The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1 A 44 fr 1 1 y. TWENTY THE SPRINGFIELD UNION: SUNDAY, JUNE 1923 3 The Open Road Is Calling You. Read the Ads and Buy a Serviceable Used Car RATES PER LINE. AUTOMOBILES (Count 6 Average Words to Line.) Day Consecutive Per Line Automobiles for Sale 11 I Consecutive Days 16 Per Line THE condition in every way, $400. NorcrossConsecutive Dayi Per Line CHALMERS TOURING-1919, in excellent Consecutive Days Per Line Cameron, 151 Bridge St.

R. Consecutive Days Sunday Per Line Line CHANDLER COUPE. 1921-Mechanically Wk, including good AS new, mileage undar 20,000, book charge newly painted, excellent car for doctor or salesman Phone owner (Orchard 64) ANNOUNCEMENTS for CHANDLER. appointment 1920 or Inspection. Roadster with Chummy Personals 5 See practically Savoy, new 268 Central looks St.

like Dew INFANT for adoption. Box 423. CHEVROLET, 1920 touring, In good runporT Salon Orice. ning order. Orr Motor, 339 Worthington MOTOR LUNCHES neatly needed packed with accesso- all CLEVELAND touring, 1920.

looks and the good seasoning and runs very good, excellent CAP for disries; phone your order. Hampden Co. tance driving and hilly country, look Wom. Exchange, 33 Harrisop Ave. this one over.

real buy at 14 price. F. THE HOME HOSPITAL, is now Ta open at 20 Parker 484 Worthington St. W. Firglade Ave.

River 630 for rates. 4146. WIDOW LADY with pleasant country CLYDESDALE 2-ton dump truck, used but home with modern conveniences. would very little, perfect condition. The Arrow take aged lady or gentleman to care for.

11 Park St. Hattie Holdsworth, 11 King Monson. CUNNINGHAM 4-passenger. International 2 WILL SOMEBODY willing to adopt A 452 W'orthington St. baby girl 2 years old please write Box DODGE 1919 touring, lonks like new car; 45.

Union Office. Holyoke. Maas. for quick sale, $350. SAvOy, 268 Central St.

Lost and Found 10 DODGE ROADSTER, 1920, excellent conBRACELET--lost in Cumming's store in dition. Jack Stone, 60 6565. Dwight dressing room: will finder please return, block from State. Wal. 83 bracelet is valued as keepsake.

Re- DODGE ROADSTER-In good condition ward. Piver 2359-R. Inquire 192 Walnut St. gold bracelet with stones. Tel.

R. 8320 5448-M. T. Citizen, 13 Sheldon, after FOUND--On upper Mulberry May 31, COUPE privately A owned. In regard to it.

4 p. m. FOUNTAIN PEN lost: Le Boeuf, unbreak- LODGE SEDAN, 1920, motor excellent, able; reward. Finder please call Sir. upholstery like O.

new, L. wire wheels, tires 7 8 Comey, River 3200 or Wal. 2763-R. very Hillman little St. W.

worn. 3788. Huntting GOLD WATCH-Tost. ladies' hunting case. DOUGE touring, 1920, and roadster.

InTel. River 3271-R. Tracelet. ternational, 452 Worthington St. LOST- Gold wrist watch and Re- DODGE touring.

1919. See lieury, 136 turn 158 Pineywoods reward. North Main St. Tel. R.

4 SO. -Bunch of Call keys W. with 5544-W. small microm- DODGE touring, 1921. See Henry, 136 eter attached.

North Main St. Tel. R. 4880. LOST- handbag containing rosary.

DODGE. 1919 touring, $350. Orr Motor McGuire. 61 High St. Reward.

339 Worthington St. LOST -Yellow 194 angora Dunmoreland cat. Reward St. Phone re- DODGE ROADSTER, $325. Flather's Gait turned 4243-31.

rage, Main and Fremont Sts. W. 497. Walnut LOST-Scotch collie dog with brown leash tion, DODGE ml'eage TOURING. 6000 miles, dike perfect Lew.

condi- W. on collar. Write Box 461, Union Office; reward. LOST -Sofa pillow. brown top.

worked Age. DODGE Rai'ey Auto --1922, 110 very Ft. Pleasant mileTOURING mall with purple: return Miss D. I. La Point, Ave.

Wal. 1661. 625 South Main, Room 31T. Reward. 136 bulldog.

right ear dissect- North DODGE Main sedan, St. 1921. Tel. n. SeA 4880.

Henry, LOST- French ed, 5385-31. to "Chummy," Reward. W. DODGE SEDAN. 1922-Disc wheels.

many POMERANIAN- Brown female, lost. Find- car, extras, perfect run 2500 condition. miles. Call after practically 6 P. new er please call Wal.

297. 63 Atwater Ter. or Tel. R. No SIGNET RING on road from Wor- daalers.

cester to Mt. Tom. via A. Initials 2 Ger- S. DODGE, 1921, touring: Dodgo, 1919.

coupe; F. reward. Charles Morse, Essex, 1920, touring; Jordan, 1921, blue rish Court. Springfleld. boy.

4-pARA. sport model: Jordan, 1921, SQUIRREL NECKPIECE LOST with Brig- pass. touring: Ford, 1921, coupe; Chevroham tag. probably in Woolworth's or let, 1919, Sedan; Mercer sport Kresge's. Tel.

R. 5957 or Wal. 1366. model: Studchaker, 1921, coupe; ChandTIRE, "Hood." lost. 33x4, between West- ler.

1920, Dort, 1920, touring; Meld and Chicopee: reward. Tel. Chicopee Westeott, 1920, touring, mAny 139-W. 94 Grape ('hicopee. others at extremely low prices, all cArry POCKETBOOK lost in Wool- our 643 guarantee St.

of Itiver service. 5989; Baribault open Sun- worth's 5 and 10 name ct. inside. store. May Reward 31, 11 days and evenings.

5 left at Woolworth's. DORT touring, 1922. See Henry, 136 o'clock: owner's BROWN PURSE-Lost In Lev- North Main St. Tel. R.

4880. Ison's; will the party who same ESSEX. 1922, touring. International, 452 please call River 2145-M. Reward.

Worthington St. ESSEX roadster, 1921. See Henry, 136 AUTOMOBILES North Main TOURING. St. Tel.

1921, 4880. painted. newly excellent tires, very little mileage. Automobile Agencies Jack Stone, 69 Dwicht St. Wal.

5503. AUBURN Beauty Six. Garinger Motor ESSEX 1921, this car ped distributors, 650 Main Spring- with four new cord tires, baggage cArfield, Mass. Walnut 396. rier, bumper and is newly painted.

6a BAY STATE AUTOMOBILES Made by voy Savoy, 268 Central St. R. H. Long Co. Sales and service, 675 Esarx sedan.

1921. See Henry. 126 North Main St. Walnut 4829. Main St.

Tel. R. 4SSO. BUICK- -The Springfeld Buick cor. touring, 1900.

See Henry, 136 Main And Gardner SiR. River North Main St. Tel. 1. R.

4880. CADILLAC- Distributors for Western 1920. touring, driven only 8000 Mass. and So. Vermont.

W'estern Mass. miles, wonderful car for the money. Wal1 Cadillac Oak. cor. State St.

R. 7410, nut 4030. CHANDLER a and Cleveland sales and ESSEX. 1921 can't be told Ice. Chandler Motore of Springfeld, 246 from a new one.

equipped with cord tires Chestnut St. and mechani-ally perfect. cash or terns. CHEVROLET MOTOR CARS--Sales and See Savoy. Central St.

service. A. V. Reopell, 657 State St. River FEDERAL TRUCK-1-ton.

tires almost 2586. Springfield, Mass new. mechanically 0. price low. Auto DODGE BROTHERS motorcars.

William Gear and Parts 83 Dwight St. W. 980. Motor Sales 64-66 Howard St. W'al.

FORD SEDAN. 1923. driven only a few 2882. 2883. miles.

rust he gold at once. Tel. 3583-M. DORT AND and service. FORD, 1918.

touring: $90: motor just overGiddings Biotor 318 Chestnut St. houled. 54 Elm St. River 1990. FORD Cars, Fordson 'Tractors, Salea, Serv- FORD 192 TOURING-1921.

Walnut St. in good condition. Ice: genuine parts and accessories. Inquire mobile Sales 95 liberty. Walnut 1460.

FORD SEDAN for sale, 1923. run 400 FORDS AND FORUSON -Sales, repairing miles, must Main St. 824 sand State service stationg, Walnut H. 3850. K.

Smith FORD ROADSTER-1921, St. Walnut in St. good condi-: tion. GARDNER AND STEPHEN3-Sales and service. Blue Ribbon Biotor Sales.

