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Nov 27, 2018

Adrift MCorrin


Adrift MCorrin is a blue infantry dragon with the weapon Draconic Rage. It acts as a slaying weapon as well as giving him atk/spd +5 during combat if the number of allies within two spaces are more than the number of enemies.

He has 35 atk, 35 spd, 31 def and 24 res. He’s going to hit pretty hard and avoid plenty of doubles but mages will be able to hurt him quite a bit.

Her has Atk/Def Bond and Hone Dragons but his selling point is Null Follow Up which disables foe’s skills that allow them to follow up attack and prevent unit from follow up attacking. Basically, fighter skills like Vengeful Fighter and then things like Quick Riposte will not activate past the special cooldown charge. They won’t be able to double as long as Null Follow Up exists on Corrin.


+ Good atk/spd/def make him a formidable opponent in both enemy and player phase

+ Base kit pretty good for him, especially his weapon

- Poor poor resistance.

- Weakness to anti-dragon units, negated somewhat by being blue when most anti-dragon units are red.

Similar Units

I wonder if the point of the Adrift Corrins was to powercreep their children, because MCorrin is a MKana upgrade. MKana has lower stats overall except having the same def and higher res at 29. Unfortunately for MKana, as a GHB unit, he does not have access to IVs the same was MCorrin has. MCorrin also has a better base kit overall, making him the clear winner here.

Nowi, cheaply available, has lower stats overall but she also has DC built into her weapon and can be easily merged to +10 for better stats and scoring. She does need more work into her base kit than MCorrin does, but if you just wanted a tanky dragon, Nowi is the cheaper option.

Team Options

Dragon Emblem!

He’ll definitely need protection from mages with that 24 res. Someone like Summer Leo, Flora, Felica, etc would be good for tanking mages for him.


+atk or +spd for 38 in either. +def is also a good choice for 34 def.

HP and Res can be kept neutral or dropped. Res is probably the better drop so he can keep his bulk for non-magic units.



Weapon: Draconic Rage

Assist: Reposition

Special: Bonfire, Aether

A: Atk/Def Bond 3, Steady Breath

B: Null Follow Up 3

C: Even/Odd Def Wave 3, up to you

Seal: Close Def isn’t bad, but again, up to you. QR3 is another option

For a defensive boy, you can slap Bonfire and Steady Breath on him. You can stick with Atk/Def Bond but he won’t get the cooldown charge from Steady Breath. Null Follow Up is good to keep for cheap but you can replace it with Quick Riposte. If you’re not doing dragon emblem, Even Def Wave can just add to his defensive capabilities but if you prefer making a more mixed bulk Corrin, you can use Res Waves or whatever else you want.

I did not! Mr. Electric, send him to the principal's office and have him EXPELLED!

Weapon: Draconic Rage

Assist: Reposition

Special: Blue Flame, Draconic Aura

A: Fierce Breath, Steady Breath

B: Wrath 3, Null Follow Up Attack 3

C: Atk Wave, up to you

Seal: Up to you

For more hard hitting, you can use some atk based things like Fierce Breath and Wrath. You can definitely mix both builds to make whatever you want, I just separated them out because the first is a little cheaper.

Get skills from…

Reposition: 3* Selena, Barst

Bonfire: 4* Adult Tiki, MRobin

Blue Flame: 5* Owain

Aether: 5* Chrom, Exalt Chrom, Lucina, Brave Lucina, Ike, Brave Ike

Draconic Aura: 4* Ares, Camilla, FCorrin

Steady Breath: 5* Brave Ike

Fierce Breath: 5* Legendary Tiki

Wrath 3: 5* Karla, Owain, Nephenee

Even Atk Wave 3: 5* Silas

Odd Atk Wave 3: 5* HS Xander, Legendary Eirika

#feh#fe#fire emblem#fire emblem heroes#mcorrin#adrift mcorrin


Nov 26, 2018

Adrift FCorrin


Adrift FCorrin is a green infantry dragon with a weapon, Draconic Rage, that acts like a Slaying weapon as well as giving her +5 atk/spd during combat as long as the number of allies within two spaces are more than the number of enemies. This is a pretty good weapon for her, but if you want a Distant Counter, you can always give her DC or Lightning Breath.

Corrin has lowish atk at 31, high spd at 37, and decent defenses at 32/27. She comes with Atk/Spd Bond which (as well as being good for fodder) helps boost her mediocre atk and her already good spd even higher.

She also comes with Rally Atk/Spd+ which gives target ally +6 atk/spd. If you’re looking for one of the best rallies out there, here it is.


+ Good stats overall for offensive and defensive work

+ Draconic Rage helps her trigger specials more often and gives her an offensive stat boosts that she likes

- Weakness to anti-dragon weapons, especially the red ones (Falchion, refined Binding Blade, etc)

Similar Units

FKana has lower stats overall and, in my opinion, is probably the worse option between Adrift FCorrin and FKana. She’s also a green infantry dragon but with only 34 spd she struggles to compete with Corrin. She also has Water Breath, a weapon that gives her +4 to def/res when attacked. While this isn’t terrible, Corrin has a lot more going for her in her weapon. If you have a well built FKana, you’re probably going to be okay. But if you want just a general upgrade from FKana, FCorrin is the choice.

