within me as I listened to Glaceon’s humming. Something old. Something unknown. And it burst from within me, unexpectedly as words inside my chest.

Sing now your song, sweet snow,

Brush over us gently, cool wind,

Hold true our paws, clear ice,

As we walk unto where we must be,

Care for us as we trace your paths

O’ Mountain of the Winter’s Dawn

Though we partake of your bounty

Think not that we are unkind

All below are your goodly neighbors,

All upon are your companions aligned,

In times of woe, we are your shield,

In times of ill, we are your sword,

Forever our fates shall remain entwined.

Yes. This was a very nice time. Most definitely so.

[Celeste, what was that?]

The questioning voice of my friend made me blink, and return to my senses.

I looked over at my companion, and she had stopped her own humming and was staring at me.

[Those lines, what were they?] She asked, her ice blue eyes alight with curiosity.

I winced a little at her words and pointed gaze, mostly from embarrassment. [I apologize, was all of that spoken out loud?]

[You shouldn't apologize for it Celeste. I just… don't know how to take it. How to describe it even. It was like it just… reached inside of me.] She looked quite lost, and even tossed her locks helplessly and with frustration. [Your voice totally changed, and the whole thing almost felt like a plea that resonated through everything in the area… And through me too…]

That was concerning, to voice the least of my worries. I hoped I had not harmed her. I was not even cognizant of the words leaving my muzzle, and if they had resonated upon the surroundings, or through those in my vicinity… I knew not what effects it would have in the end.

[I see… I did not realize I had spoken aloud.] My posture slumped, still wondering why I had said those things. Had done such a thing.

Glaceon was peering at me curiously now, but she did not seem worried. Nay, she actually seemed… intrigued. [It was actually more than speaking. If I had to pick a word, it’s like you were singing.]

[Singing?] I asked, a bit surprised.

That assessment brought me some clarity, as well as turmoil. I felt strongly that something was out of place. Something within was definitely lost, but also… There was something that remained that was… terribly sad as well.

But it was both numb and vague, and I could scarcely grasp even a fragment. I struggled to understand, to cling desperately to the feeling that had surfaced. But to explain at this juncture was entirely out of the question for one of my limited communication skills.

So I could only muster a blasé reply to my beloved friend: [I see…]

Her words reached me regardless. Truly, perhaps I once sang, and even now, perhaps it was so. But I still can not remember

And now those out-of-place feelings were bleeding away so very swiftly, like the melting snows in spring, leaving me feeling only empty and confused now. I was sure that I had not imagined the emotions that swept over me, but they had now vanished as if they were a lie.

Glaceon continued, oblivious to my plight.

[It was pretty, but also strangely… haunting. You really don't know what that was?] She asked me, looking at me with some actual worry now.

My head lowered and I sighed, giving my head a firm shake. [I apologize, but I do not. Perhaps it is a missing piece of mine, one of many, that was merely rising to the surface of my mind for but a moment, only to sink again, unseen perhaps forevermore.] I huffed in frustration. [Some… sadness rose within too at the same time, only to vanish as if I had imagined it, but I know I have not,] I said with a frustrated certainty.

Glaceonn said nothing, but she seemed to sigh too, stepping closer. [You alright?]

A soft, annoyed growl left me. [Yes, and no. I am very upset with myself. At these pieces of myself that I cannot access, that seem to serve only to haunt me teasingly at inopportune times,] I said to her, as I scowled in displeasure.

Glaceon took another step, and seemed to be more than willing to provide company, but she spoke instead of offering physical comfort.

[I understand, but… if there isn’t anything you can do about it, you should try and relax for now,] She said, sagely. [If you stress over it too much, you’ll just be miserable, and you might not find out anything while feeling like that.]

She had a point.

[Yes… I believe that may be so, but being left with abundant time forces one to think far too often. I can try not to dwell, but I do yet wish to regain what may be lost,] I replied, heartened by her words.

But then, another thought crept in, and there was a paralyzing fear that stiffened my body and rooted my paws where they stood. It was one that was so overwhelming, that I had no chance to suppress it.

[Glaceon, my dear friend... What if I forget more? I may forget even more things I already know, as well as anything I discover from here to hereafter. What should I do in such a situation? All my learning may one day come to naught with no way to stop it. What if I forget you? Or even my other friend?]

Glaceon stared at me very worriedly, and sunk into deep reflection.

[Well.. in that case… Why don’t you just tell me about it? Or Espeon, and we can remind you if you forget,] She replied at last. [And maybe… Leave something physical that you would recognize, like a picture for yourself. That way, you’ll trust us too when we do.]

Thinking on that plan, it was not a bad idea, by any means. It may succeed, and I never minded talking to her, or Gary. Perhaps he shall also be able to remind me. I could not ever imagine turning away one so young if he found me again on the mountain or in my cave, so it was a workable solution.

Even as I remained uncertain about the future, my sentiment now however, was pure gratitude.

[Very well. If I need to remember something important, I shall tell you. And I will also think about how to leave a physical mark to remind myself,] I told her.

[Sure! If you do remember something like that, come and tell me anytime,] Glaceon said with a smile. [You ready to keep going?]

My nod and light noise of acceptance was accompanied by a happy wag of my tailtips, and Glaceon herself giggled, at me presumably, and we both set off once more. I followed along happily, with a lighter chest now.

The journey after that was filled with a long silence between us that may not have been purely as comfortable as before, but instead turned out to be a long and peaceful time to think over more thoughts of one’s making. Still, it was not bad in the grand spectacle of all things. The hard or troublesome topics did not resurface, for myself at least, so they could not make a nuisance of themselves and depress my mood. I was enjoying things as they were.

Time, of course, had moved on as it was like to do, but Glaceon came to an abrupt halt as we reached a small clearing in the trees and heavier brush that we had been progressing through. We were geographically southward from her home, but not very far, when one considered all things. One fallen tree lay before us, and there were a number of tiny boulders scattered about this small clearing, while the whole area lay entirely in the midst of the forest. It seemed unremarkable at first glance, and the outer edges of the clearing were strongly dotted in various hardy plant life, and perhaps that was the allure. It seemed that this place would not be accidentally discovered in most cases, except from a differing perspective perhaps. An example being an aerial one.

But there was still nothing here to attract a pokemon, aside from the privacy itself.

Glaceon stepped up to the center of the fallen tree and began to dig immediately, throwing snow out behind herself. I had not moved to follow her, so it was unnecessary to shift away from the path of flying snow. After some moments of digging however, I realized the strangeness of this. There was no dirt as such that she dug, and only clean snow instead. She continued to dig the area out and exhaled with a ‘phew’ of satisfaction or exertion, stepping aside and turning back to me.

[This is it!] She said with a flourish, indicating the revealed hollow in the earth, in which a number of berries lay half exposed in the snow now. [Usually Espeon helps me to carry things here. That telekinesis of his is almost a cheat! What I wouldn't give to carry things like he can. What do you think?]

…’I would never have found it without assistance’ were my honest thoughts. I think it worked very well.

[It is very good. I cannot say that I store things much differently, although I do have one more step to my own process. In addition, my food stash is buried in a rock wall with snow, rather than under the soil itself. I rather doubt I could stumble upon this by accident, and even looking blindly, I would have had trouble. Does this place preserve the food adequately?] I asked her.

She grinned at me helplessly, with a shrug of her shoulders. [Well, it's not perfect, but it's better than nothing at all. We also don't have to take the Eevees with us to forage all the time this way, though they’ll learn that in time. Maybe soon actually.]

[I see. Would ice itself not form a better basis for the storage then? It shall eliminate the soil from accidentally infiltrating the food as well.]

Glaceon whined softly. [Yeah, but I'm not the best… at that. I’d mess up the whole thing if I tried. I’m really bad at not overdoing my ice attacks.] She faced me with a determined and braced look, ears folded back. [Go ahead and laugh if you want! I’m used to it…]

Frankly, I was taken aback by her statement.

[I would do no such thing…] I spoke to her, softly. [But, if fine control is not a particular skill of yours, may I be of some assistance here?]

Her visage took upon it the mantle of one who was conflicted, but that expression slowly waned into one of acceptance and something else.

[Sure… If you're offering. My pride wants to say no, but the Eevees are way more important than that useless thing… So, what can you do?]

[I can help you remake the storage area. Simply assist me by removing the food that is already present to a safe location, while I go and get fresh snow,] I spoke to her, and stalked away into the surrounding forest.

I chanced a final look backwards before I left, seeing that Glaceon looked quite bewildered.

It was not a terribly hard thing to run about, gathering clean patches of undisturbed snow, and forming it into a convenient rounded packet for carrying along in the air with me. Before long, the large ball of purest powder floated before me like a trophy, spherical with nary an imperfection or blemish upon it. I was feeling very proud of myself, and I shifted the ball a bit higher in the air to float over the greenery as I re-entered the clearing, so as not to dirty it with the leaves of the plants.

Moving it to the side for vision, I beheld my icy friend, staring at it in awe, with a slightly parted muzzle. There were a number of berries laid out in the snow to the right of the hole under the log, but Glaceon’s state concerned me more.

What was this curious expression she wore?

[Um. I thought you said you didn't have any psychic powers?] She spoke at last, with an air of confusion, indicating the snow.

[This? Oh, this is not done through such a thing as psychic power,] I told her, matter-of-factly.

She fixed me with a look of skepticism, and I opted to explain further.

[No, I speak the truth. I can do this thing because the snow is something I have jurisdiction over, and the snow and ice shall ever be my ally. Even in mundane tasks such as carrying and manipulating it. If I tried to lift a mere leaf in the same manner, I would surely fail.] Her quizzical look began to fade at my words, and I set the ball down carefully, a bit farther away from the dug-out hollow, then placed the large pile of berries next to the food she had removed from the hole. [I also could never be defeated by the snow or ice, since it becomes part of my strength, so here on this mountain in particular, it is possible that I am nearly invincible.]

Glaceon stared at me with wide eyes. [That’s… I've never heard of a pokemon like that…]

Her tone was hushed and hesitant, and I could only smile bitterly as I looked down, feeling somewhat remorseful. [I can only defer to your common sense about such things… I wonder if I would have been happier as a normal being...]

I turned away from Glaceon then, catching a glimpse of a shifting expression from her, but I busily dug my paws into the ground around the hollow, widening it as I scraped out and removed more and more dirt, ultimately expanding the storable area by a wide margin, but it would reduce in size again on the second part of my process.

Next up was creating a firm and impermeable boundary so that the food would not be subject to outside influences. I had learned the hard way what happened if it was not protected well, and it was a rather unenjoyed experience. But perhaps, I should explain what I have learned.

[The chill helps to preserve the food in an edible state, but the protection from the outside moving air also plays a part,] I told her, looking back. [So, I shall create a perfect layer of ice, alike to permafrost, that is stable, clean and that the air cannot permeate. Enough snow will also form this barrier, preserving your food much longer.]

Glaceon was listening attentively, but smiled bitterly as I talked about the ice portion. Perhaps it was a bit of a sore spot for her. Maybe I could do something about it in the future and help with some friendly training. Perhaps combat related training?

I scoped out the dug portion, testing how tough and packed the earth felt with my paws, and pulling a few loose stones free to finish excavating. After removing those, I felt the area was well prepared enough.

I looked back and found Glaceon standing so near me I nearly jumped. [How did you even learn this?] She asked, peering into the hollow to see what I was doing. [I kind of want to start calling you ‘my lady’ as a habit again, purely out of how much you know and all the things you can do.]

I laughed and pawed at my ear self-consciously as I sat back. [Honestly? I learned by being quite terrible at it initially. It took me quite a long time to perfect! It is probably strange that it took even longer than some pokemon live their lives to learn how to have the food stay preserved as long as I liked, but the worst thing about all of it is that I have no idea as to the exact reasons why it works!]

[That does seem frustrating. I wonder if there is anyone at all who knows,] She mused.

[Mayhap the humans know. They seem to have studied the world carefully, since they usually possess no notable powers,] I spoke in contemplation. [Those capture spheres are proof of that.]

[Yeah…] Glaceon offered, sounding very halfhearted in her reaction.

I expected a larger response, but she suddenly seemed less talkative. I glanced at her to check, but she did not seem outwardly distressed, and instead watched my actions closely.

[I shall ask one if an opportunity arises,] I said to her, smiling.

[Sure. Let me know if you find out,] She replied.

Perhaps it was alright. I flexed my paws and smiled at her. [You have spoken of not being good at this particular part, so I shall do it for you. I cannot promise that watching me will net you a benefit of learning, but I cannot say that is not the case either,]

She nodded, and I began my portion of the promised work.

Using my paws and strength, I further pressed and packed the earth within the hollow, solidly enough to resist any further shifting, then began to sweep and move the excavated dirt away. Once the area was clean and ready, I proceeded to the challenging part for Glaceon.

I decided to cheat a little, moving backwards and taking some of the clean portion of snow I had brought from the pile, stuffing it in the hole, and pressing it into the walls firmly. Once it felt sufficiently packed, I used my powers to melt it slowly, following up with my icy breath at the same time to compress the snow into an icy layer that would encase the whole hollow from every direction. Realistically, I could have used the water in the air, but this method saved some time. A lot of it actually. I worked carefully to complete at least one unbroken layer from the bottom to the top of the storage as I blew more cold air into the hollow. I kept freezing it as I packed in more and more vapor, taking my time and making sure the ice would not melt or shatter easily.

I kept my body to the side, trying to allow Glaeon a good view of what I was doing, but when I looked over, she seemed… surprised as she watched me work on her food store, if there was an extreme version of such a word. Once the ice was properly formed, I poured my strength and finesse into the ice layer, pressing it with my paws one last time as I blew even more cold into it, from every angle until it was nearly the same as stone. When I felt it was firm enough, a quick scratch test showed it would even resist my claws to an extent! I may be going overboard again, but it should serve well. Ultimately, this would feed those curious Eevees and the whole family besides, so it did not seem like a wasted effort on my part at all.

Before long, the hollow was completed, with an abundance of space for berries now, even if she would someday have quadruplets, though I prayed for her sake that such a thing would not be the case. She seemed to have her paws full with only twins this time! The very last part was to add the food and snow, and that was largely going to be her task from now and onward. Though there was an extra step she could practice if she were really a survivalist, like myself.

[It is complete,] I announced to her, after giving it one last check with my paws. [Merely fill it with berries and snow and seal the entrance well, and things should last far longer now while remaining pristine,] I explained, with a happy wag of my tails at my work.

[That’s really helpful…] She said, seemingly in awe. [Are you really okay doing this though?]

I tilted my head. [Hm? Why would I not be?]

[Nevermind… I guess I’m just overthinking things…] She said, looking a little flustered.

Glaceon began to sweep the clean snow toward the hollow, and I moved to help her out by lifting the whole large pile at once and moving it over next to where she would need it, placing it down to save her from having to make many trips. She smiled thankfully at this, which made my finally freed tails swish again in happiness.

[Oh, right, before I forget to mention it. There is one more thing you may try to learn to preserve food even longer!] I spoke, somewhat giddily. Glaceon paused in her actions and turned to look at me with eyes sparkling. Still, I felt it necessary to temper her expectations now, rather than risk her disappointment. [Be warned, it was not an easy process for myself to learn, and you must eat your failures before they spoil. I can instruct you so that there are not as many of them, but I believe strongly in not wasting food. Your failures should be your inspiration for improvement.]

She eyed me with something akin to suspicion.

[This will be something strange, won't it?] She asked in worry.

I shook my head to her.

[Not so, and it might even be good practice for you. It may help train your fine control of your ice. The trick is essentially thus: if you can freeze-dry the berries, they will retain their edibility for a very long time, and even after much time passes, may still be consumed by one without risking illness!]

Glaceon appears interested, but hesitant.

[It… sounds good, but also really hard. Even you had trouble with it?]

[Yes, but well… It was perhaps not why you were thinking,] I said, reassuringly. [You see, I had no idea what the ‘optimal’ result looked like, so I had to wait and wait to see how time affected the results, and how they tasted at various points. I do not get sick very easily, but there were a few times when I made a mistake that it did happen...] I shook my head at the memory. [The largest hurdle was time spent waiting to assess discoveries. That is something that was no consequence to me, but may be hard for one without a very long life and patience. For a fortune, I now do know what the optimal result looks like, and therefore can save you the from the pains of the waiting and the guesswork,]

Glaceon seemed lost. [Uh… can you run that by me a little simpler?]

I thought for a moment, trying to compress the essence of what I wished to impart to her.

[If you fail to produce an adequately preserved berry when we practice, I will inform you of such, do my best to tell you how to improve, and then we have said berry for lunch and save ourselves the future stomachache from it spoiling. We are free to practice more as well, and do not have to wait entire moon cycles to see if the preservation worked or not.]

That seemed to strike a note of understanding, and she finally appeared convinced.

She shrugged her shoulders. [Okay fine. I’ll practice with you. But… you definitely will help with eating the mistakes as well right?]

I laughed. So that was the issue?

[Yes, of course. The failures are not really that unpleasant to eat though; they are merely slightly less enjoyable than if they were in their pristine form. Plus, if we eat them right away, we will avoid the danger of them spoiling and finding out the hard way later,] I explained.

She looked considerably reassured now. [Oh alright. Show me how sometime. For now though, let's just finish this and relax. This is a big dig and my paws are getting tired.]


It was a short task to complete. With two pokemon working together to pack the food away and add layers of snow to the storage, things progressed at incredible speed. We had divided our roles early on, with her smaller stature used to more easily place berries within the hollow, while my affinity for snow allowed me to pack a greater amount into it, and also in more even fashion. The berries too, were pulled closer to the food storage with a normal, physical application of my tails, where they were then carefully placed within the storage, and then buried by my friend.

She packed things up quite neatly, leaving only thin layers of snow between each berry, but she was not conservative with the sealing at the end, and packed much snow firmly into the opening of the hollow, and I was duly convinced it would keep things quite protected. She had managed to fit every berry within as well, which I considered an impressive feat. She had not forgotten anything.

At least, I thought so, until I turned and spied some berries that had not been buried behind us.

[We have forgotten a few,] I informed her.

She shook her head and smiled at me conspiratorially, sweeping her tail across the snow all the while to make it look less visually disturbed.

[Nope! Those are for us!] She said, with a mischievous smirk. [Finder’s privilege! Well, worker’s privilege in this case, since you actually found all of them. It's fine if we snack on some anyway because we have more than enough stored now, and if it keeps longer than before, winter will be fine too! I can spend more time with my Eevees now, instead of foraging all the time. It’s all good things.]

Well, if that was so, then I would not hold back on her offer. I divided up the berries haphazardly, taking less than half of what remained, and making quite sure to avoid the berries with an unpleasant tang to them.

She cringed at two berries of her pile and pushed them my way.

[Trade you for two of yours?] She asked hopefully. [These ones aren't my favorite,]

[That is fine,] I replied, and proceeded to exchange hers for two of mine that she harbored no opinion of. Likewise, I was receiving two of hers that I found no like or dislike for.

And that was that. Trade completed successfully, and both parties were happy. Would that all conflicts would resolve in such a way.

We stared out, looking at the pristine wilderness as we ate, relaxing in the snow together.

Glaceon released a happy sigh as she finished one more berry, idling munching on the next which was placed very close to her muzzle as she laid on her front paws.

[It's nice to have a rest and just enjoy the weather, though not everyone on the mountain will like it as much as us,] she spoke.

[Yes, I believe that is true,] I replied. [It surprises me sometimes when an unusual type comes here to live, but I turn none away for that. It is no less impressive that they learn to deal with the cold here though. Your family as well. Espeon and your children are not like us, and one might assume they would find it difficult to live here.]

Glaceon chuckled.

[It's not so bad, being out so far in the cold. They’ve got fur. The whole place is great though. It's calm, there aren't many threats, thanks for that by the way, and we can raise our children in peace. That's all we wanted. Plus, a good den and some food, and the mountain isn't too scary or even that dangerous. Even to Espeon and our children. The humans leave us alone too and aren't out in force trying to capture us. You really make this place kind of an amazing one.]

I felt a strange heat on my muzzle and some awkwardness too, but also a happiness that seemed to bubble up like a small stream within. [If it is like that everywhere in this domain, then what I have done every day before now was worthwhile.]

My friend seemed to beam at me like a ray of sun, and that awkwardness of mine turned to full blown embarrassment on my part. The heat on my face did not go away either.

I turned to my berries once more and hastily consumed them to escape her gaze for a time, but I had perhaps eaten in too much haste or vigor, since the juice had splashed over myself. Sneezing, I struggled to remove it from myself using the nearby snow.

Of course, my friend laughed heartily at me all the while.

The berries and our task were finished, and I had swept the traces of our meal out of the clearing as best I could do, momentarily turning to snow to clean the last of the juice from my muzzle and fur while Glaceon was distracted, and we had both returned to our place of eating to stare up at the light snows that drifted down from the sky.

I felt like I could have fallen asleep here in peace, but Glaceon appeared to be getting somewhat antsy.

[It’s an okay spot here, but it’s probably better to head back home to wait,] she eventually stated.

[I suppose that is true. Shall we venture towards your home then?] I asked.

[Yeah, if you don't mind the change of location, that’d be good.]

I did not, and after communicating such with a shake of my head and a smile, we set off, away from the clearing and back towards her den. I believe both of us were in a somewhat relaxed mood from the meal, and she seemed to be in additional comfort now that she was heading towards home. As a result, conversation was light between us.

[So Celeste, you said you found yourself with extra time today, but what do you usually do with your free time?] She asked as we walked side by side.

[Wait,] I replied at once.

[What, just that?] She asked, surprised.

[Yes, I would wait patiently. At least, I used to do so, but now I cannot seem to stomach merely waiting any longer. Of late, I do not know what to do with the time not spent doing tasks. And of course, when there are no storms, conflicts or disasters, there is very little for me to do in that case,] I flicked my tails placidly. [Simply a daily patrol, followed by listening for problems. It has been that way for years.]

I suppose I only really realized how boring that could be once fun had entered my life.

[Seriously…? You would just… wait? Doing nothing?] Glaceon asked in a slightly higher voice.

Glancing at her again, she looked to be half-confused and half-worried now.

Still, I nodded to her question with a small noise of assent, and she paused her walk and stared at me with a rather serious look on her face. I co*cked my head and thought to explain further as I stopped along with her, wondering if it was not very clear.

[My apologies if I have explained poorly. I would simply wait until I was needed, for entire days if necessary. Or, sometimes I would sleep to pass more time than being awake. Aside from looking over the mountain during a patrol, I remember doing little else, besides the occasional exploration of this territory to keep apprised of potential problems. My work of averting disasters or saving others, of course, is a separate thing entirely too. These days, there have not been many threats to drive away either. All of those things do not seem to fall into the definition of ‘free time’ for me however.]

[I see…] She looked away, and her voice trailed off without energy.

I had a sudden, creeping suspicion based on her response, and my ears flattened as I decided to ask her for confirmation. [That is not… what normal pokemon would do, is it?]

She looked back at me hesitantly, and her muzzle was a mask of sadness. [No Celeste, It’s not.] She paused, and seemed to be examining me closely. [Are you… alright like that?]

Though I meant to reply that I was certainly alright, no words left me. I had meant to retort that I was completely fine with that situation, but then… I felt something uncomfortable strike me, as if my chest was squeezed, and not merely painful. And I knew then that I could not respond as I had planned. Even to reassure her.

Because it would be a lie.

So I told her the truth instead.

[I was alright before, but now the ways I was used to living have become bland, painful, or outright intolerable.] Forcing out a sigh, I faced her and bowed my head lightly in apology. [Even today was a result of such feelings. I had hoped not to trouble you, but i knew not what else to do when I was feeling terribly lost today about so many things. And so I came here…]

What a pitiful Snow Spirit I truly was.

[That's alright.] She smiled at me, and her cool countenance was full of warmth and reassurance. [Friends are good for that sort of thing, and help each other out when they can. Even if you don’t want to help me out, you can just hang out. Did you know that talking about things that bother you can make you feel better?]

[Truly? I have not heard of such a thing directly, but have begun to suspect it. The idea only came from that advice of Espeon’s that you spoke of, and also from recent experiences, since I now seem to seek out others in my own distress.] Staring up at the peak momentarily as I gathered my thoughts, I swept the snow behind me with my tails out of agitation. [I deeply wonder why there are so many missing pieces within me,]

Glaceon herself looked toward the peak curiously, and back at me. I wonder why I had even looked there. I knew perfectly well that the peak was currently unoccupied, but I gazed there regardless. I turned back to her.

[You have just seen me looking up at the peak, yes? Well, I do not know why I have done it, since no one is currently there. Such is just one mystery of many. I do a number of things that I have no reason or explanation for. I have been to places that I have an impression of, but would swear I have never visited. It is not just what I do but what I know as well, down to the deepest core,] I scoffed at myself. [Even language is no exception!]

I stamped on the snow in frustration, actually leaving a plethora of footprints.

[Only the meanings of some words seemed to stick in my mind from long ago. Emotions, for example, are complicated. I have heard the names of emotions before, but did not understand them at all until just recently. It is like… all of me is waking up from a terribly long dream. I even discovered that such was a new sensation to me.]

[What do you mean? Waking up? Or dreaming in general?] She asked, keeping close to me.

