The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

2: THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: 'THURSDAY, MAY' 31. 1923. FIFTEEN 'HEROES' GRAVES 'ARE DECORATED Parades, Prayers and Decoration of Graves Feature of Holiday. With nearly :000: school children and practically all of the local fraternal and social organizations of the city participating, the veterars of two great wars paid tribute to the soldier dead of both the Civil and World Wars, yesterday. The ceremonies marked one of the most Impressive inspiring Memorial Day celebrations heretofore conducted in city.

Grizzled veterans of Courscore years shoulder to shoulder with the vigorous youth of the World War and flanked with troops of Boy and Girl Scouts as escorts moved. through -the flag. bedecked strects in parade formation to the seven cemeteries of the city and paid reverence to tho fallen herces. The day's program vis divided Into two parts, the morning section being given over to the ceremonies conducted at the various cemeteries and afternoon civen up to mnemorial Monument in Street. In the morning the members of thy William Davitt l'ost of the Veterans of N'ars aided by hoth Roy and Girl Scout tronps and the school children of the rublic schools and the three parochial schools of Chicopee Center, visited Chicopee Street, Maple (irve and Calvary Cemeteries.

In Chicopee Falls, the Charles Kennedy Past of the American Legion also augmented by and Girl Scout troops school children of Chicopee Falls conducted religious and military exercises at East At reet, St. Patrick's ani Rose's Cemeteries, Parade to Monnatent. In the afternoon -the two sections Joined forces and paraded from Chicopee City Hall to the Memorial Monument where the main program of the day was ha'l. Petriotic addresses and military featured the program there after which. the column moved to Fairriew Centary, to conclude the day's celebration.

with roligious and military rituals and the decoration of the graves. During the morninz at Chicopee Center the members of the. tions which conducted the ceremonies, decorated the graves at Chicapca Street Cemetery starting from Maiket Square at 7.30 o'clock. Patriotic songs and an address 'by WV. K.

Palmer, followed by prayers by Rev. Robert Barclay Simmons, pastor of the First Congregational Church, featured tho program there. Three vol, minated "the exercises. The members leys by firing squad and taps terof the Davitt Post and Boy Scout und Girl Scout troops' who made in motor trucks, returned to Market Square to form in parade, which was led by a police escort, to Maple Grove Cemetery. Rev.

Ernest Pugh, a pastor of Grace Episcopal Church, gave both fine nddress and the prayers at the Maple Grove Cemetery. The Airing squad of Davitt Post again fired three volleys over the graves and -concluded with taps. Calvary Cemetery Program. The Cemetery column marched to Calvary to complete the morning school children carrying flags pi followed program at the Center. Fully 1090 the members of the Davitt Post and two troops of Girl Scouts and a troop of Boy Scouts to the cemetery.

Mayor Grise and Rev. J. J. Riley, stare chaplain of the Veterans of Foreign Wars. made short addresses and lev.

John F. Conlin of Holy Name Church. Rev. Leroy Larue of the Church of the Assumption and Rev. Lawrence Cyman of St.

Stanislaus' Church rend the prayers. Again three vollcys were fred by the Bring squad and the veterans returned to their post. In Chicopee Falls, under the direction of the Charles J. Kennedv Post of the American Lesion. graves of fallen soldiers in East Street, St.

Patrick's and Rose's Cemeteries were decorated. Coupled with the volleys of the firing squad of the Kennedy Fost and the patriotic songs of the school children and members of both and Girl Scouts which accompanied the members of the Amercan Legion. fitting tribute was paid. Rev. William Gunter of White Church and Rev.

Frederick TV. Smith ct the Central Methodist Church made the addresses and read prayers. At St. Patrick's Cemetery A Rev. and John read R.

Murphy pravers, made the Rev. ad- J. dress whi'? A. M. Brochu of st.

Rose's Church spoke, and cave the prayers at St. Rose's Cemetery In Aldenville. Exercise- at Monument. The afternoon program opened at I City Hall with both the Chicopee Center and Chicopee Falls delegations formed in column in Market Square and intersecting streets. The ceremonies were opened by the 11 remaining Civil War Veterans, who decorated the tablets at the City Hall commemorating the Chicopee heroes who fell in battle during the Civil War.

Headed by the Paderewski Band of 38 pieces, the column marched to the Memorial Monument in Front Street to bold joint exercises. The column was headed by William of the Veterans of Foreign Wars as grand marshal, followed by police escort. The American L.egion Post headed the various organizations. Following the veterans came the local post of the Veterans of Foreizn Boy Scouts Wars, and Troops Troops 1 and 1, 2. ol 3.

the a 4 of the Girl Scouts. Bringing up in the rear were the Spanish War Veterans, Sons of Veterans and marching school children. The Civil War Veterans riding in the World War a followed- those on autos and the Gold Star Mothers of foot, after which came the city officials speakers of the day. The various delegations from the fraternal organizations in autos decked with bunting and flags, completed the column. The line of march was down Exchange Street to West Street to: Center Street to Front Street and the Demorial Monument.

Specches Are Impressive. The ceremonies there were opened by the Civil War Veterans who placed wreaths at the foot of the Seven Gold Star Mothers then planted fa*gs in about the base and sever societies placed wreaths tribute to the dead. With the organizations and spectators tormed in a rins. the speakers of the day were Introduced by Rev. Fred- rick W.

Smith. They were: W. K. Palmer, Mayor Grise and Dewitt C. De Wolf of Chester.

Each to giow. inz terms paid tribute to the fices made by the soldiers who were being honored by the celebration. They pleaded. that the nation never waver from the course of righteous. ness for which so many bare laid down their lives.

At the conclusion of the addresses the combined firing squads of both the American Lecion and Veterans of Foreign Wars Ared three vollies over the monument. A bugler from the 'American Legion blew taps at the last echo of the volley, and the band played "The Star Spangled The two veteran posts. accompanied by the Foy and Girl Scout troops and the veterans of the Civil War, then By GLUYAS WILLIAMS Snapshots. DAS SAYS HE WONT -LET 'ANY REALIZES THAT WIFE HAS PICKS UP SIX SUCCESSIVE PIECES PUZZLE STUMP HIM HE'S COME OVER, TO LOOK. CN AND IS TOLD THEY WONT.


Inc. marched to Cemetery to complete the ceremonies and decorate the graves. With addresses by the Mayor and Rev. Frederick W. Smith and vollies from the Aring squads the last taps with an echo call were sounded and another Memorial Day passed into history.