Team Options

Dragon Emblem!! She likes the buffs. A Legendary Tiki can help take care of red units really well.

Otherwise, she’ll need protection against anti-dragon units and red units in general. Having a blue unit to murder reds for her is a good option. Defensive units like Brave Hector or Lukas are good options for a tanky team. Legendary Ephraim wouldn’t be a bad choice for more offensive.

As usual, a dancer would also be appreciated.


+Atk or +Spd. +Atk will give her 34 atk which she appreciates to help patch up her low atk. +Spd will get her a superboon and boost her to 41 spd which is really appreciated.

Def/Res is best kept neutral for tanking. Res is a superbane and will drop her to 23 so ideally do not! Drop res!

Hp is her best drop because no one really cares about HP.


once upon a dream

Weapon: Draconic Rage

Assist: Rally Atk/Spd+ or whatever you want

Special: Blue Flame,Draconic Aura

A: Distant Counter, Atk/Spd Bond 3

B: Chill Spd 3, Guard 3

C: Fortify Dragons isn’t bad

Seal: Close Def or Atk/Def Bond aren’t bad options but it’s up to you.

Feel free to mix these skills around. The first in the list will be the most expensive but the best overall. Blue Flame works well with her being defensive and being surrounded by allies. Draconic Aura is a good free option if that isn’t available. DC is good to make use of her def/res, allowing her to counterattack anyone who attacks her. Atk/Spd Bond is just fine if you’re willing to be more patient in baiting out units. Chill Spd pretty much guarantees she’ll double or at least avoid doubles from most units. Guard is a tankier choice to help her avoid specials.

Get skills from…

Blue Flame: 5* Owain

Distant Counter: 5* Hector, Love Abounds Hector, Legendary Hector

Chill Spd 3: 5* Fallen Celica, Kliff

Guard 3: 5* Titania, Leon, Micaiah, FMorgan, Helbindi

#feh#fe#fire emblem#fire emblem heroes#adrift corrin#fcorrin#adrift fcorrin


Nov 21, 2018

hello!!! thank u so much for running this blog!! im. very bad at feh so i rely on other peoples suggestions for builds. will you be doing adrift m!corrin soon? :0 again thank u!!!

Thank you for the praise!! I’m glad it’s helping you.

And yes, I’ll be getting to the newest units hopefully this week. I just finished up with finals and I’m on break so I have more time!! (But like I’m lazy so I’m going to have to bully myself into doing this omg)



Nov 13, 2018

Because it just came up, I thought to pose this as a question to people who read and use my builds.

Generally, when I write the list of units you can get skills from, I only put in where it is most cheaply acquired from. That’s why, instead of listing Jagen, Bartre, Myrrh, etc in where to get Fury from, I just list Hinata because he is the only one who gives it at 4*.

I also rarely list limited units unless they are the only units you can get a skill from at the moment of writing it.

Would everyone prefer if I put all of the units you can get a skill from, even if you’d have to have them at 5* or if they were limited? Or are there any other suggestions?

I’m happy to alter new builds if the majority of you would like it a different way.



Nov 13, 2018

Do you take requests for builds for units you haven't done yet?

Yes, of course! I try to keep up with the recent releases, but if you ever have a certain request I will always put them up on the list to be completed as soon as possible.



Nov 13, 2018



Mikoto is an infantry healer with Flash+ as a weapon that, if she initiates, foe and foes within two spaces of target cannot counterattack through their next actions.

She has a statline of 35/32/20/26 which is pretty respectable overall with an amazing atk stat. She’ll definitely be a good offensive healer with the right build.

If you were looking to fodder her off, you’ll probably want to save her for Flash+ or Brazen Atk/Res. She does have Infantry Rush which basically gives units within two places of her Heavy Blade, but it’s not as useful as it seems as they still need to meet the atk requirement and it doesn’t stack.


+ Good offensive statline

+ Razzle Dazzle potential is limitless

- Limited by class as a healer, meaning she can’t get some skills she’d really like

- Wants expensive skills

Similar Units

Genny has the same 35 atk and much better res at 34, but considerably worse spd at 25. Genny also has Wrathful Staff inherent in her base kit which is incredibly useful and something Mikoto pretty much needs to reach her full potential. In general, thought, because Mikoto has the extra spd, she’ll fare better as an offensive healer.

Loki is speedier and has wrathful staff built into her weapon which takes out an expense that Mikoto still faces. She also has Odd Atk Wave which patches up the fact Loki only has 33 atk.

Pretty much the best of the best when it comes to healers, Brave Veronica, cannot be beaten by Mikoto. She has the superior kit, mobility, and speed. Mikoto only really beats her in 3 points of attack, but with Brave Veronica being highly likely to double, it doesn’t really matter much.

Team Options

Like most healers, she’ll need a team to actually fight for her. Tanks who would like to keep their HP up to continuously take hits are good options, as well as units who need to reach a certain HP threshold to use their skills.


+Atk or +Spd. +Spd might actually be better to get her to 35 spd which will help her not only double but avoid being doubled if attacked. +Atk is another great option to help her reach 38 atk which is amazing as a healer.

Res is best kept neutral because it’s not bad at 26. It can be boosted for the superBOON to 30 which makes her a viable ploy user, but it’s preferred to boost her spd or atk.