93 FORD SPEEDSTER- -Can be seen Sunday Mair. St, Walnut 1287. or evenings. River 399-J. G.

M. TRUCKS--Sales and Service. FORD 6-POST dellvery, $100: good conSpringfit Buick 158 Main St. dition. Phone Walnut JORDAN MOTOR CARS--Sales and ect FORD TOURING.

1922. :00 cash. Call Ice. West. Mass.

distributor. Jordan between 12 and 1. Gray, 106 Walnut. Springfeld 767 Main. River 7915.

FORD. 101S, touring: condition, all OVERLAND -Sales, parts. service. 143 good tires; $135, terms $35 down. River Main Overland Springfeld.

5604-1. STANLEY CAR- Warriner Edmonds, FORD. 1021 roadsters; light truck, Ane distributors for Western MAS6. and condition, right price for quick sale for Service, 61 Bliss St. Tel.

R. 4302. cash. I. F.

Frost, 16 Milton Ave. W. F. G. Parker 484 Worthington OR St.

FORD SEDAN. 1921. $300: Ford STUDEBAKER Sales and Service station. Tel. Walnut 4146.

1918. $100: Ford roadster. :931, $1.1 WESTCOTT Sales and Service Station, Ford 6-post 1921. $150: terms to Rayfleld Carhuretors. Edward's Gurage, sult.

See Henry, 136 North Main St. Tel. 27 Hanco*ck St. Phone River 3546. R.

4880. 1 WILL.YS-KNIGHT-Sales. parts. service. FORD speedster.

special gear. built for 743 Main Overland Springfield. track. Popular Price Garage, Indian Orchard. Automobiles for Saie 11 FORD hauled.

COUPE. excellent 1922. tires. Jack thoroughly Stone. over- BAY STATE COUPE, perfect condition Dwight block from State.

W. R565. throughout, car has many extras includ- FORD special racer, over $300 worth of ing new spare cord; price very low: best extras. in perfect condition: cheap for buy Office. in town.

Address Box 1.43, U'nion rash. 5 Theodore Chicopee Falls. BETHLEHEM 1920. good FORD chassis SEDAN. thoroughly 1922, rebuilt.

brand new Jack 1923 Stone, body, body and cab. SpP Henry, 136 North Dwight block from State St. Main St. Tel. It.

4350. Wal. 5365. sell BOURNE cheap. TRUCK.

The Arrow 2-ton. 11 slicpe; Park will St. FORD. 1023 sedan, very little mileage, good rubber. Jack Stone, G9 Dwight Sit.

BUICK. 1 always privately owned, 14 block from State St. Wal. 5365. bargain.

Call Iolyoke 6361-W. FORD TOURING, 1021. rebuilt. wIth 1923 BUICK-5-passenger. $400.

Inquire 30 brand now body, 1-man top. Jack Stone, Douglas after 6 p. n. 69 Dwight block from State. W.

BUICK. 1920, sedan. Packard Mo- 5365. tor Car State St. W'al.

2380. FORD trucks, 10 to pick from, half -ton BUICK, 1921, 7-pass. sedan. Packard Mo- and one-ton; terms to suit. Spe lenry, tor Car 721 State St.

Walnut 2380, 136 North Main St. Tel. R. 4880. BUICK, 1921, pass very good con- FORD TRUCK.

late 1-ton worm-drive dition: will sell cheap. The Arrow 11 model. perfect mechanical condition, Park St. fine covered body, good paint job, dem. BUICK TOURING, 1921: car hasn't been rims, 5 good tires.

Rox 258. Union Onice. 1 run this year: private owner; driven very FORD 1920, In excellent condition. price little: fine family car. Jack Stone.

69 Ledger Wiegand, 14 Pynchon St. Dwight St. 1 biock from Stater. Wal. FORD SEDAN-1922, excellent condition: 5565.

1919 touring and ate 1921 coupe. Balley BUICK SEDAN late model. ex- Auto 110 Ft. Pleasant Ave. W.

1661. fre. Jordan-SpAd. 763 Diain St. R.

268 Central Street. cellent condition, paint and upholstery FORD, 1919, 6-post delivery. See Savoy, 7915. FORD touring. Call after p.

11 Allen BUICK 1922, combines mechanical off Allen St. power bused and and will neat cover appearance. never FORD RUNABOUT, mechanically perfect. a long period of l1ew wiring throughout: $125 cash. 289 good -ard driving for someone.

very good from every point of view. terms Summer St liberal. F. G. Parker 484 Worthing- FORD USED CARS-1922 ton truck, $300; ton St.

TV. 4146.00 1320 ton truck. $223: 1923 runabout, BUICK COUPE. 1921. newly painted.

pri- starter. demountable, like new. condition, used $350. just vately owned. w'eli cared for.

Jack Stone, 4 weeks, $315: Medan. Company, Ang Authorized Ford 69 Dwight 12 from State. Dealers, Byrnes 29 Motor Belmont Ave. Wal. 882.

Wal. 5563, BUICK ROADSTER, 6-D-45 oupe. good FORD SEDAN. 1923, used very little, will tires, good running condition. Inquire F.

sacrifice. R. 1758-W. Fitzpatrick, Black White Garage. FORD CHASSIS, 5.

$20; touring body comPhone W. 2.69. plete, $10. 54 Elm West Springfeld. BUICKS, 2: Iudson, Oldsmobile.

FORD ROADSTER, 1922. See Savoy. 268 Haynes Chummy Hudson Central St. Speedster. Chandler Despatch, Hudson FORD SEDAN, late '21; excellent condisedan, several Johnson others: 8 cash.

trade or tion. River 3683-M. Killam. terms. So.

Main St. R. 6128. FORD SEDAN, 1920-Good tires (2), 1920, touring: tourings: Essex. Cleveland.

Parts 88 Dwight St. A Wal. 980. BUICKS paint, mechanically O. K.

Auto Gear and 1920, 4-pasa. 1920. 1ng: Studebaker. 1920. 4-passenger coupe FORD TOURING owned.

pry Hassler small shock mileage, absorbAnd 5-passenger sedan: Chevrolet touring. privately 1921: Dodge roadster. 1920; Oakland tour- ers, fine running condition: to be car. sold ing. 1920: Ford roadster, 1920; 6-post this week am buying A larger truck, 1919; also Ford ton truck, solids Walnut 2436-W.

or pneumatics: these cara are In perfect FORD TOURING, 1920: Ford touring, condition, ready for the road; terms to 1918; Ford touring, 1921; Essex touring, suit. Appleton Zapatha. Bond and 1921: Essex sedan. 1921; Hudson speedater. North or 36 Essex St.

1921; Overland 1919, touring, model 90: f. BUICK, 1921, 7-pase. touring, repainted, Oakland touring, 1919: Dodge touring. excellent mechanical condition. Jordan 1919: Chandler speedster, runabout, 1920; SpringAeld 767 Main St.

R. 7916. Essex touring. 1920: Wiiya-Knight, 1919: Packard touring, 1916, and. many others CADILLAC COUPE.

1917. recently rebuilt. too numerous to mention. See Savoy. 261 Stoddard Motor 461 Worthington St.

Central St. CADILLAC SEDAN 37, 5-passon- FORD SEDAN--Late '21, cord tires. startger, frat clays condition. Philbrook er. 1921 sedan, A-1 shape: Ford Barttro, $64 State Wal.

5331. touring. 1921: Ford touring, 1919: Ford new paint. top, bat- touring, 1918; 1918 Buick Little tourtires and other extras. will trade ing: 1919 Dodge touring: 1919 Chevrolet for smaller car or sell reasonable for tourine: 1920 Overland touring; 1919 cash.

Bryant, Monson State Hospital. Scripps roadster: 1919 Ford runabout: 1919 CADILLAC TOURING, new (halmers Chalmers touring: paint, cord tires, oversize. Jack Stone, 69 1920 Dodge. touring: 1918 Overland, Model Dwight St. block from State).

W'al. 90: open eves. and terms. Young 5565. Biotor 147 Main St.

CHALMERS COUPE, over- FORDS-1923 $225: sedan, 1918 $450: 1921 touring, hauled and repainted, good tires. starter, $125: touring. Hassler markable buy for $885. shock absorbers, 1920 chassis, $85: on, 161 Bridge. R.

6170. Ford speedster, 48 $140, Willow cash St. or easy P. 3040. terma D.

Ackerman, North Main St. Tel. R. 4880. FORDS--1920 1920 runabout, chassis.

$125; $100: 1920 1921 run- 6. CHALMERS touring. 1919. See Henry. 136 about.