The members of the two Boy Scout Troops, assisted by the members of the four Girl Scout Troops. took occasion to pay tribute to Earl Rogers, one of the Arst Boy Scouts of Chicopee, who died last year. Following the main Memorial Day celebra. tion in Fairview Cemetery, the local troops surrounded the grave of Scout Rogers and sang hymns. after which Rev.

Frederick W. Smith read prayers. Bugler Charles McCoy blew taps and Bugler Clarence Meyers the echo. A wreath was placed on the graves by the Girl Scout Troops and flags were planted by the Boy Scouts. Scoutmaster Richard G.

Champion in a short address paid tribute to the dead scout. DEMERS-GAGNON IS HOLIDAY WEDDING Reception in K. of C. Hall Follows Service in sumption Church. city to reside.

MISS SOME GRAVES Sons of Veterans' Commander Lixplains Unusual Situation. Miss Theo Demers, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Demers of 102 West Street, was married yesterday morning in the Church of the; Assumption to Alven J. Gagnon on on on of 21 Davenport Street.

The ceremony was solemnized at 9 o'clock by Rev. Frederick Donneville as celebrant, assisted by Rev. LeRoy Larue. The double ring cercmony was used. The ceremony was attended by a large numher of friends and relatives of loth the bride and the bridegroom.

a Miss cousin Leona of Gagnon the of Indian bridegroom, Orchard. was bridesmaid and Ernest Lavigne, a cousin of the bride, acted as best man. Frederic Demers and Alphege (iagnon were ushers. The bride wore a sown of white satin faced canton, trimmed with spanish lace and a veil of tulle caught in turban with a wreath of orange blossoms. received from her brother in California.

She carried a bouquet of bridal roses, showered with swansonin and lilies of the valley. The bridesmaid wore peach c*nton trimmed with silver She carriel ophelia roses, with A hat trimmed In silver to harmonize with her gown. reception was held in the K. of C. Hall Following the he marriage ceremony a in Perkins Street.

A wedding break. fas was served to 123 gnests. The hall was tastefully decorated with palms and cut flowers. The rift to the bride was 3 string of pearls with 'A platiclasp embellished with diamond chips. He presented the ushers with coldpieces, and the best nan with a cold watch chain.

The bride's rift 10 the hridesmaid was an aquamarine set in a platinum ring. The couple will spend two weeks In New York and Atlantic City on their honeymoon, returning to this Commander F. H. Betterley or the of Veterans Camp announced last night that it had been discovered that some of the graves of veterans in Chicopee cemeteries n'ere missed by those decorating the graves ferday. He could not say how diany tot the craves were missed.

Sir. Betterley said that the Sons of Veterans anal Civil War veterans wanted it understood that all of' the arrangements were in charge of the American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars. Firemen Dock Graves. A squad of headed by -Chief Arthur Montmeny of the Fire Department. visited the graves of Capt.

Dennis J. Haggerty in Calvary Cemetery. Chicopee, and Priv. Fred Le Clair of the Fast Street station. who is buried in Calvary Cemetery in Holyoke, to decorate their graves.

The Aremen conducted simple cert. monies in placing wreaths and Nags at the graves and offering prayers for their former comrades. Candy Is Stolen. A report was made to the police yesterday. that 1h4 Union Canadian Club in Center street was broken intc Tuesday night br yesterday mornin: $11 In candy and cigaret stolen.

The police are of the opinion that come youngsters secreted themselves In the clubrooms and made their baul lafter the place was locked up. AD is being conducted Kiwanians to Meet. The Kiwanis or anization will meet toaight 10 the Fisk cafeteria at 6.13 ottock to compicte its organization plans. Nomination of officer: is pected to be carried op and the grant. ing of the charter la alsc scheduled for this Tte meeting WAS originally announced 10 have Ix en held in the Board of Trade rooms.

Organie' Garder Club. Miss Ethel Dyer, supervisor of the carded clubs of the local schools, pounced yesterday that a garden club The Union Want Ads Start Here which has taken the name, "Can't the Be was organized Tuesday Willimansett School. The following officers were elected: President, Catherine Furnelli; vice-president, Raymond Lynes; secretary. Irene Poitras, and cheer leaders, Frank Furnelli and Lawrence Denault. The Sunday school teachers' train.

inz class being conducted by Rev. Frederick Smith of Central Methodist Church will meet tonight following the weekly prayer service in the churchy vestry. A will be held in Third Congregational Church chapel Satur. day afternoon at 3 o'clock, under. the auspices of women's society of the church.

Mfrs. Charles Chase is In charge of the sale. The funeral of Miss Agnes McNeish of Southwick Street, Chicopee Falls, was held at her home yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Rev. H.

Hitchco*ck conducted the servIces Sat home and offered prayer at the grave. Members of Bruce Clan. Order, of Scottish Clans, and members of the ladies' auxilinry of the clan attended in a body and the auxillary held the ritual service at the grave in Fairview Cemetery. WEST SPRINGFIELD HORSE HITS TROLLY Becomes L'umanageable and Takes to Car Tracks. A green Western horse attached to a delivery wagon owned by Joe Grocie of Morgan Road, and driven by Max Mosuk, became unmanageable In Park Street yesterday afternoon and took to the street car tracks, where it collided with 8 street car in charge of G.

A. Golvin. moterman and C. D. Rathburn.

conductor. The horse was slightly scratched and one of the shafts of the team was broken. Both men were riding on the wagon at the time but were uninjured. Amherst MRS. JEANNETTE ADAMS Clubwoman and Former Teacher Dies in Last Leverett.

AMHERST, May 30-Mrs. Jeannette Stetson of Adams, widow of Fred F. Adama, died suddenly this afternoon in her horne in East Leverett of heart disease, at the age of 67 years. She WAS torn in Tewksbury. May 14, 1856.

the daughter of William B. and Kate Reals Stetson. She attended the pub. lic schools and for a time lived with her in North Amherst while she attended the Amherst High Schuol. She graduated front the West.

Meld Normal School and taught for several years in Forty. Ave sears ago last October she inar. rted Fred F. Adams of Leverett, where she has since lived. She wAs a member of the Antherat Women's Club.

the Mary Mattoon Chapter. Daughters of the American Revolution, Unity Chapter, Order of the Fastern Star. the Leverett Grange apd the Hampshire County Pomona Grange. She leaves one son. Winfred of Lev.

crett and one daughter. Mrs. Clara Rosworth. and grandson, Stetson Kimball Adams of Leverett. and A ter.