Def and HP can either be dropped or kept neutral. If superBANES bother you, don’t drop HP because it’ll drop 4 points rather than 3.


mother knows best, listen to your mumzy, it’s a scary world out there

Weapon: Flash+ (Dazzling or Wrathful ref), Pain+ (Dazzling or Wrathful ref_

Assist: Up to your preference

Special: Again, up to your preference but Miracle isn’t a bad choice

A: Atk/Spd Solo 3, Atk/Spd Bond 3, Atk+3, Spd+3

B: Wrathful or Dazzling Staff, Wings of Mercy 3

C: Odd Atk Wave 3, Even Spd Wave 3, Savage Blow 3

Seal: Up to you, Savage Blow 3 for aoe damage

So yeah you have choices. If you want to go offensive, you’ll want to definitely have Wrathful Staff somewhere. For an offensive Mikoto, that takes priority over Dazzling if you can only get the refine. Atk/Spd Solo and Bond are expensive but ideal. You can easily go with Atk or Spd+3 for cheaper. Then the Wave skills are great for both her own benefit and that of her teammates.

If you don’t want to go so offensive, you should prioritize the Dazzling staff refinement and put Wings of Mercy on here to help ferry her around the map. Stacking Savage Blow is the way you do it for 14 points of damage to units 2 spaces around that who she attacks. With Pain+, that’s 24 damage to units within 2 spaces of her target.

Get skills from…

Pain+: 5* Lucius, Azama

Atk/Spd Solo 3: 5* Legendary Eirika

Atk/Spd Bond 3: 5* WF Hinoka, Legendary Marth, Adrift FCorrin

Attack+3: 4* Cherche, Gordin

Speed+3: 4* Leon, Fir

Wrathful Staff: 5* Genny, Brave Veronica

Dazzling Staff: 5* Maribelle

Wings Of Mercy 3: 4* Cain

Odd Atk Wave 3: 5* Loki, Ishtar, Leweyn

Even Spd Wave 3: 5* Karla

Savage Blow 3: 4* Camilla

#feh#fe#fire emblem heroes#fire emblem#mikoto#oh BOY#just wrote 2 ethics papers#HOOOIE#im dying scoob


Nov 7, 2018

thank you so so much for this blog I'm so glad I found it. an feheroes help blog I used to follow sadly 'retired' and gamepress offers builds that require too many special skills that I just don't have access to. Your blog is a gift in disguise!

I’m glad it’s helping you out!! I’m sorry about the other blog retiring, but I can contest that this isn’t always easy and its very time consuming, so it is unsurprising someone needed to take a break from it.

If you ever have any questions specifically, I’ll always try to answer asap :)



Nov 5, 2018



Aversa is a GHB red tome flying unit and a pretty good one. If you’re wondering whether or not to 5* her, hopefully by the end of this post you’ll have made your decision.

She comes with Aversa’s Night, a weapon that gives her res+3 and any enemy that has 3 HP less than her and is adjacent another foe is debuffed with Atk/Spd/Res/Def -3 and any bonuses on that unit become penalties. So, foe has 3 fewer points of HP? and is adjacent to another foe? Boom, Panic Ploy and -3 to all stats no matter where they are on the map.

She has a statline of 33 atk, 34 spd, 17 def, and 24 res. She does not have access to boons/banes as a GHB unit.

She also has Odd Res Wave which might be a choice to fodder off.


+ Free flying tome user!!

+ Good offensive stats

- Weapon is situational

- No access to IVs

Similar Units

Summer Tana has the same atk but 36 spd. She also has +3 spd from her weapon which makes her a lot speedier than Aversa. Halloween Nowi has higher atk by a point at 34 but lower spd at 32.

Both ladies ^ are limited, so I can’t really say they’re easily merged. They also don’t have weapons or special skills that really stand out, meaning you can easily swap one of them out for Aversa. However, if you do already have a well built Tana or Nowi, you’ll probably be ok without 5*ing Aversa.

Team Options

Flier Emblem!

She’s still a flier so she’ll need protection against archers. Raven tome fliers are good choices, but anyone who can tank them in general is good.

Healers, to keep her HP topped up, aren’t bad options either if running her preferred weapon.


She can’t have any of these right now.



Weapon: Aversa’s Night

Assist: Reposition

Special: Moonbow, Iceberg

A: HP/Spd 2, Atk/Spd Bond 3, Swift Sparrow 2

B: Renewal 3, Chill Spd 3, Chill Res 3

C: Odd Res Wave 3, up to you otherwise

Seal: You can actually run HP+5 or HP/Res here or whatever HP boosting skills end up coming out

This build primarily focuses on her weapon’s effect. Moonbow is a cheap option and works if you aren’t boosting her res anywhere else. Iceberg is a longer cooldown choice and is especially good with Odd Res Wave in effect and if you use HP/Res or whatever else to boost her res. HP/Spd is what she comes with and isn’t bad if you want to focus on her weapon effect for cheap. Otherwise, Atk/Spd boosting skills like the bond, a solo, or Swift Sparrow will help her offensively. You should not use Fury here because of the HP decrease. Renewal is cheap, again, for keeping her HP topped off. If you want to spend a little more and want more of an offensive Aversa, Chill skills will work wonders.

i’ll cut you

Weapon: Raourblade+

Assist: Reposition

Special: Glimmer

A: Swift Sparrow 2, Life and Death 3

B: Desperation 3

C: Odd Res Wave 3, or whatever else buffing skills you can run.