[It is the second. Dreams are entirely new for me to experience, yet it borders unto the impossible to have lived for hundreds and hundreds of seasons without having even a single one.] Glaceon nodded to me in agreement. [When I spoke to you before about a nightmare, it was not merely the first nightmare I have had, It was also the first dream I have had. But… one more possibility exists.]

She peered at me curiously. [Yeah? What’s that?]

I exhaled deeply before I tried to speak, putting a colder chill into the air unintentionally. [I may have simply… forgotten all of the rest. Of course, the first dream in my memory could simply be the only one I could ever remember. Lending obvious evidence to this, is the fact that there were no other dreams I remembered from any time before, but strangely enough, there was always a clear awareness within me, of what a dream is. It brings up another inconsistency too, in that the dream explanation does not explain all the other missing knowledge within me. So I believe it is more likely that I have lost a great many things more than originally thought. I now strongly suspect that I am missing many memories…]

Glaceon looked down into the snow. [Celeste, that's possible…] She admitted sadly. [You’ve been around a really long time. Maybe that makes it hard to remember.]

There was a pang of unease in my stomach at her reply. [I thought you may say that. It is hard to hear, but perhaps necessary to accept. Additionally, with what Espeon has also said… I have become increasingly worried about myself. About what I have lost, and about what… remains within me.]


[I cannot help but worry! If I lost the pieces of myself forevermore, am I not… incomplete? What is to say that who I am now is who I should truly be?] I half-shouted.

Words seemed to fail Glaceon, and she hung her head. She stepped closer to me as she flicked and laid her tail against my side. Perhaps Glaceon had fallen silent because there were truly no answers to be found. The feeling that evoked was something that felt quite a bit like despair, but even through that crawling, crushing sensation, it was still better not to be alone. She nudged me slightly forward, and we began to move once more, though we stuck more closely together now though. My friend appeared to be deeply in thought the whole time, walking along with me quietly.

I thought the whole return journey may progress in such a state, and I would have accepted such a thing with her presence there to calm me, but the silence was suddenly shattered by her.

[Celeste, one thing comes to mind. You said you get impressions of places you've never been to, right? I’m thinking that you haven't really lost everything. If you were a totally blank stone, you shouldn’t even have that vague impression! So maybe the memories aren't totally gone then, and there’s even a way to bring them back.] She co*cked her head and ears and flashed a reassuring smile up at me. [Worth thinking about right? I don’t have the slightest clue on how to approach that though. Would you want to talk to Espeon about it again?]

I once again felt she had a reasonable point, and I had not considered that myself. I still felt angry and frustrated, and almost like tears wanted to come as well, but I also felt like… fighting against this. I wanted to battle against such cluelessness and helplessness and not let it overcome me without a struggle.

How very ‘pokemon’ of me.

[I think, perhaps I must. Even if nothing can be done and nothing is proven, his insight would be helpful, as it always is.] I replied.

She nodded and looked thoughtful as she pressed a paw to her muzzle.

[Alright. Well, in that case, for a big discussion, let’s plan for the time when everyone’s free, which is likely during a good long Eevee nap. Think you can stay for that long? Maybe even… help tire them out a bit?] She asked hopefully. [The chance to catch up some rest would be good.]

[Well, I certainly have the time for it, and aside from also wishing to see them again, I will do my best to tire the children out for the nap!] I announced, following up with a laugh.

Glaceon appeared relieved and happy, though I knew not which reasons were the cause for it.

[Haha, that’s great! You’ll certainly be a guardian spirit to my sanity Celeste!] she chipped in with a smile.

On the way back, I asked more about how I was meant to tire the children out, and she merely replied that an abundance of physical exercise was the easiest trick to it, but the specifics of the discussion lasted us the whole journey back to her home, and included a few of their favorite activities on top of the common games they played.

When we arrived back at the den, we were spotted immediately by Espeon, who was standing tall on top of the boulder in the snowfield, clearly keeping a lookout. I was not certain at this distance, but he appeared surprised that Glaceon had not returned alone. Or… perhaps the source of surprise was simply related to myself being present at all, so soon from last time.

I stayed a number of steps behind as Glaceon separated from me, progressing onward and causing Espeon to jump off of the rock where he kept watch. They met there in the shade of it, and shared an affectionate nuzzle with each other. I looked away, feeling embarrassed for some reason.

I kept my gaze averted for a few moments more, before turning back to see both of them gazing at me, with Espeon in particular wearing a quizzical expression. I bowed my head lightly and fixed Espeon with a sheepish gaze.

[Greetings to you Espeon. I have come over again this day, seeking some pieces of advice, as well as to try and occupy some extra time I found myself with. I also wished to discuss some things related to the mind as well, if you would be willing to do so.]

[Hello to you too Celeste. I hope the day finds you well,] he greeted me pleasantly.

[Reasonably well in body, though my mood has been affected by various things. Still, I hope you are well also,] I replied to him.

[Things have been good today so far, but the Eevees being cooped up for so long is definitely going to come back to bite me in the tail, I’m sure,] he spoke with some mirth.

[Maybe not as much as you think Espy!] Interjected his mate, butting her whole body up against him with a grin. [Celeste here has graciously offered to try and tire the little gremlins out for us, so we might actually have a decent break today.]

Espeon looked fairly surprised at his mate.

[Really? That would be exceedingly welcomed. Even my body needs a rest now and then,] he spoke, beginning to laugh.

It was the first time I had heard him laugh in such a carefree manner, and one could say it came across as strongly charming in his deeper-toned voice. Still, a laugh does not a good mate make, and it was the way they seemed to complete each other that had me convinced in thinking that they were such a good pair.

I smiled at them both. [I shall do my best, but do keep in mind that my success may be somewhat… limited. I will be trying something I am unfamiliar with, after all.]

Not to mention that I am here in an unknown status of welcome to him, and feeling worried that I may be unsuitable for these Eevee games. If only other pokemon were simpler to figure out…

An unvoiced sigh in my chest.

But, very often, they were simply baffling, and difficult to figure out with how far apart we were in living conditions, way of life, as well as this supposed grandeur of me being a well-known figure of some repute. I was having a fair bit of difficulty picking apart and identifying the subtleties, and only seemed to grasp the larger behaviors of pokemon I had seen for now.

[It’s really alright you know,] Espeon spoke suddenly. [To be here, I mean.]

I looked at him, feeling confused, but his steady gaze upon myself clued me in that he was addressing me specifically, and Glaceon nuzzled into his neck at those words, then nodded at me as well.

Oh. I see. There had not even been time for Glaceon to mention my earlier talk with her, but he seemed to know regardless.

To be honest, I was still very worried about it. I had not yet heard that statement of acceptance from his own muzzle before this, and I would be lying if I stated that such a thing was not powerfully on my mind. His ability seemed very useful. Perhaps to him, I may as well be shouting my worries aloud, but when things like this happened, I could not hate it in even the slightest degree. There was a profound weight that had lifted from me too.

[Very well Espeon, and thank you as well. More and more, I find your incredible abilities of the mind do wonders to save me from much of my internal strife, and I truly find them a strange, earnest and beautiful comfort. I shall try to work on my own issues more, as well as try to stamp down feelings that make me wary of visiting.]

Espeon clearly flushed at my words, even appearing momentarily awkward but not displeased by them. [Honestly, your way of viewing my mental powers is a way I am… somewhat unused to hearing. Most pokemon find it disconcerting at best.] He smiled with a rare swish of his tail. [Thank you for the fresh perspective, and acceptance, and you are welcome to come around anytime you need to.]

Glaceon wore a grin and swished her tail much more enthusiastically, looking pleased as she rubbed up against Espeon in playful affection.

[You should try to relax now anyway Celeste, especially if you’re throwing yourself to the Eevees soon,] Glaceon said in a falsely menacing tone, then giggled. [With luck, they should be at least a little tired from being out with Espeon so early,] she explained, finally separating from the immediate proximity of her mate and sitting down.

[Very well. I suppose they are settled in the den for now?]

[That they are, probably building up energy for play like little volcanoes.] Glaceon turned to her mate again. [So who’s doing what next? Have the Eevees eaten?]

[I figure we’ve both had an eventful morning, so why don't we both work together to get things done quicker?] Espeon replied. [Also, the kits have already eaten. They snacked from the bushes we tracked down.]

Glaceon wore a complicated face.

[That’s gonna spoil them away from stored food…] She said worriedly.

Espeon seemed to be of a differing opinion though.

[I figured a treat wouldn’t hurt if it's not often, plus they learn how rewarding the feeling of finding a good food source is. Good motivation to get better at it, don’t you think?]

Glaceon scrunched her face and sighed, appearing to relent.

[Fine, but we can't do it for them too often or they’ll expect it. I guess you’re right about motivation too, as long as they put in the hard work finding and conserving food, they should have the results for themselves.]

Something about the content of this conversation was very familiar, and I tuned out as I thought back deeply about it. Everything spoken about reminded me of dull flashes of a harsh place, where survival was much different than now. I remembered learning to find food, and ways to locate it, and ways to ration it, while accidentally learning how to store it. The thing is, I recall learning those things on my own, and those survival methods became the few things I was good at, long ago.

Still, all that talk of food reminded me a bit of the valley. Strange how we never seemed to think of cultivating food ourselves. What would happen if the human idea of agriculture became more widespread among us? Would we decrease the conflicts between us? The future would be hard to predict, but the increase of food might bolster populations and cause even more fighting in the long run. Perplexing.

I looked over at the pair of Eeveelutions, seeing Espeon viewing me while wearing a curious and thoughtful look, while Glaceon appeared to be trying not to laugh.

[Hey Celeste, you back with us?] Glaceon asked playfully. [I called your name once or twice.]

Oh no. She had? I felt quite embarrassed and hurriedly nodded to her query.

[Yes, my apologies. I was thinking of the long gone days I learned those things, though no one was around to teach them to me, and I had to figure it out myself.]

[Oh, I get it.] Espeon gave a rare grin. [Still, you must have gotten it right, since you’re here now!]

[Espeon!] Glaceon half-shouted, scowling at her mate. [A little delicacy please?]

[No, it is fine my friend, and I suppose it must truly be as he says,] I acquiesced with a laugh.

Espeon looked apologetic from Glaceon’s scolding, but I smiled reassuringly at him. It really did not bother me, and I cannot recall any negative feelings about it from that time. It was like a faraway experience that held no sway over me in the present.

[Sheesh Espy. Sometimes I swear you can just stick your paw in the worst places. Anyway, Celeste, we’re gonna head out in a bit, and if you're still set to kit-sit for us, I’ll call them over. Otherwise i’m making him stay here to watch them,]

[It is fine. Give the boy a rest as well. I am willing and able to watch them. They will be well looked after, and hopefully also suitably entertained too.]

[Sounds good,] she said, leading us all over towards her home.

I heard muffled voices from within the den of a number of things, including laughter, loud disagreement, and theatrical bravado. And then shrieks and more laughter. Ha, well. They certainly seemed to get along well with each other.

[Oi. You fluff balls can come out now, we’re both home and we have a surprise for you!] Glaceon called into the den, then deftly stepped aside from the entrance. Espeon immediately did the same, and I was left confused and immobile.

The sound of a scuffle and shouting immediately left the opening, and the resulting commotion became louder and louder when, with a flurry of movement, both Eevees tumbled out of the entrance, leading me to believe that they had been fighting to get out faster than the other and burst forth with speed. The young girl managed to dig her paws into the snow to kill her momentum, but the boy tripped, flying forward and nearly crashing into my front legs at the same time as a result, which was swiftly remedied by a quick step backward to avoid him.

[Hey, it’s Miss Celeste!] Said the boy happily as he looked up at me, still laying on his back after the tumbling exit.

[Oh, you really came back again!] Said the young girl, still on her paws and wagging her tail as she bounced a few times.

I tilted my head at that curious statement. [I did say that I would, did I not?]

[Yeah, but when our other siblings say they’ll visit, it takes them aaages to show back up again!] She chirped.

Aah. Now I see.

[Perhaps that is because of the distance they must travel to visit you,] I offered.

[Might be!] Spoke the male as he rolled to his front and got to his paws at last, shaking the snow from himself.

Both of them began to circle me in a run, likely in excitement, and I kept an eye on their antics while Glaceon and Espeon explained a general plan of what they would be doing. Most of the important information was constrained to where they would be and when, in case I needed them suddenly and could not await their return.

During all of that, the children did their best to be as distracting as possible: pouncing after my tails, grappling onto my front paws, and even jumping onto and over me, with varying degrees of success. I tolerantly allowed this, as it let the adults finish the discussion of things effortlessly, however, one particularly amusing interaction was successful in derailing the talks. When the young girl was filled with the drive to begin tackling me again, I placed my front paw on her forehead before the charge had begun, causing her to squeal and struggle to try and push my whole paw forward with all four of hers, added to the occasional flailing from her front paws. Even Espeon laughed at that one.

By the time the discussion ended, the Eevees were distinctly less rambunctious, instead lined up and leaning on each other, listening and observing all three of us in anticipation. It might look calm and cute with them snuggled up now, but that was only if you had not seen the antics of before. They merely bided their time, and are certainly geared up to play already, and this time, I was going to be subjected to the full brunt of it.

[Alright then. Are you all set Celeste?] Glaceon asked.

I nodded, perhaps far more confidently than I felt, yet still convinced I was fine. [I believe so, yes.]

[Again, If you find things difficult, we'll return after a bit of time, and you can just call me in the den for backup,] Espeon explained. [And you know how to track us down in an extreme case too.]

That indeed was quite comforting, since being left solely on my own for too long would worry me. Espeon smiled gently in my direction, and I felt further reassured.

Glaceon stepped forward to give her children a goodbye nuzzle and a lick. [Alright kits, we’re both heading out for a bit, but we’re leaving Celeste to play with you for now, so be good, alright?]

[Listen to what she says, and play nice, or you will get a stern talking to when we return,] warned Espeon, before he too approached to give them both an affectionate nuzzle of his own.

I smiled at the scene. Both Eevees agreed happily, tails wagging ever since the first mention of ‘play’, and they bid their parents goodbye in cheerful voices, which both parents returned before finally turning to depart. I watched Glaceon and Espeon leave to the southeast in an easygoing run and let out a soft sigh, focusing above all on trying not to be overly nervous and sitting down before both siblings now.

And so it begins.

[Last time, I was unable to play with you properly, but I have my proper strength today. Is there anything you desire to do?] I asked the children.

Both of them appeared to think, huddled together.

[Wanna start with chase?] The younger sister eevee asked me.

[Nah, let’s do tag!] Her brother interjected.

I looked between them, unsure how to settle that debate.

[Oh, okay! But why not chase?] She asked

He huffed and slumped his shoulders. [‘Cause we’ve been in the woods a bunch already today! Do you really want to run into more trees?]

[Eeeegh, I guess that makes sense…] Replied the sister, unconvinced.

After going over the rules, the game of tag started relatively normally, with each of us taking turns being the one pursuing the rest, though they did have to clue me in on certain additional caveats that they played with after a round or so. ‘Den Rules’, was it? From what I understood, these were mostly simple things and subtleties designed to avoid arguments and maximize fun, such as the inclusion of a ‘head start’ and a restricted play area, to make it more dynamic and for the captures to happen more often.

Still, it was a game that teaches lots of things that were useful to a pokemon: the ability to keep footing in snow, good reaction time and quick turning, and also things like acrobatic dodges and rolls were useful and allowed as well, made more commonly employed by the limited play area. While this may not have been working out my body, the strain it put on my mental focus and planning was considerable, especially with how slippery and agile the two Eevees turned out to be. We spent a great deal of time on each game, though we took short breaks every now and then to catch our breaths. After a large number of rounds, we had shifted the game into the more dynamic version of tag, where a round would not end and instead the next person who would be tagged would immediately become the pursuer until one of the three of us called for ‘time out’.

I thought things were going fine, but I noticed that a problem was slowly manifesting itself the longer we played. Though I was doing very well at the game, I could tell both of the siblings were becoming increasingly frustrated at me, though at a slow pace. When I focused more upon their grumbled and mumbled words, the stark realization slapped me in the muzzle like the most obvious fact in the world.

It seemed as though I was too fast, and they could not get close to me unless I had to slow myself to a degree or found myself cornered, and my own chases of them ended up terribly short as well. Frankly, I wished to kick myself. If I had realized these subtleties sooner and held back from the onset, I doubt they would notice at all if I went very easy on them to increase their enjoyment, but that angle was well and truly lost now that they were very aware of how very fast and agile I could be. Drat.

I hit upon one idea though. I recalled a memory of Espeon playing with them as I spoke with Glaceon, and he quite often seemed to change the game to keep them focused, and had lifted them in the air with his powers once…

Perhaps I could also adjust the game to fix this.

Coincidentally, I swept my tails out, just within range for the brother to desperately pounce and land upon a tail, and he darted off immediately, along with his sibling upon seeing the contact. Apparently ‘tagbacks’ were not fun if done immediately afterward, so I set my sights upon the sister instead. Predictably, she screamed when she saw me in pursuit and ran faster, but I was upon her quickly, and she had not been prepared for how fast I had turned my attention to her.

I nosed under her belly, mid run and lightly tossed her a good distance straight upwards, positioning my tails to safely break her fall. Her shocked squeal and flailing paws attracted the attention of her brother, who looked back in time and watched her land comfortably while wearing a surprised expression himself. The girl positively cackled and flailed on her back after she processed what had transpired, and her tail was wagging furiously too.

[That was coooool!] She gushed, suddenly grinning my way.

I glanced at the boy, who continued to stare intently. I could practically see the thoughts turning in his mind, and then his face lit up with a matching grin. I am positive he had now decided the same as his sister: to be flung was enjoyable.

[Don’t leave me out!] He cried, and then bolted away from me.

[Ooh, you had best run fast little Eevee, lest you learn how to fly too!] I announced to him, then gave chase once more, but not too quickly, as the momentum of my movements caused the girl to roll off of my tails with a protesting whine.

The boy meanwhile shrieked and laughed at my words, clearly running faster now to escape, but while I approached extremely speedily, I waited to capture him increase the surprise, then finally scooped and flung him upward with great care, the sudden shock of being airborne causing him to yell in fright, before recovering with laughter as he landed softly and safely on a ninetales cushion. After that, a new rhythm of the game developed quickly.

I would alternate catching them in turns and giving them a gentle toss into the air, only for them to land in my fluff as a cushion, both of them spouting giggles in turn as they flew and landed, yet the other was already trying to escape by the time their sibling had been flung. They seemed to have communicated this to each other wordlessly, and I had to quickly change targets to toss and catch the other sibling as soon as I broke their fall.

Working together like this, they were trying hard to gain more and more distance from me by running in opposite directions after each toss, but unfortunately for them, they had not considered that I could change the angle of the throw itself, and bit by bit, i had collapsed the distance until both Eevees were within my grasp at once. Finally, with a mightier dash, I had scooped both of them up in a single charge and tossed them together. They both screamed in delight, before landing softly on my tails one last time and positively dissolving into boisterous laughter as a pair, before soundly running out of air and slumping there catching their breath. I laid down and let them rest there, chuckling a bit myself as I relaxed as well.

Once they had recovered a little longer, they then demanded to be flung upward once more, but without the chase preceding it. I acquiesced in a rather pleased mood. They did not seem frustrated at being caught together, despite my finally overcoming their tactics, but this was good. I had finally delivered happiness unto them. I gave a quiet sigh of gratitude in my own mind to their father.

Thank you Espeon. The play style I have witnessed from you previously worked wonders upon them, and their frustration seemed to be utterly forgotten as they were lightly tossed up, and caught on my fluffy tails over and over. It was not tiring in the slightest of course, though I wondered how long this would truly satisfy them.

It was about this time that Espeon and Glaceon returned together, with a floating ball of either water or ice that they carried with them- or perhaps both? It was hard to tell at this distance. Both of them paused to look over at their kits and myself at their arrival, though they kept watch from a distance. Seeing me watching them as well, they set the ball down on the snow momentarily, bowing in tandem, and then meeting my gaze with grateful smiles, then resumed their task of carrying the ball of (possible) liquid into the den. Huh. I suppose they could do something similar to myself with Espeon’s help. How useful. I also wondered how deep and complex the den really was, since it did not appear very large from the outside.

Predictably, the two siblings soon became bored of this tossing play, but had not demanded a new game immediately, and were instead relaxing together on top of my tail fan and chatting idly. Their energy levels seemed a little lower now, and they had both taken to snuggling into the tails as they lay on the ground. Somehow, the precious sight of them like that calmed my mind as well. Espeon made a reappearance then, lying down on his front quite a ways away to keep an eye on things, but Glaceon was not with him and remained inside their home. Perhaps she was more tired than I had presumed. If so, I hoped she could have a good rest.

I was also laying down myself, rather enjoying the quiet moment for as long as I could and enjoying the pleasant softness of the snow as well, while the Eevees took their own comfort from my fur. The break continued to last a long time, with both children being more talkative between themselves, but including me as well, when I had relevant responses. Once again, I found myself pulled around to the topics of battles, moves, and interesting places I had seen, but I did not mind at all. It was nice not to need to pay such close attention to the Eevees too, since I could physically feel where they were, and they were presently content to calmly lay on my tails.

A sudden pinch on one tail made me jump slightly and gaze at it in surprise. The culprit, one rambunctious eevee sister, had it in her muzzle. She was holding it gently this time, even as she laid on her back on the rest of the tails, batting at the tail tip held right before her nose.

I laughed. Mischief aside, she looked positively adorable like that, and I appreciated that she was being gentle with me now too.

She let go of the tail, wearing an innocent smile. I gently bopped her nose with the tip, causing her to giggle. She captured it in her paws, nuzzled it, then asked If I could give both of them a ride, since I was so big.

I replied that such a thing would be fine, and right away, two eevee kits were busy clambering up my side in a race to perch on top of me first. The male was the winner, but did not gloat, and his sister only whined in displeasure at losing. And then, they both looked forward to me expectantly.

[All right all right,] I said, chuckling at the enthusiasm. [Alllll aboard the Ninetales Taxi I suppose.]

[Taxi? What’s that?] The boy asked.

[A word I heard from humans once. Based on the context, I believe it means ‘transport’,] I told them.

The boy let out a thoughtful ‘huh’, while I could hear the girl softly muttering ‘taxi, taxi…’ to herself. Perhaps she was trying to memorize it. Hopefully I had not made an error in the meaning. I would check for her by eavesdropping another day, or ask Gary when he returns.

Checking behind and seeing them quite settled on top of me, I took them on a slow run around the wide field, and they enjoyed the height and speed for a while, but then asked me if I could go faster or even farther.

[Hmm. I can, but I am unsure whether I should. I would have to ask your parents about that, so let us go ask them.] I said, privately thinking that acquiescence would be an unlikely outcome.

I took my time over towards their home, and both Espeon and Glaceon were sitting together talking in what seemed to be a calm conversation dotted with a few future plans. I hoped the break they were getting was helpful. They both smiled as I approached, and I am fairly certain I detected gratitude there as well. Bowing gently to them both, I posed the question to them both, whether they would object to me taking them both out for an exploratory run, farther than the confines of the open field. The two Eevees loudly voiced their pleadings after my question, and looking back, I saw that they had fixed their parents with a begging look and twin whines.

Espeon swished his tail placidly, and glanced at his mate. [What do you think, love?]

[Uh, I think that's fine. Celeste, just don't take them into any stranger’s territory,] She replied gently.

…Glaceon, that statement is mightily unhelpful for one such as myself, who is ignorant of such things. Her easygoing response was also very different from the one I expected. She had even shrugged her shoulders as she gave her answer.

[What are strange territories?] I asked, utterly baffled. [Are there any such places between your home and my own? Or, better yet, specific locations you do not wish me to go to?]

She paused, seeming to be reconsidering her response and looking over me, then relaxing once more. [No, not really. I think I’m overreacting. They’ll be protected if they’re with you, so... You can go wherever, just not too far west okay? I don't really want them near the human town yet. Also don’t take them out for too long right now. Mealtime will be soon,] she responded.

The Eevees cheered on top of me, either for the food or for the permission, and I had to adjust as one of them bounced in place to make sure they would not fall. They eventually settled again and waved to their parents as I set off to the north to begin with. Espeon called to them to be safe and behave, and I witnessed both parents get up and head off to the south.

After they were out of sight, I addressed the two children once more.

[I did not think that they would say yes, if I am to be honest, so let me think of a few places we may reach immediately. Another day, we may explore further out, but for now, let us find some close places, so you do not miss your mealtime.]

[[Okaaay!]] Both of my passengers replied, and I chuckled.

Now, where to venture to…

I ended up thinking of two places in quick succession, neither of any particular importance, but they were nice nonetheless. I thought they were nice, anyhow.

First on the destination list was a short, two-sided cave formed of natural ice, that twisted and turned and was more interesting than it was habitable or defensible. After we arrived at one entrance, I let them off to play around in it, though I kept my ears and presence-sensing attentive the whole time, for the cave stability itself as well as external threats as well. They found it fun to explore and examine the simple glittering cave, and they played around by running through the bright blue light filtering through it, but before too long they moved on. I laid down for them obediently, and they quickly clambered on top of me again.