$160: CHEVROLET TOURING. 1919. reAnished. delivery, $125: 1920 light delivery. good dire equipment.

$275; 1921 Chevro- $150; 1920 panel delivery, $125; 1923 truck. let runabout, like new, $375: 1919 Chev- $450. 1920 truck and body. $250; 1921, 4. B.

roadster, $325; 1919 Dodge coupe, $325; 1931 truck, solids. $150; 1918 wouring, $350; 1921 touring. run panel $100; small payment down 1s 5400 miles, $550; 1913 Dodge roadster, all we ask. Automobile Sales 93-101 $350; 1'19 Overland, model 90. 4 new Liberty St.

Walnut 1460. tires, $250; 1918 Buick Little 4 touring, FORDS-1920 runabout, $125; 1918 1919 Dodge sedan, $475; like 1919 new, Ford road- $390; about. $115: 1919 runabout, $100; 1920 $325; 1921 Ford sedan, ster, $160; 1921 Ford roadster, $225; touring. delivery, $200: 1920 1920 chassis, light $100; 1921 delivery, 6- 1920 Oakland touring, $350; 1919 Max- pout well roadster. $175 1918 Oakland tour- $150; 1920 panel delivery, $125; $250: 1923 truck $176; 1918 Overland, $175: 1920 $450: 1920 truck 1921.

and body, solids, $150: 1920 Essex touring. $550: 1921 Overland coupe, $360; truck, 1919 touring. $350; 1020 Ruick. 7-pass. sedan, all panel we ask.

$100; Automobile small Sales payment $850; 1919 ludson, touring, $650; 95-101 1917 A Iudson coupe, $200; others; Liberty St. Walnut 1460, terms; ripen Sun. and holidays. FRANKLIN roadster. .1917.

Packard MoDwizat St. Auto Exchange. tor Car- 731 State St. tWal, 2580. AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES Automobiles for Sale 11 Automobiles for Sale FRANKLIN ROADSTER, 1920, motor and $150; STUDEBAKER must be '17 sold this 7-passenger.

week. Al shape, tires good, most economical car to R. 1429-W operate. O. L.

Hunting 78 Hillman or W. 3273. St. W. 3788.

SIx. 1921 touring. FRANKLIN touring car. model 1921, extra really nearance, looks like by an 1923 old model who for anAne mechanical condition. SpAd.

Auto run only 40 Liberty St. and used it the once church week was to just drive tiro to church blocks truck- away: this "regular Ard Equipped Motor with 721 rack State body, St. open Wal. cab. 2580.

Park- G. Parker 494 Worthington. W. 1146. HAYNES, 1922.

touring car; excellent condition, newly Special painted, Six, A new tires. PerSTCDERAKER mechanical dition. Tel. con's 125 for HAYNES 1921 -Excellent condition. car STUDEBAKER touring, 1921.

See Henry, particular people, bargaia $1300. 156 North Main St. Wal. 3712, HUDSON touring and coupe. International, built, STUDERAKER Including RD standard 1922, paint thoroughly job.

ready re452 Worthington St. for delivery June exceptionally good HUDSON Speedster, 1919. See lIenry, 136 car for husiness or professional nan. F. North Main St.

Tel. R. 4830. G. Parker Co.

434 Worthington St. Wal. HUDSON SPEEDSTER. 1921-Just taken 4146. in; all 0.

Savoy. 268 Central St. STUDEBAKER Special Six Touring, 1921, HUDSON, 1920. coupe, newly painted, new very good tires, bumper, motometer, had tires, car has been rebuilt. Walnut 4030.

exceptionally good care: will be appreciatHUDSON. 7-pass. touring, good condition; ed A9 low an price: exceptionally eaay Anancial good terms family it car decheap. The Arrow 11 Park at sired. a F.

G. Parker 484 Worthington HUDSON. 1920. equipped with new tires St. Walnut 4146.

and destred. many Walnut other extras, $550, torms STUDEBAKER SPECIAL. SIX SEDAN4030. This car thoroughly reconditioned, good HUDSON, 1922, coupe, very small mileage, tire equipment. new paint; will he ready perfect condition; will trade for for delivery June completely equipped Walnut 4030.

with needed extras, Including spare tire. HUDSON SUPER touring, F. Walnut G. 4146. Parker 4 94 Worthington St.

tires, car in elegant shape. $475; also 1918 7-pass. Chandler touring. new tires all TUDEBAKER Special Six sedan, Just around, $350. See Young.

141 Main St. rebuflt. new tire equipment. new standHUDSON Cabriolet; overhauled, refinished: ard extras naint including job, spare completely tire. F.

equipped (V. Park- with take wonderful small looking car, tires good; would er 484 Worthington. V. 4146. car In trade: torms.

Falrbanks, 95 Dwight St. STUDEBAKER 1921 coupe light six, new HUDSON SPEEDSTER, 1920, speedy and paint, good tires, price is excellent low. Baribault mechanical Jack sporty, Stone, special 64 paint job, nice condition. 668 South Main St. k.

5989.00 condition; our State. Wal. 5565. Dwight St, block from TOURING CARS-(2) obsolete models, HUDSON touring. 3 1919, Super SIx, $75.

Spfld. Auto 40 Liberty St. dandy serviceable car for Huineone, well VELIE TOURING-1921, In mood condiequip.ed with extras and has six tires, tion. Bpringfeld Auto 40 Liberty St. very powerful, a demonstration will WESCOTT TOURING, A No.

1 mechanical vince you, terms if you desire. F. C. condition, good paint, new tires: price Parker 484 Worthington St. W.

4146. 1. right. Phone R. 2645-J, or call at 93 INTERSTATE touring, 1919, $140.

See Orange St. Henry, North Bain St. Tel. R. 4SSO.

WHITE TRUCKS-3 to choose from, one JORDAN touring, 1920. See ITenry, 136 2-ton, two -ton, rebuilt guaranteed. North St. Tel. 4880.

Walnut 2436-19 or Walnut 3116. JORDAN sport; a beauty, $650. WILLIS-KNIGHT. 1919. touring: Just out Tel.

River of paint shop. Hee Savoy, 268 Central St. JORDAN TOURING. 1920-Newly painted WILLS -ST. CLAIR, 1922.

roadster. Inand recently overhauled; bargain. ternational, 452 Worthington St. cross Cameron. 151 Bridge St.

R. 6170. WINTON touring Big 6. latest model, JORDAN. 1921 touring.

overhauled, newly Anished In two tires and colors, natural painted, all new cord tires guaranteed. wood wheels, good renuine leather, extras, has ma- upJordan Spild. 765 Main St. R. 7915.

nogany dash with clock and speedomeholstery JORDAN, 1922-5-pass. touring, recondi- ter, oil gauge, quiet. high -powered toned throughout; looks and Acts like motor and 8 real sport car, price very a new car; guaranteed. Jordan SpAd. lOW.

F. G. Parker 484 Worthington 165 Main St. River 7915. St.

4146. JORDAN--1931, Blueboy sport CAMP BUNGALOW AUTO TRAILER. Tel. ACinodel, diac wheels, excellent tires and commodates four: price reasonable. one of the classiest cars in town, me- E.

Longmeadow 36-4. chanically perfect; our price la extreme- USED CARS- We can offer financial terms ly low. Barlbault 668 South Main on good used cars, (1st) monthly paySt. R. 5989; open Sun.

and eves. ments; terms are based on lowest finance LEXINGTON TOURING. 1921-In very charge; small payment down, balance to good condition: reasonable, The Arrow suit your salary: an inquiry will give you 11 Park Street, the desired Information. F. G.

Parker LEXINGTON TOURING taken for debit, 484 Worthington St. cheap for cash. 35 Pendleton Ave. WANTED-To trade Ford roadster body, V. KNIGHT SEDAN.

1922-Mechani- with or witnout business bodv, A1 6194-R. concally very good. a car that will satisfy ditton, for sedan or coupe. y'ou in every way. price and all: let us YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS--The best used demonstrate.

G. Parker 484 Wor- Reo Speedwagon in the city for only $400. thington St. Walnut 4146. Call IT.

W. Stacy, River 3847. MACK 5-ton, 1921. rack body, Dew tires. 1011.

CADILLAC equipped with Martin just like new. Johnson Bros. 778 80. Fifth Wheel trailer; capacity 2-ton. Wal.

Main St. R. 6128. 2250. MAXWELL.

1917. and runs -PASSENGER sport model. 1923 very like S300 car: easy terms. M. A.

cheap. will trade. Call River $76 porte, 94 Broadway. River 6170. MAXWELL, 1020, touring: low mileage.