Mrs. Allen C. Clark of North and a' half-sister, John of Colrain. The funeral will take place in her home Saturday at 3.30 o'clock. Burial will be in Fast Leverett, Wilbraham APPEALS FOR PEACE Springfeld l'astor Explains Hidden Causes of Civil War.

WILBRAHAM. May 030 Rev. George A. Martin, pastor of Wesley Church, was the speaker at the Memorial exercises 13 Monument Square. Mr.

Martin gave a account the olecure well as the more obvious causes' of the Civil War, and keen exposition of the moral and economic principles In-, volved. He paid tribute to the soldiers of the World War, and clored with an appeal for the universal spread of the spirit of pence and good will. Mirtam Bartlett. Frances Sullivan. and Esther Forestall of the Springfield Girl Scouts drum and bugle.

corps, played several selectiona, Including reveille and tapa style. The school children of the town BADE "America" and "The Star Spangled! Mad later decorated the diers craves. Summer Resorts DITS PECCOT LAKE. 1-100m cotta re 10 rent. location, wali furnished.

drives and host 10 Count WATEIDE :1: 1300 feel elevation: all And son the For ter and booklet, address sutray. Elmwood Hotel Chesterfield, Massachusetts Open May 30. W. S. Knapp.

Prop. Rates $18 per week up. Phone 20. Under new management. Excellent cuisine.

"Next Winter" Has Arrived in Montana BUTTE, May Next winter' started in Montana this afternoon and the surrounding country, and when heavy snow to blanketed Butte when cold rain. and snow struck Helena. Great Falls also reported cold and rain. Snow continued -to fall in Butte throughout the afternoon. The Springfield Union Classified Advertising Rest Reault: at Minimum Cost.

RATES PER LINE. (Count 6 Aperage Words to 1 LIne) Da: Consecutive a Per Line Consecutive Days Per Per Line Conserutive Daze Line Consecutive Per Line Consecutive Daya .....164 Line Wk. Including Per Minimum hook charge These Rates cover Evening Insertions (inion or in both Sundar the Morning and Prepaid Classided Advertising Costa lea than these Telephoned ado 0140 cont leas paid for at the office within one USE THE TELEPHONE TOU CAN TELEPHONE YOUR ANSWERS AS WELL. AS YOUR ADS TO THE UNION. Call "River And Ask for a Want Ad Taker.

MisclaasiOration not permitted. The Union will not be responsible snore than one Incorrect Insertion of advertisem*nt in there con recalved until p. m. Ads received for Classified ads for next Ualon calved Evening Saturday (inion until m. 10 an m.

o'clock for Ade Sunday Union. ANNOUNCEMENTS Personals -Baby girl. 21 montha; good parentage, Rox Union Office. INFANT BOY for adoption. Box Union MAN OR WOMAN deairing to to N.

T. city in large auto Friday afteraoon. Call Chicopee 981-W. MOT LUNCHES neatly packed with all the seasoning and needed rica. your order.

Hampden Co. Wom. Exchange, 33 Harrison Ave. THE Firgiade TOME Ave. moor 530 l4 for now rates.

open at 30 WANTED- -To hire for short time or yellow feather fan. Write Rex Office. SUMEROUY willing to adopt baby girl 2 years old poles a verite Box 45. Union Holyake, Lost and Found 10 BEADED RAG lost an State reward. Cau DOG LOST -Small boston bull.

bat white brindle hady. Mre. Quilty 37 Ft. reward. FOUNI-00 the white angora cal R.

LOST -Thursday. either in stores or Auditorium. white gold Eastern Star pin. CAl RiVer 7745-R. LOST Saturday, tan silk scarf between Lyman St.

and Marcelle's Phone bulldog. Tight ear ed, answers to "Chummy." Reward. LAST. WEST SPFLD. light brindle French hull female, white breast, weight 18 small collar: liberal reward, w.

4276-SI. PERSIAN CAT Inst. black and white male. Reward. Tel.

R. 3696. or R. AUTOMOBILES Automobile Agencies AURURN Beauty FIx. Garinger Motor C50 Main St.

feld. Mass. Walnut 386. RAY STATE Made by H. Co.

Sales and servica. Main St. Walnut 4829. BUICK -The Springheld Buick cor. Main And Gardner Ata.

River 7868. for Western and 80. Vermont. Western Stags Cadillac Oak. cor.

Etate St. 7410. CHANDLER and Cleveland sales and Chandier Motors of Springneld St. NOTOR Sales A. 687 State SL RI 258h.

Slate DODGE RROTHERS Sales Howard St PORT AND LIBERTY- -Sales and service Giddings Motor Co. 311 Chest out St. 1990. FORd Card, FordPoD Tractora, Salta Ice: genuine parts and accessoriea Automottie Sales 95 liberty. Walnut FORDS AND and service stationa Smith Co.

624 State St. Walnut 3850. GARDNER AND 5-Sales and service. RIve Ribbon Notor Sales Main Ft. Walnut 1247.

aud Service 6pringheld Buick Co. Main St. JORDAN MOTOR CARS- aDd Ice. West. Masa distributor.

Jordan 747 Main. Rivet 7915. OVERLAND- putts 743 Main Overland STANLEY CAR- Warriner Edmonds, distributor: fur We Salut Service, 61 Blisa Tel. R. and.

Aervice Parker Co 414 Worthingtoo 6t. Tel. Walnut 4140. TESTCOTT Sales and Service Station, las Aold Carburetors. Garag 31 Hanco*ck St.

Phone River service 742 Stein Overland Springfield. Automobiles for Sale ANDERSON COUPE. excellent fret payment down 1200. AL. A.

Laporte, 04 APPERSON SEDAN. late 1982. run lc 16.000 Dates condition Russell Hathaway. 431 State 8t 1'al 3376 BAY STATE COUPE. perfect condition throughout, car has many extras includ.

pen spare cord; price very low: best boy 10 town Address Dox 1:43, Unlou Office, BOURSE TRUCK 2.100. Al shape; will rel: cheap The Arrow 11 Park St BUICK Del Little Six touring, rood condition; 'price 1306. Call before p. Walnut BUICK SEDAN late model. Jordan-Ernd, 363 Maid rellect palat and upholsters 1914, AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS SERVICE Automobiles for Sale 11 Automobiles for Sale 11 Automobiles for Sale 11 Building -Contracting 19 BUICK TOURING, FORD, 1333.

touring: driven 1501 rebuilt, FTUDEBAKER new tire Special equipment. 61x now sedan. stand. juat FLOOR SCRAPING, estimates given, ITal painted, $375. Bland'a, 757 Main St.

milea, starter, demonatable rims ard palal. job. completely equipred with 63337. 6646, ometer, bumper, large lock brand Tel. Including spare tire.