The second place I brought them was a partially frozen stream that fed into a small icy pond before continuing down the mountain further. I sometimes stopped for a moment here on patrols, as the water was very often quite clean and pleasant, though it could not be accessed currently with the layer of ice on top. Both Eevees immediately wandered over top of it, which I found… more than a bit worrying, if truth be told. It was solid, I knew, but it may not have been for all they knew. I gave them a word of caution not to be so reckless with icy ponds in the future, which they returned with a dispirited affirmation from each of them. A sigh from me. At the very least, they had experimentally tested the outer edge with a bounce before they ran to the middle.

[It’s pretty I guess, but is that all it is?] Asked the sister, poking at the ice.

[Step off it please. You will see,] I told her with a grin.

Touching the side of the ice after they were both safely off of it, I melted the ice in an instant, turning it into a clear, mirror-like pond that one could perfectly see their reflection in. You could also now see the gentle ripples from the deep stream that fed it and kept it clean, and I waved my paw towards it.

[I find this pool has the best water, so partake as you like! I come here on patrols sometimes for this reason,] I told them.

[Patrol? Isn’t your territory nearer the middle of the mountain?] Asked the boy, confused.

[Why yes, but…] I hesitated. [Well I suppose I just keep an eye on things farther afield at times,] I replied in a general manner, wishing to move the conversation away from my identity for now, feeling nervous.

[I wanna know how you did that ice thing!] The sister squeaked to me. [Can mom do that too? Is it a Ninetales-only thing?]

I ruffled her head fur with a paw, causing her to squirm and protest, calming her.

[I do not know the answer to either question, regrettably,] I replied. [It took me quite a long while to learn it, and I mostly find it useful for obtaining water when it is necessary.]

[Ohh okay,] She spoke, sounding disappointed and idly grooming the fur I had shifted out of place.

[I shall try and research the answer for you,] I told her, dropping a tail on her head playfully, causing her to laugh and swat at it.

Both Eevees seemed to enjoy the water as I had previously, and I also paused to take my own drink, finding the clear taste to be exceedingly refreshing, along with feeling an unusual sense of… being connected to the mountain itself. Like its power flowed through this stream. I found that incredibly reassuring, personally.

After all three of us had had our fill, I told them to back away from the water’s edge. With a playful wag of my tails, I gently touched the barest edge of the pond, and froze the top again in an instant, keeping the chill only on top of the water. The Eevees made a note of amazement and enjoyment behind me. I smiled back at them, then cast an eye over the frozen pond again. The top was solid, the stream would continue to flow into it unimpeded, and the water would remain clean for the future, with the excess runoff continuing onward to places unknown. I thought that was for the best. It was normal ice too, so other pokemon would be able to safely break the ice if needed.

Actually, I had once come here to freeze and then pilfer a large chunk of ice from this pond to take home to my own cave, and that was how my current water source originated. I had actually gone out of my way for it too. I supposed I just rather liked this water here for some reason. It was very good water.

After both Eevees had climbed me once more, I thought about Glaceon’s words.

[I am worried about our remaining time before the meal, and so, rather than a third destination, I shall instead show you a bit of speed, assuming you are still wanting to see that.]

Both of them were quite loudly enthusiastic, but fussed in disapproval when I wrapped my tails over them, holding them against my back.

[Is this really important?] Asked the girl, shifting against my tail in displeasure.

[It is. No excessive squirming now,] I chided her. [You shall not be disappointed, I can promise you both.] Stretching all four paws, I flashed them a cheeky grin. [Prepare yourself now, and let me know if you wish me to slow down.]

After both of them had spoken of their readiness, I took off in a proper run this time, though not the extreme version of this morning, and I felt two sets of paws immediately clamp to me tighter.

Haha, that is why I had warned you and used my tails too. I had expected to hear protests to slow myself but…

[Woooo! Go faster go faster!] Screamed the girl.

[W-what?] The male replied in alarm.

[Is that alright with both of you?] I asked.

Two of them were along for the ride after all, and it would not be fair to punish one for the sake of the other’s amusem*nt.

[Okay fine!] The brother cried in exasperation. [Do your worst!]

I chuckled and thrust my paws more deeply into the snow, propelling myself farther with each step now. Permission given, I clamped them both down more firmly with my tails and put on a terrific burst of speed using the increased leverage. The girl screamed and cheered loudly in delight after she had clung tightly to me, her wagging tail batted against my back as the wind whipped it. Her brother’s scream meanwhile, was a bit more genuine than hers at first, but he also did not call for me to slow my pace. After many moments, he too seemed to get used to the speed and began to enjoy it thoroughly, and his laughter was now amazed and genuine.

[Okay, I see why you won at tag now,] said the male Eevee breathlessly after a time, sounding rather enlightened.

I couldn't help but similarly burst out in laughter, and angled myself towards their home now, with a few zigzags thrown in for thrills and to make the trip take a bit longer. The Eevees eventually noticed where we were heading and loudly protested cutting the exploration and especially the run short. The girl resorted to begging me to continue for longer, while the boy began squishing his paws through my fur and whining in fervent opposition. To counter them, I asked them if they were truly uninterested in the lunch that likely awaited them at home.

Both of them fell silent right away, and the girl puffed herself up.

[Definitely! We gotta go home right now then,] said the girl, as if it was her plan all along.

I snorted at the quick turnabout.

[Well then! Ninetales taxi, heading towards the last destination for now: Lunchtime for hungry ‘vees!] I announced playfully.

Both of them giggled at that, and I joined in with my own light laughter as we all headed back to their den.

After disembarking the Eevees from myself, they ran over to where both their parents were currently situated. Both laid before a large portion of berries, and they started dividing them up according to likes and dislikes, though there were not any that I particularly enjoyed. I selected one large berry that was not possessed of that unpleasant tang, and placed it before my place in the circle.

[You can have more if you want, Celeste,] Glaceon offered, but I shook my head.

[No, this is enough my friend,] I replied, truly content enough with this single large one. [Plus, I have already eaten earlier today.]

She shrugged and smiled. [Alright then, but feel free to have more if you change your mind girl.]

For once, all of us, old and young, were seeking a break, and there was now a nice lunch spread out on the snow for everyone to partake in, even with a place set aside for myself as well. My chest fluttered with a sense of belonging, and I truly felt like I was not really imposing myself at all here. Perhaps this was truly okay.

I was eating that one berry demurely, while everyone else had a two-to-five berry portion for themselves. Glaceon had privately asked me how much I would eat long before I had left, and I had replied a single one would be enough, and would allow me to join the meal and partake of her hospitality. She seemed to have brought extra berries regardless, and they remain un-divvied out at present. It was very nice of her, but I was really alright with just one.

The twins did notice this abnormality and got curious though.

[Are you feeling okay? Don't you want to eat more?] Asked the sister. [You ran a whole lot.]

The boy was looking at me in concern as well.

[Nay little ones, I need very little food compared to growing pokemon like yourselves, so do not worry about my portion whatsoever. I promise I shall be perfectly fine with this.]

[Alright. As long as you’re okay,] said the boy, turning back to his own meal, but I felt that he eyed me a little suspiciously before he had.

The meal turned out to be one that was peaceful and energetic, as the twins excitedly spoke to their parents about what we had done so far while they listened attentively, or perhaps tolerably. I could not tell which. I was mostly just glad they had enjoyed it so far.

Both Eevees were excited to resume play after lunch had concluded, and I could see a note of apology in Glaceon’s and Espeon’s gaze as they asked if I would be willing to indulge them a bit longer.

I did not mind and told them as such. Both of them looked especially grateful. It had probably been a long while since they had both gotten a proper break together, and in my mind I wished them well. Espeon actually smiled wryly at me and nodded, causing me to laugh in embarrassment at being caught. I took the children a short bit away, nearer to the treeline to give them space.

So here I was again, Eevees in tow, but none of us felt like running presently, but the twins still felt like playing more. The brother cleared his throat.

[Mom says not to run too hard right after eating if you can help it, so can you play hide and seek with us next instead?]

I worried at once. [H-hide and seek? Is that game played by taking turns seeking out those who hide..?]

[Pretty much! And then the seeker hides next time!] The boy explained, then took on a fierce and playful grin. [Hehe… plus you're so big I bet we can find you easily!]

Oh dear.

This was not a good game for me. Or rather, it may cause issues because of my innate properties… I could not think of a way to dissuade this though… Those eyes of theirs were also difficult to say no to.

A deep sigh and increasing worry in my chest, I followed along and listened to them go over the finer points of the rules, and then started out as my elected role at the seeker, physically burying my head in the snow before beginning to count, prompting twin giggles before they ran off to hide.

Hide and seek started out fine, with them being impressed with my seeking skills at first, but it did not take them many turns to figure out that my pursuit was a little too fast. Sensing their presences was almost innate, and I was clearly doing poorly at faking a random search.

Several rounds later had taken us to this present point where they told me to focus on hiding, but that had also not gone particularly well up until now.

I had some sense about hiding at least! I thought it would be easier to play my role properly too since it did not require me to act inefficiently, and merely wait to be located.

I also realized that melting into the snow itself would be absolutely excessive, and would make things completely impossible for them. I thought that erasing my presence and partially obscuring myself behind random objects would be sufficient, but I was still not found very easily, and had to make strange noises or deliberate marks in the snow to be located. Several times, they were forced to ask me to reveal myself. I could tell they were both feeling frustrated at the difficulty, and I had even stopped suppressing my presence. And it had not helped.

What I was worried about… seemed inevitable at this point. Even hiding in an ordinary fashion behind a tree as a curious lump, I was not discovered, and they had passed very near me several times now…

The sister, currently seeking with her brother who had already been found, let out a frustrated shout that made me shift.

[It's too hard! I’m DONE PLAYING!] She shouted angrily.

I revealed myself by uncurling my body right away, shaking away the snow and approaching them both worriedly. This time, I had even made sure to remain within an easy-to-search area, and I had been hidden within their current sight range when the shout rang out. The brother was alternating between gazing at me and his sibling, and there was additionally an intensely puzzled look on his face when he gazed at me.

[I apologize… I did not mean to anger you…] I spoke to the girl.

The sister only seemed more frustrated, and turned away from both of us.

The brother and I shared a glance, and I tried to offer an alternative.

[We could play something else of your choosing if you would like? Would that be alright?]

[NO! It's not any fun! I’M LEAVING!] She screamed in reply, then immediately fled back toward the den.


We watched her go, and I felt horrible, but I turned back to face the remaining Eevee under my care. He was staring at me with an unusually serious expression, as if he was evaluating me. He did not meet my eyes though, and I noticed his ears were slightly drooping too. Though he was strangely curious, he too was feeling disheartened from the last game, but was hiding it better than his sister.

That made me feel so much worse.

[I am sorry…]

[It’s… not your fault…] He mumbled. [You were just… really good. We should play something else next time though.] His words fell into silence, and he looked back toward the den too. [I’m also gonna head back to see what I can do about sis for now.]

Sure enough, he took off after his sister. I felt utterly miserable, and followed along to see them both safely return to their parents, or rather, to Espeon as it turned out, who was currently sitting alone. Glaceon must have gone off somewhere. I think perhaps I could have found her by feeling her out, but I was feeling particularly disgusted with my own powers at present, and pretended I did not possess them.

The girl sat before her father with drooping ears, and he was already speaking to her gently when the brother approached them both, and I chose not to listen to more than the fact that they were conversing. The young boy joined the conversation, and talked about a few more things with his father, which caused the sister’s ears to droop more heavily. He momentarily glanced over at myself. I shrunk down guiltily, but he shook his head very slightly and flashed a smile. If that was meant for me, then perhaps he was not upset at me and things were alright?

I relaxed once more, but was not brave enough to approach them. I also thought it was better to keep my distance from the girl for now.

Espeon continued to talk and it seemed to calm the girl quite well the more he spoke, though she now looked terribly embarrassed too. Her brother seemed to offer her emotional support during the process by snuggling up to her, and once she had calmed down fully, Espeon finished with a gentle nuzzle over her head.

Was that a good way to encourage someone?

After that, Espeon announced something to them in a strong, authoritative voice. I could hear twin protesting ‘Veeeeee?’s from them both, and a stern retort from their father, which set them into grumbles, and a sulking posture. They both lined up before him regardless, at a farther distance than before and stood strong on their paws. The talk seemed to be over now.

Espeon stood tall and proud before them, giving a signaling bark, which they returned, and then like a shot, he charged at them both, and they very hastily dodged. They both faced their father once more and continued to dodge his charges. This continued for about a minute, before the sister misjudged the terrain and stumbled, long enough to be sent sprawling with a yelp. She landed hard, and a bark from their father had them both get up, shake themselves off, and line up before him to listen to him speak.

I could hardly believe my eyes. I knew our world was harsh but… no. Maybe I was the issue.

Honestly, our mountain was not anything like the rest of the world, and perhaps I was unduly sheltered. My battles were few and far between, and may have been carried by my extraordinary strength, rather than any innate skill. At least… I think so?

Hmm, I felt as though I had once undergone something similar, but it was powerfully murky. If it really happened to me once, that was just one more thing to try and unravel from my past. I reconsidered the usefulness of the training itself though, and I supposed that even with less captures in this place, we must still contend with each other, whether by culture or contesting resources.

Out here, we were usually captured by agreement, as the alternative was specifically against the human’s rules. I appreciated this, but I had been overly naive to not expect parents to battle-train their children. They would want them to succeed after all, and fighting was a way to protect oneself. Hopefully, I was not weakening our strengths by driving too many threats away. Still, since I had the power to keep my peaceful place safe, I did not regret what I was doing in the slightest.

In the meantime, I watched Espeon, who expertly played the roles of threat, competitor, and instructor flawlessly. Even I could tell that he was possessed of a wealth of experience, but the usefulness of the various lessons sometimes escaped me. What could the purpose of a sudden drop and curl be?

I continued to watch and analyze things, when a sound approached slowly, along with a familiar presence.

[Hey there my lady,] my friend spoke teasingly, [Eevees finally got you tired huh?]

Smiling softly at her, I could not laugh, still feeling a bit down from my performance with hide and seek, but I did feel better at her closeness.

[Not exactly, but I have delivered them back unto Espeon for a time, as you see,] I replied, watching them doing quite a few things in succession now, such as tackles, tumble rolls, and avoiding snow chunks tossed by Espeon. That last one was an interesting bit of training. For dodging attacks perhaps?

[Curious about it?] She asked from my side.

I nodded to her. [Yes. I am wondering what it is you teach them and why. I will likely never have children of my own, but I find myself to be quite curious about this. Especially in this place.]

She cast a careful eye on the current regime and began to explain it for my benefit.

[Well, they need pure attack strength and muscle, in case they need to defend themselves as an Eevee. They’ll have more options if they change forms of course, but for now, the basics it is. Rolls like that are good to know to get other pokemon off of you, or if you get set on fire.]

I shivered slightly. Fire was not something enjoyable. Especially when it was the type that stuck to you and burned without end.

[As for that snow..? Well… that's to dodge pokeballs. You know what humans can be like.]

Unfortunately, I did, but it was quite the rare event here. Still I nodded to her in understanding.

She sighed and continued her explanation after witnessing it. [If they want to join a human, I want them to find someone good who respects them, and earns their trust instead of beating them in battle. Celeste, this mountain is a miracle in that respect, but for the same reason, there aren't many trainers that come this way, so they'll find it hard to find any trainer at all while here. A blessing is a curse as well I guess.]

[An interesting statement to ponder, that,] I replied, [But I understand the context here. What are they doing now?] I asked, witnessing the two Eevees chasing each other around Espeon in a circle, and he would swat at their tails as they got too close to him, to which they would dodge.

[It's kind of a modified version of ‘pursuit’. Have you ever played that?] She asked.

My blank look alone must have prompted her to explain further.

[Ok well, here is how it works. Normally, there are obstacles where you are trying to shake off the pursuer, but in this case, that’s Espeon. They have to get their sibling’s tail while avoiding Espeon’s reach, then they take turns after so much time has passed. It teaches battle awareness, pressing the advantage, avoiding surprise attacks, and also trains their running stamina. They really need to build up their stamina, in case a lot of running becomes important, so I let them play this until they’re tired…] She said, suddenly looking far away, and halting her speech.

She had completely stopped moving too, watching them, but something was very wrong. She looked… incredibly afraid, and even vulnerable, but I could not find the reason for it when I checked out the surroundings, which was worrisome.

[Glaceon? Are you alright?] I asked her, not understanding what had brought about such a profound change.

My voice seemed to bring her away from her frozen state, although her actions were distinctly uncertain when she moved once more.

[Oh! Y-yes, I’m okay. Sorry. Bad memories. Like… the kind I'm due to talk to you about next free day of mine,] she replied, sounding hesitant at first, but gaining her usual confidence back as she continued. [I bet you might have a few of those bad memories too with how long you’ve been around.]

Unfortunately, I had nothing fully relatable, only partially so.

[Not as such, no. The only deeply unpleasant event I can recall with any clarity of memory is the first nightmare I had, a mere few days ago, as well as the Weaville incident we are due to discuss at your leisure.] I replied to her, somewhat apologetically. [Although… much more recently, the news I received last night left me rather… off balance today. Perhaps even distressed. It was partially such that led my steps here in the first place. Perhaps there was once something more unpleasant, but I do not recall any longer…]

Glaceon appeared to wince at both the mention of the Weavilles, and also my mentioning of forgotten things.

[I see. I’m not sure what to say about the bad news since I don't know the details of it, but nightmares can be pretty nasty. I’ve struggled with them, and so has Espeon. If they bother you more, maybe talk to him about that too. He’s the one that helped me with mine, even while he struggled with them himself. Also, if being here helps you, you can always come visit too.]

[That would be very well, but If I overstay my welcome, please tell me honestly.]

Watching the Eevees practicing with their father from afar while taking a moment to unwind, I felt like the world was much more still around me now. Manageable and uncomplicated. Espeon called a halt to their play, offered each of them a single berry as a snack, and they all rested together.

And things were simple once again.

I am sure that some mysteries would always plague me. I realized this with regrets, but addressing the present questions when one was able may be the best policy for now, and therefore, there was one action I wished to take immediately. I turned to my friend, who had a pleased smile on her muzzle as she, likewise, watched the Eevees eat and interact with their father.

[Glaceon… It feels strange bringing this up only now, but why did we never explain who I was to the children?] I asked her, more worriedly than curiously.

She turned and looked quite mischievously at me while grinning.

[Well honestly, it was a bit of fun! And I thought you were doing fine as you were the first time you met them. Plus, you seemed alright with not telling them, so after my bout of playfulness, I actually never thought much more about it. Slipped my mind entirely!]

[Ah. That seems like you,] I chided in a playful tone.

She looked rather proud of herself and giggled. Suddenly, Glaceon straightened up and averted her eyes from me. [Speaking of you though… I've, um… told them not to go near the peak in the past, since it could be a dangerous place…]

There was truth in her words. [Well, as I have told you, that is a fact. The terrain is not stable, and there are places that are dangerous, especially for such small Eevees. The peak itself would be catastrophic for them to visit.] A worrisome thought struck me, and my chest was immediately tinged with trepidation. [But… you did not imply the threat was me, did you?]

…Glaceon did not answer right away, and that was practically an answer in itself.

[Not… directly, no,] she replied, yet it felt incredibly evasive to me. [I did say to them that you were a benevolent lady, but that you could be a frightening existence to those who were bad pokemon.] She fiddled with her ear and looked away once more. [I might have also… twisted that idea a bit more, for discipline, to get them to behave sometimes, as well as not do anything dangerous…]

That rather… hurt quite a bit to hear. Especially when I could tell that those two statements were quite honest.

I stared down at her, but the disapproving look that I had planned to wear… collapsed instead into a sad and hurt one from how I felt. [Glaceon…]

She flinched at my voice, ears lowering, then proceeded to look back at me with a miserable expression.

[I’m sorry, okay? I know you're not really like that!] She stared up at me, wide eyed and ashamed. [And… It's not like I thought any of us would meet you for real when I said stuff like that! …I’m really sorry… It was wrong of me to say those things,] she said with a whimper.

What she said before was entirely true. As much as it hurt, I could not truly blame her for that ignorance, especially when I so perfectly hid myself from everyone for so long… But I did not wish for such a perception to continue. Or to spread further than this.

[Glaceon… I cannot be angry at you for knowledge you did not have at the time, but I rather wish…] My body slumped, and I gazed at her helplessly, willing my face to show something, anything convincing and implorative. [Mayhap you could refrain from enforcing the idea further…? I quite fiercely do not wish to become a specter of evil in the minds of children…]

She nodded right away, and her look was determined.

[I really don’t think I gave that impression to them, but I'll set it straight if I did. As for anyone else who would try and spread something like that, I'll tell or fight the whole rest of the mountain if I have to.] She sighed, looking exceedingly ashamed of herself, and even distressed. [Sorry again… I really messed up on that one though.]

I was laying fully in the snow before I realized I had done so, and Glaceon… Well, with how she looked now, she seemed to have absolutely no plans to reinforce that terrible idea from earlier. She lay down in the snow too, seeming to mutter darkly to herself.

[Knowing that they may think of me in such a way complicates what I wished to ask you,] I said to her softly, [But I must still ask this regardless.]

[What is it? Ask anything Celeste.] she replied, speaking more gently now.

I pawed over the snow, suddenly unsure about this course of action.

[Do you suppose… Would it be alright for me to reveal my identity to them?] I asked softly. Glaceon looked a little intrigued. [They are a bit frustrated at me presently. I am not sure I am ‘playing’ very well…]

She co*cked an ear. [You mean, about who you are? If you want to, that's totally fine and really up to you in the end. It's probably not a good idea to keep them in the dark too long, come to think of it. Also, what exactly happened with my ‘vees? You looked like you were playing with them just fine earlier.]

I screwed up my muzzle.

[They asked me to play “hide and seek”, and “chase” among some other things. As it turns out, those are things I am overwhelmingly proficient at. I seemed to have no choice but to win, but it made them unhappy as time went on. I managed to salvage things during tag, and offering them a ride went well enough, but being too strong in hide and seek was apparently one game too far to them. They seemed a bit upset at me at the end of it… The sister especially.]

Glaceon scoffed and shook her head with a rather knowing look.

[Ahh, so you just whupped their butts. Well honestly, it’s not a bad lesson for them, and they’ll live.] She appeared to stifle a laugh. [I can’t even disapprove ‘cause they really should learn to be wary of the abilities of adult pokemon, but you’re also a bit overkill in that respect too.]

She finally did allow herself to laugh, but it seemed to hold self-deprecation.

[I learned that firsthand by trying to outrun you myself, and you even thought I was going to die!] She broke into a full, giggle at that point, but smiled reassuringly at me. [Don't worry about what happened for now. In the future, maybe try to go a little easier on them by trying not to be quite so good at it. Let them have more fun with the game, and you can win after that. You can also intentionally lose on occasion too, though some truly competitive types will actually get more angry when you do that. You can also praise how good you think they did, give them helpful pointers, or tell them how they are personally improving.] She shrugged her shoulders after that. [Honestly, it's a delicate balancing act when you play with kits, and it's hard to get it right the first time. I certainly didn't. They'll forgive you though, don't worry,] she encouraged me.

[Alright…] I said, feeling humbled. [That last part is a particular relief, and that is a great number of angles I had never considered. Playing is such a complicated thing isn't it? Or, would that apply more generally to competing? Or raising kits?]

[A bit of all of that maybe,] she mumbled, looking upward at the sky. [Yeah, probably everything, I’d say.]

She refocused on me with a grin. [...All that aside, maybe it is a good time to tell them about yourself; it would go a long way to speeding up that whole forgiveness thing, they’d not feel quite so sore about losing to a living legend, and they might even take the whole thing as my own prank then, since I never informed them.] She gave a smirk. [Mwaaa-ha-haa, free effortless prank for Glaceon!]

I could not stifle a sudden giggle at her ‘menacing’ laugh.

[You may have that credit all for yourself,] I replied once my giggle subsided. The worry crept in once more, but about something different now. [Still, I did not expect to feel… resistance about revealing who I am. They have only ever seen me as just another pokemon, and that felt rather nice. I fear that they may treat me quite differently after knowing who I am.]

Glaceon offered me a slight side bump with her body.

[I think it’ll still be ok. Just have fun with it, and we can all play with them after. Also, I’ll tell them you can carry a whole bush of berries at once and they’ll be super impressed and focus less on the rest of it. And then probably clamor for another snack, which they won't get unless they do some more training first.]

I think that reassured me as much as was possible, and I decided to put my trust in Glaceon for this one. She knew her children best.

[Okay my friend, I will just… give it a try, and I will try and have fun. Do they like to listen to stories?] I asked.

[Oh sure, if youve got any good ones you could… ohhh. I see.] She spoke in understanding.

I nodded to her. [Yes, indeed. I plan to make one of myself, and reveal the truth of it afterward.]

A crawling sensation arose within my stomach, but a tail tapping my side brought me to focus back upon her.

[Atta girl! I think that’ll do just fine my lady!]

I snorted, but managed to avoid laughter this time, and the crawling sensation left in a hurry. The mirth still bled away rather quickly though, under the weight of one last worry that was much more vaguely defined.

[…Glaceon? Is it normal to feel afraid of doing this?] I asked her, fretfully.

[Telling a secret? Sometimes it very much is,] was her gentle reply.

[I think it is not normal for me to feel this degree of fear for certain things though… especially when it is merely something new, or meeting and talking to others. There are things I am too frightened of, and I do not understand why I feel such things.]

Glaceon hesitated for a moment, then responded.