Seal: Up to you

If you want someone who is purely reliant on buffs and hits hard, you can run a Blade tome/Fury/Swift Sparrow/etc/Desperation kit.

Get skills from…

Rauorblade+: 5* Tharja

Reposition: 3* Selena, Barst

Moonbow: 4* Odin, Palla, Athena

Iceberg: 4* Niles, Shanna

Glimmer: 4* Beruka, Peri, Lon’qu, Sothe, Legault

Swift Sparrow 2: 5*Katarina, Ayra, Brave Lyn, Lewyn, Ishtar, Legendary Lucina, SF Nino, WT Olwen, SM Eirika

Atk/Spd Bond 3: 5* Legendary Marth, WF Hinoka

Atk/Spd Solo 3: 5* Legendary Eirika

Life and Death 3: 4* Sothe

Renewal 3: 4* Fae, L’Arachel

Chill Spd 3: 5* Fallen Celica, Kliff

Chill Res 3: 5* Spring Catria

Desperation 3: 4* Shanna

#feh#fe#fire embem#fire emblem heroes#aversa


Nov 5, 2018



Loki, an infantry healer, has the special Thokk. Yep. Foes within the cardinal directions of her, if they have 3 less hp than her, cannot move more than one space through their next actions. Basically a Gravity effect with an HP requirement. It also has Wrathful Staff built in.

She does have decent HP to run that, with 42 neutral. She has 33 atk, 35 spd, 16 def, and 25 res. She has pretty generic stats for a healer.

She also has Colorless Duel Infantry which is an arena skill. It will give her +5 HP which is good for her weapon and it counts her BST as 170 instead of her ~151ish. This is only useful in Arena and modes like that, so outside of Arena you’ll probably want something else there. She also has Odd Atk Wave because why not.


+ Thokk is pretty helpful for keeping enemies stuck +++ Wrathful Staff built in

+ Pretty good offensive stats

- Poor bulk (16/25) makes her super fragile

- As a healer, she doesn’t have access to a lot of skills she would want to be more offensive, and the skills she DOES want, are kind of expensive.

Similar Units

She’s generally always going to be outclassed by Brave Veronica with her built in Dazzling Staff + Wrathful staff inherent in her base kit. Veronica also has the mobility of a cavalry unit which Loki does not have. Veronica was also given out for free, so if you got her, you’ll probably have no use for Loki.

Other healers are pretty similar to her but she does stand out with her high atk and spd. Units like Maria and Sakura and Lucius can’t contend with her offensive power, but they all tend to have better res. It depends on what you want, an offensive healer or a weaker healer with the ability to take some magical hits.

Team Options

A lot of teams would like a healer, honestly. Anyone who doesn’t rely on Wrath, Desperation, etc whatever would welcome Loki on their team.

Otherwise, she’s a healer, so she’ll need people to protect her. Especially physical tanks like Brave Ike, Hector, Lukas, etc because 16 def is not gonna do anything when an archer wants blood.


+atk or +spd are pretty obvious choices for 36 atk or 38 spd.

HP is definitely best kept neutral for her weapon. Res too is a good stat kept neutral.

Def, low as it is, can drop.


tic thokk on the clock dj blow my speakers up tonight imma fight

Weapon: Thokk

Assist: Restore+ or whatever your healing preference is

Special: Earthwater Balm+ isn’t a bad choice but, again, it’s up to you

A: Atk/Spd Bond/Solo 3, Atk+3, Spd+3

B: Dazzling Staff, Wings of Mercy 3

C: Odd Atk Wave 3 is great

Seal: You could pop Live to Serve here but really it’s up to you. Even +HP wouldn’t be bad to use her weapon.

If you do not have Dazzling Staff to sacrifice, you can use Wings of Mercy for pure support. Atk/Spd Bond or Solo are good offensive choices, but for cheap you can grab Atk+3 or Spd+3.

A lot of what you would change on her would come down to preference. If you want to make her an AoE damage unit, you’ll want Pain+ and dual Savage Blow. If you want less buffs and more health, you’ll want Imbue or Heavenly Light.

Get skills from…

Atk/Spd Bond 3: 5* WF Hinoka, Legendary Marth

Atk/Spd Solo 3: 5* Legendary Eirika

Atk+3: 4* Cherche, Gordin

Spd+3: 4* Fir, Leon

Dazzling Staff: 5* Maribelle, Bridal Lyn

Wings of Mercy 3: 4* Cain

#feh#fe#fire emblem heroes#loki#fire emblem


Nov 4, 2018



Kliff, another sweet darling boy, is an infantry blue tome user. He comes with Sagittae, a weapon that gives him +5 to atk/spd/def/res if he has 5 less atk than his enemy. This is definitely...strange. He also has Fortress Def/Res which gives him def/res +6 and atk -2. So, more strange things on this boy.

He has 30 atk, 37 spd, 25 def, and 28 res. So he’s speedy and has decent defenses but his atk is on the lower side which is good if you’re using him weapon and not good if you want to build a generic Blarblade mage.