Tark- METROSKL carpenter and builder, BUICK 1332. combines mechanical new River tire, honeycomb radialor. er Worthington. V. 4116.

roof repairing: let me your job. power and nest appearance, never ETUDEDAKER 1381 coupe light dix. new 354 Chestnut st. River and will long perlod FORD TOURING. 1320: Ford, touring, paint.

gOod tires, excellent mechanical ROMANO CO. dieging. rood hard driving far someone, lord touring. 1231: Essex touring. condition: our low.

Raribault work; no job to large or to small: crad. good from Fiery point of tern. 1 Lasex sedan, 1921: lludson Fouth Main St. R. 5999.

ins. R. 5635-1. $2 York St, liberal, F. G.

Parker 434 Worthing- 1021: Overland touring. model 90; WHITE TRUCKS-3 to choose trom, one ROOFING- We put on all kinds of roofs ton St. 4146. Oakland touring. 1319: touring.

TR 4 -ton. rehulit guaranteed. and mate repairs Phone 11. J. BUICK.

7-pasa. touring. repainted, 1919: Chandler speedster, runabout. 1313: 1920: Walnue 2434. or Wainct 3116.

Frunton. 773 St. 1874. excellent mechantral condition. Jordan Laser Packard touring.

touring. ins 1014. and Willys-Knight, many others WILLYS- KNIGHT. 1919. touring: just out ROOFS and valleys of all kinds repaired Spring held 965 Main St.

R. too numerous mention. See Savoy. 261 of paint shop. See Savoy.

Central St. and warranted. John McCormick. 14 Pa. BUICK SEDAN.

ins Central St. 101: ton Tel. Walnut 421-W. or River and has had the Call R. FORD special racer, over $300 worth readeter, low mileage, extra Box 290, cleaned and repaired: roof a11 work tion: this CAP privately owned I AT.L KINDS of repairing.

chimnesi 281 Dir. day, or R. for cash. extras. 5 In Theodore perfect condition: Chicopee Falls chrap for CLAIR.

19:1. roadster. In- T. Logan 616 Stain St. W.

Union Cullen. Worthington 2342 or R. $75- J. BUICK SEDAN good FORD SPEEDSTER with body, seared up; ternational, (5: St. 612.

new; city. run only 1800 miles. P. O. Box price 3140.

D. N. Ackerman. newly WINTON Anished touring In natural Heating, Plumbing. Metal Work 20 latest model.

BUICK 19:0. No. 1920 runabout, with starter, wood wheels, Cond tires and extras, uptouring. road Very holstery leather. has COPPER work.

kinds, cooking classy looking. amnoth running. new tiro price $160: 1921 worm drive truck with hogans dash with clock and speedome. repaired and retinned. range boilers made, equipident: price right; terms.

Winnamin, hody and cab. $:50: 1920 runabout. tor. all ote. gulet, high repaired.

Hercules Fiont Works River 50. Main st. body, 8:00: $160; 1931 runabout, $100: cash starter, motor and real- sport rar. price very METAL CEILINGS What worse thAn BUICKS Hudson, 7-pasa: Oldamabile, D. 1920 chassle.

18 Willow St. or River easy low. F. G. Parker 431 Worthington cracked or broken plastering Beautify Haynes Chummy rdstr.

Hudson terms Ackerman, St. W. 4146. your home with neat metal ceilings, Speedster, Chandler Despatch. Hudson 3040, (Open Decoration Day morning.) FOR A cond used car bargain call at Fin- Metal Celline :3 8S.

terms several Bros. 718 cash, 80. Main St. runabout, $109; run- n-min's. Stain St.

CEILINGS at reasonable prices. others; trade $1:5: 19:0 R. 6121. prat about, delivery. $140; 19:0 $1:5: 19:0 light delivery.

TRUCK BARGAIN truck, ready for Whithill Fhect Ar'al Works. Tel. SpAd. delivery. 1933 truck, Tel.

River 3493-31. River 4435-3 or Holyoke 11:0, 4-pase. 1030. touring: tourings; Essex. 1930.

Cleveland, tour- and body, FOR Dodge, Knox tour- METAL BUICKS 1930 panel work: CEILINGS for kitchens ard lac: Stud coupe coupe, 1921 trurk. $150: Ing. Forde from $45 up. metal work. Ft fair pricea.

and sedan: Chevrolet touring. panel $100: small payment darn la Sionson Motor Fales. Phone 133. H. J.

Pratt Main Dodge roadster, 1330: Oakland alt ark. Sales Co. 85-101 USED CARS- We can offer Anancial terms ROYAL and Victor heater repaire on Inc. Ford roadster. 1920:.

6 Liberty St. Walnut 1440. on good used monthly pay- hand; furnace repairing. Fietcher truck, 1019: also Ford toa truck. solids FORDS- Coupes.

1921. 1999, licht delivery meats: terms are based on lowest Anince 69 Dwicht 6t. Tel, River 4357. or condition. ready these for the road: are in terms perfect panel body.

Stoddard Jiotor charges: small payment down, balance to TIME TO FIX UP- Roof, troughs Worthington 8t. suit sour salary: an inquiry will: give you and leaders, metal cellings. furnaces North 36 Taphtha. Bond and FRANKLIN roadster. 1917.

Packard Joy the desired Information. F. G. Parker cleaned and repaired H. Harens, Essex St.

tor Car 781- State St. Wal. 2580. Worthincton Ft. White St.

R. CADILLAC overhauted. repainted $600. and FRANKLIN ROADSTER, 1920, motor and 1911 CADILLAC. equipped with Afartin almost now Fifth Wheel trailer; capacity 2-ton.

Wal Millinery-Dressmaking 22 161 Bridge. R. 6110. tires good, L. most economical to 2250.

CADILLACE-Model 69. 7-passenger tour- St. operate. W. n.