[Well… Maybe you’re right about that. Espeon did say to me that you were afraid,] she said, tentatively agreeing.

[Indeed that is so,] I replied, wishing to admit to that candidly. [It seems that fear is one of the first things I began to understand. The first thing I remember clearly feeling was fear, and the second was anger.] I smiled happily at the first memory, and sardonically at the second. [All the rest of my emotions remained a confusing mess that first day, but I am working them out slowly now.]

Glaceon reached up and patted my chest with her paw. [You’ll get there then. Making progress is good! Take stuff a little bit at a time, and I bet lots will clear right up.]

I giggled, partly from the feel of her paw, but it was also mixed with the feeling of relief as well. I actually agreed with her. Going forwards… things felt surprisingly hopeful, at least when it came to understanding new emotion. Memories may be another story, but when it came to feeling things, I was not quite so lost any longer.

[You are right, and I will keep trying my best. To understand, and to overcome,] I said to her.

[That's the spirit!] She cheered.

[No, I am the spirit,] I spoke, purposefully with a solemn strength, while hiding my amusem*nt behind a stony face. At first.

Glaceon looked over at me quizzically at that statement, perhaps thinking I spoke seriously, but upon seeing my growing smirk, she giggled. Well, I will be honest. It was perhaps a low hanging berry of a joke, but I would make better jokes in time. Practice will perfect that wit.

[Oh wow that is awful and it still got me!] Glaceon complained, chortling. [Watch you turn out to be a bigger goof that I am someday. I'll really be in trouble then.]

[I suppose we shall both have to see what I turn out to be in the end!] I said, bumping into her good-naturedly this time, and sending her stumbling.

The two Eevees were currently taking a break from their training and talking quietly with their father when we approached. Espeon looked with affectionate eyes at his mate as she approached, but I hung back slightly, allowing them their space.

They seemed to share a soft nuzzle, and she laughed with a delicate smile on her face, looking bashful and quite different to any of her usual expressions at that moment.

The kits too, had gone quiet and also seemed to have eyes on their parents, but they were behaving perfectly, not moving a single muscle as they observed. Well, almost. The girl’s tail was silently wagging up a storm.

The couple broke apart, and Glaceon approached her children to nuzzle each in turn, getting weak protests from the male and a return nuzzle, but a jumping hug from the female ‘vee. She laid down before them, closer to their level and smiled warmly at them.

[Kits, Celeste wants to talk to you for a second. Would you hear her out for a bit, please?]

The twin replies of “Okay” caused my fur to puff out unconsciously.

Espeon looked curious, and Glaceon whispered into his ear. [It’s about her identity. They have no idea. Dearest, can you get the you-know-what's for evening in the meantime? It's the same place but it's a lot bigger now. That’ll be a cool story to tell you later, but the children won't be interested in it.]

[Of course,] he responded to her, then looked over at me for a moment as I approached. [I hope it goes well, Celeste. Good luck.]

And then he was off to the south once more like a shot.

Now it was just Glaceon who remained near her kits, who were looking curiously at each other, at me, then bounded over to sit in front of me. I could read little from their expressions other than questioning expressions as they waited for me to speak. I had their attention, their interest, and all the energy that such entailed, but my confidence was absent. Well regardless, it was now time to do what must be done, and face the avalanche, so-to-speak.

I had no clue what else I was supposed to do, other than facing the problem earnestly. I cleared my throat, awkwardly.

[Little ones, I should begin by apologizing to you both. To be honest, I am not very good at playing since I have never done it before. Before today that is.]

The male ‘vee stared with wide eyes. [What? Not even once?]

I shook my head. [No, I am afraid not.]

[Ohhhhhh. That explains some things then,] the girl chimed in.

She didn't really look upset with me now, and wasn’t shouting. Perhaps she was the type to cool quickly? It was a good sign though. The male hadn’t even really seemed very upset at all, but I believe he was starting to harbor unasked questions for me.

[Yes… so it was not my intention to upset either of you.]

The girl gave a small whine. [Yeah… we know. I was just frustrated at losing…]

[She actually felt bad about yelling at you after she calmed down. She just tends to overreact,] her brother chimed in.

The Eevee girl actually growled at her brother, but then her expression fell, and she looked terribly sad. She also did not deny his words.

The girl looked up with wide, pitiful eyes. [Miss Celeste, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry.]

Glaceon looked a bit happy and proud, off to the side. I gave her a curious glance. She smiled at me warmly and explained.

[I’m happy she came to that conclusion on her own, Celeste. We didn't have to talk to her at all. But what do you think? Are you upset with her?]

[No, I never was such a thing,] I replied to Glaceon, then turned to face the sister. [Of course I forgive you, little one. I will try to learn more about playing properly. It was my first time and I made mistakes with it. ]

The girl tilted her head and smiled sheepishly. Her brother stepped up to nuzzle at her side.

[I think the last time you were here counts as playing though, and anyone can make a mistake. Like I did last time. You were really nice to us, and didn't get mad about the tail thing,] spoke the girl, [I didn't know it was so important...]

[Do not worry. I did not mind, and it is still fine as long as you do it in moderation in future,] I reassured them. [I will, however, try to become better at playing games.]

[Maybe just go a little easier on us!] The brother said cheerfully, ending with a laugh.

I shrugged my shoulders and let out an embarrassed laugh.

[I shall try to, and I received other tips about play as well. I am grateful for this talk, but I was also thinking of another idea. An activity which is not competitive would be fun no matter what, yes?]

The eevee twins nodded together.

[I have actually thought about something that everyone could enjoy equally. How do you feel about listening to a story?] I asked.

[Sure, that sounds cool,] the boy said nonchalantly, though his wagging tail bespoke his true feelings.

[I like new ones! Do you know any new ones that mom doesn't have?] The sister gushed, not trying to hide her excitement.

[Actually, I do. I have been thinking of something since the lunch break, wondering if perhaps the two of you liked to hear old tales.]

[We like cool ones!] Chimed in the brother, with a challenging grin.

I snorted. [Then I shall just need to try my best to make it be so then!]

I settled the twins before myself, mentally lining up where I meant to begin my tale, and where I meant to end it. Thankfully, I had a good grasp of recent events at least. Glaceon settled behind her kits, watching over them, and also, me. She was here as my support as well, and I appreciated it very much. The nervousness was not gone, but manageable, and I knew it was time to begin.

Well. Here goes everything, I suppose.

[Once upon a time, there was a girl who lived alone on a tall, solitary mountain peak. She lived all by herself, and spent every day looking down the mountain. She could not even take the time to play games, because she had a very important job to do.]

[No games? That sounds like it would get boring,] said the brother.

The sister, meanwhile, looked more curious.

[What kind of girl was she?] she asked, looking up at me.

[She was a serious and hard-working pokemon, who did not think of herself much at all. She even ignored her own likes and dislikes, but she worked hard every day to protect the mountain and everyone who lived there, from the smallest Eevees, to the largest Abomasnow. She did her best for absolutely everyone.]

Both of them seemed more interested in that, and the small breaks in the tale seemed to build intrigue for them.

[But the thing is, no matter how hard or how long she worked, she never really met many other creatures in all that time,] I said to the attentive siblings. [She thought it best to only reveal herself in times of need, and the rest of the time? She would hide away from everyone.]

The brother looked surprised. [Oh wow. Didn't she want people to thank her though? Or at least know what she was doing?]

[That actually sounds really lonely…]

I faced the brother with a soft smile. [Well to your question, my answer is thus; though it may be surprising to hear, the girl did not do so because it simply never occurred to her.] I turned to address the sister now. [And continuing from your statement, It certainly was! But luckily for her, the girl never felt it, because, deep in her chest, she did not even understand it.]

I sighed, and the smile fell from my muzzle.

[At least… not at the time…]

Both Eevees looked perplexed at my words, but Glaceon had understood immediately. Her eyes had widened, and her ears had fallen silently, all while looking quite mournful. Seeing that, it was a struggle to keep my own upright. I did not want her to feel sad. The past may have been a pitiful one, and the present day may still hurt sometimes, but I was much better off to be awake now. Aware. Grateful. Finally feeling truly alive.

[One day, there was a fierce and powerful storm that swept the whole region, and everyone but the girl was taking shelter from the terrible blizzard that had appeared. It was so cold that it was dangerous just to be outside, even with very thick fur! But luckily, the girl was quite strong! No matter how cold it would get, she could still perform her important job, and so she was walking all alone through the blizzard that late evening.]

[Mom doesnt let us play outside when there is a big storm, so I understand that a little…] spoke the brother. His sister nodded along with his words.

[Well, that is good, since it is very dangerous in a blizzard, little one! Even so for those who are strong against the cold. Normally, your fur will protect you to a degree, but not forever. I think even your mother has a degree of cold she cannot tolerate.] A chipper mm-hmm of agreement left her muzzle as she nodded behind her children. [Additionally, if you lose your way in a blizzard and fall into a deep chasm or into water, you could lose your life in an instant. The girl of the story knew that too, but she was still out in the terrible and freezing winds. Yet she had no other choice but to be so,] I said to them, solemnly.

The twins both looked curious as to the reason, but it was the brother who eventually spoke up.

[How come? She really couldn't stay inside where it was safe? Didn’t she have a place to hide?]

[No, she could not stay inside, and yes, she did have her home which was safe and hidden, but it was irrelevant. She had her job, you see. It was her duty to protect others. She could not remain idly inside this night, because someone was lost out in the bitter snows. She could feel it within her body, and so she searched through the mountain high and low as fast as she could, running so fast it was almost like she was flying.]

The siblings seemed quite engrossed now. I wondered if they were imagining what it was like that night. They certainly would not have been out in it. Glaceon likely needed to barricade the den’s entrance during that storm or protect the others with her body if the winds swept into her home for too long. Thinking of what was to come, I opened my muzzle to continue.

[It was only after thinking that she would be too late to find the poor creature that was lost and alone, that her fortune then changed! She finally located the cause of her unease and she was very surprised!]

[How come? What did she find?] asked the sister, looking considerably invested now.

The brother, too, nodded several times at his sister's question and practically begged me to continue with his eyes.

[She found a human boy, who was lost and frightened and all alone. He was so much smaller than her. He also was not well suited to the cold like she was, so even with all of his warm clothing, he was still in terrible danger.] I paused for effect here, and fixed them with a somber look. [In just a short while, he could die where he was sitting, huddled in a ball. He was already freezing. And the girl was very, very scared. This emotion, she felt powerfully.]

[All of a sudden? Was she scared of the human?] The boy interjected.

I mused for a moment, truly considering that. [It is difficult to say with certainty what the girl was most afraid of. She was definitely scared that the boy would not make it down the mountain in time, back to his family. To his kind. After all, the cold may take his life before long, and it was too far a journey for him. But she was also scared of the boy himself, not because he was human, but because deep down, she was very very frightened of others, and the boy would not understand her words even if she were to speak to him. She hadn’t even approached another creature to talk to them in many seasons. So many seasons in fact, that she had witnessed trees grow from tiny sprouts into towering trunks in all that time.]

[That’s a Really long time…] the sister spoke in amazement.

The boy bounced in place. [So what did she do next? What happens?]

[Well, she wanted to save the child’s life, so the girl sheltered the lost boy from the winds with her tails, and since she knew she could not deliver him all the way home to his family, she took him upward instead, to her own home, in a very lonely, far away place from others, and offered him her fur to keep him warm and safe for the night of the storm.]

The Eevees looked awed. Glaceon looked thoughtful. I, meanwhile, was contemplative. What a day that was for me. For him too, I imagine. I could not help but smile at the memory, and so, I spoke further.

[That night of the storm, many things surprised her!]

[Like what?] The girl chimed in excitedly, seemingly glad there was more to the tale.

[The boy spoke to her, thanked her, and talked to her like she was simply another of his own kind, and the girl was so surprised that she actually responded, albeit hesitantly, for the first time in entire seasons. And yet, just from that, the boy seemed happy merely to hear her speak! Regrettably, he could not understand her words in return, but she clearly understood his words to her, and with some effort she managed to communicate with him in a limited fashion after a time. But the girl felt strange in her chest, and she continued to speak freely, for the first time in her recent memory. For the first time she could remember in so, so long.]

[That’s neat! What happened with them after that?] asked the girl, seeming to be greatly interested in the interactions, yet there was still a curious gleam in her brother’s eyes as well. Perhaps he liked humans as I did.

…For the next part, I was going to have to omit certain activities for sure, and I pawed at the ground nervously as I determined what to say. Thankfully, it was not Espeon here who listened to this part, or I would have been in trouble.

[Well… It was a very long and frustrating night, huddled in her shelter together. The boy and the girl each shared what food and water that they had, spoke in what ways they could, and together, they were warm on the night of the cold storm. Finally, after much… interacting with one another, they both would rest, cuddled up comfortably together until the morning,] I finished, feeling awkward at my evasive statements.

I paused once here, not letting the silence linger too long, and I had my next revelation prepared.

[During that fateful night… the girl… did not feel so bitterly alone for the first time in an extremely long time, and it changed her deeply to her very core. Now she was more aware, as if thawing from a block of ice, but she did not understand exactly how much it was so, and how much she had changed that night, until long after she had brought the boy safely back to the other humans.]

I let them gather their impressions there. Glaceon in particular seemed to be puzzling things out, and most certainly was affected by the retelling, but deliberately seemed to be avoiding any questions of her own. I think she wanted to leave the fun for her Eevees.

[Wow…] mouthed the eevee boy.

[Wait! How did it change her though? You can't leave it like that! Tell us!] The little girl demanded, stamping her paws adorably.

I could not help but laugh gently. Perhaps this was going alright.

[Well, it took her much time to realize, but after a long, long while, she finally understood that she had always been extremely lonely, and only by truly meeting another creature did she finally come to realize it. She also did not wish to remain so utterly alone as she had been. And so, she was roused to leave her home, and went down the mountain by herself to search for the one who had talked so earnestly with her before.]

I found him immediately of course, but I wonder how many days I would have searched, had I not done so. Maybe for whole winters.

[Did she find him?] The girl asked in a hushed tone, her eyes sparkling with hopefulness.

I smiled warmly at her, and I could tell my tails had just begun to wag of their own accord.

[She did. She was quite lucky. He was again alone in the snow, safely this time however, and he was quite near his village of humans. However, he was not with the other humans, but rested in the snow as if he belonged there. When she saw him, he seemed quite sad and upset, and the girl resolved to approach him.] I laughed gently as I recalled his expression at first sight. [He was surprised to see her, and he greeted her warmly after the initial shock. They spoke once more, and the girl was happy she was not alone. The boy, likewise, seemed pleased to have one to speak to, though he still could not fully understand her.] I gave a small smile to both Eevees. [At first. Little by little, the boy began to gather the barest meanings of her words, and they continued to try their best to communicate. In the end, both of them found a measure of happiness and peace together in that cold place. Alone once, but now, together.]

The two fluff balls were staring, quite transfixed, at me.

[And that, my little Eevees, is the story about how the Lady of the Mountain, or as the humans call her, the Snow Spirit, found her first friend in the world. It happened on this very mountain, and began during one cold, winter storm,] I finished with a flourished voice, then let the silence fall..

I swept my tails behind me, curious as to what they would think of the tale.

[That was amazing!] Shouted the sister, launching into the air in excitement.

[I’ve never heard a story about her like that one! It’s like you were really there,] said the boy in awe.

There was a choked noise from Glaceon, which I clearly discerned as concealed laughter, but she managed to disguise it as a cough when her children and I all glanced her way.

[Yeah, it is a really good one isn't it?] she spoke, covering up an additional chortle as another cough. [Even your mother hasn’t heard this one herself. I thought it was great too.]

That seemed to surprise the two of them, and somehow elevated the story to both siblings.

[It’s definitely a great story. Is it really true?] asked the girl ’vee.

I nodded to her. [Yes, it is most assuredly a true story. Later on, she even makes another friend. Another pokemon like herself, a Glaceon, and she even meets two of that pokemon’s children.] Glaceon co*cked an ear and watched her children. I smiled with a bit of mirth as I looked at them too, pausing there and feeling nervousness, but they did not seem to be looking into that statement closely…

A shame. I suppose I would have to go with plan number two and be obvious about it. I did not… feel brave enough to mention it outright. I had not exactly discussed the details of this with Glaceon, but she had given her permission to this plan as well.

[Would you like to see what she looks like? The “Lady of the Mountain”, that is.] I asked them.

Both of the siblings responded quite enthusiastically to my words, and even Glaceon looked curious, but presumably for a different reason, as she knew I was standing right before her.

[Yeah! We don't know at all what she looks like! I heard she can hide herself from everybody too and be totally untraceable! So… how will you show us?] Asked the boy with a very inquisitive expression.

I grinned at them cheerfully, though my stomach fluttered with additional fears. [With a special trick of mine! Please try not to be too surprised or… afraid. Are you both ready?]

They nodded and gazed upon me with sparkling eyes once more. Glaceon, behind them flashed an encouraging smile, and I felt a great deal less nervousness from that, yet this was still the moment where truth would be revealed. I had secretly hoped, more than a little, that they may have figured it out from my story’s setting, or the clear allusion to Glaceon or themselves at the end. It was perhaps still a little too vague? I did not know.

With a final look at Glaceon, I held out one paw before myself, for effect, and blew cold air into a small ball before me, underneath my paw. I gathered the vapor around me and forced it into the sphere, where it froze into clear ice there, set upon the ground. I gathered more and more vapor in order to shape and then grow the small figure in the way that I had envisioned, and decided to take and use some of the snow around me to speed up the process of adding more ice. It was an extra step to return it to pure vapor to produce the clear, shining ice I required, but ultimately it proceeded much faster that way.

The Eevees were looking on in awe as the small, detailed figure grew in size, but Glaceon appeared truly thunderstruck. I tilted my head curiously to her, but she merely watched on, transfixed at the process. I glanced behind once to check if any of the nearby snow was essential for any reason, and gathered up a huge plume at once when I determined it was not, which I forced onto the figure after similarly returning it to vapor. Glaceon stared openmouthed at that, and I blew more cold winds as I expanded the size of the sphere under my paw, to about the size of an Eevee, where I swiftly added more layers of ice until a small, shimmering replica of my stood upon the snow, standing at around the same height as Glaceon’s children. I gently etched and textured finer details in with angular facets in the Ice, and finally added a hardened layer of snow in some places, to show off my white fur, but left the clear ice visible in others for aesthetic effect. I stepped back upon the completion of the figure, sitting back and flicking several tails self-consciously.

[That was… AWESOME!] exploded the brother.

The Eevee girl approached with her muzzle slightly parted and examined the statue up close. [It's so pretty! How did you do all that? That was like the pond but better!]

I smiled lightly at the praise, but laid down before the figure without responding, falling into a neutral expression as I waited for the inevitable realization. The brother suddenly froze and stared at me fiercely, looking between the figure, and then myself, and then fixated upon me with a slightly parted muzzle. Ah, and there it was. One of two. I nodded and gave a slight wave of a paw, and flattened my ears apologetically. The Eevee boy stood frozen, much like I had seen his mother do, seemingly unsure of what to do, while his sister was gazing closely at the figurine.

[But… that's you isn't it? Your muzzle looks just like that, and so does the fur…] She trailed off, and then looked up at me. I forced a light smile, a little more sheepishly this time.

The brother merely continued to stare at me, as understanding had dawned on him a little earlier, and he appeared to still be unsure how to process the development, but he thawed eventually.

[Are you really the Lady of the Mountain? Do you really gaze out over all the mountain and watch over everything?] Half-gushed the boy in a hushed, almost reverent tone.

That… almost-worship, still felt strange to me.

[Um. Yes. That is I, apparently. I do indeed try to look out over all the mountain, but it is impossible to see every place at the same instant, yet I have certainly done my best to do so for an uncountable number of winters now,] I said to him, folding one ear.

The little Eevee girl meanwhile, puffed herself up abruptly and stared at me with a determined and almost angry look, and I gazed at her, wondering what change had come over her so suddenly.

[Prove it!] She shouted at me, gazing my way with a fierce look.

I flinched at her shout but faced her, surprised. [P-prove it? You… wish me to do so?]

Glaceon looked concerned, and seemed to not expect that response, but she scowled at her daughter.

[Now that is extremely rude! You shouldn’t treat her like that. It’s true that I never told you when I introduced her to you, but she’s definitely who she says she is,] scolded Glaceon.

Her brother came to my defense as well.

[Sister! You can't just demand she do that! And she’s not making fun of you either!] Her brother shouted at her indignantly. [She’s obviously telling the truth. What’s gotten into you?]

The small Eevee girl set her paws and glared down at both her mother and her brother with a soft growl. It was strange though.The brother appeared totally convinced of my identity, though I knew not why he was, and why she was not so.

[You believe me then?] I asked him curiously.

[Of course I believe you,] he answered immediately, turning to me. [I… didn't notice at first since it felt so comfortable, but when I’m paying attention to it, your presence is so strong it's overwhelming. It’s like this creeping feeling deep down in myself. A warning. Like I should never, ever fight you seriously. And during hide and seek, I couldn't sense you or track you at all, which is crazy when you have a presence like that. Even your scent goes away when you hide...] He looked a little embarrassed and flushed slightly. [Also, despite that really strong feeling… You never actually felt scary to me because it felt gentle too. Gentle and strong. Like you were mom or dad.]

I was entirely taken aback, but perhaps this is the answer to why they both had taken to me so readily? Strong, but also protective? Therefore, they saw me not as an object to be feared, but one to be clung to for safety in times of turbulence. A safe shelter…

I… would indeed protect them as if they were my own. So this small child had read me like an open book with but a glance and his own senses.

[Thank you for your assessment. It felt… very nice to hear such,] I said to him, genuinely moved.

I looked over at my friend just then. Glaceon was gazing at me with a warm smile now and nodded too. Her look felt… a bit fluffy, if I had to pick a description, nonsensical though it was. However, I could not continue to meet her gaze or my own muzzle would inflame. Or inflame worse than it was already. I turned back to the brother.

[You… have impressive instincts little Eevee. With your paws set as they are, I’ve no doubts that your path can take you anywhere you desire it to,] I said to him with a satisfied nod.

He giggled and looked a bit flustered.

[Oh wow… That means a lot! Especially coming from someone so strong. I really hope so, since I want to see the world someday! Although…] He glanced over at his sister, who still looked quite defiant.

[I still want you to prove it!] she spoke, quite angrily now, perhaps at being ignored.

I think I understood the brother a little. The boy worried for his sister. It was rather cute, although I felt she would be fine too, as she would simply charge through and fight any obstacles in her path. But she needed convincing here. Perhaps I needed to make a slight show of myself, and I would also be able to show Glaceon some things at the same moment, so I was not particularly opposed to such a thing.

[I can prove it to you if you truly desire it,] I said to her, and I walked a small distance away from the figurine I had created to settle upon the snow once more, and made sure there was nothing behind where I moved to.

[Yeah? How?] She sounded quite suspicious.

[Do you remember how you charged me once before and I cautioned you to show restraint?] I asked her. She nodded with an expression of slight confusion. [Well, this time, I shall ask you to do it once more, but instead to do the opposite. To show no restraint, and come at me with all your strength.]

I hoped that such a demand would prove sufficient bait to her aggression.

It may have been very effective, for the girl seemed immediately excited, but both her brother and mother seemed to show worry.

[Celeste… Are you sure about this? She won’t get hurt will she?] Glaceon said with some trepidation.

[Nay, she shall be entirely unharmed by me, although possibly bruised or scratched if she trips. Overall, she will be fine however,] I said to her, with confidence.

[That’s not gonna happen!] shouted the young girl.

Glaceon seemed to slump, and then sigh in light exasperation as she beheld her daughter. She shook her head and shrugged her body.

[Alright. Do what you gotta’ then…] she said to me.

I smiled, then looked toward the still skeptical, but now quite rowdy female Eevee.

[Well then. You wish me to prove it, so I shall choose this method. A non-dangerous one, with consideration to you and your mother as well. May you enjoy it.] I gave her a smirk, befitting of a good prank. [Charge me as if you were intending to strike me down. I will not fight back, but protect yourself from your recoil after you charge.]

Glaceon and the Eevee male both tilted their heads in confusion, but the Eevee girl looked increasingly, incredibly excited now. She must… really enjoy this sort of thing.

The girl bared her fangs and puffed herself fully, but only succeeding in taking on a more endearing, fluffy form as she spoke with determination. [Okay! That sounds good! If you wont fight back I think i'll do damage this time! And I won’t trip or scratch myself either! Or fall! But I still don't know how it’ll prove anything! And you definitely can’t use any attacks!]

Her brother looked at her aghast and incredulously at her last demand, and then to me with concern. Hmm hmm! Those only seem to be unfair terms for me, oh considerate brother Eevee.

[Do not worry. Those terms are perfectly acceptable, and you shall also have your proof,] I reassured them all, grinning in anticipation. I suppose I see the appeal in what Glaceon does sometimes.

After all, the wording was rather specific, and, perhaps as an oversight, she had not forbidden the use of Abilities.

Mother, daughter, and son had differing faces, but the two that were not the subject of this test both wore variations of weary expressions as if they knew they could not stop what was to come. The spitfire Eevee meanwhile, had moved a little ways away, stamping one paw and resembling a Tauros or Rapidash before a charge, facing me with as threatening a pose as she could muster.