Motorcycles and Bicycles 12 cord tires. new paint, can't be told from A 95 new Dwight' St. low price, terms. Fairbanks, tires put on. A.

Ventrice. 382 Bay St. RICTCLE REPAIRING- Baby carriage in MAXWELLS, excellent 1921-Touring and roadsters ROY'S good condition, cheap Tel Valnut 5511-5. Cameron, 151 Bridge St. $435.

R. Noreross- for cash. Cedar St. condition, GIRL'S TRICYCLE for sale. Val.

6170, NASH, 1020, looks lik4 new cAr, price NASIL $450. See Savoy, 208 Central St. good condi1292-R. tion, ROADSTER-1921, in good condi- tion. Call Tel.

R. 6632-M. liberty St. HARLEY-DAVIDSON And sidecar. 1913.

40 NATIONAL TOURING. good condition: good condition; $125 cash. J. P. Mayo, 43 cheap: terma.

Tel. R. 6699 or R. 7433-M. Prospect.

Thompsonville. Conn. OAKLAND Six Touring: motor overhauled, ITARLEY-DAVIDSON orders now being $6:0 down. Tel. River 6554-M.

taken for 1024 models. Dyer Everett, OAKLAND TOURING. 1920. privately State owned, had best of care. Jack Stone.

69 HARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Dwight block from State. WV. 6565. 1s better to buy one than had; OAKLAND SEDAN-1920 sedan for sale, convenient terms. Dyer Everett, price reasonable.

good condition. Han- 535 State St. co*ck and Garage. Wal. 3208.

INDIAN MOTORCYCLE with side OAKLAND touring, in perfect condition. 1921. largo valve motor, refinished. run legs than 7000 miles, privatoly own- condition. 333 Walnut St.

W. 3551. W. 1989. tires.

a spare, tools, robes, etc. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE. 1911. good conAd, new dition. $33; quick pale.

East LongCAKLAND touring, 1920, an xcellent meadow Garage. Tel. 74. family car, can be bought at halt Its INDIAN motorcycle and sidecar. 1920.

big real baker worth as owner wants A new Stude- Brown motor. newly painted or one At once now And on must consignment, dispose of will this change for light roadster. W. 5873-I. demonst ated any tinie.

F. Parker he INDIAN MOTOCYCLES-Used. rebuilt Co. 484 Worthington St. W.

4146. machines: part payment down, the balOLDSMOBILE- -Late 1920, -passenger, nnce as St. you ride. Geo Holden. 33 1st class vondition.

$375. Ell Green. R. Dwight 3457. After 6 call 2143.

INDIAN sell OP exchange for SEDAN. 1921. $500; Oak- Ford roadster. 161 South Main St. land Rix, touring, $175.

152 Oakland St. MOTORCYCLE side coT. good condition. R. 2318.

Rowley, Baptist Village, East long OLDSMOBILE Speedwagon, 1921, with a meadow. or write Box 451. Union Office. good 1 body and cab. See Henry, 136 North Main St.

Tel. R. 4880. Auto Parts and Accessories 11 OVERLAND touring. model 90.

1919. See AUTO GEARS AND PARTS 88 Dwicht Henry, 136 North Main St. Tel. F. 4880.

St. 05 to off on list price: differential OVERLAND roadster, 1922. dee Ilenry, rears, axles. Ay wheel. ring gears, ball 136 North Main St.

Tel. 1. 4880. and roller bearings and springs for any OVERLAND touring. 1913.

$125. See make of car. Tol. Walnut 980. Henry, 135 North Main St, tel.

R. 4SSO. BRIGHTMAN AUTO EXCHANGE. 301 OVERLAND TOURING. 1918, good condi- $50.000 Windsor in Ave, Inventory phone sales: 1000 bargains Hartfordtion, will sell cheap.

Tel. W. 4638-J. suppiles: replacement parts: off: OVERLAND 4. 5-passenger.

in good shape, NeW gears, axles, bearings. splings. genfirst payment $145. 31. A.

Laporte, 94 pratora, magnetoes. tops. used parte Broadway. off: open Sunday to 3 p. 111.

OVERLAND TOURING, $250. good condi- ALTO PARTS- New diferential gears, tion mechanically, good tires, new paint. axle shaft, springs, transmission geare Leonard Motor 267 Chestnut St. 1. and over 2000 other parts for over 000 5280.

different nukes of cars. Genden OVERLAND, 1919, touring -None 19 better 22 Morgan St. Walnut than the best: we consider this the best DIAMOND CORD tires, $10.03: Overland we have ever traded In, consid- also tubes. Wells, 179 Wilbraham Road. ering condition, upkeep and price; some River 2631-R.

one will snap onA up. $200. F. G. Parker 484 Worthington St.

W. 4146. the PACKARD barrel; OIL, none 65c bettor. per A. E.

gallon. Hale 52c Wall by OVERLAND metal body tor truck: $10. Paper 21-13 Stearns Su. River 3650. River 6699 or River 7453-M.

TIRES- Vacuum Cup tires, PACKARD. 1921 twin, 7-pass, touring, like Ford size. cord. $12. Wiener Tire new.

The Arrow 11 Park St. cor. Bridge and Dwight. Tel. R.

2781. looks PACKARD good; 1916 real buy touring, at $200. runs See good Savoy, and Service Stations- -Repairing 15 368 Central St. ARMATURE EXCHANGE SERVICEPACKARD twin six touring, $600. disc.

Allowance for old core. Wagner Flathers' Garage, Bain and Fremont Sts. Electric Service, 45 Fi. Court. W.

54634. Wal. 4497. AUTOS washed at Pearl Plave, 73 P'earl PACKARD 1920 TWIN -Rubay Spe- He. Arthur E.

Raker. vial Easthampton roadster, 44-3. privately owned. Tel. AUTO BODIES, mudguards and radiators made and repaired; painting and enamelPACKARD Twin-6, 2-35, 7-nass.

touring, Ing. All- Metal 600 Worthington. 721 Flectwood State St. body. Walnut Packard 2580.

Afotor Car AUTO REPAIRING--Olson Kinaalas: Reo speedwagon our specialty. repairing PACKARD TWIN SIX, 1-passenger tour- magnetos, generators and Zenith calIng. feet wood body, mechanically Ane, buretors. 104 Patton St. River 2599.

overhauled this spring, paint and tires AUTO TOPS AND BODIES made ADO good, $1000, terms. Jordan-Springdeld paired. Hampden Auto Top and fetal 765 Main St. R. 7915.

21-33 Winter St River 4906. PAIGE Sport model, 1920, newly paint- AXLE STRAIGHTENING. work, Pd; excellent mechanical condition. Call all kinds of iron work. Berry 451 33 Highland St.

Tel. R. 3104-W. Walnut St. River 1058.

PAIGE-Sport model, 1921, repainted, 6X- service BATTERY. and generator, repairs. all Ignition. makes; magneto nothing cellont mechanical condition. Jordan SpAd.

765 Main St. River 1915. tor but genuine Specialties natta used. Springfeld 147 Chestnut sit. PAIGE 1920 7-passenger touring, recon- 320.

ditioned last year, good tires. good paint; BODY REPAIRING, mudguaras, top work offered at 8 very reasonable price. Pack- and painting. Springfeld Auto Body and ard Motor Car 721 State St. W.

2580. Welding 147 Taylor St W. 2275. EPUBLIC truck, See Henry, 136 BROWN'S GARAGE, Fulton 8342. North Main St.

Tel. R. 4880. repair dept. open every evening till 9.30: REPUBLIC truck, 1918, the only truck traveling men given best attention.

We this have that will and We interest have you. nut F. G. price Parker on MAGNETO REPAIXING, all maker; genW. 4146.

erators: one place 14 years. J. O. 484 Worthington St. let, 61 Dresden 6 streete above HenREO Speed 1920.

See Henry, 136 dee going to Worcester. Tels. res. River North Main St. Tel.

R. 4830. 3183. Walnut 6445. REO -Recently overhaul- WE SPECIALIZE.

on automobile painting, ed and painted. R. 4357. Fletcher Co. enameling, sheet metal and body REO SPEED WAGON- sell or trade Knox Motore Associate.

Wilbrabam for 6-passenger touring car. Phone Wal. Rd. Wal. 3130.

3849-M. WHEEL REPAIRING We repair REO PHAETON. 1923-Demonstrator, tice. kinde of Smith automobile Carriage wheel 2-20 at Park short St. driven About 3000 miles.

Reo SpAd. Co. River 1636. C. J.

COTE, Oakland and Oldsmobile spe5 REC U. 8. cord tires. 1920, exceptional covered mechanical body. removing wheel.