3788.. Muntting Cons Hillman TOU CAN'T BEAT THIS--The best used holes; our work guaranteed hemstitching. and button neatly PLEATING, Ing: also 69 Pheaton, model Victoria; 1-passen- model -RERNSTEIN truck- Ran Speed wagon in the city for only 100. done by competent help. Griswold'a, 12 53 touring: model 69 roadster.

Equipped with rack body. open cab. Park- Call I. W. Stacy, River 17.

Besse Place. Tel. River 6641. 1922. tourings: Bartrow also Buick Thilbrook, sport 864 State St.

ard Botor Co. Stat. St. Wal, 2550. YOUR SUMMER dresses made: satisfacW.

5531 or W. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. International, 43: Motorcycles and Bicycles tion guaranteed. Forsman, W. 4175-1.

COUPE. Worthington St. tires BICTCLE put on. REPAIRING- Ventrice, BADY 38: Bay St. Moving, Trucking, Storage 03 carriare hauled and repainted, good tires, HUDSON touring and coupe.

markabln buy for 453 Worthington St. Walnut AMERICAN TRUCKING $2 Pendleon, 151 Bridge. R. 6170. HUDSON touring.

excellent condition In EMBLEM motorcycle for sale, $20. Call ton furniture moving. 1cral and CHANDLER touring. Al condition: detail, mileage. carefully W.

4953-W. lonr distance trucking. Call Wal' 5186. will take smaller car In exchange. cash or driven.

terms or your old car In trade. HARLEY DAVIDSON ARMSTRONG'S EXPRESS and Haht W. 3448 ring 12. W. 4030, better to buy one wish you had; trucking, rates reasonable.

143 Marion CHANDLER SEDAN, HUDSON SEDAN, Food condition, .600: convenient St. tarms. Dyer Everett, Phone River hauled. repainted. $1000.

Bland 157 would consider trading for Ford truck. $55 Stat ANDERSON BENSON Furniture, piano Main St. River W. INDIAN MOTORCICLE with movers, local, long distance 103 Bristol paint HUDSON SUPER touring 1921. large vale motor, St w.

5551. Al off Wilbraham Rd. Walnut 3057. excellent. CHANDI.TR, a powerful, nuf-t running car.

in shape, condition. 333 Walrut CENTRAL TRANSFER- Furniture motometer, extra rims, Chandler touring. El INDIAN rebuilt and trucking. $2.60 hour. R.

4403, G. Cr. can' he bought for down, balance around, $380. 147 Bain Ft. machines; part payment down, the bal- McRae.

monthly: Chandler, touring. new HUDSON SPEEDSTER. Just taken Ance a. you ride. Geo.

N. Holden, 33 GLOTH TRANSFER 1 Cypress St.paint, good tires around, in In: all 0. K. See Savoy. 268 Central Sta.

Dwight St. We have 5-ton trucks coming from chanical shape, new. Cleveland HUDSON touring. 1919. Super INDIAN 1020-0111 sell or exchange for No N.

J. will rive low rate $115 down, balance monthly: dandy serviceable car for someone, well Ford roadster. 261 South Main St. thing coming from that direction. bee U.

F. touring Royal Cords, new other paint. tire nearly equipped with extras and has tires, tween now and June 5. Tel. Wal.

6440-R. moat an economical car to run. very powerful, demonstration will con- Auto Parts and Accessories DALETS EXPRESS and light trucking: 14 chanically price 1a low. can be since you. torma it you desire.

4146. G. AUTO GEARS AND FARTS 88 Dwight reasonable rates, R. 1347-J. bought for $146" frat payment: Hud- Parker 4:4 Worthington St.

w. Ft. 36 to 50 off on Het price; differential ball FRANK M. GLENN-Express and light son coupe. 19:1, Rood cord tires- Ang HUPMOGICE, 1923.

Pack- gears, axles, Aywheel. ring geare trucking: rapid and enreful service, 1:1 paint. a quiet, snappy motor. peach of ard Motor Car 781 State st. W.

2580. And roller bearings and springs for aDy Bristol St. River 4821-J. car car. you will will seat be four proud people to in own: comfort, Willys- JORDAN, 19:1 touring.

overhauled. make of car. Tel. Walnut $60, FURNITURE moving in city. $2 car.

Knight, quiet, powerful sedan, motor, looks like a excellent new Jordan Spid. 765 Main St. R. 7915. Windsor Ave, phope 3-4258 Hartford- Provost'- Transfer, 79 Fargeant.

P. 5983-R painted, all now cord tires quaranteed. BRIGHTWOOD AUTO EXCHANGE, 321 piano extra; special rates for long distance. tires. better than a cheap new car.

has JORDAN TOURING. 1920, completely $50,000 Inventory sales: 1000 bargains of: FURNITURE STORAGE -Fireproof, pribumpers, inside mirror. can overhauled. new paint. new tor.

Nor- new supplies: sears. axles, replacement bearings, parts; springs. Ing: vate local rooms: and china and furniture for $306 down. balance monthly. Cameron 151 Bridge Ft.

R. R110. erators, magnetoes. tops. used parta tral long -distance moving.

Chandler Motors of 131 JORDAN. 7-PASS. touring: lludson Speed- oft: open Sunday to p. m. Storage.

:70 liberty St. River 98. orty St. Mr. Powers.

W. 1350. ster: Hudson touring. Essex coupe, all AUTO' PARTS- New differential FURNITURE STORAGE WAREHOUSECHANDIER TOURING, 19:0. repainted, late models.

Savage's Auto Paint Shop. shaft, transmission gears Liberty Eastern St. States Co. 385 In excellent shape. terennable offers 41 Franklin.

950. or W. 1033-J. and over 2000 other parts for over 200 Tel. River 222.

aidered. Packard Motor Car 121 State JORDAN. touring. recondi- different makes of cars. Genden Bros, KELLEY BROS TRUCKING, CO- -Local W.

2580. tinned throughout; looks and like biorgan St. Walnut 1300. and long distance trucking. 48 Dwight 1920 Chummy Roadster with new guaranteed, Jordan SpAd.

DIAMOND CORD tires. St. Walnut 2855. car. See Savoy.

268 Central Et. River 1631-R. 941 State St. Phone River 3592-M. prartically new tires.

looks new 768 3 Main St. River 7915. also tube Wells, 173 Wilbrabam Road. LIGHT TRUCKING and. moving.

Carr, CHEVROLET, 1920 touring. in rood run- disc wheels. axcellent Blueboy tires sport and PACKARD OIL. 62c par gallon. 53c by cal LEE'S long EXPRESS and light trucking.