Kliff also has Chill Spd which is probably what you’d fodder him off for if you don’t want him.


+ High speed and good defenses

+ Sagittae is unreliable but when it works it gives him great versatility.

- Sagittae is unreliable and situational so when it doesn’t work...he hits like a bag of noodles.

- Competition from all of the other blue mages who either deal more damage or fulfill a niche.

Similar Units

With his weapon and speed, he really stands out from any of the other tanky mages we have. Boey does have high def, but low spd and low res as well which makes him decidedly different. MRobin too, while he was once seen as a good bulky mage, doesn’t reach the defenses Kliff can and also has quite low spd. So in general, Kliff stands out.

Team Options

He will still die to greens, so having strong red units with him is a good idea. Owain, Halloween Myrrh, Legendary Ike, etc are all good choices to protect him from greens.

He will also not be able to kill too many high high res units. I personally caught him doing 3x2 to a Nowi in arena. So having someone who can take care of those with high res units + dragons in general is a good option.

SPECIFICALLY, if using Sagittae, do NOT run him with someone with Chill Atk. Not a good option, nope.


+Spd is his best option to get him to 40 spd.

Def, Res and HP are best kept neutral for his bulk.

Weirdly enough... the boy wants -atk to drop him to 27. You can keep this neutral or even get a +atk Kliff if you plan on swapping out his weapon. But if you want to activate Sagittae’s effect reliably, you’ll want to drop atk. Weird, I know, I can’t believe I’m suggesting -atk.

If you do keep atk neutral, drop HP instead.


curious villager

Weapon: Sagittae

Assist: Swap

Special: Aether, Iceberg, Bonfire

A: Close Counter, Fortress Def/Res 3

B: Chill Spd 3

C: Up to you

Seal: Close Def, Distant Def? Good options

I actually prefer Swap on him because he’s tanky, but Reposition is always an option or whatever else you want.

Aether is the expensive skill that helps him survive longer, but Iceberg and Bonfire are both good options if you want more damage. Close Counter is the expensive option but he is bulky enough to run it. Fortress Def/Res is just as good if you don’t have CC fodder.

I’m not going to type out the generic Blade tome/Fury/Desperation set because it’s boring and it’s been done a lot but that IS an option if you want, especially if you have a +atk Kliff.

Get skills from…

Swap: 3* Stahl, Subaki, Seth, Arthur

Aether: 5* Chrom, Exalt Chrom, Lucina, Brave Lucina, Ike, Brave Ike

Iceberg: 4* Niles, Shanna

Bonfire: 4* MRobin, Adult Tiki

Close Counter: 5* Takumi, Winter Tharja, HS Xander

#feh#fe#fire emblem heroes#fire emblem#kliff


Nov 4, 2018



Owain!! Finally!! He has the (currently) longest voice line in the game and it’s great honestly. He’s a sword infantry unit with a fancy new weapon, Missiletainn that is a slaying weapon that also gives him special charge +1 whenever an enemy attacks him which helps him charge up his abilities really quick. He also has an inheritable special, Blue Flame, that boosts damage by 10 or by 25 if adjacent to an ally.

His stats are almost identical to Ayra’s, with 32 atk, 37 spd, 31 def, and 22 res. He has Wrath and Atk/Def Bond which are both pretty good things to fodder him off for if you want to fodder him off. Blue Flame, though, is probably the one thing people will be sacrificing him for most.


+ Owain !!

+ Base kit is pretty amazing, especially Missiletainn

+ Atk/Spd/Def all relatively high

- Low res, might struggle against dragons

Similar Units

Move outta the way Ayra, ya boi Owain is here and he’s better. While his atk is one lower than her 33atk, his weapon and kit is actually better than her’s. Flashing Blade built into a weapon is nothing exciting nowadays and most people swap that out. They also like giving her Wrath, which Owain already has. Also, Owain is just an absolute darling who would totally t-pose to assert dominance so uh who’s the winner here?

Team Options

Having a mage tank might be a good option for him and his 22 res. You really could run him with like Niles or even Summer Leo to make the squad a little weird but still Together. Other units like PA!Inigo, who is typically run to counter Reins or Bowlyns, would be a good option to both dance for Owain, be a friend to him, and to protect him from scary Reinhardts.

Otherwise, he might want a dragon killer. Unfortunately, most anti-dragon units are also sword units, and you probably don’t want to saturate your team with reds. So a Julia or Deirdre would be a welcome option to both kill dragons and protect against blue mages.


+atk or +spd are his best options to get him to 35 atk or 40 spd.

Def and Hp are best kept neutral for dueling bulk.

Res is the best drop. He really prefers keeping his def and offenses.



Weapon: Missiletainn

Assist: Reposition

Special: Blue Flame, Aether

A: Atk/Def Bond 3, Fury 3

B: Wrath 3

C: Up to you, he’ll like atk/spd wave or even def wave a lot though

Seal: Up to you! He could run Flashing Blade probably unless you have -spd

You can just stick with his base kit and he’s great, or you can swap Atk/Def Bond for Fury which helps him drop to Wrath range a little quicker. It’s definitely not necessary but if you are already not using Blue Flame, Fury + Aether are good swaps for more independence.