383 Mo Main St. W. 1989. flywheel teeth roplaced without condition; also 1921 Ford ton truck, a start- 1920 Autos for Hire to Let 16 er. express body, pneumatic G.

M. 1-ton truck and 3 Ford ton DAY per 161 trucks, with platform bodies and solid Dwight St. Walnut 780. tires. See Young, 147 Main St.

DODGE SEDAN for hire, long Or short RICKENBACKER SEDAN, 1922. In the trips, reasonable rates River 5437-01. this very 'car best can of be condition, had at very a low great mileage; saving. DORT TOURING for hire, long or short 0. Tre 78 Hillinan trips, reasonable.

R. 1466-M or WV. Huntting St. W. 3788.

GARAGE to rent; $5 month. s4 BuckingROAMER model, ham St Tel. River 4139-M. condition: terms or cash. 1127 Cross perfect St.

GARAGE 4-passenger sport to rent, No. 1 Elm St; will buy Big Fireproof Garage. a few goats. J. L.

Tobin, Monson. Mass. price la right. The HIRE A FORD--Drive it yourself, sedans, Arrow 11. Park Street.

coupes, tourings or trucks: by hour, day SELDEN 2-TON $200, furniture body; or week. Rent-a-Ford 163 Dwight St. very good. 54 Elm West Springfeld. PRIVATE garage to rent, 579 Sumner SELDEN 2-ton truck.

dump body, wood near $7 month: River 5994-J. hoist, also lumber body, $350. R. 8482-MI. or SEDAN will drive anywhere, any tim STANLEY STEAMER car, your PAT or truck.

T. 6431-J. condenser, gell. first-class Belmont shape throughout, owner must Wanted -Automobiles 17 Garage or Walnut 85-W. STANLEY RUNABOUT Noncondenser, AUTOS is WANTED- We pay you all your rebuilt, new cord tires on.

rims 33x4, St. car Phone worth. W. St. Garage, 36 Essex new top, new wheels, a very handsome 4545; open eve.

and Sun. car In the best of condition, new instru- AUTOMOBILES BOUGHT FOR CASHment board with new gauges, beautiful will give you a high cash price for your riding car, bargain, $350. Phone Office car: ANT model or make. See Henry, 1436-M, souse 775-6, 136 Nort Main St. a snappy looking car that is In the best New England; we buy and sell Six coupe, 1921, BLAND'S A AUTO EXCHANGE-Largest In of running condition, owner bought larg- grade cars only.

Call River 5546. er service model; And will oUr give. price 19 good diathictly pronomical COUPE BODY WANTED, in good condiF. G. Parker low.

tion to At AA Stevens-Duryea; send de4146. Worthington. W. scription model cut and best cash price to Box: 177, Ware, Masa, AUTOMOBILES BUSINESS SERVICE Wanted--Automobiles 17 Professional Service 27 JOHNSON BROS- buy and sell used SWEDISH BODY MASSAGE Invigorates trucks and pleasure cara. 778 Main St.

the aystem. 51 Harrison Ave. 5251. Tel. River 5128: open eves.

and CSED CARS, late models, bought, sold, Repairing 28 5565: exchanged. block Jack from Stone, State 69 St. Dwight. Wal. ARTISTIC UPHOLSTERING, expert furniFord or Dodge touring ture and piano work, decorating; prices right.

City Upholstering H. AL. from condition. private Call party, F. 6109 low after mileage, 6 in A1 Winkler, 128 Liberty st.

Tel. 6465. or write Bor 395, Union Office. CANED AND PIAZZA CHAIRS reseated by the blind. Edw.

Schuerer, W. 38-M. BUSINESS SERVICE drop YOU want postal those the chairs recane seated. a for best workmanship to C. A.

Swift, 431 Main City, and Business Services Offered 18 will call. COLORING, PLATING, lacquering and LAWN MOWERS ground; collected and polishing, silver. nickel, brass and cop- delivered. 45 Montrose St. R.

5916. per. Springfeld Plating Works, 17 Tay- UPHOLSTERING of your furniture lor St. Tel. River 5660.

proves the appearance of your room. UnitDOES YOUR vacuum cleaner need repair- Oriental Rug 119 Liberty St. River ing? We repair and sell rebuilt cleaners. 4409. R.m.

226, C1 Harrison Ave. W. 5235. EXTERMINATOR -Rats, mice. roaches, Piano Tuning, bedbugs; by contract or Job: 40 years' BRICE Piano Tuning Service: Robert J.

experience. Martin Maillard, 33 Jefferson Brice: Steinway concert for 10 Ave. Tel. River 3255-11. yeara; pianos tuned, refinished.

MIRRORS manufactured, realivered; glass 67 Kimberly Springneld, MANS. Tel. for windshields, etc. Chase's Glare and Walnut 4872, River 7996-W (house.) Mirror Works, 20 Congress St. R.

8050. "QUALITY" polishing. plating. nickel, all- Cleaning and Dyeing 29 ver. copper.

d. Paul Son. 27 Silver GET THi9-It 1s better to bond It to cor. Armory and Aptid. StA.

W. 3342-W. Ilery's than to wish you had; cleansing SEND us your old carnets, we'll make and dyeing In all its branches Heky's, you a new rug. SpAd, Economy Rug 135 State St. Phone R.

7526. 17 Taylor St. R. 713. CARPET CLEANING Steam Carpet Cleaning feathers renovated.

Building -Contracting 19 40 Taylor St. Tel. River 764. CRAFT makes a good low price LAUNDRY SERVICE-Wet wash, rough roof; estimates free. Bates Roofng Com- dry; prompt delivery, any part of city.

pany, 66 Crystal Ave. Tel. River 7125-W. Call W. 512.

New Method W'et Wash BOILER SETTING, high and low pres- Laundry, 222 Hanco*ck St. sure; furnace work of every description. RUG SHAMPOOING, lace curtain renewOscar F. Carison, 145 State St. 6013.

Ing are our specialties. Call R. 3718. CARPENTER AND BUILDER -Garages, Belmont Laundry. cement walks and Cellars done reason- RUGS Steam cleaned, removes dirt and able.

Tel. Walnut 4051-M. renews color. Crescent Carpet Cleaning CHIMNEYS cleaned and repaired, all 56 Harrison Ave. River 3196.

kinds ot roofa repaired; estimates free. H. Richardson, 128 W'alnuc St. Walnut Tailoring and Pressing 30 1561-W. EXPERT in fancy French dry or steam CEMENT make by 1m- cleaning.

Chase's, 107 Bridge. W. 54550 proved machine; 14c a yard, 18c del. to (ty. 481 Main Indian Orchard, 130.

EMPLOYMENT D. LEAVITT Carpenter and builder: apeSt. River 3706-M. cial attention given to joubing. 33 Forest Help Wanted -Women 32 RATHMAID wanted.

Apply to houseFLOOR 53037. SCRAPING, estimates given, Wal. keener, Hotel Worthy, M. METROSKI, carpenter and builder, lady. Apply Carlisle Ilardware Co.

young BILLING CLERK -Experienced; 356 roof Chestnut repairing: St. let me River estimate 6281-R. your job. BOOK KEEPER -Reliable, for part time In ROMANO digging, concrete retail porience store, and state particulars to work; no Joh to large or to grad- Office. wages expected.

Hox 46 2, Ing, gardening. R. 6635-W. 62 York St. ROOFING--We put oft al! kinds of roofe Ilolel CHAMBERMAIDS Pynchon, Main wanted.

and Apply Pynchon office, st. And make repairs. Phone R. 6658. BI.

J. Brunton. 773 Liberty St. Let. 1876.

COMPETENT MAID for general houseROOFS and valleys of all kinda repaired work, references. Tel. W. 1559-M. and warranted.

John McCormick. 16 Pat- I COOK wanted. Apply Mrs. Donald Birnie, ALL KINDS of rcof repairing. chimneys COOK wanted.

60 Diadison AVe. ton St. Tel. Walnut 421-W or River 6419. 38 Madison A Ave.

River cleaned and repaired; all work guaran- W. 657-M. 2012 teed. or T. R.

Logan 675-J. 546 Main 8t. W. COOK HOUSEMAID wanted, July 1, for South Hadley, then fall. Heating, Plumbing, Metal Work 20 COOK Apply Box wanted 458, for the Union Office.

Wilbraham ado COPPER work. all kinds, cooking utensils Academy, plain cooking. summer, good home. Tel. repaired and retinned, range bollets made, North Wilbraham 24-2, house mother.

repaired. Hercules Float Works. River 50. DRESSMAKER'S assistant wanted; eXMETAL CEILINGS- What's worse than perienced. Walnut 4247-W.

cracked plastering? Beautify your home with neat metal cellings. GIRT, for general housework. Phone River SpAd. Metal Ceiling 23 Bond. R.