Toning order. Orr Motor, 399 Worthington one of the classleat care in town, the barrel: Done better. A E. Hale Wall or distance; rates reasonable. ft.

chanically perfert: our price is extreme. Paper 11-13 Stearn Sq. River 3630. Res. 89 Catherine St.

River 3681-J. CHEVROLET TOURING. good condition: ly low. Barlbault 648 South Main SLIP ON body for Ford. roadster, fine LocAL and long distance furniture mov.

choan. F. Rodier. 59 Boulevard West 8t. R.

5989: open Sun. and eves. condition, $10. 4267-M. ing and trucking.

rates conable. r. Springfeld, after 7. LEXINGTON TOURING. A very TIRES- Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup tires.

N. Ruddock, 11 Roy St. W. 1681-R. CHEVROLET coupe and b.

Rood condition: ble. The Arrow Ford size. cord. $12. Wiener Tire MOVING AND TRUCKING any distance end 490 model.

International, 453 11 Park Street, cor. Bridge and Diright. Tel. R. 2781.

at lowest prices; furniture insured en thington St. LENNOTON TOURING taken for debt, route. Hediger, 549 Dickinson. W. 1833.

CHEVROLET TOURING. 1019, rennished, rhean far cash. 35 Pendleton Ave. Service Stations- -Repairing 15 SPRINGFIELD EXPRESS -Local and good tire equipment, $:76: 1921 T. V.

KNIGHT SEDAN, EXCHANGE SERVICE- distance moving. 60 Greenwod St. let runabout. like now, $376; 1919 Chev- cally very good, car that will satisfy ARMATURE Wagner (residence). Cypress St Phone Wal rolet F.

R. roadater, $335: Dodge you In every price and alt: lot us disc. Allowance E. for old Court. core.

WV. or R. touring. $350: 1931 touring. run demonstrate.

F. G. Parker 484 Wor- Elertric Service. 45 $100 miler. 1919 Dodge roadster.

thington ft. Walnut 4145. AUTOS washed at P'earl Place, 13 Painting--Papering $350: tires, 1'19 Overland. Puick model Little touring. new MACK 5-ton.

rack body, new tirea. St. Arthur CLARK WALLER. R. 3983-1.

Painting $335: Ford like new. 1390: Just like new. Johnson 77: So. Reo AUTO epeedwagon REPAIRING- our Olson specially, repairing and kalsomining: decoratiac. first-class paper work quaran hanging Kinsalas: and Interior 1919 Dodge sedan, $415: 1919 Ford Main St.

R. 6138. magnetos generators Zenith car- teed. $150: 1921 touring. Ford $350: roadster.

1919 -Touring and road buretors 104 Patton St. River 2508. 1930 Oakland In excellent condition, 3435. AUTO TUPS AND BODIES made and cert. CUMMING8 on wAll will paper: you work 30 to 50 guaranteed.

wer In $176: 1918 Overland, $176: 19:0 paired. Auto Top I I and Tal. River Grant Ft well roadster. Oakland Cameron. 181 Bridge St.

It. 6170. Esnor touring. $550: 1331 MARMON TOURING. 1918 757 Main -Overhauled, 8t, R.

Co. 31-33 Winter Ft River 4906. DO YOU WANT a real Job of painting and touring. $330; Ruick, 1- pass. sodan.

AUTOMOBILE straightened and paperhanging at fair Call H. 3850: 1913 touring. 6646. set in their proper position. B.

W. De- Starke. Pine St. R. 4894-M.

1917 iludson coupe. $300; many others; NASH. 10:0, like new car. price $450. catur.

'43 Essex St. River 64:4. terms: Sun. and holidays. Fee Favor, Central BODIES, mudguards and radiators prices PAINTING, PAPERING.

BUILDING Dwicht St. Auto Exchange. NATIONAL TOURING. good condition; made and repaired; painting and enamel- on Reads Repair 1920, lonks and cheap: terms. Tel.

R. 6693 or R. ins. All-Setal 690 Worthington. Construction 10 Crass St River 7461.

runs 'very good, excellent car for disCLEVELAND touring. look OAKLAND SEDAN- 19:0 sedan for sale, AXLE STRAIGHTENING. Sprink l'AINTING And caperhangina: let me tance driving And hilly country. price ble. rood condition.

all kinds of iron work. Berry bi 451 timate your work: ail work guaranteed. this one real buy at 14 price. W. co*ck and (inion Garage.

Wal. $208. Walnut River 1052. Peat. 809 Belmont Ave.

G. 4146. Parker OAK TOURING. BATTERY. generates.

Ignition, magneto PAINTERS. 484 Worthington St. DECORATORS CIDESDALE dump truck, used but, River 5446. $378. 787 Main 6t.

but service "genuine add parts repairs, dsed. all makes: nothing pale W. ut Earle, wall 29 Harrison Ave. reduced R. prices.

3904. very little, perfect condition. The Arrow OAK touring. 1930. an excellent tor Specialties 147 Chestnut St.

W. 11 Park St. bought half ite 320. PAINTING. PAPERHANGING and CUNNINGHAM 4- International real family worth car, can owner wants new Stude.

BODY REPAIRING, top work rating: let us cotimate your work: qual45: Worthington 8t. baker. once and must of this and painting. A Auto Body and Commonwealth G. Are.

Claw Phone de Sone Co. looks like new car: one Girt now VA consignment. be Welding Ca. 147 Taylor St. River 3358-R.

for LODGE quick sale, $350. Savoy, si Central 1919 touring. demonst ated any tine. G. Parker GARAGE.

Fulton R. 8342. PAPERHANGING AND st. Worthington St. BROWN'S specialize low price with 3 SEDAN.

1920, motor excellent OAKLAND ROADSTER. repair traveling dept men open riven every best evening attention. till 0.30: Morton Rourke, 26 Emily st W. DODGE upholstery like new. L.

wire Huntting wheels, tires 38 6445. repainted, $850. Bland'a, 187 Main EL all work PAPERHANGING 25c roll: aloo palating: 3 very little worn. FORD Furd Taino. 97 guaranteed satisfactory.

B. Hillman W. OLDSMOBILE SEDAN, 1921. $450: Oak- repaire, Gill' 201 Pipe St al Hanco*ck 6t Walnut 4378. DODGE.

1931. automatic touring. refinished windshield job. wiper, land sit, touring. $115.