[I hope you’re ready!] she shouted then, setting her back paws firmly.

[Come at me anytime,] I said, with a gentle taunt in my voice, and the girl puffed out her cheeks in anger. Frankly, she looked nothing but adorable.

[Raaaaaaah!] she screamed as she barreled straight toward me. To be fair, she had put more

power into it this time, and the snow being packed here gave her surer footing and greater speed.

I merely waited for her to reach me, prepared for my next trick. She slammed into me, and the impact was negligible, but I took that very moment to collapse into snow, diving below, and moving through it like it were water to observe how things would play out.

I nearly burst out laughing as I beheld how they reacted. Ah, it was such a shame. If I had the talent, I would love to capture those faces. Surprised brother, shocked mother, and utterly mortified sister, stood far in front of both of them, shakily touching the snow beneath her paws. I burned those faces into my memory for when I needed a laugh at a later time. Oh! I could try to recreate them from ice. Though, it may come across as mocking, so I shelved the idea for now.

[AAAH! I Killed her!] The Eevee sister screamed, sounding truly despondent.

At the shout, Glaceon and her son had recovered from the shock, but seemed utterly lost as to what to do. Her son was looking around everywhere and sniffing the area, while Glaceon herself looked genuinely worried and afraid. Okay, that was not humorous. The joke was over. Seeing that, I knew it would not do to keep this farce up longer than necessary. Both of them took a step back as swirling snows and winds that was one of my tails wrapped gently around the Eevee girl.

[Oh? You think so, do you? And how does one kill a blizzard?] I spoke, just behind her ear.

She squeaked and stiffened, and I seized upon the moment and lifted her up with my curled tail that was all but intangible storm.

She screamed and flailed her little paws as she left the ground, but there was no easy way to struggle against being lifted by a snowy wind. I did not do much more than swirl around her as a flurry, though she still panicked, but quickly fell still as I grabbed and lifted her gently by the scruff, my physical body fully reforming from within the swirling snow, from muzzle all the way back and down to paws and tails, as if I had always been standing in that place.

I set the small girl down upon shaking paws, and she slumped into the snow. I worried I had overdone it a little. I moved to her front and gently stroked the girls back, and she whined.

[I-I’m sorry… I believe you…] she squeaked, hiding her face in her paws.

[That is well, but are you alright? I may have… been overzealous in my desire to make you believe…] I continued to stroke over her, and Glaceon herself approached as well, peering at her daughter, but ultimately shrugging after she looked her over, then settled down with her at her side.

That presence of hers seemed to bring her comfort. I definitely understood why my own could not do the same right now, but perhaps I could at least offer her some words of wisdom and comfort.

…I prayed that they would be true wisdom, and not ignorant words born of my arrogance.

[Little Eevee… You are a brave girl. I do not think that is a bad thing. It is admirable in many many respects, yet I would still caution you to polish your instinct a bit more, in order to ascertain the strength of others.] I gave her one last stroke with a paw before I stepped backward. [It will keep you safe. I would be quite sad if harm were to come to you, so I say this only from kindness.]

Her demeanor was submissive, and lacked any energy, but she nodded. [I-I’ll try…] She finally revealed her face once more, but there was an expression of disgust. [I should have known, and I should have listened but… I kind of ignored using my instincts, even when mom and brother insisted over and over. I didn't think I’d really fight much, so…] she whimpered. [I didn't listen at all…]

Her brother approached now, and nuzzled her face. She relaxed a surprising amount at this, even more so than with her mother. At a time like this, the siblings really looked like the twins they were, though they were very different in personality. The connection between them was quite strong though. Like one entity divided in twain, separate, but connected always.

Her brother looked as serious as I had ever seen him, determined and protective. [Sis, I’ll help you train. Even if you never want to fight, it could still help you avoid battles you shouldn't get into. That way… I know you’ll be safe, even without me. Even if I do… leave the mountain someday.]

That last line seemed to affect her, and she slumped in resignation with a long whimper. It was a sound of grim acceptance mixed with something truly mournful. Still, the glint in her eyes was positive, even if it was clearly against her wishes. [Okay… I’ll try my best to learn before then…]

Things finally seemed as though they would be calmer now, until I clearly heard one large sniffle, and the girl began to cry, clinging desperately to her brother's paw. Her older brother started to nuzzle her, but she only cried harder at that, and Glaceon had begun to nuzzle and rub over her daughter in comfort too. I was actually surprised. My friend had changed positions so quickly to press her daughter into herself, that I had not even seen it happen. I think it must have been the fastest I had ever seen her move.

[Sweetie-fluff, things will be alright. I don't think he’s running off just yet, so don’t cry,] soothed Glaceon. [Come and sit with me for a minute and let's calm down together, okay?]

[O-okay…] She sniffled, then stood up and followed along with her mother to a short distance away, where they snuggled up once more, and a soft, emotional sounding conversation clearly began to take place between the mother-daughter pair.

I elected not to listen in on it. It would be better to leave them to their private conversation for now. I was not part of this family, and should only help out if I was asked. To meddle unnecessarily would be rude to everyone involved, surely.

After she had talked with her mother for some long moments now, her brother approached me once more, tentatively, and with a sad look on his face. Still, beyond that, he looked up at me with a powerfully pleading expression.

[Miss Celeste… Can I ask you for a favor?] he asked, appearing to be more somber than usual. I chalked the reason up to the current state of his sister.

[You may ask away, but whether I agree or can even facilitate said favor is a separate matter. Feel free to ask however,] I replied, placidly.

He seemed to reconsider for a moment, but then resolved himself and spoke further.

[If I leave someday, to go along with a human or just… explore the world by myself… Could you look after my sister here?]

Huh. Well, it was not an impossible request, by any means, and even fell into the normal line of duties to myself.

[I can do such a thing. I am not exactly an uninvolved party after all,] I responded, giving him a small smile of encouragement.

He hesitated, and looked a little worried, but appeared to put on a brave face now, with his ears lowered.

[Does something further trouble you?] I asked, finding his behavior more than a little unusual.

[...What do I need to offer in exchange?] he asked me after a pause, in a hushed, fearful note.


Well now, that was a shock to me. He was more well informed than I have ever seen in one so young. Perhaps… he was the pokemon equivalent of a scholar, or a historian. Or perhaps even a story-carrier. In my chest, and in my mind, I recalled the practice of which he spoke with startling clarity. I have made many such deals in the past, but I have always demanded payment, to either myself or the mountain, but usually the latter, as I had very few personal desires.

But I must respond to him.

[You surprised me, young Eevee. Such a thing is indeed old and true to my history, but it is little known in this age. Has it been over a hundred winters since the last time I have been asked thus? It feels like that, or perhaps something similar.] I mused. He looked up at me with an altogether different visage, as if he was very far beyond mere belief now. Like he would never question my authenticity again. Still, I was curious why such a small Eevee knew these things. [Little one, how do you know about such a bargain of eld? I have not even mentioned such things to Glaceon...]

He shifted guiltily on his paws, then looked away from my gaze. [I heard from my older sister first, but there were other pokemon I heard from too. Sometimes when I sneak out for a break, I go meet some other groups of pokemon.]

[That sounds like it would be a bit worrying to Glaceon…] I mentioned.

He stiffened up and looked fearful.

[I-it's not like they can't find me all of a sudden!] he protested. [Dad lets me go out sometimes on my own, as long as I'm back when I'm supposed to be and as long as I let him know where I'll go. I’m not allowed to lie about it either, or he won't let me do it any more. Mom gets a little too worried sometimes, but I know that I need to be careful too, and I am! Really!]

I sighed. He was speaking the truth there, and if his father was aware of what he was doing, then I should probably not get involved. [Very well. I suppose I should leave it be for now. Go ahead and continue the story if you would, please.]

His nervousness seemed to fade away as he realized I was not going to pursue his wandering tendencies.

[Okay um. So yeah, the pokemon I meet sometimes. There’s some… groups, I guess you'd say, who are mostly battle enthusiasts and some few other types, and they like to talk about you a lot… I've gone around to visit a bunch of them after older sis mentioned them. The Abomasnow and Darmanitan groups practically worship you for your strength… and even the Lucarios like to talk about you, though they keep the most distance from the peak, and you too, since they claim up and down you can sense ‘auras’ and they don’t want to be ‘disrespectful’? I didn't really understand that part, but they’ve got a really strong sense of honor and reverence in particular…]

I had asked his mother about such things earlier, but never expected that her son would be so well informed. I was quite impressed.

[That is… intensely useful to me. I have barely been awake until recent days, but ever since then, I seem to have become fully aware of myself. I find that I wish to know more about all those who live here. Your help and insight therefore, is invaluable to me.]

He immediately looked happy and excited, and his tails wagged in a frenzy.

[I can tell you more details if it helps! The Darmanitan always talk about duty, and they say that because you protect the mountain, that they should be serving you too. I didn’t get the impression that any of them actually talked to you directly though, and I'm not sure why. It’s like they’re waiting... ]

Some part of my silence seemed to spur him on, and he continued in a frenzy of words.

[The Abomasnow are scary but not mean! They mostly keep to their territory. They seem to value strength the most, so I know they think you’re the highest authority here. Oh, and I know the least about the Lucarios. But! But they definitely have some sort of deal with the human town! I’m not allowed to go near there yet, and that’s where they live, so I couldn't find out much.] He panted for breath, finally seeming to deflate a bit in his tension. [Sorry… Does that still help?]

My eyes were widened. [You… know a whole lot actually. It helps a great deal. Even despite the limited information on the Lucario group, it is far more than I had known previously. Even your mother did not seem to be as well informed of these things.]

[Oh, I know! She keeps to herself too much, but not me and dad! And there's more stuff I know! Those three groups I mentioned? They have some kind of big rivalry with each other! Since they meet up often, the stories about you go around like a thunderbolt between them! They like to talk and argue over old legends and stories and then get into huuuge battles over it. Since they don't fight over actual territory, I don’t think it really gets noticed by everyone on the mountain all that much.] He puffed himself up proudly. [But I paid attention! That's how I heard about all of it! I watch and don't get involved when they're having their rows. I just pick out what seems like the most likely stories to be true and fill in the rest with my own guesses!]

This did not sound the least bit like guesswork! He already had many things correct! Yet he continued on with his momentum.

[I don't know too much about the Lucario group yet, but my sister Umbreon might! She used to fight alongside them and compete with them. She was part of their group! Should I try to find out more for you?] He asked, pausing with eyes of enthusiasm.

…Really, what an extreme shock!

Was this Eevee a prodigy? Like my Gary? They both had strange proficiencies in certain aspects. Eevee’s seemed to be information gathering.

Taking all possible tales into account, especially when unsavory rumors were also clearly present, there must have been quite a quagmire of information to sift through for one pokemon. It would take an intensive leap of logic as well as piecing together many different obscure facts and fictions to perceive the real truth. And he was entirely correct on top of everything else.

[It seems that some tales from long ago have prevailed through these long winters… though I find myself slightly embarrassed at how well they have endured. As for how those groups see me now… I wonder how I will properly face them in this age,] I spoke softly.

His ears fell and he looked crestfallen. [Uh… Sorry miss.]

I gave him the same treatment as his sister: a soft tail that caressed over his body in gentle comfort. I smiled both at him, and myself as he relaxed. These tails were very useful with how long they were in times such as these.

[Fret not. It is a part of my duty, but since it is something that one who is clever may take advantage of, it was less well known by my deliberate intent. I had never even expected the tales to survive in such a way. I shall ask you not to make that knowledge well known, but I shall not forbid you from telling another. Keep it within your family perhaps.] I sighed, flattening both ears. [With these reawakening emotions of mine however, hearing about it feels slightly… pretentious, to the current me. And it turns out my true pokesona is quite modest, so it is increasingly uncomfortable to think about...]

The boy laughed a little awkwardly, but did not reply beyond that. Perhaps he had nothing to add. To be honest, I had nothing myself, and I gave him a smile and a look that I hoped would communicate my state to him. He calmed down over time, but gazed into my eyes with powerful resolve once he had.

[So then, what should I do?] he asked.

I laughed, then placed my paw on his head and ruffled his ears. He looked quite disheveled afterwards, but also quite cute. He did not protest the treatment either.

[Very well, if you are prepared to do things properly, I shall do it seriously as well. Here is your price: If you do go out into the world to experience it, bring me or your mother back an abundance of tales of your experiences. I wish to know the state of things outside, in places I may never see.]

[That’s it?] he asked in surprise.

[Indeed, that is all.] I smiled at him gently. [Not so terrible is it? Really, what I would ask in return depended entirely on what you would ask of me.]

His initial response was a thoughtful hum. [I guess that makes sense.]

[Indeed, so I will look after her as long as she is in this domain. That is already something that I wish to do for every human and pokemon who lives here. Therefore, in return for a bit of extra attention, I just wish to know about things I may not know about in the future. And if you do not learn anything, or do not leave the mountain, it is still alright. Just do your best to try if you do really. I do not mind if you cannot bring me a story from the outside in the end.]


[Oh, yes, and I have one thing to ask of you, though you may find it difficult at first. It is unrelated to the deal, however, I would still ask you for it.]

He tensed slightly. [What's that?]

I ruffled his ears again, and prompted a surprised giggle this time. [Treat me as you always have: continue to see me as just a friend of your mother, and not as an object of worship. I do not have many friends, and I wish to keep the ones I do have, and not lose them in a quagmire of reverence and false distance.]

[That's… a little hard, but I promise I'll try my best!] he said with pride, but then folded his ears sheepishly. [It might take me a little while though…]

[That is fine, and thank you. I am grateful for your efforts now and onward,] I said, smiling with a slight bow. [And now, I shall go check on your sibling.]

He still appeared somewhat surprised by my request, and almost did not reply to me, but managed to do so before I had left him behind completely.

[I’ll do as you ask! Um. Do you really not like being worshiped though?] he asked me.

I burst out into joyous laughter, turning to look at him with a grin and pausing to answer.

[I suppose a little is tolerable, but not so if it is in excess! Especially if it is exaggerated to consider me omnipotent or capable of fixing every problem that occurs. That would be quite overwhelming!]

I wondered whether that would be hard to fathom for him, but he appeared to be thinking more about it, and I elaborated a bit further on my stance.

[When one takes the larger picture into account, I am just one inhabitant of this place in the end. Conversely, anyone may do as they wish, and hold opinions of anything freely, including myself. As long as it does not make it harder for others to live here, I think it is fine. I will not protest any such opinion as it stands.] I smiled at him one last time, before stalking away and leaving him to his thoughts. I soundlessly plodded towards the mother and daughter pair, who had settled some distance away, closer to the den.

I walked over to where Glaceon and her youngest Eevee were relaxing together and talking quietly. Glaceon looked up at my approach, whispered something to the girl, stood, then walked off a fair distance before sitting down to observe her daughter. Her slight gaze at me was enough to signal that it was now safe to approach, though I was curious as to the conversation that preceded it.

I could have attempted to listen in on them before now perhaps, but it takes active effort to do so, and I thought that I should allow them their privacy at that moment. Cautiously, I stepped up before the girl and looked over her prone form.

[Well, little one, how are you doing? I have been talking with your brother, and he worries for you, as I am sure your mother and even myself do,] I began with a soft voice.

She didn't speak, but looked up, keeping her gaze steady, then finally looked down and away, a mix of emotions on her muzzle. I gave her as much time as she needed and sat down before her to wait.

[I don't know what to think,] she eventually forced out, [But I don't want to make you mad either. Brother has never steered me wrong with his instincts…]

I laid down before her now, to be closer to her level.

[You may say all you wish to say, and I promise you that I will not get angry about it. I have it on good authority from your mother that talking is a good thing to make oneself feel better, and sometimes to find solutions for problems.]

She peeked at me doubtfully for a moment, but then rose to her paws, stepped close and pressed her small face into my chest fluff, letting out a small whimper. I laid one paw over her back in reply, and she relaxed a little under its weight.

[I don't think I really believed mom about the stories. I didn't believe… anyone. I knew about the one up top sometimes, since I could actually feel that power with my body, but now… seeing all that you can do, a-and experiencing it, I… I know I was being an idiot…] she trailed off, sounding quite bitter and unhappy with herself.

She was understandably a little muffled as she spoke, and I gave her a light stroke with a tail as well.

[Do you truly regret your stance that much? I do not think skepticism is a bad trait to have.]

This statement caused her to peek at me again, and I continued. [I, myself, have questioned much recently. Even my own long held knowledge was not exempted from that scrutiny.]

She still looked despondent.

[Maybe… but I’ve been like really rude… like, I chewed on your tail the first time we met!] she cried, sounding distressed.

I laughed softly.

[Yes, but you were much kinder to it this time, were you not? You are young, and I could not fault you for that youthfulness.]

And now she was looking away, with her paws gouging into the ground below.

[Well, Mom and Brother both yelled at me for biting you so I mean… I held back a lot this time.]

Her voice was meek, and her shame even stood out clearly in her scent.

[Indeed, you did. You learned to show more restraint. I count that as a good thing then~ My tail merely became a temporary snack to facilitate that understanding.]

She blushed in embarrassment, and I could feel the increased warmth with my fur. [Are you really not upset with me? Over the t-tail thing? And not… believing you existed?]

Her statement was laden with such emotion, that I considered it in greater detail.

About my tail… Well, I could not honestly be upset for very long since hurting it would be difficult. As for the rest, I had no great attachments to the grandiose title I was given: only the duty itself was important to me. Being believed similarly held no sway over my life or my actions, and I had a vague sensation wash over me, that being less well known would actually be more convenient for me in many ways. I felt that I could reply to her fears confidently.

[Not at all. If anything, I worried that you would detest me for keeping my secret hidden for so long instead of being forthcoming. I was not exactly immediately truthful about myself after all, though I was careful not to lie. While I do think your brother had started to suspect something was awry, he seems particularly adept at reading subtle clues. I was actually quite impressed with him when we spoke.]

The little girl suddenly laughed. [Yeah, he is really really cool like that. I admire him alot.]

She nuzzled forward while a slow wagging overtook her tail, and I suspected she had smiled at last. [Maybe I should be more like him, and look into more things…]

[Do so, if that is your desired path. If you did wish to pursue such a life, I actually believe that would make us fellow travelers.] I informed her.

She let out a half hearted giggle into my fur. It seemed like a good sign, and I stroked her with a paw to encourage her further.

[I will caution you though, should you take after me in the pursuit of knowledge. Beware, for with earnest questions come still more questions!] I finished in a playful tone, then laughed gently as she stared up at me with pure disbelief. [No, ‘tis truly so! It is a problem of my own to which I struggle even to this day. Is that not a curious and wonderful thing? To seriously delve for knowledge consigns one unto an endless search for more.]

She looked into my eyes with a very thoughtful expression, and I did not see doubts any longer. Only acceptance, and a veil of what looked like self reflection with slight depreciation. Hm. I did not wish for her to remain trapped in such a dark place though, so I carried on with my words.

[I myself do not have the answers to everything you know, and I have had hundreds of winters to search. You too, can surely find a path of your liking if you look for it, even if it is not the one I, or your brother will walk. Admittedly, I became entrenched in the search of knowledge and greater understanding only after a small human child got lost on my mountain.] I smiled good-naturedly at her. [So perhaps everyone needs a light push from another to begin the search for one's own place.]

Strangely enough, her eyes lit up. There was something that proved to be a powerful interest to her.

[So you really have a human friend?] she said to me in a shrill, and suddenly enthusiastic sounding voice.

[Y-yes, that is so.] I replied, more than a little taken aback at her abrupt change and energy.

She jumped up excitedly, ran in a tight circle and sat down, looking both excited and uncertain, as if she was unsure whether she wished to sit still or jump on someone. And then she quieted, nibbling on a paw and looking even more thoughtful.

Her expression was hesitant, and slightly pleading as she gazed at me. [Could you… introduce me to some humans someday?]

The unexpected entreaty set me off balance, and off all four paws no less. [I… perhaps? Yet I am compelled to ask you… why do you wish for such a thing?]

She turned away, looking west and southwest towards… oh. Towards the village. It was the place I spent far too much time facing, as if by some tracking instinct. Perhaps that is how I put it together so quickly.

She was certainly unaware of my private musings, and her countenance turned somber and almost longing, while her ears drooped powerlessly. [I just… want to understand them better. I don't want to fight others like my brother does, but I want to understand what he sees in them. In human trainers I mean. Maybe then I’ll understand why he wants to leave me to travel with one someday…]

…So she knew of her brother’s desires, even before his declaration. That ‘trainer’ detail was new information for me though. Still, her words were unambiguous and well thought out, and perhaps this had bothered her for quite a long time, with no salve for the pain it caused her. I wonder if it was something that grated upon both of them, but neither truly fought over it or talked about it in all their time together, however long it had been. I did not know their precise ages and truly had no way to ascertain such a thing.

[You knew about his desires beforehand then?] I asked her instead, keeping my voice softer than normal.

She turned to me, and her stare was partway indignant and even accusatory as she showed hostility. [Of course! We share everything with each other!] she shouted, but then whimpered softly, shifting into a powerless appearance. [Just not… our dreams, I guess.]

I wracked my mind, trying to come up with something comforting to say to her, but after many long moments, I had come up with nothing relevant, and her expression had only darkened further as she gazed sadly into the distance. I felt helpless to offer her anything other than the truth.

[My apologies, but I do not know what counsel to offer for such a thing. Your paths may indeed diverge at some point, and all may be powerless to prevent it. That is the truth, unpalatable though it may be to hear. I can not think of anything to soothe you at all. I am sorry.]

She looked into my eyes, still wearing a sad expression, but it was tinged with light surprise too. [Really? I thought you would know like… everything.]

I shook my head.

[I feel that you overestimate me. I am a mere creature just like you are, and not an omnipotent being like the Great One. I can freely think, become insecure, make errors, be plagued by fear and anger and sadness, and make poor choices for myself and for others. I am not a perfect being by any means, and I may even struggle upon things you shall find easy to overcome. Conversely, you may struggle upon things I find trivial, but such is the difference of life experiences, pokemonalies and backgrounds. Longevity also does not guarantee wisdom, or even adaptability.]

[I guess…]

I laid down at her side and swept a tail around her. I kept stroking her gently, and with some gentle caresses, she was soon nuzzling against me.

[You do not have any plans to leave this territory do you?] I asked her gently.

[No… I don't think so,] she replied.

[Well, this place should be largely safe to live, now and in the future. If other problems assail you, there are a number of pokemon you can speak to about them, including myself. Even bereft of an answer to your worries, I can always lend an ear to them.]

She broke into a small smile at that. [Okay…]

She was quiet for a time, and even closed her eyes while continuing to partake of the softness of my fur.

[I’m glad that she wasn't mad at me…] She whispered to herself, so quietly that I had nearly missed it.

I couldn't help but break into a small smile, facing the west. [I am also grateful for that, you know. I would be very sad to be hated by you.]

From my peripheral vision, I saw her jump slightly and she looked back at me sheepishly. [You have crazy good hearing huh?]

[Yes, sometimes I do,] I admitted.

She tilted her head. [Did you listen to me and mom before?]

I shook my own and looked over at her again. [No, I chose not to listen in on things that were not meant for my ears. Besides, I was talking with your brother at the time.]

[What did you and big bro talk about?] she pressed.

I chuckled softly with a gentle look. [Come now, surely he is entitled to his own secrets too, is he not? It was not anything that would be worrisome for his little sister however, so hopefully that will be enough of a comfort. If you are curious, you should ask him directly, though I cannot promise he will be open about it. Will you reconcile things with him soon?]

[Yeah… I probably should, shouldn’t I?] She traced her paws through the snow and curled her tail close to her side. [I was never mad at him for his dream, but I was too scared to talk about my feelings about it…]

[Perhaps he also knew that, and did not discuss it for that reason, not wishing to upset you,] I volunteered, thinking of his request to me. [I suspect it may have been something that was worrying him as well. Likely, the both of you were separately worrying about it.]

She responded with a troubled expression.

[Yeah… I should go… talk to him now,] she spoke in a halting voice.

[It certainly may help to talk about things openly now, rather than letting the berry spoil further,] I mentioned. [But do not let it force you to act rashly if you are not ready to face things.]

[No, I'm ready.] She stood up fully on her paws, shaking herself and appearing to regain some of her composure. [I don't want to fight about it anymore, or cry about it anymore without saying anything to him.]

I nodded to her and she faced off to the northwest, where her brother was presently. She took a few steps that way, then looked back at me.

[Thanks Miss Celeste. W-wish me luck okay?] she spoke, looking distinctly shaky, but resolved as well.

I nodded, flashing her a smile of encouragement and a wave of my tail as well. [Good luck little one.]

She ran over towards where her brother had been watching us from afar. His ears perked up as she approached him, and her pace slowed down to place her squarely in front of him, with slightly drooping ears. I could tell that he was saying something.

Once again, I elected to turn my ears away. Those words that were spoken would be meant for each other, but I did keep a watchful eye to see how things progressed. Well... how would things unfold?

The first thing that occurred was the girl puffing herself up and unleashing a furious Eevee bark, right into her brother’s face! I think my eyes were fairly widened in surprise and alarm. It was actually just a sound, and no words were contained within it. It is something one does in anger or to threaten someone. Her brother was the most surprised and nearly fell backward. A sudden sound caused me to turn my head. Glaceon had popped up in my vicinity, and while she was not saying anything, she was watching the two of her children with a very fierce gaze and expression, but audibly sighed and relaxed when she saw nothing wrong. She moved away towards the den again, but was clearly watching things now.