Weapon: Missiletainn

Assist: Swap, Reposition

Special: Blue Flame, Aether

A: Distant Counter

B: Wrath 3

C: If you’re already sacrificing DC to him, probably also sacrifice a Wave skill to him. Go hard

Seal: Flashing Blade still a good option. Also can go with Distant Def/Close Def for bulk

Not much to change but if you add Distant Counter he’s going to slaughter people from a space away. Aether, again, is an option for helping him survive longer, but if you just want the Damage, go with Blue Flame.

Get skills from…

Swap: 3* Subaki, Stahl, Seth, Arthur

Reposition: 3* Selena, Barst

Aether: 5* Chrom, Exalt Chrom, Lucina, Brave Lucina, Ike, Brave Ike

Fury 3: 4* Hinata

Distant Counter: 5* Hector, LA Hector, Legendary Hector

#feh#fe#fire emblem#fire emblem heroes#owain#sweetest darling boy whomst i love so much#he really doesn't need anything hes that good


Nov 1, 2018

hello everyone i just sacrificed a bridal sanaki to odin and im feeling great happy halloween !

#feh#hheee heehh hehh im Pleased#>:3c#>:3c !!!!


Oct 31, 2018

Ummm, can you please explain IVS to me? And how you tell what you got and how you ‘drop’ them? I’m really terrible at this lmao, I’ve never played any games like this before so I have no idea wtf I’m doing with any of this. Thanks! And don’t worry if you can’t, that’s fine. Sorry to bother!

Oh no worries!

IVs are the individual values, stats, a unit has and takes into account what their boon and bane is.

Every unit has a neutral set of stats that you can find at either level 1 or level 40 with their weapon and passives/seals unequipped. You can use a site like GamePress to see what their IVs are. You cannot check while your unit is level 2-39 because they have random gains that will, at lvl40, equal out to whatever fits their pre-decided IVs. When you check, make sure you’re checking for the rarity of that unit. They will have the same IVs that they had at 3* or 4* at 5*’s but just with extra points in general. If your Odin is +atk/-hp at 3* and he will continue to be +atk/-hp at 5*.

When you summon a unit, they will either be neutral or they will have a boon and a bane. If they have a boon and a bane, they will have one stat that is +3/+4 points higher than neutral (their boon) and one stat that is -3/-4 points lower than neutral (their bane). When they’re +4 or -4 points, they’re considered a“super” boon/bane which just means their BST (Base Statline Total, you get adding up the values of each of their stats) is going to be a point lower or higher which can effect how they score in arena but I won’t get into arena scoring right now.

When I mention“dropping” a stat, that just means that is the stat you’d want a bane in. For most units, you generally want to focus on their high stats rather than patch up a bad stat. So a fragile unit with a def of 14 would rather drop that to 11 than boost it to 17 because it’s still too low to make a difference. You can’t pick your IV’s most of the time, but if you happened to have several of the same unit and wanted to pick the best boon/bane set for them, you would want to pick whatever is going to benefit them the most. So Odin again, he desperately wants atk so you’d pretty much always want to get him at +atk and then drop his HP or Res, stats he doesn’t rely on as much.

It’s worth noting that IV’s can cause a unit to perform differently than intended. If you have a unit who relies on speed with a -spd bane, you won’t see them getting as many doubles as you’d expect. However, bad IVs do not ruin a unit. I’ve heard of people sending home bad IV units and there’s no reason to! It’s good to know your IVs so you know how you want to build them and what you need to run alongside them, but they aren’t the destruction of a character if they have bad IVs.

Kind of a lengthy explanation, I’m sorry ;-; but I hope it helped. If you have any more questions, please feel free to send them. If this didn’t clarify things, also please feel free to ask for more clarification.



Oct 27, 2018

Halloween Jakob


Jakob is an armored archer with 35 atk, 23 spd, 33 def and 32 res. His weapon, Monstrous Bow, turns buffs into debuffs the way Panic Ploy does on enemies within two spaces after combat. He also has Wary Fighter, but in most cases, you’ll want to swap that out for something new and...more expensive.

He’s worth pulling for if you want a good armored unit, but he’s not really great in the fodder department.


+ High atk and def/res

+ Access to armor buffs to boost those high stats even higher

- Low mobility and weakness to anti-armor skills

- Low spd means he relies on other skills to double enemies and he will get doubled often

Similar Units

Hardin is the closest STAT-wise but he’s a lance unit, rather than a ranged archer. He has 34 at, 28 spd, 36 def, and 32 res which makes him, like Jakob, a strong mixed tank. Hardin DOES have DC built into his weapon which makes him ranged when attacked and he DOES have Bold Fighter, a skill Jakob really really wants. If you just needed a mixed tank on your armor emblem team of low-res units, Hardin or Jakob can fit that slot. It depends really on if you want ranged or not, and if you want a blue or colorless unit.

Team Options

Armor Emblem DEFINITELY.

Fliers with Guidance are also good choices to help him jump around the map and decimate anyone within range.

He might have a hard time against anti-armor mages like Micaiah and HS Micaiah who can give him a really hard time. Fragile units like Caeda and Clair with their anti-armor weapons generally won’t cause too much trouble for him. Having a unit to deal with the Micaiahs though might be an option if you find yourself running into them to often.