152 Oakland St for Printing--Stationery 26 lot of bumper. extras. special radiator cap, snubbers R. OVERLAND metal body tor truck; $10. MACHETO REPAIRING.

makes: round, stop light. cutout cluck, Klaxon River 6699 or 7453-M. let. entora: 61 one Dreaden plare streets above Hen- oftica stationery: removed to 40 J. O.

CAREY. PRINTER- Society, personal and brand 6 doors from Sinin St. River 7013. Hampden new horn. curtain rack.

dome cord. on rear, one OVERLAND model 90 B. dee going to Worcester. Tell tea River light, legal refectors; Far mechanically Call cord tires, -M. act mechanical condition.

3163. Walnut 6445. Professional Service 27 at condition: Main st. OVERLAND, 1319, better WE SPECIALIZE -sheet on metal autoraobile and body work. ALMOND PACK softens and preserves tho have it long.

roadater. than the best: we consider 'his the hest Knox enameling. Motors Associates. 83 Wiltrabam akin; hair goods, gentlemen's taupes ant DODGE touring. 19:0, and Overland we have traded in, Wal.

3130. wigs. Bliss Quinn, Third Nationall. Back ternational, Worthington At. and prire: some Rd, Building.

R. 4391. DODGE ROADSTER. $335. Flather's G.

one Pries will condition, snap upkeep one up, $200 F. 'G. WHEEL REPAIRING We repair I ALWAYS AT TOUR race. Main and Fremont StA W. 401.

Parker Wort hington St. kinda automobile wheels Park short BL Beauty 1601. Parlors, 25 Harrisos Are Tel DODGE. 1919 $150. Orr Motor PACKARD.

1931 twin, 1-pass touring. like tice. Emith Carriage 2-20 Wat. 339 St new. The Arrow 11 Park St.

C. COTE, Oakland and Oldsmobile EACH Individual case my DODGE: 1922. very manli Pleasant mile. PACKARD 1916 touring. good and clalist, nywbeel teeth replaced 8t W.

witbout 1969. sonal classes. To attentions sea In well. atting and Nicolet. making 144 Auto 110 Ft.

at See Savoy. removing heel. No. Main PORT TOURING- tires. paint; cash, Central ft.

Autos for Hire Garages to Let 16 SWEDISH Ave, Wal. 1651. looks good: a real buy or trade for Ford. 20 Johnson, PACKARD twin six touring. $600.

DAT per inoath. 163 the system. 11 Harrison Ave. V. BONY MASSAGE DORT, 1921.

touring. International, 433 Wat. Garage, Sia'd and Fremont Dwight 180. TOWNE'S FPECIAL SCALP TREATMENT Worthington 6t. 19:0 TWIN SIX- -Rubay Fpe.

DODGE SEDAN for hire. long or short for remedy, dandrud and hair; a positive ESSEN. tourius. International, 153 clal roadster. privately owned.

Tel. trips. reasonable rates River Rad women Town's Hairdressing Pery promising hair crowth for mad Worthington ft. Lasthampton DORT TOURING for hire. long or short lora.

Room 11 Elm St River ESSEX sedan, 19:1. this car la ped PACKARD TWIN FIX. tour- trips. reasonable. R.

or w. four new cord tires. Ins. feet hechanically Ana, FOR HIRE--Ford covered truck, ton Repairing voy rier. Lumper Havoy.

and is Central newly st. patatud. Rood. overhauled $1006, thie terms spring. Jordan- paint and the with of licensed hours or driver, more.

$1.50 Tel. W. hour ture ARTISTIC UPHOLSTERING. expert turalMain St. HIRE A FORD- Drive it yourself.

sedane, right. and City piano work. Upholstering decorating: H. prices Jobs ESSEX SEDAN condition and good paint Band's, 767 Stain River PAIGE ROADSTER In coupes, tourings or trucks: by hour, day Winckler. 138 Liberty El.

Tel. 6465. $616. 16 St. nInE River condition.

3:60. Bland'e, or week, Ford Dwight CANED AND PIAZZA CHAIRS reseated by Maid ESSEX touring. smoothest running car SEDAN CAR- Parties. any where, dime the bitnA. Edw.

W. town. better new tire see thin coulpinent, one: price classy la right: PAIGE- cellent -Sport mechanical model 1021, condition. Jordan or will drive your or. truck R.

IF YOU want those chairs recane seated. looking: you ferros. Winnamin, $3 St. EpAd. 160 Main Bu.

River 7916. Wanted -Automobiles 17 drop A. postal for 431 the bent workmanship TOURING, can't be Told to C. Swift. Main City, and ESSEX, 1921 PAIGe 1939 1- passenger AUTOS WANTED We pas your will call.

and from mechan one. equipped perfect, with carts or cord terns offered ditioned At last very year, xood reasonable tires; price good palat; Pack. car 1: worth. Essex St. Garage.

36 Essex LAWN MOWERS cround: collected and you Era Ravoy. 248 Central ft. ard Motor Car State 2660. Ft. P'hone W.

4546: mpen eve. and Sun. delivered St 1. 5916. FEDERAL.

TRUCK-I-ion, tires PEERLESS. $130v, in AUTOMOBILES FOUGHT FOR for CASH- -I proves UPHOLSTERING the appearance of of your furniture new, Gear and mechanically Parts. $8 Dwight St, W. cellent upholstery, mechanical almost ne tires with velour two car: any model or make See Henry, ed Oriental Rug 119 Liberty SL River price low Auto condition. new will give you high cash price your rooms 136 Nora Slain St 4406 FORT 199, 6-pust delivery.

Savoy. would 4120. make Ideal rental 181 EXCHANGE in Central Street truck, 1920. coad. condi.

PIERCE Bridge At. It ARROW taxi for sale or will New BLAND'S England: AUTO we buy peli Piano Tuning tion. Call W. 3793-M. trade tor building lot lighter car.

grade cars only. Call River 6646 sell BRICE Piano Tuning Service: Robert FORD commercin). body 631 61 James Call W. 131 1932. truck: JOHNSON and BROS- p'eusure care buy Main St.

years; pianos Etelaway tuned. concert repaired, tuner fos refinished. 10 and Brice: to conditinn, touring, frent Tel River open eves and Sun 67 Kimberly Ate. Tel. FORD COUPE FUR malles Jarret bumper.

and 0. L. USED CARE. late models bought. sold, Walnut thouse.) Hawkins, Hotel 71 W.

exchanced. Jack Store 69 Dwight. Wal PIANOR tuned, 11.50. hero: repairing. FORD RUNAROUT.

mechanic ally perfect, truck the only truck 5861. block from State St. player -plane expert. 36 SeAts' work new wiring throughout: $1:5 and hare put price CO guaranteed. Fairneld Box Summer Ft that will interest Parker BUSINESS SERVICE Tel R.