Kits, do not frighten your mother like that.

Without context, one would think something was greatly amiss from that sound. Even with it, they still might if they had not seen the girl fling herself at her sibling immediately afterward and pin him in a hug. There was soft crying and muffled words as she clung to him with her small paws, and his youthful male voice was just barely audible in soothing tones as well. Her barely audible replies contained no further anger, and the crying did not last long either.

Taking a curious glance around at the other presences in my vicinity, I could clearly see both Espeon and Glaceon were still keeping an eye on this too, though they were more subtle about it than I was being.

Everyone kept their distance though, and perhaps hoped that things would work out well.

A short while later, the brother ‘vee turned to her from his lounging position and said something with a playful smile on his muzzle.

I could hear her laughing, and though there were the remains of tears in her eyes, she seemed mostly recovered now, she shook her head and smiled brightly at the boy.

Her tone was louder now, and more easygoing, and the boy replied in similar ease, talking about something passionately, while the girl nodded along, clearly becoming excited too. She then curled upward and looked this way, at… myself? I tilted my head in confusion. Her brother was grinning at her from the side.

He said one more thing to her, but this sounded serious, and she had looked away from me at once at his words. He appeared to be explaining something, and imploring her for something, but I was resolved not to know what was not meant for my ears.

Whatever it was though, she nodded solemnly to him, and both Eevees stood up, shaking the snow from their fluffy coats, and shared what looked very much like a conspiratorial smile. Well, whatever was happening with that, at the very least it seemed they had managed to patch things up.

I was glad.

Well. The situation had changed quickly.

Right after the siblings had reconciled, they had come as a pair, right to me. Though they wore easy-going expressions now, it could all change in a moment, and I could find myself embroiled in any number of antics, as I had discovered previously. Both Eevees were now sitting before me too. I had no idea what awaited me now, but I was most definitely within the Eevee realm of chaos, so it could be nearly anything.

[Miss Celeste? Um… Could you lay down for a second for us?] asked the older brother.

I tilted my head, feeling exceedingly curious now, because looking at both of them currently, it did not seem like mischief was afoot. At least, not yet.

[Please?] chimed in the sister, [Like, on your belly. Just for a bit!]

I shrugged. [I suppose I can do such a thing,]

Following their request, I laid down in the snow fully, resting my head on my paws and eyeing over the children curiously. Both of them approached slowly, stopping just before me, and turning to each other in a nod. I would be lying If I said my worry had not increased.

In perfect synchronization, they approached with their small pawsteps, right up to my face and gave a soft lick and nuzzle at each side of my muzzle. Something lurched inside me, not unpleasantly, but they had kept advancing, and now had begun to nuzzle affectionately into my neck.

There was a powerful surge of feeling as they each nuzzled deeper at that spot. My whole body seemed to seize up and then relax immediately. I rested my paws over both of them, whining openly with a fully involuntary wagging of my tails, feeling swept away from within as my mind only registered a powerful confusion.

[Thank you for being so nice to us,] said the girl in a warm, genuine tone that I had not heard from her before.

[And thanks for… what we talked about too. And for helping my sister,] spoke the boy, a little more seriously.

[I am... Glad to be of help… to both of you,] I replied rather faintly, as my emotions continued to roil within.

What was happening to me? This feeling was… a very new one, and enough to be completely overwhelming, but it did not feel unpleasant at all. On the contrary, it felt like some of the purest contentment I had ever felt, but mixed with a deep, almost hopeful sense of longing too.

[You okay?] The sister asked me, and her small paws kneaded through my fur as she gave another small lick.

There was another, smaller tug at my chest just then. [Yes… I think so, but I do not understand what has come over me just now… what was I just feeling?]

Both of them seemed confused at my words, and the brother shrugged, while his sister continued kneading her paws against my neck in a soothing manner. I could not take my eyes off of them. They were so precious and small and… extremely cute. I gave each sibling a gentle nuzzle, and then remembered something I had been thinking about.

[Promise me you two little ones, that you will have care when the storm comes in a few days,] I said to them worriedly.

[There’s a storm coming?] Asked the girl, surprised, gazing up at the sky as if to look for it now.

[Indeed,] I told them, casting a careful eye over the sky as well to check the clouds. [I have been feeling it for some time, but its timing depends partly on the winds too. That shall likely be the final factor that determines when it shall happen. Within a few days it shall come though, surely and without fail. I shall call out a warning like always when it is time to take shelter.]

[Does Mom know that too?] asked the boy.


[Um. No. I have… forgotten to inform her,] I said, only realizing this now.

Well, now I feel quite embarrassed with myself. Why did that topic never come up?!

[You forgot?] asked the sister, seeming very surprised.

I rose to a sitting position and fluffed my fur self-consciously. [Indeed, I forgot. It seems that I can get rather distracted, and this time, I have overlooked things as a result of that.]

[Shouldn't you be able to like… remember everything?] The girl asked.

[No…?] I paused, pondering. [And I may even be missing memories of mine from long ago.]

[How does that happen?] she asked, sounding a little afraid.

…I would very much like to know too, and could only venture guesses. Still, the complicated version of my mental state might be difficult to fathom, and I instead thought to proffer a simpler theory of mine. I scrunched my face slightly as i thought of how best to explain it to the children though, but hit upon something much sooner than I expected.

[Little ones, do you remember what you ate for supper the previous day?] I asked.

[Berries!] spoke the girlish voice

[Bluk berries!] added the boy

This was proceeding as planned. [Very good! I thought you may remember something so recent! Now, how about what you ate seven suns ago? Do you remember what it was?]

[Uh…] The girl began uncertainly, then fell silent, thinking hard.

[No, not really, but it was definitely some kind of berry…] The boy added..

I smiled gently and hit them with the super-effective explanation.

[What if I asked you what you ate an entire season ago, on this same day? Would you remember precisely what it was? What if it was two or three seasons in the past? Would you know the answer?]

[No way…] the boy replied.

[That’s impossible isn't it?] The girl asked, looking bewildered.

[Yes, it becomes more difficult the further in the past one looks, does it not? Without a momentous occasion to anchor it in your mind, you may begin to misremember how events played out on a particular day, or you may simply forget altogether if it did not seem important at the time. My lifetime has already been multiple hundreds of winters.]

The Eevees looked as though they had understood, but that it was a new concept for them to consider, and the concept of so many winters may have been part of that too. [Since I would find it similarly difficult to remember something from so long ago, I believe this situation is my current, best explanation as to why I do not recall a great many things about myself.] I glanced at their mother. [But it is not certain that this is the true explanation either.]

Frankly, such a thing was one topic I desperately wished to discuss with Glaceon and Espeon. My friend and confidant tilted her head curiously at my stare, but I gave her a gentle smile, which she returned with one of her own.

We would get there eventually.

[Little ones, more than anything else, please continue to interact with me as you always have. Perhaps, in the near future, you can teach me how to become better at playing. It has been several hundred winters without ever learning how to do so properly!]

[Wooow. All that time?] Spoke the girl in wonder. [Well, don't worry about it, Miss Celeste! You can learn from us now!]

Her brother positively bounced on his paws and shook his tail playfully. [Yeah! Don’t worry about a thing! We’ll make you an expert! We’re great at it!]

I laughed loudly and happily before them, and gave each one another gentle nuzzle of affection and gratitude. I believed in them quite strongly here, even without my powers to confirm it, and I felt that they both held a strong desire to help me too. It was very impressive, as well as greatly comforting.

[That would be very well appreciated, truly. Sadly, I must be going sooner than I would like to, and have something important to discuss with your mother and father before I depart, as well as warning them about the storm too,] I elaborated.

[Okay!] acquiesced the sister. [I hope everything goes great with your important stuff then!]

[Come play with us again sometime though! You gotta!] chirped the brother.

[I certainly shall,] I told them with one last chuckle. [And, I shall also try and bring more stories for that day as well.]

Both of the siblings cheered.

We approached both parents as a loose, easygoing chatting group of three now, and I asked whether both parents could make some time for a short conversation before I would take my leave for the end of the day. Glaceon was uncertain about it, and consulted her mate.

[Think we can manage it?] Glaceon asked him.

Espeon nodded to her and swished his long, forked tail. [We should be able to put aside some time for it, especially with the two of them as tired as they are.]

[We aren’t tired!] shouted the boy indignantly, but Espeon merely stared him down and he relented without a word.

Glaceon laughed at the situation but smiled gently at her children.

[Kits, you trained hard, so we’re gonna have snack time right away, and a nap for now at the very least. We’re gonna need to talk to Celeste for a bit, and even though you’re trying to tough things out, we know you both are pretty exhausted.]

The eevee boy immediately whined and protested against his mother.

[Aw come on dad! We aren’t that tired!] He looked over at his sibling, seeking support. [We’re okay, right sis?]

She looked back over at him, but her expression was actually far from agreeable.

[Big brother. I am actually kind of tired… Stuff is all jumbled too. Could you stay… with me after snack time?]

Her brother backed down at seeing her expression, which was looking vulnerable, folding his ears and sighing in resignation.

[...Alright sis. I’ll stay with you now.] he spoke, quite softly and meaningfully.

[Yeah?] she spoke, perking up quite happily, despite her exhausted state. [Thanks a lot bro.]

Her smile was bright, and her brother butted his head against hers playfully in retort, causing her to giggle. They really spoke volumes with their physical contact too.

After that, following a short word from their mother, all four of them entered the den, one after the other, and I was left outside alone.

I did not have the urge to follow, and even if the slightest urge did exist, I would not fit, so it was moot. I laid alone in the snow for a short while, taking time putting my thoughts in order and trying to work out the most efficient way to convey what I wished to ask and speak about. I had one more important business to attend to before my own issues could be mentioned though, and it kept breaking my concentration. When Espeon and Glaceon returned to where I lay, I gave them both a brief overview about the storm that was likely to come within a few days, cautioning them to be wary of it.

Luckily, both were quick to believe me. Glaceon was immediately convinced. Perhaps it was because she was also an ice type? Did she have a similar ability to mine?

Espeon was more curious about it, and asked a few questions, so I did my best to elaborate for him.

I explained that natural storms were not terribly difficult to predict for me, and I could feel them approach using a sense within my body, but the unnatural icy surges that were unique to this mountain were much more difficult to gain any forewarning of, and it was this phenomena that was the original reason for beginning to call out my howl of warning, all those winters ago. It may be a somewhat vague memory now after all this time, but thankfully, it did indeed remain with me. Both of them were interested in the explanation of an icy surge, but strangely, neither seemed to know or had experienced what it was that I described…

Espeon then left and entered their home to keep watch over the two kits until they were properly settled in, and it was just the two of us now.

[How were the children?] I asked Glaceon.

[They're tuckered out for sure. They were trying to fight it too, or, at least our son was. It was a bit of an exhausting afternoon for them, both emotionally and physically. We should have some time once they settle in after snacktime, and we can go over there and wait for Espeon. It's a good thing I had him prepare the food ahead of time.]

[It seems like he does a great deal of working with food.]

[He does! He’s really good at what he does, and I'd help out with that more if I was the one with psychic powers! We usually just divide the tasks according to what we’re good at. I’m great at finding food, digging and scouting things out, and he’s great at carrying things, like food or stones, with fewer trips. We both can fight pretty well now though. He’s also a much better playground than I tend to be, but we both play with the kits of course.]

[I think I understand, so it is a partnership of efficiency.]

She gave a lopsided smile. [Haha, well it's not just some kind of arrangement of benefits Celeste. We love each other after all. The roles we take are just how we divide up the chores.]

Loving each other… I see… I wonder how it is that they-

[Thanks for your help with the kits though,] Glaceon spoke with gratitude. [I didn't really expect an issue like that to blow up out of nowhere between them, but I think it's good they talked. They took the news about your identity well too.]

[I am very glad of that, and I agree with you too. Those two should stay together as long as possible, I believe.]

Glaceon nodded happily, and then her eyes seemed to light up with excitement.

[Oh, hey! Speaking of pokemon staying together! Celeste, did you get a chance to hand over that gift yet?]

[Yes, I have. It went v-very well actually…] I replied, unable to stop the stammer, or myself from flushing slightly when the pleasant memories of what happened afterward made themselves known. [Yet, my luck seemed to have taken a hiatus immediately afterward, for the recipient had a journey that he had to undertake today.] I whipped my tails in slight frustration. [That was the guest I had spoken of, and I would have introduced you today if it were possible.]

Glaceon looked with a beaming smile. [Oh? That would have been nice! I hope he comes back soon then. Can I still meet him when he does?]

[I have no idea precisely when he shall return, but it should be within a few days,] I spoke, with a slight tug of longing. [And of course you may meet him. Try not to be too surprised however.]

[Haha, you're really setting my expectations high, you know?]

I laughed at her statement, but felt somewhat hollow at the same time. Really thinking of him now had made me more keenly aware of his current absence. I did not even know if this was a normal feeling. Glaceon had a good idea about such things though. I should ask.

[My friend… It is not terribly strange to miss another’s presence… is it?]

…Her body communications spoke of being unbothered by my statement, but she was suddenly paying closer attention to me.

[No, I don't think so! Seems pretty normal actually, especially if they’re important to you,] she finished, with an unusual, almost accusatory intonation.

She fixed me with a smirk and knowing look afterward, but I did not understand what she was alluding to. She seemed a tad confused at my lack of response too, but recovered quickly.

[Missing individuals that you care about is normal, and there are even all different types of it too. Just take me for example! I miss my kits who have already gone out into the world, and friends who have gone to different places too. But the best example is my mate for sure. I love my Espeon the most in the world, and I have no idea what I’d do without him by my side,] she concluded, wearing a faraway smile.

I stared at her in deepest confusion. It was not the words that left her that had surprised me, but my reaction to them that was causing this incongruity, and I pored over the meaning, trying to discern the cause of the unease that filled me.

She stared at me after noticing my silence and strange stance.

[Something wrong?] she then asked.

I fidgeted. [Well… Glaceon… It is just that… the last statement is not purely the truth.]

It took her a moment to process what that was, but then she rounded on me and bared her fangs, looking quite upset.

[Yes it is!! I love Espeon more than anything!] she shouted.

I shrank back from her, and felt my ears fall. The anger directed at me did not scare me, but made me feel pained instead. I felt hesitant to say anything further, looking down and away from her.

[Celeste, I… look I just don't get it. Why do you say that?] she said, and her tone was still quite upset. I understood, but this was why I wished not to reply in the first place.

[The reasons escape me, but you have definitely omitted something,] I told her, hesitantly. [The statement was partially correct, but it seems that… It is not such a straightforward thing to discern the truth, and if you were to simply say that you loved Espeon dearly, I am confident that it would be the complete truth.] I managed to at least look at her, but I could not raise my ears. [I have seen it clearly between you two, and I do not know why those two statements feel wrong to me…]

She at least looked less upset, and with a slight mote of pensiveness.

[That seems oddly specific, and I know you mentioned that you could do that, but running into it like this… didn't feel too great.] Her ears were angled with annoyance. Huh. I had seen a similar ear angle on her daughter, right before the events that led her to charge me. I hoped mother and daughter were not that similar.

[I am sorry. Even omissions stand out to me…. I was trying to figure out the meaning of it on my own, but when you asked me about it, I felt compelled to respond before arriving at any sort of explanation. It was not my intention to hurt you… I feel… very badly about it.]

Glaceon relaxed a little more, but also wore a serious and thoughtful expression.

[We never talked about that did we? That power of yours I mean. Plus…that snow thing you did earlier? Well… it was a little scary. Maybe I’m still wrapping my head around everything though.]

[I apologize for that Glaceon, and for my hurtful words as well. I know full well how much you care for your family though. I also understand how strange I am, and I apologize for frightening you.]

Glaceon did not respond, but looked lost in thought. It seemed to last for quite a long time. Her ears spiked and she fixed me with a powerful gaze.

[Actually, you specifically said “omission” didn't you?] she asked, looking as though she had discovered something. [Could that be it?]

I had no idea of what she spoke or what she was getting at. It was far too vague, but I was interested.

[Have you figured something out?] I asked her, very much wanting to know.

[Maybe. I’m wondering if that ability of yours is so insanely sensitive that you can’t miss it if it’s not the absolute truth. Is not being specific enough to make it stand out for you?] She appeared to be suddenly motivated, and less upset. [Let me try you once more.]

She thought for a while, scrunching her face, but appeared to complete her deep thinking much sooner than I believed it would take. Glaceon then took a deep breath, facing me. [...I love my family the most in the world, including Espeon, and our children too. I would do anything for them.]

…I see. Well, carefully planned they may have been, but those words were all true. Both my opinion, and my powers were cleanly in agreement on that fact. All that was left was to inform her about it.

[Glaceon… You may have only said that to test yourself, or me, but if so, you may be assured that it is only the truth that you have uttered. Perhaps the lie in your earlier statement is that you only included Espeon?]

She begrudgingly nodded, but seemed not to be totally accepting of my theory.

[Maybe, but… Is that really solid proof?] she asked.

[Do you wish to try using something else? Something I do not know would be best in that case.]

She nodded, and contemplated quietly, then perked up with a smile.

[Okay! I’ve got it!]

[You do? Then ask me whenever you are ready.]

[My two youngest children were born two winters ago!]

…Everything felt wrong.

[A full-faced lie. I am confident that neither of them were. Pokemon twins may hatch at different times too, but the fact is that neither of them were born near such a time.]

Glaceon was openly shocked.

[Okay wow, that… kind of throws me, if I’m being honest…]

[Why do you say so?] I asked her.

[I’ll tell you at the end, but i want to finish this next part first!] she responded.

I braced myself for her next question, paying particular attention to her.

[Next up… One of my two Eevees was born one and a half years ago!] she declared.

Well… It was a true statement, but it felt… awkward, if I needed to choose a word for it. Nothing was untrue in the statement, but it reeked of a subtle deception.

[I believe that one of them was indeed born then, but due to my senses going absolutely berserk, I suspect you are hiding the fact that both of them were instead born at the same time, and not at different times. Twins sometimes hatch differently, but in this case, I believe it was not so. Perhaps they even hatched upon the same night.]

[Okay, I admit defeat. You got everything right. Both of them were born the same night, and the older brother hatched first, and refused to leave his sister’s egg until she broke out as well. After that, they were just as inseparable as you see them normally.]

[That is… quite the story, but does explain their closeness.]

[I know I never told you about that either, so it really does look like anything that is deliberately left out triggers that weird sense of yours.]

[I see…]

I could not think of much else to retort, especially with how busy I was processing this new information.

[At least I know more about how it works I suppose…] I muttered, bitterly.

Glaceon chortled audibly, hearing my words, but then grinned somewhat awkwardly.

[Celeste… sometimes the things we talk about take some really painful turns,] she announced.

…I could only apologize for such.

[I am sorry, my friend. It is truly not meant to be so, yet this discernment of truth has been a part of me for as long as i can remember, and I cannot stop it from happening. I can try… not talking about it, if it is so very painful to others?]

Unexpectedly, she shook her head to me.

[No, I shouldn't have gotten so steamed about it, especially if it's an important part of you that you have no control over. You’re dealing with a lot, and I was even the one who asked you to talk about it in the first place.] She glanced over, looking partially evasive. [Honestly, despite what I said there, it’s still a little creepy though, but that’s kinda like the way it is with Espeon too. Oddly enough, unlike you, it's actually possible to lie to him. It’s really difficult though, and it’s not like I like doing it,] she finished.

I nodded twice, feeling strong kinship with that sentiment.

[Well, generally speaking, I, myself, do not like to utter untruths of any sort, and it is more difficult to me depending on the recipient. Still, even with the fullest extent of my powers, I can only tell the truth from a lie. Nothing else is revealed aside from that really. Your Espeon can actually see much more than I can, with his brief glimpses into others. Conversely, looking at myself, another’s state of mind I am utterly blind to,] I elucidated.

She appeared to consider that further, then sighed, very audibly.

[Realistically, it’s gotta be difficult to have to see the world the way you two do, especially without trying, but maybe it’s actually the opposite? It might make things easier too. I should ask him about it. I hope it’s not hard for him every day though...]

Glaceon seemed absorbed in that thought, but I had begun to wonder something, specifically involving Espeon.

[The way Espeon sees things, is it… Do you suppose the way I see truth and lies is a manifestation of psychic power?] I asked, wondering if she would have any insight.

Glaceon stared at me with surprise on her muzzle, and it shifted into thoughtfulness.

[Huh. It very well could be, and Espeon was convinced you had some kind of psychic power wasn't he? And you yourself mentioned that he was telling the truth then.]

[Yes, that Is correct.]

She looked up at the sky, seemingly focused on her thoughts rather than actually observing it, then peered at the den from afar.

[Hmm, Espeon is still not ready yet huh…] she mused, kneading her paws into the ground below.

[Hey Celeste! Follow me out into the field for a bit,] she suddenly said, wearing a smile.

[Very well?] I replied, and moved to walk close to her, seeing her pick up the pace as she glanced back to see me following.

We moved fairly quickly, and she seemed to deliberately place the boulder between us and the den. She walked on and on for long enough that it was completely hidden behind the boulder, and there was not a clear line of sight to her home.

A sudden hum from Glaceon made me peer at her curiously. Turning around and stopping there, she giggled and flashed me what very much looked like a mischievous smile as she faced me head on.

[Hey Celeste! Let me vent my annoyance a bit. Give me one free charge at you!]

I was flummoxed. [Huh?]

[Come on, just one free attack! That's all! I brought you out here so no one would see or bother us about it. I’m not aiming to hurt you or anything though, you know that.] She swished her tail playfully and grinned. [Just let me have one friendly charge, and then we bury the pokeball! No hard feelings afterward?]

[Are you c-certain? I do not mind, but why do you wish this?] I asked her.

[A bit of frustration, a bit of fun, and the curiosity of a battler! I can vent my feelings and I want to see how strong you are too!] she replied, sounding very cheerful.

…Was this where the young Eevee girl had gotten it from? A sudden thought it may have been, but I have a feeling that I was not wrong about it. Still, I nodded my consent, wondering why this had even happened.

Glaceon meanwhile, was unaware of my swirling thoughts, and stalked around me from a few angles, finally seeming to settle on one while facing my side.

[Alright, this looks good! You ready? I’m actually going to try, okay?]

[O-of course,] I forced out, still feeling quite taken off balance at this development.

[Alright! Here we go then!] she yelled excitedly, and she nearly escaped my sight at the sudden, sharp acceleration of her charging form. [Giga Impact!]

Oh. That was an actual attack. She really was trying hard here. I had a slight nervousness about a proper attack, but thought maybe it would be unkind to brace myself. I did not move a muscle or use any tricks of mine, letting her attack connect.

Unlike the one from her daughter, I stumbled and nearly fell over from the force of the charge, but Glaceon was flung back from the recoil, and she landed on her side with a high-pitched yelp of pain.

Cold icy fear swept through me at the sound and I dashed over to her.

[Glaceon! Are you alright? You are not badly hurt are you?] I asked, quite worried.

I fussed over her and checked her for injuries as she slowly got to her paws. Oh. There was a single bruise there on her reverse side, where she had landed, and casting my eyes about, I saw an inconveniently-placed sharp stone that she may have fallen upon rather hard. I gently pressed my paw unto the bruise, looking for a cut or any bleeding, but she winced and shrunk away with a hiss.

[S-sorry…] I spoke in a hush.

[It's fine,] she replied, wincing again slightly as she moved. [Wasn’t your fault or anything.]

[Are you sure? I can try to get something that might help a little?]

[Celeste, just leave it!] she shouted in exasperation.

I froze. She was definitely angry, and I was clearly not helping things.

[I swear, it's fine Celeste. Let's… just go to Espeon for now and see if he’s ready. We can ask him things. Things about the psychic thing at least. He might know,] she said in a very clipped manner.

I shut up fully and followed along with her obediently, fraught with worry and awkwardness all the while.

We approached where the den was, and Espeon lay before it, watching inside the den where the Eevees had retreated and keeping an eye on the surroundings too.

[Oh, hello again Celeste and you too …dear? What on earth happened to you two?]

Espeon’s psychic senses indeed seemed to be always on, and he discerned the strangeness between us immediately. I felt incredibly awkward all of a sudden.

[We have gotten into a fight, and subsequently settled things… I think,] I mentioned to him, not truly certain if that was correct.

Espeon looked between the two of us, and stared at me more firmly after neither of us elaborated. I wilted under the gaze, feeling guilty.

[I said something that upset her… And I tried to explain what I meant, but I felt bad for hurting her feelings, so I apologized, but still felt poorly about it and wanted to do something more, and she asked to tackle me,] I said, rushing my words out. [And then she got bruised from doing so, and I wanted to apologize for that as well and tried to help, but she got upset at me again and said it was fine. Is it fine? I am not sure it is fine but I hope it is…] I concluded, now even less sure of where things stood now.

Espeon peered at us both, and while I did not actually feel anything in terms of physical sensation, I had the strange sensation that I was being… ‘read’, somewhat like a book. And then, Espeon let out a sigh and looked at his mate with a grimace. Curiously, she did not meet his eyes.