+atk for 38 atk, +def fo 36 def, or +res for 35 res are all good options for him, either boosting his offensive or defensive capabilities.

HP is best kept neutral for his bulk and it’s also a superBANE.

Drop Spd always, he doesn’t need it, he has other skills to look to to double with.


guardian monster

Weapon: Guard Bow+ (def ref)

Assist: Swap

Special: Ignis, Bonfire

A: Close Counter, Distant Def 3

B: Vengeful Fighter 3, Wary Fighter 3

C: Up to you

Seal: Close/Distant Def is an option

I can’t even start this saying it’s cheap, sorry he’s not a cheap boy he likes that Close Counter and expensive armored skills. If you really cannot supply Close Counter and Vengeful Fighter, you can go with Distant Def and his inherent Wary Fighter. He will then need to use Bonfire for the shorted cooldown time and he definitely won’t get the same amount of kills with CC/Vengeful Fighter, but he can still be a viable unit.

the monster mash

Weapon: Brave Bow+

Assist: Swap

Special: Ignis

A: Death Blow 4, Death Blow 3

B: Bold Fighter 3

C: Armor March isn’t a bad option here if you don’t have it on someone else

Seal: He’ll most likely want Armored Boots here to get around

Again, expensive, but this time offensive. He’ll quad attack every initiation with Brave Bow + Bold Fighter. Death Blow is there to increase his attack which is really all he needs to focus on with this. Ignis is the better choice because of how often he’s going to be gaining cooldown charge.

Get skills from…

Guard Bow+: 5* Setsuna

Brave Bow+: 5* Klein, Gordin

Swap: 3* Stahl, Subaki, Seth, Arthur

Ignis: 4* Leon, Henry, Boey

Bonfire: 4* Adult Tiki, MRobin

Close Counter: 5* Takumi, Winter Tharja, HS Xander

Distant Def 3: 5* Micaiah, Celica, Rhajat

Death Blow 3: 4* Klein

Death Blow 4: 5* Brave Celica

Vengeful Fighter 3: 5* Fallen MGrima, Legendary Hector

#feh#fe#fire emblem#fire emblem heroes#jakob#halloween jakob


Oct 27, 2018

thanks for all the work you put into the blog! really helpful

aw thank you so much!! ♥♥♥



Oct 27, 2018


Halloween Henry


Halloween Henry was our first armored mage! Sorry Arvis.

He also has the best res in the game at the time of me typing this at 36 base. His atk could be higher at 33, and his spd is pretty ok at 34. His def is 26 which is not great for an armored unit but its whatever, he can still survive well with that.

He’s a great option for armor emblem teams because he comes with Armor March and can be a good mage tank which is generally something armor teams struggle with.


+That Res Though (decent stats in general but that Res)

+Access to armor buffs and works really well as mage tank on armor emblem teams

-Poor mobility as an armored unit

-Lower def means he’s kind of squishier than he would like

Similar Units

As far as mage tanking and high res goes, Deirdre is missing only one point of res to match his. Her spd is lower, her atk is the same, and her def is lower. She does have effectiveness against dragons which is super helpful because nowadays, dragons are plentiful. She does not have access to armor buffs, but with tactic skills, she isn’t too bothered by that as she might have once been. If you just need a mage tank and don’t care about mobility, Henry is arguably better. If you need the dragon counter as well, then go with Deirdre.

Love Abounds Lyn, a blue armored mage, has pretty nice res and considerably better spd. Her atk is lower by 2 points and her def is slightly better. They can work pretty well on a team together and both have access to armor march in their base kits.

Team Options

Armor Emblem!!

Like I’ve said like a million times, he’ll be your mage tank. For units with low res or fear of blue mages (Reinhardt, for example), they’ll love having Henry on their team. He’ll appreciate fliers who use Guidance to get him across the map faster.

Anyone with armored effectiveness (gosh golly, especially Caeda with color advantage) will scare even Henry. Keep him safe by putting a unit on his team to protect him against those.


+Atk is the best option for offense if you’re going to run a Bold/Vengeful Fighter passive on him. He’ll also appreciate +spd to get him to 37 spd to let him double quite easily. +Res is also a nice option to get him to 39 res but it is kind of overkill at that point.

Def is best kept neutral. +Def is okbut he would prefer to boost his offenses.

-Hp is his best drop because it’s already kinda low.


Trick or Treat?

Weapon: Spectral Tome+ (Spd ref)

Assist: Swap or Pivot are good on armored units

Special: Iceberg

A: Fury 3

B: Renewal 3, Guard 3

C: Armor March is good

Seal: Up to you! Armored Boots, perhaps?

This is a cheap set if you don’t want to spend a lot on him. It’s still a really good set though. The spd ref capitalizes on his already decent spd (even better if you get a +spd Henry). Iceberg works well with his high res and I prefer Iceberg over Glacies for the shorter cooldown. Fury 3 and Renewal work well together, giving him the stat boost and saving him from the damage it deals. Guard also works to get a few more KOS against base-built units.

“hey bro what do you want to eat” // “THE SOULS OF THE INNOCENT- a bagel- NO- two bagels”

Weapon: Gronnowl+ (def ref, surprisingly)

Assist: Swap is especially good for Owl tomes

Special: Iceberg

A: Close Counter

B: Bold Fighter 3, Vengeful Fighter 3

C: Armor March, perhaps?