1883-W Ar 0. FORD Smith COUPES Co. 24 Lyman 3360 REO Worth PHAETON. 18 Cleaning and Dyeing 29 4144. FORD COUPE 1922 tourine driven ablut 10.0 Rec Spid Co, GET THIS--It better to sand it to Offered Ft.

Pleasant Ave WV. 661. TIEO SPEED WAGON- WT sell or trade polishing. sliver, nickel. brass and 17 181 and State dyeing Re in al! its branches 1919 touring car.

A Auto Co. River COLORING. PLATING. lacquering and Hey's then to you had: cleanett.g for passenger car. Phone.

Wal per. Piating Works Phone R. 7525 FORD roadster. with starter. price right for Ft Tel.

River 4466 new paint and 6t James DOES YOUR ciraner need Carpet CARPET CLEANIN Steam 8401 REG SPEEDWAGON. 19:0. covered. body. we repair and sell rebu'lt 40 Cleaning tenorated.

6 U. 8. cord tires. exceptional mechanical Inc? (1 Ave. W.

$238, Taylor St Tel. River 764. FORD TOURING, 1918, 8001 running condition: also 193 Ford top truck R. Harrison ditton. ready for the soad.

$95. 8232 express body. tires 19:0 EXTERMINATOR- RatS LAUNDRY SERVICE- Wet wash, rough After m. G. Mi.

C. truck And Ford ton by contrart or Job: Call dry: W. brompt 612 delivery, any of city. FORD USED CARS-1922 truck. $300; trucks.

with. piatform bodies and solid experience. Martin. Maillard. Jefferson Laundry, Hancork New Jit hod Wet Wash bedbugs: 1930 ton truck runabout, tires.

Ace Toung. 148 St Ave. Tel. River 3356-11. starter.

like new. used just NICKENRACKER SEDAN. 1c the GARDENING laws mowing and general RUG SHAMPOOING. lace curtain renew. weeka, $3:5.

Byrne Motor Company. very best.of condition, very low mileare: work Around the place. Tel River ing Belmont are our Laundry. specialties. Call IL Ave.

Walnut this CaT can be bad at great Authorized Ford Celmont Hunting Con Eu GENERAL CONSTRUCTION Acconzio Co, renews color. cleaned. Crewent removes Carvet dirt Cleaning and and the FORD road. 6-POST 64 Elm truck West $60; Springfeld. ready for Tel.

W. 4049-M. Con price 13 right. The MIRRORS manufactured, roslivered: glass Harrison Kiver 3196. FORD SEDAN.

used very Bastia will Arron Co. 1: Park Street. for windshields. etc. Chase's Glass and Tailoring and P'ressing 30 sacrinca.

W. terine Mirror Works 20 Congress El R. 0460. FORD TOURING mechant. trade, wheels 5 cord tires.

"QUALITY" polishing. plating. EXPERT cleaning. In Chase's. fancy 107 French Bridge.

dry W. cal condition. 63 Morris St. R. 4939.

W. Epringheld. copper. 6. Paul Silver FORD 120: touring body FELDEN TON.

furniture body; car. 'Armory and W. 3842. plete. $10.

Elm Weat Sprincheld cond. 44 Elm West Springheld. We make new ones from your old EMPLOYMENT FORD ROADETER 1922. Set Eavoy, A STANLEY STEAMER condenser. carpets.

Springdeld Economy Rag Centra: St. shape throughout. mast 11 Taylor 8t. River 343. Help Wanted -Women 32 er.

1921 medan. 1918 St. ART CRAFT makes good low price $65. Union Ome. and salary expectal.

Bor FORD SEDAN -Late core tires. Belmont Garage or Walnut Building- -Contracting 19 BILLING CLERK- I Underwood STEAMER. International experience Rulck Little touring; 1919 Dodge 1919 Chevrolet Souring: 1820 ETUDEBAKER light six sedan, $1050: cord al- roof: pany; 66 Crystal tree A Bates Tel. River Roofing Com- W. BILLING CLERK wanted: In applying Overland touring: 1019 road.

most like new car: practically new state experience and salary expected. ster: 1910 Ford runahout: 1919 tire; snubbers around: upholstery BOILER SETTING. high and low Box 1:5, Union Office. mere tourins: 1918 Chalmers touring: One: Chestnut easy terma. River 6:80.

Motor 61 sure: forcare work of every COMPETENT MAID tor Leonard 1920 tourina: 1918 Overland, Decar F. Carlson, 145 State work, rofetences. Tel. W. c1 00; open eve.

and terms. Young Light 1931 touring. BRICKWORK and plastering dope: Motor Main El. really look: like 1923 model for cona ble. For estimates, tel mornings COUNTER GIRI.

for B. Restaurant, FORD SEDAN. tires and nearance. ran by old man who only Walnut Wear Springfield: no work fundays. pain' mechanically O.

Aute Gear and used it the once church week was to just drive to church blocks and repaired, GIRL for housework; no laundry, Parti St. Wal v. this two kinda of repaired: estimates free. River 2462-R. FORD SEDAN.

1923 rut. mouths. lots G. AWAY: Parker Co. 484 Worthlagion.

W. A. 11. Richardson. 123 Walnut St.

GIRL for light housework. assist no of extras 82 Main Ft. 1541-W. washing. W.

3223 after 14. Longmeadow. FORD COCTE 1021. newly looks STUDERAKER-Specia: car that 81x Is in coupe, the best CEMENT make by GIRL for general housework. 1 bone and runt good.

Winniman's. 83 marry running tooking condition, owner pi orrd machine: 1 a yard. 18c del. fo 3745-S. Stain St model.

will Rive cool Stain St. Indian Or hand. 130. for general housework. 76 FORD, 1331 touriug this la Just service and out price is Gistinctly low.

VITT-Carpenter and builder: sp. nolla Terrace. Riv. or Riv. 5600.

as a palman'a $2 Main 4146. G. Parker Co. 464 Et. clad alaut attention 182-3Y.

given to jobbias. 33 Forest GIRL Cali 66 Diata 8t. 4 4 2.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.