788. 3745-3. DiETAL CEILINGS at reasonable prices. GIRL to care for baby, 1 'to 5 p. Whithill Sheet Mrtal Works, Tol.

Spid. week, R. 5432. River 4495-M or Holyoke 1167-Y. GIRL Counter work In restaurant: short METAL CEILINGS for kitchens hours with meals.

Phoenix, 309 Main St. stores. metal work, roofing. fair prices. GIRL-.

Waitress. H. J. Pratt 171 Main St. 2941-M.

Call 66 Main St. ROYAL and Victor heater repairs I GIRL- For general housework. 3 aduits hand; furnace repairing. Fletcher in family. R.

6894-J. Dwight St. Tel. River 4357. GIRI, for 59 general housework, to go to TIME TO FIX UP- Roof.

eaves, troughs country for summer. Call Room 95. The and leaders. metal ceilings. furnaces! Oaks Hotel.

cleaned and repaired H. R. Havens, 425 White St R. 8343-31. GIRl.

for general housework. no cook'ng: small family. 24 Sumner Terrace. Wal. Millinery--Dressmaking 22 1.

3707-R. GIRL, over 18 to learn general housework: IRESS PLEATING. hemstitching, button- seashore for summer, Apply 81 Benedict done holes; our work guaranteed and neatly Longmeadow. by competent help. 12 Besse' Place.

Tel. River 6644. GIRIS. wanted. Apply at the Biltmore YOUR SUMMER dresses made: satisfar- f.unch.

Harrison Ave. tion guaranteed. Sirs. Foreman. IT GIRLS for folding And pasting.

Spring4173-W. fold Photo Mount 49 Taylor St. GIRLS-16 or over for general fartory Moving, Trucking, Storage 23 work. Milton Bradley 41 ('roas St. AMERICAN TRUCKING 93 Pendle- GIRLS OR WOMEN wanted to work on ton furniture moving.

toral and picture frames. Apply Taber long distance trucking. Call Wal. 5186. I'rang Art Co.

Warwick St. AMOS MOSHER, local and long distance GIRLS (25) for operating power sewing mover. at SpAd. Express. Tel.

R. 1233, machines. William Carter Co. Apply 54 residence, R. 276-W.

Taylor Street. ARMSTRONG'S EXPRESS and light GIRUS (2) for chamber work at the trucking. rates reasonable. 143 mountains. Manchester Wt.

Call 36 John St. Phone River 6419-J. Apt. 2. Saturday or Sunday.

ANDERSON BENSON -Furniture, Experienced. to gO movers, local. long distance. 103 Briatol, home nights and Sundays. R.

8081-M. off Wilhraham Rd. Walnut 3087. Evenings. DALEY'S EXPRESS and light trucking: HOUSEKEEPER wanted; childrer nt reasonable rates.

R. 1347-J. arhool age; good wages. Box 367. Union FURNITURE moving in city.

$2 pi- Office. Provost's Transfer. special 79 rates for Sargeant. long distance: HOUMEKEEPER for modern bungalow, R. 5983-R one who desires good home with pleasant FURNITURE STORAGE- Fireproof.

Dri- one gentleman alone. Box VAte rooms: china and furniture pack- 4:0, Union Office. tral Ing: local Storage. 270 long Liberty -distance River 98. (en- HOUSE MAID, dependable, general work and St.

rooking, no washing. family of 3, VERNITURE STORAGE good wAgeS, references. 376 Sumner Ave. Easteru States Refrigerating 385 1162. Liberty St.

Tel. River 1 HOUSEWORK for general houseGLOTH TRANSFER 9 Cypress work. no conking or washing. Call WA have 5-ton trucks coming from 171 Ft. Pleasant Ave.

Newark. N. will give low rate on any- KITCHEN WOMAN wanted. thing coming from that direction, be- Apply tween now and June 5. Tol.

Wal. 5440-R. Manson State losnital, Palmer, Mass. AM THE MAN you want--Look! Look! LEARNERS wanted for various departFurniture mos and trucking. $2.50 ments: 333 steady Bridge work.

Street. Apply Scott's hour. G. G. Molae Express, Office 2 Laundry.

Missex St. Tel. Tr. 4403. MARKER and sorter wanted.

Apply JOHN F. LAWLESS- Local and tong- S. Laundry, 87 Broadway. distance moving: furniture crating. 33 MARKERS AND ASSORTERS wanted.

Lowell St. R. 1474-W. or R. 6735.

periencod. for family and Anished desteady Apply Scott's. LEE'S EXPRESS and ught trucking. lo- Laundry, 333 Bridge Street. cal Res.

or 89 long Catherine distance: St. River rates reasonable MOTHER'S HELPER wanted. Call River 8114-R. State St. P'hone moving.

Carr, NURSE MAID- TO have LIGHT TRUCKING and 943 River 3392-M. partial care of baby and help with light housework; LOCAL and long distance furniture good home and wages. Tel. R. 1508-J.

ing And trucking. rates reasonable. F. OPERATORS WANTED for factory work. N.

Ruddock. 11 Roy St. W. preferably with experience on ring twistMOVING AND TRUCKING Any distance workin: condition. Springfeld Wire class ers.

factory centrally located. first at lowest prices; furniture Dickinson. insured 11 Tinsel 53 Hillman St. route. Hedger, 519 W.

1872. SPRINGFIELD EXPRESS- And sewer, POWER cutting. MACHINE l'otter Knitting OPERATORS. Gand 904 iong distance moving. 61 Greenwod Nt.

South Main St. (residence). 8 Cypress St. gl. 2117-WV or R.

SEWING MACHINE operators STARVE EXPRESS and light trucking. wanted: good opportunity for Advance470 Liberty St. Tel. ment. L.

M. Meyer 100 Alderman St. T. LYNCH- -Trucking. moving and light A DIES- opportunity expressing.

3487-J. fared good aalesladies to work nn mission: -class proposition. W. 2290. Painting--Papering 24 offered, SALESLADIES 2 PARy gales Rest daily proposition means ever 840 CLARK WALTER.

R. 3931-1. Painting weekly to you: call between 1-2 m. And Interior decorating, paper hanging Unger Trading 14 Worthington St. and teed.

kalsomining; first work SEWING MACHINE operators women who have had experience running power CUMMINGS will you 30 to S0 ver sewing machines; steady work. Asino! cent. on wall paper; work guaranteed. Sons Mfg. 1 Broadway.

Tel. River 2168-P. 34 Grant St. STENOGRAPHER Experienced. BradDO YOU WANT a real job of painting and street's.

lidg. Starks. paperhanging 135 Pine at St. fair R. nitres 4894-M.

C. H. STENOGRAPHER Young lady 8A priCall rate secretary out of city. $28 per week, P'AINTING and pope: hanging: let. 11.

good opportunity. Limployment Departtimate. vaur work: AIl work guaranteed. ment, Y. M.

C. A. L. Peat. sOS Belmont W.

2151-M. STENOGRAPHER. he experienced; must PAINTING PAPERING. BUILDING -Cut gnod typist; state references. Box 40 S.

prices all work. Realty Repair and Union Office. PAINTING. Construction 10 PAPERITANGING Cross St. And liver deco- 7461.

STENOGRAPHER nt the Northampton State Inspital. Apply te Dr. A. Iousrating; let us estimate your work: quai- ton. -stating qualifications and exity--service Sons 123 perience, Northampton.

Mage, Commonwealth Ave, Phone River 3388-R. PAPERHANGING. 25c roll: Also painting: TABI.P for Worthy Inn, all work guaranteed satisfactory. B. chester, Vt Spe AliAs M.

A. Lynch, 9 Laino, 97 Hanco*ck St. Walnut 4375. Worthington Myrick Bldg. (lobby).

PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING TAILORESS FINISHERS wAnted on apecialize tow price with good work." custom coats, steady work. Joe tire Aforton Rourke, 20. Eindy St. WV 2242. 165 Main St.

WALLPAPERS June sale. late spring WAITRESS WANTED Apply at Monsor patterna A' redured prices. C. W. Earle.

State Iospital. Palmer, Mass, 29 Harrison Ave. R. 3904. WANTED Experienced and markers Patent Attorneys sorters Laundry, on 21 family Clinton work.

st Royce Superior have INVENTIONS you? Adam Fisher COMMERCIALIZED- Mfg 325 What St. cook for family Louis, Mo. living at Massasoit Hotel. PATENTS procured; send sketch of model competent maid for general today for examination, prompt report and housework. Mrs.