Seal: Up to you

Ok so yeah, expensive, I know. Gronnowl will work best with an armored team to stand by him and give him the boosts, otherwise you can go with something like Gronnblade but generally, armored teams rely more on Wards and Goads because it’s harder to position them to make use of Hones and Fortifies. The Def refine will get him to 29 and with the boost from having 3 units around him, he’ll get 35 def which is really nice for him. Close Counter is a given, works well with that def boost so he can take on anyone who comes at him. Bold Fighter is for the bold (owo) who want to use him more offensively. He can use it really well with Armor March and Armored Boots because he’ll have pretty much the same range as an infantry unit then. Vengeful Fighter is also good if you want to hang back and bait units to come attack him.

Get skills from…

Gronnowl: 5* Boey

Swap: 3* Subaki, Arthur, Stahl, Seth

Pivot: 3* Cherche, Eirika, 4* Marth

Iceberg: 4* Niles, Shanna

Fury 3: 4* Hinata

Close Counter: 5* Takumi, Winter Tharja

Renewal 3: 4* Fae, L’Arachel

Guard: 5* Titania, Micaiah, Leon, FMorgan

Bold Fighter 3: 5* Hardin, Winter Lissa

Vengeful Fighter 3: 5* MGrima, Winter Tharja

#reblog#i made this a while ago but its halloween time so i thought i might bring it back in case anyone wanted it


Oct 26, 2018

Halloween Nowi


Halloween Nowi is a red tome flier with special tome, Grimoire, that allows her to move to a space adjacent to an ally within two spaces if she has over 50% health. It’s not super useful in combat, but it can be kind of fun to watch her jump around the map unpredictably.

She has a statline of 34/32/20/27 which makes her decently offensive and relatively fragile. She’s a really good unit to have on a flier emblem team, especially for the GHB quests that require a full flier team.

If you wanted to fodder her off, you’d probably want to sacrifice her for Atk/Res Bond.


+ Flying tome unit = crazy range and mobility

+ Decent offensive stats

- Weak defenses AND weak to archers

- Limited availability

Similar Units

Summer Tana has one point lower in atk, and quite a few points more in spd at 36 spd. This makes her better offensively as she’s doubling quite a bit more. She also has a weapon that Similar to Nowi’s, but working so allies can jump adjacent to HER and it gives her +3 spd which is just not fair to poor Nowi’s Grimoire. In general, Summer Tana will win out because of her spd. If you don’t have/don’t like Summer Tana, Halloween Nowi is a fine replacement.

Aversa, a GHB unit, has similar offensive stats (33/34) but a much better debuffing weapon than Tana and Nowi. It debuffs units -3 to all stats if they have 3 points lower HP and happen to be adjacent to an ally. This is way better in most cases than a simple movement skill. Aversa is also free!

Team Options

Flier Emblem!

She’ll like units who can take care of blue threats for her, so any green units like Myrrh, Cherche, NY Azura, etc will be good choices to put on a team with her. She’ll also like anyone who can buff her up, either those with Hone Fliers or any other Wave/Tactic/Hone/etc skills.


+Spd is probably her best choice to get her up to 35 spd. +Atk is another great option to boost her atk to 37. She wants those offensive stats a lot.

Res is a decent skill to keep neutral at 27 just so she can take a few hits from other mages. HP is good to keep neutral for the same reason.

-Def is her best choice for drops because it’s pretty bad and she should avoid physical damage units at all costs regardless.



Weapon: Grimoire

Assist: Reposition

Special: Moonbow

A: Atk/Res Bond 3

B: Escape Route 3

C: up to you!

Seal: Again, all you, she could run Guidance on a mixed team though for more shenanigans

This is based off her movement skill in Grimoire letting her have some fun jumping around the map. She won’t be necessarily the most Offensive with this kit, but she can be pretty unpredictable with Grimoire and Escape Route, allowing her to jump around to allies no matter what her health is at. Not very practical but pretty fun.

guys this isnt funny my manakete found a blade tome in her snickers this halloween

Weapon: Rauorblade+

Assist: Reposition

Special: Glimmer

A: Fury 3, Swift Sparrow 2, Atk/Res Bond 3

B: Desperation 3

C: Up to you!

Seal: Whatever you feel you need

Not the most creative set, I know, but it’s what we have currently for red tome users. She’ll do well on any team that can give her buffs, and poorly on any team that can’t buff her. She can be really ruined by any debuffers this way, but any blade tome user can. Fury 3 is arguably the best option here for letting her drop into Desperation range quickly, but if you don’t like that for some reason, go with Swift Sparrow or keep Atk/Res Bond.

Get skills from...

Rauorblade+: 5* Tharja

Moonbow: 4* Odin, Palla, Athena

Glimmer: 4* Lon’qu, Beruka, Peri, Sothe, Legualt

Fury 3: 4* Hinata

Swift Sparrow 2: 5*Katarina, Ayra, Brave Lyn, Lewyn, Ishtar, Legendary Lucina, SF Nino, WT Olwen, SM Eirika

Escape Route 3: 4* Cecilia

Desperation 3: 4* Shanna

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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