[Well, all that makes sense. Celeste, things are fine, she is upset at herself and not you. Also, you are quite right by the way. Our youngest daughter does very much take after her mother,] Espeon stated, matter of factly.

[ESPEON! Don't tell her that!] His mate shouted indignantly.

Espeon looked over at her with a small smile. [She already knows love. What would you have me do? Lie? She sees through those too if you remember!]

Glaceon whimpered and covered her face. [You could have just… not said it! Oh Arceus, that's so embarrassing…]

I tried to bottle up my amusem*nt, but could not help the smirk that appeared, and I patted Glaceon's back comfortingly with a fluffy tail.

Unintentionally, she stumbled from the action, and this resulted in her immediately trying to tackle me again, which only caused a similar, but less extreme result as before, and she nearly fell backward. Both myself and her mate laughed at this. Glaceon herself was only embarrassed, and began loudly shouting while fuming at the both of us.


Well, post shouting match, things had progressed into a good, yet unexpected direction, but it was not a tense atmosphere any longer. Glaceon had gracefully accepted my forfeit of a gentle tail snuggle to calm her into a talking state once more.

I loved my tails of course, but was the mere caress of them truly worthy of pushing anger and worry aside for? Even Espeon approached me curiously, and when I plopped the end tuft on his face experimentally, he stood stock still, as if he was afraid I would remove it. When I finally had, Glaceon and Espeon had the audacity to share a cryptic look between themselves, along with a nod, communicating in some bizarre, unspoken fashion that I had absolutely no knowledge of.

What was happening? Were these tails of mine truly such a fearsome thing…?

After the supposed fluff frenzy had calmed, (They seemed nearly as incorrigible as my Gary was!) I thought about finally bringing up a topic I had originally planned on broaching with Espeon, and I turned to gaze at him seriously. He fretted visibly for a moment, perhaps thinking it would be a different, pointed fluff related question about himself? But nay, he was free from such questions for the moment. …Wait a minute, had he relaxed a miniscule amount just now? I squinted at him.

…I may ask later about such things.

His posture stiffened, and I very much did NOT imagine it. Hmmm. Very suspicious indeed.

[Espeon, I have used this power on both you and your mate unconsciously, in a manner similar to how you sense things, and so I have had more thought about it. I came up with this question. Is the ability to discern truth from lies, potentially a manifestation of my psychic power?]

His expression did falter, more than enough to recognize he was thinking about it seriously, and his eyes were far and away from this place as he seemed to be considering it deeply.

[It is possible…] Espeon said, pensively. [Well, to be frank, if that isn't a psychic ability, I have no idea how it would work otherwise.] He stopped with a hesitant look, and fixed me with a pressing stare. [I do have some questions about it. For one, how accurate is it?]

[Completely infallible. It seems like it cannot be deceived. Even with uttered half-truths, or omissions, it feels completely different than the real truth to me, and a lie is even further apparent. Furthermore, I can immediately feel the difference between all of them,] I answered immediately. [Glaceon… can attest to that.]

Espeon looked into my eyes, sighed, and then looked strangely reflective. [That is… extremely unusual,]

[Is it? Why do you say so?] I asked him, peering at him closely.

[I’ve never seen another pokemon who could do what you do, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility for another psychic to learn something similar. My concern is how accurate it is. If you perfected that power by yourself, it must have been incredibly important, because it takes practice to refine it like that: you must have found it an absolute necessity, for you to take the time to refine it to that extent.]

Such a theory did in fact seem to be a sound one, and more importantly, his words were all perfectly truthful ones. He seemed to nod at me here, and I sighed. Even before he knew about my power, I never really got the impression that he had spoken a single falsehood or omitted anything since I had met him. What an honest pokemon.

So I decided to reply, in like honesty and openness, and confess some of my own worries to him at the same time. Perhaps he could offer more insights.

[I do not honestly know about how I do what I do. After learning more things, I now suspect that… I may have missing memories. My knowledge is strangely… patchy, if I had to choose a word. Some things make much sense, like not understanding emotions with my limited interactions with others, but there was an… incident that happened quite recently that threw that into sharp uncertainty…]

I began to recount to both Espeon and Glaceon what had happened upon listening to the words being read aloud from a book, but phrased it as if I had merely overheard such knowledge, instead of addressing the full detail of how a human boy was actively reclining with me and reading directly to me. Espeon wore a knowing look as he stared at me, and I gave a slight head bow of assent and apology for my lack of forthcomingness, but Espeon kindly did not press the issue. I am sure he knew almost all of the situation between Gary and I from seeing it in my head, but he did not bring it up to Glaceon. I was grateful for that, since it was less than relevant here now. Still, I wondered why I felt the need to hide it at all, but continued my retelling of the situation.

[So… It was like the words that reached my ears were forcefully destroyed before they could reach me, and my body reacted… severely,] I continued to explain, for both of them. [A loud, rumbling sound reached my ears, and I struggled painfully, unable to hear my own words, and then I lost consciousness abruptly. I know nothing of the omitted information except that the words spoken were words from a book, and they were read by a human. And I could not hear them.]

Espeon looked at me with a mote of confusion, mixed with clear concern as well. [...Can you show me again what happened?]

His words took me by surprise, and I tilted my head. Show him?

[What? How do I do such a thing?] I asked him.

[From the description alone, it's a bit difficult to understand. Instead, I want you to try recalling the event clearly. With your permission, I will actively try and look deeper into your mind to see if I can figure out anything. All you need to do is remember it, and try to be ‘open’ to my gaze. You can even close your eyes to try and recall more clearly. Could you do that?] he asked, looking somewhat apologetic at the asking, though I knew not why that would be so.

Following that thought, I stared at him curiously, but he appeared to be serious. Additionally, his eyes did not seem unkind, and simply bespoke a desire to be of assistance. There was no reason to deny him, so I relented and laid down in front of him, with a nod of my head.

[Very well…] I said to him, facing him with as relaxed a body as I could muster, his regretful eyes fixed upon my own.

Actually fulfilling his request however… There was some nervousness at remembering that spell of unpleasantness, but if there was a chance to learn something new about myself, I absolutely must take it. Yet… I am still so very afraid…

Espeon’s face reflected a sudden flash of sympathy. Ah, that was why he hesitated to ask me. How kind. He opened his muzzle to speak to me, but I shook my head gently before he could. I truly think that… this step was a very necessary thing that must be done, and I could not let myself be held back here.

Seeing my determined stance, or perhaps reading the intentions from my mind, Espeon instead paused before speaking, closed his muzzle, and nodded to me once, looking less regretful himself. I looked over at Glaceon, standing nearby me and seemingly watching over my state. I got up, just long enough to rub up against her side and settle once more as I pulled her along with me using a tail, causing her to let out a sudden ‘eep’ of surprise before she followed along, and I rested on my belly with her in close proximity now. I apologized to her in my chest for startling her, but I knew this way, I would feel much less alone. I fixed my gaze on Espeon once more.

I took a deep breath of frost, exhaled as much stress as I could, then closed my eyes and cast my mind back in time to that recent, alarming event. I thought about it clearly in my mind, from how I felt, to where I was, and what I was doing at the time as well as who I was with. The memory was clear as ice at first. Again, I recalled the way Gary and I relaxed together, and what we were reading. The town in my mind’s eye as it was built and changed over time as he narrated to me, and then when things got… blurry. The fun lesson that was abruptly cut off by a nasty, oppressive silence. My sudden unease, and building fright. Asking him fearfully to repeat himself, and to progress forward with his reading. Soundless words that seemed as though they were deliberately hidden, and a rising stress within me. Then.. that painful noise and overwhelming sensation… A scream… of mine? I think it was my voice. Pain? Pleading, helpless words that burst from my muzzle that I could not recall… And then… nothing more. Blackness.

Then there was waking up in a truly wretched state after an unknown amount of time had passed… Feeling as if I had tumbled from the highest peak to the very foot of the mountain. My deeply unfortunate worrying of Gary, and remembering very little initially, aside from that unpleasant noise, and the sensation of something seeming to be deliberately unhearable… So many questions unanswered. It was painful, and very sad. I seem to understand these two things more clearly than positive emotions now…

A male voice’s whimper brought me from my recollection and back into the present, where Espeon was holding his head with a wince.

Glaceon was staring at him, with extreme worry. [Espeon…?]

He did not turn to his mate and instead looked up at me, and he looked… vulnerable. As if what he had witnessed had affected him too…

He slowly shook his head to me, and his ears fell like stones. [Celeste… I am so sorry. I have absolutely no idea.]

[N-none whatsoever?] I said, helplessly with a high pitched whine in my tone.

[I’m sorry, really… I don't know at all. Suffice it to say, I saw everything very clearly, but it was so strong it practically swept me along like a river, and the last part of that memory… I haven’t seen anything like that before. I understood the experience, but I really don't know what it was that happened to you.] He sighed, looking unhappy. [I feel like a failure of a psychic type.]

[Oh Espeon…] Glaceon spoke, with a low and sad voice, and she moved from me to snuggle in close proximity to him.

I looked at him, and while Glaceon had offered him succor, he still truly seemed miserable. It annoyed me for some reason, since he had no reason to look in such a way, and I wished to viciously crush whatever thoughts made him feel responsible. I rounded on him, puffing myself up to my full height and cleared my throat as I stared down at him.

[Face me and listen well!] I demanded.

Needless to say, he looked very surprised as he met my eyes.

[Espeon, there are so many things I do not understand. Me being one of them is hardly something you should feel responsible for, or upset over. Even I do not understand myself, and you must very much know through your abilities, that I am truly grateful for your efforts here.] His distress appeared to disperse at my words, and while he looked almost stunned, I pressed onward with momentum. [I cannot imagine how much more lost I would be without your help. Merely your attempt to assist is more than enough for me. It has helped me immensely, and I must and shall thank you for it,] I said, bowing to him solemnly.

[N-no I…] I looked up and stared right at him with a half scowl. He faltered severely at either my returned gaze, or by reading my thoughts, but ultimately backed down with a soft noise of assent. [Very well…]

I let him relax with his mate, before sighing and speaking once more in a kinder voice.

[I have a feeling that you've done all that you can,] I spoke to him. [Even if I verified your reply with my truth-telling, I know you have done so before you answer.]

He nodded, but looked somewhat helpless and still frustrated.

[Well, of course, but I couldn't help you at-] he began.

[And if you have done all that you can,] I interrupted, [Then it is already more than enough, and if i were to ask more of you, that would only be selfishness and arrogance on my part. I have not even offered you anything in return for your help, yet you still endeavored for my sake.]

Judging by his shift of expression, my words reached him, so I pressed the issue further with a confident tone.

[So I wish for you to see this as what it is: a kind, noble gesture born of goodwill. Failure does not diminish that in any way. I am sure that in my forgotten past, there are numerous failures of my own too, where I tried to do things and did not succeed. Do not trivialize what you are doing.]

A silence fell between us, but I was not about to back down on this. I needed him to realize that he had helped a great deal, and wished for him to cease being frustrated at doing his best.

[Alright…] He responded, much of the tension gone from his body.

[Very good then.]

Observing him, I was quite pleased with the change that had come over him, but he seemed verbally uncomfortable now, as if he were unwilling to converse any further…

I am not certain that he had fully recovered from his imagined tribulations. Something about him felt… like a scrambled jumble. As if he were flustered, but not actually angry.

[Are you alright?] I asked him.

He did not respond, but also did not answer in the negative. Glaceon looked over him with a much more familiar eye than mine, smiled, then let out a purr as she stepped up to nuzzle him. I did not understand the subtleties, but she seemed not to be alarmed at his state. Nothing had been said for some time, but unlike myself, my friend was not worried in the slightest.

[Want some time?] Glaceon asked, breaking the silence.

[Yes, that would be nice, if you wouldn't mind,] he replied softly and tentatively.

Oh, he speaks again. Well, I was still slightly worried for him.

My friend nuzzled up at my side now and distracted me significantly, as it was a gentle and unexpected comfort.

[Alright. Hey, Celeste, let's let him recover a bit alone. He’s feeling overwhelmed.]

I… did not understand, but trusted her. Maybe it was a psychic thing.

[Very well…]

She batted at my side in a playful manner. [Actually, now would be a good time for some girl talk. If you want.]

[I shall try my best?] I replied, feeling off guard. [I do not know about that very well.]

[We’ll get you there Celeste.] She turned and addressed her mate again. [We’re probably going to just stick around here, but I’ll give you a heads up if we head out to her place. We had talked about it being a possibility, but I’ll let you know before I go.]

He nodded. [Alright. That sounds good. Sorry about this, and have fun you two.]

[We will!] She flashed him a warm smile, which he returned, and then she led me away properly. I bowed my head to him in gratitude as I looked back, and he smiled a bit at that too, looking more relieved.

This time, instead of heading out into the field, we followed the edges of the forest and walked the borderline of the open area and the trees.

[He’ll be okay,] Glaceon mentioned to me suddenly. [I think Espeon really needed to hear that, since he’s usually pretty used to being able to help pokemon. Even complicated types.]

[It helped, I think.]

[So then, anything on your mind? Rumors? Dreams? Fantasies?]

…Was the emphasis on that last one necessary?

[Well. There is one thing, but I am not sure it would qualify as ‘girl talk’]

[Why don't we start with that then? Girl talk isn't required, but it would be fun to get some from you someeeday!] she teased.

I smiled, but let my expression fall back to neutral as I thought deeply about how to say what I wished to say.

[Glaceon… I think… I want to understand… how to live one’s life. I want to know what brings others fulfillment in their lives. I speak not only in a pokemon sense, but for humans too. That way, I may find something for myself among them.]

[I think that's a good idea in theory, but you might find as many answers as there are individual pokemon, and humans too, because that’s something everyone has to figure out for themselves. ]

If that was true, and my power said she at least believed it was so, then it felt as though it would be nearly impossible to arrive at a perfect conclusion!

[Thrice-cursed flaming explosion! This is so difficult… First I must study an impossible number of things, and then go through them all to discover an answer? Am I meant to simply keep trying to find things to enjoy, and a way to live, all without being greedy or harmful to others?] I huffed frustratedly. [There are as many things as stars in the sky, and surely just as many ways to live! How am I meant to find the smallest few out of a massive multitude?] I looked over at my friend, feeling particularly helpless.

Glaceon stared back at me, simultaneously dumbfounded and amused. [Was… that your version of a swear?]

I tilted my head. [A swear? What is that?]

She put her head down in thought, as a flicker of uncertainty ran across her muzzle.

[Huh. I never really thought about explaining what it actually is,] She spoke slowly. [I guess if I had to explain it… It’s sort of like a rude thing you shout or snarl when you're upset or frustrated?]

[It is rude?] I asked her, surprised.

[Usually it is!] She said, grinning at me and swishing her tail, then fixing me with a very pointed stare. [So, fire, curses, and explosions. Was that your version?]

I felt suddenly embarrassed, and my ears and body shrank.

[No…] I said to her, and my cheeks were suddenly unusually warm.

Glaceon laughed right away and grinned wider. [It totally is! Isn't it?]

[I do not know what you mean! I am not rude!] Glaceon appeared to be on the verge of even more laughter. [I am not…] I protested, cringing, and avoiding her gaze.

She actually did laugh more, and when I eventually chanced a glance in her direction, her expression and her eyes were both quite warm.

[Celeste, it’s fine. Literally everyone gets angry. I did just today, remember? Plus, as far as swears go, that one is positively adorable. I guess you really dont like fire or explosions huh?]

I sighed, and my face was slightly scrunched. [My dear friend, you are teasing me quite severely… Is that truly necessary?]

[Oh definitely!] she admitted freely, and the smirk on her muzzle spoke volumes. [But you’re pretty cute sometimes, and that's no joke!]

I groaned and cringed quite heavily, unsure how to take her words. She threw me a lifeline after the silence stretched onward though.

[You know, when you go and think about what you want to do, I think it’s okay to be greedy for things, but that bit about not hurting others is the right call I think.] Some of the happiness left her muzzle and she looked more serious. [I’m sure some other humans and pokemon do live that way though.]

I laughed bitterly and shook my head.

[Well I could certainly not stomach doing such a thing. It is always unenviable to need to resort to violence, yet sometimes… there is no other way…] I said, in falling tones.

I felt some sadness at uttering that statement, but I thought the conversation would end there.

[I know the answer about pokemon now, but would you ever… hurt or kill a human?] she pressed, and it caused a painful pang of worry in my chest. I knew the answer at once, and it was distressing.

I gave her a mournful, serious stare.

[You probably know the answer already, or at least suspect what it would be. If it was… necessary, I would likely do so.] I followed up with a helpless sigh, scowling quite bitterly at myself. [And if we are to be fully open with one another, with the holes in my memory, who is to say whether I have or have not forgotten doing such a thing already…]

Glaceon did not respond, but she butted the side of her body up against mine. I smiled at her antics, but still hung my head as my pace slowed to match hers. Bitter words still lingered on the tip of my muzzle, and I let myself utter them as we walked, wanting to be free of them.

[I would never enjoy it, I would hate it terribly, and perhaps it would leave a mortal wound upon me, considering that I may deeply love humans. But I have responsibilities. Oaths taken. Duties necessitated. So it would never be for a groundless reason, and I would find the action a last resort. Above all, I strongly believe in and value life itself.]

Glaceon moved forward and looked powerfully into my eyes, and I blushed at the intensity of her gaze, that seemed to hold both affection and admiration.

[I couldn't do what you do, but I think that working on something so difficult for so long without doing anything for your own happiness is too self-sacrificing. So… knowing what you know now, what are things that you want to do or learn? Things just for yourself, and no one else.]

My thoughts that rose up at her words were a conflicting set of values, but instead of being swept away, I settled, surprisingly quickly, upon a solid foundation before long.

[I… truly want to understand everyone better. Your two Eevees seem to live for fun, and Espeon wants to support everyone. But beyond those desires, the Eevees seem to each have a dream to pursue in the future. Something deeper that drives them. A goal to give their life momentum. Aside from wanting to know more about such things… I… have nothing like that myself. And I want to understand, and eventually find something more vast and fulfilling than the simplicity of my routine as a guardian,] I confessed to her, trying and failing to keep my composure, my posture collapsing into something regretful.

[Isn't that already something? Wanting to know more things isn't bad. You could learn new moves, study any pokemon you wanted, even hang around with humans for as long as you wanted. Wouldn't that be a start?]

[You may be right. It is indeed a good starting point.] I gave her a slow nuzzle. [It seems I have an idea about many other individual’s dreams, but I have neglected to ask about yours, my friend. What do you aspire towards?]

Glaceon smiled gently at me. [Well… I want to protect and nurture my family no matter what. I’ll always do my best like that. Espeon is somewhat similar. We trained for a long time because of that, together.]

[I see. I still have nothing of my own aside from the desire to search. Obviously, I have no family, and though I will protect the mountain and its inhabitants regardless, I fear that I actually have no dream as such yet, which is born truly of my own desires. What should I do to find something of my own when the search for knowledge is no longer enough?]

Glaceon seemed to muse over that, but looked back at me. [Maybe start from what else is important to you? Or something that makes you happy?]

[Important to me or makes me happy…] I spoke, slowing my pace as I thought. [There is something that comes to mind, yet I have no clear path beyond a vague awareness of what it refers to. I am not sure what dream I should be pursuing when it comes to him…]


Her sharp reply caught me off guard. As I focused my attention on her, Glaceon too, seemed to be focusing on me particularly strongly all of a sudden.

A sudden gust of sadness welled up within me at the same moment, and I was strongly reminded of his absence, slowing to a stop. [At that time, I… wanted him to stay… here…]

Glaceon did not say anything in reply, but she nuzzled upwards into my neck. Even more emotions seemed to tumble loose from within at her touch, and I whimpered aloud. Sparkling gem-like tears suddenly fell unto the snow, and I swept my tails around her selfishly.

[C-celeste? I didn't mean it to be that serious of a question,] she spoke, sounding worried. [You okay?]

…I still had the clarity to answer her, but still could not stop myself from feeling this way.

[No, Glaceon. Your question was not too serious.] I stroked her with those tails of mine. [I think… Something is happening within me. Perhaps the emotional ice within me is melting, if such a thing exists, and I now have trouble dealing with the resulting flood…]

She pressed her body closer into mine, and a palpable sense of relief swept through me. She may not have done a greatly complicated thing to ease my turmoil, but the simple presence of another beside me alongside a comforting physical presence was more than welcomed.

It could be said that I calmed my outpour of emotions in record time this way, but the resultant emptiness that was left behind began to haunt me like a specter of sadness.

And I did not think it would be best to subject her to that on the first tour of my home.

[Glaceon…] I began, hesitantly.

[What’s up?] She replied gently.

I took a breath. [Would it… be acceptable to move our plans to tomorrow instead? My chest pulls me towards home, yet I feel… incredible sadness. I may not be a great host in such a state. I could not even tell you what caused me to feel in such a way so strongly, but I desire to try and deal with it alone for the moment, as well as think on it further.]

She moved to my front and I let my tails fall away from her. She looked over me and finally sat, looking seriously up at me.

She nodded to me with a fierce expression. [Okay, but promise me something.]

[What is it?] I asked her.

[If I leave you alone… Promise me that you’ll be alright,] she said very softly, wearing a serious expression as she stared me down.

Great surprise assailed me. I am sure it even showed clearly on my muzzle. I had not even remotely expected that particular demand, but it was certainly within my power to grant.

[I promise that I shall be alright,] I replied to her.

She breathed out, as if in relief.

[Alright. Then I won’t worry,] She spoke with a light tone. [I’ll let you go here then, and tomorrow I’ll come visit you.]

[Thank you for your understanding. I shall see you then my friend.]

[Yep! Take care of yourself in the meantime!]

One thought remained unaddressed.


She turned back, wearing a questioning expression.

I shifted on my paws nervously. [Next time? I-I mean, for the girl talk, and the other topics. Perhaps for both of us? You need not feel pressured to agree on discussing your part, but on my part, I shall answer all things that I can, about that incident you wished to know, and all other things that you find curious, and I can promise you that I shall be open about it.]

A slow smile spread over her muzzle and she nodded. [Okay Celeste. That sounds good. Next time then. Try to get some rest and relaxation for now though, and I hope you have good dreams when you sleep. No nightmares.]

[Very well, no nightmares. Take care as well my friend. Thank you deeply for your kindness and support. May your family also be well,] I spoke, by way of final parting.

She gave one more nod as her smile widened, waving her paw and turning toward her home. I watched her sprint away from where I sat, keeping an eye on her even after she left my sight by tracking her presence alone, but I did not follow, and when her presence had gone too far for me to follow any longer, I, myself, turned toward my own den.

Home again it seems. I wonder whether this decision of mine was the correct one, but she should not be subjected to every bit of emotional tumult that I find within me. I thought.

And now, I too, set off for the place that I belong.


It was not an eventful run, but my thoughts did not make it a troublesome journey. Upon arriving home however, there were some feelings that resurfaced, though not quite as strongly as before. Old familiar home, old familiar sights, and old familiar solitude was awaiting me.

Stepping into my cave, the sting of absence was strong, but It was not intolerable with my acceptance of the facts of today. I had made some progress, and this day was far from uneventful too. I had explored a number of places, participated in many new things, experimented with myself, and talked a great deal to others. None of this was a typical, boring day devoted only to duty and nothing more. I should… feel proud of myself for my efforts, but I only felt the tinges of misery at the moment.

I wanted him back here, with me. I wanted to talk to him about today, about things left unspoken, even if doing so would frighten me with worry as to his reaction. I wanted to ask him what he lived for. If I told him everything on my mind, would he still accept me as I was? If I told him what I was… Would he still view me without fear and judgment?

Perhaps this moment was inevitable. The moment when the weight of what you carry crashes down upon you, and you either fight it or be paralyzed.

A helpless sigh from myself. At least… Today was mostly good. There were more questions, and some disappointments, but there were also positive experiences as well. I can confidently say that it was one of the most personally productive days I have ever had. I wished to try and hold tight to that feeling, to let it overshadow the painful elements.

There was a new thought. Perhaps I should also focus on collecting my thoughts into a good story to tell him. He would hopefully return tomorrow and be able to visit on the third day. If it was two whole days we were apart, as he worried, I may actually end up destroying a tree.

If something happens, perhaps I would gift the fallen tree to the humans. They still cut trees on occasion did they not? They could find a use for such a thing, though they would surely wonder where it came from.

…Well, they could continue to wonder, and they should accept the tree as it was in that case.

I spied a mote of brighter color in my otherwise monochromatic cave, and saw once more the fruits and food bars that Gary had left for me near my stash of food. I laughed aloud as crystal tears cascaded unto my floor, having forgotten all about the gifted food in the turbulence of the day and my own state. That positive reminder seemed to bleed away some of the more frustrating feelings, and I felt these tears were not entirely ones of sadness.

[Gary… It is almost like you knew this would happen,] I spoke to the stones around me, approaching and then focusing upon the wall of the cave where I stored things.

I dug out a third of the snow there, carefully placing half the fruits inside as they were, along with two of the bars, then dutifully reburied them. The cold would keep them well as long as I ate them relatively soon. Luckily, the cold of my cave had saved them from spoiling too quickly by leaving them out for a day.