B. Kelth, 16 Prosadvice: no charge for preliminary pect Greenfeld, Mass. Telephone 69. vice: write for free booklet and Hank A capable girl to do chamber form on which to disclose your idea; work and help waitress. T-i.

R. 1611. highest references: Brien, promptness assured. WANTED Box 15, Union Clarence 634 O' Southern Negletered Buliding, Patent Wash- Office, Holyoke, Masa. Lawyer, ington.

D. C. WANTED--Stenographer in law office: write atating age. experience and salary CAREY, PRINTER -Society, personal and WANTED -Two young Stationery expected. Box 399, Union Offire.

office stationery; removed to 40 Hampden reeses, neat, quick, wage $40 mopth. The 6 doors from Main St. River 7013, Bartram Inn, Sharon, Conn. WANTED position as general maid in ForProfessional Service 27 est Park section. For references call Wal.

ALMOND PACK softens ape preserves the 142. akin: hair goods, gentlemen's toupes and WANTED Domestic help, rood wages; wigs Miss Quinn, 3d Nat. I Bank Bldg. mill workers; hotel help. N.

E. IntelliR. 4291. gence Bureau, 161 Main St. R.

8422. ALWAYS AT YOUR WANTED -Intelligent American ProtestReauty Parlors, 25 Harrison Ave. Tel. ant work in woman, a child 30 to caring 45 years Institution; of age, good for Wal. 1592.

OFFICE is located on the ground floor position ticulars of for a self in rapable letter woman; of give parMY and is equipped with modern instruments. application. To see Nicolet, Box 1738, Union Office. 144 Main. TOWNE'S SPECIAL, SCALP TREATMENT Call WOMAN mornings, wanted W.

for 863. general housework. for dandruff and falling hair; a positive remedy, promising hair growth for men WOMAN for laundry work. Apply at and women. Towne's Hairdressing Par- son State Hospital, Palmer, Mass.

lore, Room 622. 31 Elm St. River 6858. WOMAN to demonstrate and book orders TOWNE'S School of Beauty Culture- Eve. for silk hosiery, beautiful styles, all preclasses, enrol new; thorough courses, all valling colors: take orders only, we dey branches; fashionable hairdressing, mani- liver and collect; leather folder and 10 curing, scalp treatment.

and Swed. silk stockings for samples free to earnest massage: beautiful natural hair wave: woman who is a business getter: give age water and marcel wave, infg. of hair! And qualifications. International Silk goods, Rm. 622 Court Sq.

Bldg. 6858. Mille, Norristown, Pa. it EMPLOYMENT EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted- -Women 32 Help Wanted--Men 33 WOMAN (white) tor washing. 1-12, OFFICE comone day a week.

Phone Wal. 1017-M. ity; petent In office stenographer, with executive abilWOMAN- middleaged, to surroundings centrally Address BOx located, pleasant coring for sick person, wages $10 Offce. 499, Union per wk. Box 153, Union Office.

WOMEN -Competent reliable women to those OPERATORS with for experience factory work, preferably register for various positions. Do fees. also some men for Women's State Employnient Office, Springfeid Wire and permanent Tinsel night work. 7 Worthington St. man Street.

63 HillCompetent, reliable women to POLISHERS wanted for steel and brace register vartous State positions, no foes. tube manifolds. The Standard Women's Employment Offco, work Thompsonville. Conn. MetalWorthington St.

WOMEN thoroughly experienced in selling 8t. PORTER- Wanted. Case Hotel, 657 Main and demonstrating sewing machines and sewing machines attachments. 'To conduct for RETAIL positions SALESMEN -We wish to engage special dealers in Now York In New England." retail stores located and Connecticut. Salary $25 per wook State, Penn.

And New York and traveling expenses. State Age, or 2 furnishing thoroughly experienced clothing rience and reference. Box 497. Union years of men; it between 23 and 40 In An age advancing and and desirous of continuing YOUNG LADY wanted for offce work; to position of please retall call store work give references. Box 4GS, Office.

once: strict confidence assured: on me Kearney, 393 Slain Scotch Woolen Mr. TOUNG LADY for selling anti operate typewriter. Clair cor. Worthington and RIVETER -class Iron YOUNG LADY for soda fountain, minst be car worker: work. prefer Wason man with experience on 21 years old with experience.

J. H. Mass. Mfg. Brightwood, Smith, Druggist.

Apply Mr. Champagne. YOUNG LADY over 21 yra. of age, to do SALESMEN mpecialty -Wanted work three salesmen work in tea steady position. with on high grade congood wages.

Jackson Confectionery Co. fection: Salaway, salary Now And commission. See Mr. TOUNG WOMAN to work on counter in SALESMAN for Haynes Hotel. restaurant.

I'hoenix, 309 Main St. tricts; extra good camps proposition and outlying dinhave YOUNG some business experience position: and be of during Blaine vacation: also salesmen for State WOMAN FOR bank must for students curate; good penmanship desirable. Re- to call on family trade: must hare auto. Rox 432. Union Office.

ply, stating experience, to P. O. Box 1233. SALESMAN to Bell Ford A eral CAPABLE, housework In experienced small maid family. for Mrs.

good proposition and plenty of terricare and 57 St. tory for the right man: man with A car A1 PASTRY COOK Ice-cream maker. Main Johnson, Windsor Locks, Conn. A. B.

I'. Hubbard, preferred. Firer Automobile 66 P. Williams, 390 High Holyoke. Mgr.

COMPETENT COOK -American. English SALESMAN who has proven record of or Swedish, references. Call R. 1033. nan in any Specialty line and who COMPETENT MAID--Wanted for general Article to backbone to put over a quality housework.

River 7476-W. on commission garages, acreagory stores, COMPETENT GIRI for general house- of Its basis for largest concern work: references P. 2920. kind In the world: nationally adrequired. Tel.

vertised: reply giving chronological em-. work. Call Wal. 389-7. for Union fromediate appointment.

Box 484, COMPETENT MAID for goneral house ployment history, address and telephone COMPETENT GIRT, OR WOMAN for gen- Office. eral work wanted at once. Mrs. C. I.

SALESMEN- Factory representativa 1n Gagner, I.ocust Hill. city sential to Interest you in fastest selling DARN $25 weekly, spare time, writing for commodity in the market; our newspapers, magazines: exp. dA- men Clinton all make big money. Call Room talls free. Press Syndicate, 164 St.

Louis, Hall Hotel; ask for Mr. Wing. Mo. 2 SALESMEN- -Best proposition ever offered, MAKE IS DAY TYPEWRITING easy sales daily means $60 weekly to permanent; particulars free; enclose self- you; call between 1-3 p. Lager Tradaddressed envelope.

Dept. Bor 337, Ing 14 Worthington St. Los Angeles, Cal. SALESMEN- daily. taking orders.

MAKE $25 weekly at home, furnishing union made raincoat. $2.82: deliver. names and addresses, experience unnec- collect. Eastern Raincoat 913-921 essary, particulars free. United Bailing Roosevelt, Chicago.

St. Louis. SALESMEN- New auto tube, seals its own TWO live young girls to work at the punctures, fully guarantred, car owners Idle Hour, Huntington, tor- the summer. buy on sight when demonatration 19 Tel. Huntington 58.

shown. Harrison Mfg. Hammond, Ind. $36 TO $56 WEEKLY In your PRAONE time SALESMAN for popular priced line aludoing special advertising work the minum ware; exceptionally good opporfamilies of your city; no experience neces- tunity: big commissions. Box 1997, Union sary: write today for full office.

American Cincinnati, Products O. 8290 American SALESMEN State distributor. Kendall en-. velope sealer. seals 60 envelopes minute, Help Wanted- -Men 33 no demand: competition; worth retail.

$20.000 3.50: yearly. tremendous C'onsolimachine carpenter assemblers, millwright casting experience; cleaners and SALESMEN -To sell wine grape juice in. ASSEMBLERS with wood working or dated 100 Doylston. Boston. I Mage.

laborers for inside work. Employment 5 and 10-galion kegs with a money -back. Office, National Equipment Co. Taylor guarantee Wine tr not 47 satisfied. West 42d commission.

New AUTOMOBILE SALESMAN wanted. Apply York. at FIorence Afotor Florence, Mass. SALESMEN -State distributor, newly inBANK BOOKKEEPER -One vented price card holders and price cards, on Boston ledger preferred. Bor 389, no competition, 19 $4.

tremendous deUnion Office. mand; $20.000 yearly. Millen 100. BANKING HOUSE wants young man 16- Boylston. Boston, Mass.

15 for stock quotation board and gen- SALESMEN to carry sanitary napkins RI: era! office work: excellent opportunity sideline: call on retall trade; muat be for advancement. Address with references, experienced and have good following; Box 470, Union Office. commiesion. Eagle Knitting Milla, BARBER wAnted; $26 week. half over $33.