Dinner tonight consisted only of treats left by a kind hearted soul. I ate one chewy and sweet bar that was left out intentionally, on its own, with its complex flavors as surprising to me as always. The chewiness itself was a surprisingly addictive feeling that I had come to enjoy as well. Next up were the grapes, which I had also enjoyed previously. They combated the dryness of the bar well, and though there was an abundance of sweetness in my meal, it was not unpleasantly such, and the juiciness of the fruits kept my thirst quenched as well. I took my time eating the last of the fruits.

Thinking more calmly and critically about the meal, I cannot say whether I loved or hated these things more than what I usually ate based purely on the flavors alone, but by their nature of being gifts to me, they were far more enjoyable than any berries I had foraged for myself. They were also novel foods, which were unavailable to me normally, and that felt… fun. Enjoyable.

I daydreamed about those meals before too, and even the mysterious ones I had presumably dreamed into existence that one night, and found my chest was a little calmer now as I ate. I truly enjoyed every encounter involving food so far, even the sticky ‘sandwich’ one, as it prompted a rare and beautiful kindness to me. I felt many vague but precious feelings at the last memory, remembering the way he looked after me. Despite the sticky unpleasantness, the discomfort was well worth the events that proceded afterwards.

After everything was consumed, I was left with an empty stone floor and the barest traces of loose snow after I had re-packed the stash, which I haphazardly packed onto the stash with my power, and I moved over towards my sleeping place.

Outwardly, I am sure I looked calm, but inside, there was a swirl of joyous memories and a deep longing for their return. Melancholy refused to yield completely to the peaceful thoughts or careful assessments of today, and the jolts of sadness caused a few more spherical tears to plummet to the stones.

At this, I found myself to be incredibly frustrated with my own actions.

[Truly, Is my emotional state like that of a child?] I asked, scoffing at my own actions, but then I deflated as I wondered whether my errant statement was unintentionally on the nose. Still, at this moment, I lacked the will to delve into such a question.

I laid down onto my bed of powder, leaving my head resting on my paws and tails, slightly off of the pile of snow. My eyes closed as I settled into the most comfortable position I could manage. The occasional click of ice onto the stones was the only thing that brought me awareness of my own tears continuing to fall.

[Come back soon… I do not wish to be alone any longer…] I spoke, mournfully as my eyes remained closed to the world.


A world opened up before me, and yet it felt slightly pale, and quite unlike the clear viewing experience that reality offered. It was as if it was within a haze, and I beheld my cave, my home, though it felt less like one without my Gary to visit.

When I looked around, there were few details, and I was immediately reminded of my thoughts of fancy from that previous night. This place was unremarkable as always, and I rather wished that instead of this boring, barren place, that my potentially dormant memories would come to the fore instead.


My surroundings changed at once, as if the world itself peeled away before my gaze, revealing something else entirely.

Winds and scenery swirled together like a chaotic maelstrom, and when the squall had suddenly ceased, there I was, lying in the snow in a different place, overlooking the snowy plains and the human village too. With a quick glance around, I found that I was at a quite different angle than normal, namely, I was situated much more northwards of the town itself. There was something curious within my sight however. The terrain was slightly unknown to me, but the village was noticeably different than present day, and in fact there was an entire portion that I could not recall seeing in the current era. Curious. Was this something I needed to see?

I looked out over it, examining cautiously from afar, and beheld ribbons tied between brightly-colored wooden buildings, innumerable lanterns, and a noticeable motif of shimmering ice in many places. The architecture was much different to what I knew as the recent norm, and the vague buzz of activity and life seemed like an alien sound with how it was distorted in my ears. I strained my hearing to identify any of the din, but the veil everything lay underneath seemed perfectly content to muffle and muddy most everything. I could almost hear something recognizable though, and I further strained my ears toward the village. As I focused harder, the sounds did increase in volume and clarity. Encouraged, I continued to bend my will trying to comprehend more, but as the sounds became more distinct, I began to feel dizzy, perhaps from the effort. The first time I heard a voice ring out clearly enough to be identified as such, a sudden sharp pain in my head broke my concentration, and the voice faded back into the indistinct drone of liveliness, far and away now.

I whimpered, both at the sensation, and the frustration of losing my progress.

Getting up and starting to trot in that direction, I was descending the slope and trying to observe the buildings as I went, but the more I saw, the more utterly certain I was about my previous assessment. I did not recognise this place at all now, but far and away, in a deep part of myself it felt… both hauntingly familiar and terribly sad. A powerful curiosity swept through me to explore it immediately, but an unknown fear gripped and glued my paws firmly where they were.

I… wanted to know why that was. My paws wished not to move, but I refuse to stay in ignorance any longer.

Steeling myself for what may come, I furiously attempted to force myself onward. My anger overtook the fear and nervousness, and the grip upon my paws loosened considerably. Recklessness was added to the swirl of frustration within, and I willed myself to move! My paw separated from the ground and took a step that even surprised me. The grip on the rest felt quite loose now, and I tentatively lifted them as I tried to move onward, finding the resistance had faded, and felt a curious sensation like invisible sand or snow was falling away from my paws as I moved them.

Now that I could finally wrench my paws from the earth they stood upon, I ventured bravely toward the mysterious part of the village. The din got louder. There were clearly both people and pokemon here, and as I got closer it started to sound really quite lovely. Lively. Happy. Even jovial. I approached closer and closer to the outskirts, choosing an ingress that looked like a large, open gate.

A furious roar rose from within the very snows themselves, and I jumped, alarmed. The roar continued unbroken, and then morphed to take on a new key, changing into a sound I knew very well.

A warning howl.

The same one that I had called from the mountain for hundreds of winters. The strange village before me began to waver as if it was melting, and I sprinted towards it in pure desperation. Before I had reached the gate, it all vanished into the ether, in something akin to wispy smoke as if it had never been, and then there was only snow before me. The sounds and this curious place had both disappeared. And without that place, gone too were my potential answers.

Anger and helplessness flooded my very being.

At the start, it truly felt as though I was in control of this place and may discover something important, but clearly, not everything was completely under my sway…

There was a new noise. A low hum in the far distance that set my fur and teeth on edge. I fretted, because my reactions felt strangely slow, like I was submerged in some heavy, thick liquid. And the sound was very distracting. I tried fighting that feeling weighing me down, but did not seem able to make any progress this time.

The rumbling was getting clearer and clearer, and that sound… sparked terror within me. I recognized it. That noise was what a natural disaster sounds like. A proper avalanche.

As I tried to both run away and change my location to something less unpleasant, the rumble began to rise in volume, presumably creeping closer, and my reality had yet to change from my standing upon the snows. I dug my paws physically into the powder, even kicking it into the air as I fled, but I never seemed to get any distance from this place. Even though fear made me run desperately, and I wished dearly to be somewhere, anywhere else, the sound only approached and began to drown everything but itself out. I could tell it was almost upon me now.

I did not want to see it, but I finally faced the mountain ascent. Far above me on the slope was a cascade of snow and debris and stone, with whole great trees buried in the deadly momentum too, and all was approaching my location. My desperate desire to flee had not taken me even a stride from where I started, and while I felt as though there was nothing further that could be done to avoid my coming fate, I was not a helpless child to cower and accept it! I would resist with all my might regardless of the outcome!

I threw my power out before me like a wall, embanking snow before me and hardening it to try and endure the blow, or at least to block out the rock and wood, hoping to use any trick I could to shield myself in the oncoming onslaught. A haphazard, quickly erected wall it was, but it was all I could do, and that felt much better than a mere nothing.

I growled as the roar and rubble approached, and braced my body behind all and any reserves of power I could muster in this place.

Something immensely powerful, and unfathomable in presence to me, seemed to grasp me by the scruff of my neck. I struggled and tried to turn and bite, but it grasped my whole being next, then hauled me forcefully upward at incredible speed, all while remaining unseen and unknown. I was moving upward quickly, but my struggles were still not sufficient to free myself, and I continued to rise with undeterred velocity, up and upward quickly, fully out of the way of the oncoming avalanche. It was so very undignified, being held like this, but I was at least pulled away from that bitter scenario below. I thought perhaps that would be the end, but I continued to rise until the ground fell away completely out of sight, all the way until it became blackness. I could not make sense of what was happening at all, and I had not even the slightest plan for what to do when every bit of sky around me simply… evaporated into a deep gloom, as if one had snuffed out the sun.

Before I could utter a sound, I was suddenly moving so fast that all I could behold was a mere blur of vision, and my sight only settled back into a usable state when my movement stopped, but I did not feel dizzy at all. I was gently set down on four paws upon a formless darkness, where everything around me was colored in the purest pitch of black. Nothing whatsoever could be beheld around me now. A formless, endless void was about me, yet it felt clearly alien, and unlike anything I had ever experienced. My clarity had returned and the haze of much earlier had fled, and I felt this was no longer what it was before, and certainly no mere dream, or even a fanciful vision. I was lost and utterly alone in this deep darkness.

Am I here as myself now? I tried to will my surroundings to become a familiar locale, as I had done before, but the scenery did not respond even a fraction. There was an inaudible sound that buzzed past me, and yet it was also a feeling. I did not behold it with my ears, but understood it instead with my body. There was an unsettling feeling of amusem*nt pressing in all around me, and it did not come from myself. It was outside of me, which was… unnerving, even if it did not feel hostile in the slightest.

But nothing further happened.

I had stayed still as a sculpture for a time, but was feeling quite sure that nothing would happen unless I made the first move. My first action should be to scout the terrain and attempt to locate where I was, but…

What was this place? There was no path, nor anything I could see around me. It was almost the purest opposite of my very first nightmare, but I knew this was no such thing. I stood upon solid ground, yet beheld nothing touching my paws, though I could feel it. An impossible smoothness beneath my senses. I feared to move in this absolute nothingness… yet I could not remain here like this forever. I took a small, experimental step forward, and from where it touched, spread a ripple, flowing outward like water in which the darkness peeled away and fled, like blown leaves in autumn. I stared openmouthed at what was revealed at its conclusion.

The light of countless stars was in every direction. It may have been a deep darkness in truth, but it was brightened from every conceivable angle, and while the twinkling gave an impression of distant movement, I could tell that those tiny lights were quite stationary.

Beholding such an overwhelming sight, I had never felt so small in my entire life, and could only stare out at this environment. Even using what bravery I possessed to finally move myself, looking around with careful steps, such small movements did not change my position even slightly when compared to those small lights beyond. Thankfully the solid ground remained secure under my paws.

[[Being of snow and ice, hearken to these words.]]

My fur spiked and I nearly yelped at being so suddenly addressed. The voice was odd, distorted, and I was not even sure it was one voice, or several in tandem. I managed to keep my wits and dignity, just barely, but covertly looking about did not yield the location of the speaker. Even my presence-sensing failed to reveal anything else here. An unsettling feeling and slight fear swept over me.

[Who is there? Who speaks to me?] I shouted, also feeling angry at being surprised.

[[Straight to the point, as expected. Well, I am myself, just as you are you. You may have already noticed, but this is no longer a dream. You will struggle to perceive me. I have no form that I can reveal to you. I cannot harm you or interact with you directly, nor can I give many details other than the message I was entrusted with. It is a message for your ears alone, but upon receiving it, you are free to tell who you wish about it.]]

…Even my sense of truth failed me, and I could not deduce the words, just as I could not properly identify the speaker.

Because of this, I had no idea whether these words were sincere or fabricated, and that was exceedingly unnerving. I did not know if they could even be trusted via personality, and their motivations were entirely a mystery. Could this being be even more powerful than the Ice Lord? I could not rule it out, and the fact remained that I would likely be unable to leave without hearing said message. At least I would supposedly receive some information, and I was completely at the other party’s mercy anyway.

I growled in annoyance, but held onto my temper as best I could. [I do not even know if I can trust you, hidden as you are, but tell me. What is this message you have?]

[[Your skepticism is understandable, but I can never be a threat to you. I cannot even reach the place where you stand in the world, or change it in the slightest way. In reality, you shall only be here, in this no-place for a mere moment in time in order to hear my message, but that moment will last exactly as long as is necessary, and no longer. Furthermore, only your mind is here, while your body rests safely in your home.]]

A distorted laugh rang out in all directions, forcing me to search immediately for the source, but it was futile.

[[If you must have something to address me as being, you may think of me as the stars closest to you.]]

I looked around at those distant stars, but not one of them seemed any closer than the next! What was that supposed to mean?

I snarled. [You have presented me with an impossible game to find you! Are you mocking me? Where exactly are you speaking from?]

The laughter rang out again, but gentle and pleased this time.

[[No. I was not intending to mock you, but I am amused nonetheless,]] the voice intoned.

A second snarl left me, and I began to pace at first. I walked around in circles in this dark world I found myself in, then began to run in short bursts, darting here and there and viewing every conceivable direction to me while searching for the speaker, to see if it was truly as they said. I even examined the ups and the downs, or what seemed to pass for it, but the longer I was here, those words began to lose their meaning too. It was only due to my solid footing that I still had any sense of it whatsoever.

I felt twinkling amusem*nt from the increasingly shining light of the stars around me. It was more than a little frustrating. Worse still, they seemed quite unwilling to elaborate. I sighed. It seemed there was no choice but to give up the search. I sat down upon the supposed ground beneath me and lashed my tails impatiently, wondering what to do.

So… I was trapped here for “exactly as long as necessary”, was it? Then I should demand some answers, as well as the message itself once I found out as much additional information as I was able to.

[Why have you brought me here? And why at such a specific time?]

A distorted laughter, as if from many voices, both familiar and unfamiliar reached me. But this time, it seemed almost sad.

[[Questions, is it? Very well, but do not expect me to answer everything.]]

A silence fell, and I almost missed the previous laughter, with as powerful and oppressive as the silence suddenly became. It felt entirely different from when this being simply chose not to speak. Like a looming threat hung heavy.

[[Why at this time, you ask? It is because I am aware that you do not deal well with nightmares. In light of such, I thought I would do you the favor of taking you away from it, while I deliver my message to you. As for the why of things, there is only one reason, and I have already told you what that is. You had to be brought here in order for me to deliver any words to you at all.]]

Okay. That was a fair point. If it could be believed in its words, it had been transparent about its motives from the very onset. But that did not make it any less infuriating in its approach!

[Fine. What, or who exactly are you? How Is it that you would know such a personal thing about me? And what message could there possibly be for me? I do not even know who you are, nor what you or any other being that can do things such as bringing my mind to this strange place could possibly wish of me. I know perhaps six beings in this entire cosmos that I believe could potentially do this, and you seem like none of them!] I shouted once more, feeling more distrustful than before.

This time, there was an audible sigh, and the lights in the distance took upon a subdued purple hue.

[[I cannot possibly answer those first two questions. I cannot even explain the reasons. However, despite what I am saying, that is not to say there are no answers to be found for you. I just remain powerless to provide them. One day, you may come to understand what, and even who I am, yet seeking it out is also important, for if you do no such thing, you shall find nothing at all.]]

[That is the first thing you have spoken that is even slightly clear to me,] I huffed.

Twinkling amusem*nt washed over my body for a moment from all around me, but then the stars took on a solemn gleam.

[[I can answer the second. I know such a personal thing about you because you are well known to me. From the very beginning of you, I knew you well. You may take of that reply what you will.]]

I felt like… something there should be obvious and stick out to me, as if I should be aware of them already, but that may not necessarily be the case.

[[Your presumptions of my identity, while unvoiced, are all likely false. I am not a being like the Ice Lord that you know of. If you had any inkling as to who I was, you would already be able to call me by my name. Guessing the answer, therefore, may be impossible for you.]]

If those words were true, then I was not aware of this individual at all.

[[Now, is there anything further you wish to ask?]]

[Not that I can think of…] I grumbled. [I am getting a good sense of the questions you will not answer, and anything that remains has either already received a reply, or been one of your active refusals to do so.]

[[It must be this way.]]

Ugh. This entity was highly annoying. Still, it seemed to enjoy this interaction between us.

[So you say, but I have nothing other than your words to judge you by, and If you know me so very well, you would realize that asking for blind trust does little else other than anger me, especially when you will not even show me your appearance.]

[[With the way things are, this approach is unavoidable. If you wish for the message now, then let us proceed to the reason you are here. I will offer one last piece of information beforehand however. This whole situation is purely a benevolent action on my part, and that is because I have high hopes for you.]]

[High hopes… So you do have an agenda, and it involves myself. Then, since I cannot think of another question you will answer, I am sure this message serves that agenda in some way. Am I correct?]

[[Indeed, but I shall not elaborate. As for the contents of the message… I will now deliver it to you. Take it all in as best you can manage, and think upon its words if you can.]] It told me, suddenly halting in speech.

There was a hesitant, nervousness in the air after it stopped. Like the crackling energy before a bolt of thunder, but there was nothing resembling such a thing here.

[[You may consider it… Advice from a fellow traveler.]]

The stars shone in strange, pale whites, and pensive, muted blues now. I sensed there was no amusem*nt from it, or perhaps ‘them’, any longer.

So I paid attention, resolving to burn these important words into my memory as best I could.

[[Herein is the message for you: ‘If you wish to walk the path of your own purest and truest happiness, you may eventually come to a timeless place. If it is so, then you must remain there for some time, and you will need to be stronger in every sense of the word before you make the journey. I suggest that you think…. carefully about what you wish to do while you are there, and about what you wish to learn, for it will be for an incredibly significant portion of time, even for one such as you.’]]

Something about that statement was… unnerving in the extreme. Time had never seemed to be against me, and had always moved by quickly. It sounded like wherever ‘there’ was, would be quite a slow journey. Above all, I still could not get a full read on this entity, or entities at all, and I was left more confused than reassured.

I waited for a continuation to clarify things, but the voice of the stars did not speak any further.

[Is that the whole thing?] I asked finally, my voice taking on a higher pitch.

[[Yes, that is all,]] It replied, very matter-of-factly.

…Well that was aggravating… I am not sure I learned anything of value at all. If these words were meant to guide me, then they were not yet relevant. I had cheekily been given a map to a place where I did not reside, and I did not know.

I tried some desperate tactics to glean more, looking around and giving a soft whimper. [About who or what you are… You really will tell me nothing?]

There was an orange glow, and a slight annoyance or exasperation towards me, which changed into a more agreeable yellow twinkle.

[[No. I can say nothing about that. We can only ever meet again if you are able to call out to me, and at such time, there is no longer any danger. Once it is so, you may ask any and all the questions you would like and I shall hold nothing back. Prepare your queries well if you truly desire to find out where this is; think of things you wish to know, things you wish to do, and most importantly, things you can afford to bring with you.]]

There was a pause.

[[And then, perhaps on that day, we may help each other, since I, myself, yet walk on a similar path you may one day choose. You have the potential for it.]]

[That… still tells me nothing of any use,] I replied, complaining earnestly. [But I suppose it is something. I will think about it.]

[[It is what it must be,]] It announced in a dignified manner. [[And now, my message to thee is delivered. It is time for you to return to the world, winsome wanderer of the snow and the stars. Good Luck and good fortune to you. I shall earnestly hope that we will one day meet again.]]

I suddenly felt my stomach drop, and the sensation of my body moving quickly, as if I had been thrown from a high cliff.

[Wait!] I shouted, wanting to press the voice for more answers.

The stars in every direction abruptly shone bright, in every imaginable color at once and became so blinding of a spectacle that I could see nothing but dazzling light. I shut my eyes tightly with a wince, feeling distinctly unsteady on my paws as if I had just fallen over or become dizzy, but did not fall. Only after several tense moments had passed, did I realize that my eyes were still closed, and I was now laying down instead of standing. Presumably, from sleep.

I opened my eyes immediately, and there were no distracting spots in my vision from seeing such a bright light up close. However… I could recall everything that was just said and experienced perfectly. I was also clearly in a different position than when I had just been standing moments earlier, all without moving a muscle. I was lying down upon the snow of my bed, as if I had just woken from slumber. The other memories before the most recent one may have been some kind of passing dream, but I could tell that the very last experience, my standing amongst the stars was nothing of the sort. I even remembered it clearly, in a stark contrast to the murky nightmare that preceded it, which even now had details slipping away from my grasp, leaving only the last memory for me to ponder in its entirety.

In the dream I knew there was something about red lanterns and a strange gate, and a creeping feeling said that it was important too, but that memory was the murkiest of all, and the rest was already gone, leaving me to wonder what else I had forgotten from my slumber.

I got up, examining around myself, and immediately realized I had absolutely ruined the sleeping snow. It was patched with smears of ice all over and dotted with ice droplets. I must have… done something to it in my sleep. Were these drops… sweat? Did that happen during sleep? And what about the streaks? If so, that must have been the nightmare’s doing, but I could not recall sweating even once before in my life, and if that were the explanation, all of me was perfectly dry, while the icy patches were placed strangely, so it did not seem completely accurate...

I had no way to know one way or another. Someone would have to observe me while sleeping to know for sure what happened.

I sighed. [It is… frustrating to continually search for answers, yet only find more questions in need of them…] I spoke to the solitude of the mountain. [Oh Mountain of Ice, you would not happen to have any answers for me, would you?] I continued in a whimsical tone, smiling helplessly.

As always, the mountain merely listened to my complaints patiently, and did not reply to my query.

Well, it was not as though the stone could respond, but I actually felt a slight bit better from grousing aloud.

With my lighter mood, I picked up all the snow and clear ice from where I slept, finding that the icy patches were soaked in deep, figuring this time I would need to replace all of the bedding. I carried the snow and frost in a large, floating ball before me, through the dimness of my home and towards the entrance. Stepping from my home with a sigh, I tossed it onto the discarded snow pile located near the cave entrance. Over time, that pile had naturally been cut into and dispersed by the winds, but was a constantly growing pile nonetheless. Especially when something like this happened during sleep, or I wished to have a new and refreshing sleeping pile.

As I shifted my sight away from the refuse, I froze as I beheld an unfamiliar world. Here before me was the mountain, bathed in pale moonlight under one full and shining moon, and it was filled with a resolute, solemn quiet, only broken by the natural sounds of the wind and the calls of nocturnal pokemon. I had no memory of a sight like this, of a bright night like this one, and I stood in awe of it. The air was clear enough in the sense of the weather, and none too blinding when compared to the sun’s rays, allowing one to see vast distances with merely the light that reflected down upon the snows. The sight was both soothing and enchanting, and my interest in it grew.

I had never explored the night in the same manner as I had the day, and I believe no one could fault me for being curious now. Life was likely still abound and in motion upon the mountain, and I wondered how it compared to the activities of the day. It was much quieter, truly, and yet, there were no small number of pokemon that would prefer the night. The sounds were proof enough.

I… wanted to see them with my own eyes. To see more new things, and to understand. To know how other pokemon lived.

After the gentle snowfalls that were becoming more frequent of winter had swept through, the white crests of the snow were renewed into unbroken gentle sheets, at least as far as my eyes could behold. The snow beyond my paws was like a shimmering, unexplored path, tempting and beautiful, and even my own white fur reflected the paleness of the moon above with an eerie, unworldly light. Looking closer at myself, the purple stars in my tails were glittering brighter and more noticeably than before, and my chest, which had been previously swamped in the lingering sensation of confusion and disappointed melancholy, was suddenly alight with excitement, and a powerful wanderlust.

Any thoughts of returning to my nightly slumber were abandoned at that moment, and I was left with the wonderance of what I Should do instead. It almost felt rhetorical though, for my paws themselves wished to carry me forward unto that untouched blanket of snow of their own accord, and I asked myself instead, where I should go first.

[And so, unto night’s fall, the world becomes alike to a pale gem, with gentle, but no less beautiful luminance to the day.] I spoke unto myself.

I found myself… smiling. Easily this time. Being alone did not always have to be painful.

I had asked Gary to bring me back a story, but I shall also give him one in return I think. Perhaps something titled: “Celeste’s first journey into the night, over the snows that were moonlit bright.” If I were to write a book about it.

...Was that any good of a name? Hmm. Too long? Unsure.

Well, it was a work in progress!

Still, Gary would probably like it, no matter what I titled it. He seemed to like books and stories, and the Eevees today had gotten quite into my retelling, so perhaps I was not be such a bad storyteller either, objectively speaking. It seemed also… that being reminded of Gary did not always have to be such a painful thing either. I still missed him of course, but I now think I should have simply looked forward to our next meeting, and instead of spending time and energy merely being sad, I should also try to bring to him the experiences of as much fun as I could find for myself in the meantime.

It felt like a good direction. A good plan. And I felt quite happy with it.

[But now, I must write the story in the only way I can: by experiencing it myself.] I said, with a measure of resoluteness.

I gently pressed one paw into the snow, leaving a single pawprint from my intent and steeling my nerves, grounding myself. It felt rather symbolic, and furtherwards, I was feeling rather excited instead of nervous. Here was the very first step of my new journey, and now I shall take all the rest of them too, while seeing what the night is all about in this beautiful place.

I breathed in deeply, and exhaled with a clear, musical howl that coasted along on the wind to reach far and beyond. It was a note that bespoke reassurance, and calmness on the mountain. A peaceful night. It was a call I knew well, that every pokemon knew well, but it was one that I myself had never personally used before, until now.

Its message reflected the calmness in my chest as well.

And so, feeling like I had learned new things about the emotions that had seemed to be frozen within me in the past, I leapt onward, not even thinking about which direction I would go, and ran onward onto the shimmering, moonlit mountain.

Warmth in the Storm - Chapter 6 - PokemonFluffAddict (EternalFluffAddict) (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

Phone: +99513241752844

Job: Design Supervisor

Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.