179 East 87th Now Fork. Apply Martin Czernlak, 30 Parker SALESMEN TO -Clean up on boys' special Indian Orchard. overall. selling lite hot cakes. one BARBER wanted -First-class barber, $27 pie.

bir commission. full credit mail orper week. $35. Albert Siano, dora write quick. Leatherall Factories, Dilem Greenfeld.

Cincinnati. 0. BELLBOY wanted. must have good ref- ed large manufacturer on reinilers. SALESMEN, calling $12 a week and meals, Apply at by trade to sell once to Navasset Club, 65 State St.

derfu: commission. checke boosters, big weekly. sellers. excellent BUTCHERS, experience Inen to work in main or sideline. N.

Rederer, sales outr 144 meat Main department. Springfold, Rood MASS. Woodbury ager. Stir and Clark St. Louis.

Mo. SALESMAN having following amongst' BOY. 16 to 13, willing. honest, good consuming trade wanted to gall quality pearance, not afraid of hard work; steady article of high drills and other work: one living with parents in the city: cutlery tools strictly commission basis. bring recommendations and references New England territory only: answere to character; fair wages.

Homer Foot with full details of experience, 139 State St. he considered. R. Friend, 171 MadiBOYS wanted. a few bright boys about 16, son V.

City. helpers in press room. Apply Taber SALESMEN- -OH established well rated Prank Art Warwick St. concern Wishes to establish connection BOYS over 16 to learn trade. National with several first class salesmen.

complete Library Bindery Room TOS, Myrick line of warehnuses lubricating oil- maintained and greases. New ofica Bldg. and in EngThe RRAZERS Standard on brass tube work wanted. Manufacturora Oil and Grease Company, land, liberal commissions paid The Metalwork Thomp- Cleveland. 0.

sonville, Conn. SALESMEN Sell every r'etailer attract Wanted at the Kimber- irely displaved new invention of Fat ly Park Garage on White near Sum- selling merit: unusually advantageous W. 3181. model: liberal commission: bonanza for! ner A $10 50 per day, J. J.

Back. terms: hook orders from free pocket CARPENTER man. Apply write hustlers today. because Universal guaranteed reneater: Sunday after 1 p. 51 Cleveland Mass, Arlington CHEF wanted at once.

Burns Hotel, SALESMEN l'almer, Mass, known 10 manufacturer represent of high grade nationally? FD6COLORED HOUSEMAN. Apply to house- cialties. to be sold direct to the consumer, keeper. Hotel Worthy. factories, mills.

mines. public institutions, CONN. VAL. WANTS planer. lathe and property And warehouse owners, truck screw machine.

12 t'ourt House Pl. and tractor owners: opportunity for COUNTER-MAN and cook, also dishwash- peat hustler to business: build a salary profitable or permanent coramission: reerg Main. and porter. Waldorf System, 309 write today. Desk E.

1102 Scoville Cleveland, O. DRIVER: and helper on auto truck. fib. SALESMEN wanted to call upon grocers ertv Trucking 4 St. And general merchants in small towns EMP.

DEPT. Y. M. class engi- and villages in this State, with A line neer: registered drug clerk: cost clerk: of medical specialties and favoring eXfarm hand: lie. night watchman: black- Young men of good character smith; janitor.

with intelligence in the farn: ins comFARM HELP. experienced, must be good munity could qualify and A. good inmilkers and able to drive A team. Apply would he assured hy hard at Monson State Hospital Palmer. Diass And conscientious work: preference given to those having cars: give roference And FORD REPAIRMEN (5) wanted at once.

experien Address B. L. Bor N. Esser Automobile Sales 95 Liberty St. Station.

Boston, Mays, charge FOREMAN of Interior wanted, and CApAble of raking SHIPPING ROOM help in Taxed paper exterior decorat- tactory. have position for I AXDerienced IDE: mixing nian paint whin and thoroughiy understands and for 1 intelligent young man. hanging wailpaper. Bor Inion office. SIDELINE SALESMEN calling on All FORD REPAIRMAN First -class, only dealers universally used comtop-notchers need apply.

Ask for Mr. modity. VeSt pocket sample. no competiHavens, Byrnes Motor uthorized tian. men averag ne $25 daily.

Address Ford Dealers, 29 Belinont Ave. Sales. Box 1807. Memphis, Tenn. HAND SCREW MACHINE OPERATORS SODA diepenser: experiencel.

Apply 64 Marlborough St. off Wilbraham Road. Dine 423 Main St. keeper. HOUSEMAN Hotel wanted.

Kimball. Apply to house- STOCK nrefarred. ROOM clerk, automobile exporience .1. S. Harrington, 386 HOUSE NAN And pantry man.

Apply thington St. At the Oaks Hotel STUDENT read caveral energot 8 c'atholic students who annreciate the INSPECTORS with machine shop experi- value 3 practical experience t1 must he capable of laying out wuik. manebin. Excellent remuneration pall to ence: Apply Gilbert Barker Mfg. Emp.

1114 right men. Branch offices in West Office, between and 11. principal cities. 'rite John O' Kopme Springfield. 113 F.

55'h Now York. N. nights, steady 1oh office to building reliable (white) TAILOR WANTED First -class. M. J.

JANITOR for ply Box 400, U'nion Office. man. A Biacher, 356 Main Street. JOB PRESSMAN. or A two-thilder.

speak TAILOR to Tinke charge of must strathmore Paper Mittinengue. En 393 Main steady position. I. J. JONES LAMSON operators And wood TAILOR pattern makers.

Apply Employment steady for busheling And pressing, office, National Equipment Co. Tailoring work. Apply At once Adams KITCHEN MAN wanted. Apply at Monson 97 Chestnut Nt. State Hospital.

Palmer, Mass. All round Topening inalte for work. 1 D. pital. A good barber for steady job.

KITCHEN man. Wesson Memorial Hos. Pice 331 Dwight St. LABORERS--Poultry food and milling de- 82 Main St. partments.

Brightwood, Springfeld Rendering WANTED--A Mass. Inq. superintendent. lenca in yard handUng foreman. lumber.

must R. have B. LINOTYPE OPERATOR Experienced Stone Depot Spencer. man; salary $44.50 for 45 hours. Address or Apply -Specialty Ra'paman to sell Morning Union, Springfield, Mass.

mission. woodworking P. nachires. salary and comMAN wanted to work on baling press, Ap- 0. Bot 241.

Highland Station. ply rear 203 Sharon St. WANTED preferred. In -Machinist. middle-aged mAn MAN- Wanted for milk plant.

Apply Mr. Springield In factory: letter. state Box Putnam, F. R. Mallory, 55 l'omona St.

478, I'nion MAN owners. interested spare or in whole selling time. to Write automobile soda dispenser. ing qualifications, Box S2 Mittineague. gist.

279 Main Street. J. D. Smith, Druggiv. Apply Mr.

MAN who is famil'ar with auto tire vul- plasterers, also 2 bun canizing Smith Tire Service, 382 Dickin-; Tel. Chi! opee Street. WANTED MAN with or without ton truck to deliver locally ar TO reliable man to reDresent us Ice Ice ('o salary Phone and 129. commission. Monson ence unnecessary: all or part time.

on travel: pax weekly: Campbell Nursery Rochester. N. T. MAN house tO and drive garden team, married preferred: WANTED A good shoveler son 128. furnished.

Phone Mon- stands grading around new houses. Ap: who ply I. F. Rush, 30 Hunter Place. River MAN who has had mound experience in 8J 56.

credit agement, work. wants accounting, selling and man- WANTED--A man with laundry with a substantial permanent connection work, holding A third engineer'a 11- businesa concern. Box to take charge of small Institution 4.9, Union Office. laundry: will he expected to help with MECHANIC -First repairinan for washing and mangling. and Inust be aUtomoblien.

Florence Motor Flor- obliging And a willing worker: good pay ance. Masa. to the right man. Apply to A. T.

Phillips, MECITANIC. experienced on Ford 40 Round Hill. Northampton, Mass. Apply Eliner Automobile 66 Main WANTED- In mill manufacturing buildMEN for Western Mass. and Vermont; all kinds of work: steady employment! Mgr.

class bench mAn capable A of laying out Windsor Locks, Conn. A. H. Johnson, ing, trim, store and office fixtures, fret. 4 hustlers can male $75 per week.

See N. Apply James T. Young, Watervllet, Mayo, 289 Summer St. MEN -If $48 per week Interests you, come WANTED--MAN on farm, $50 per month in and see ho v9 "ASy It 18 to make it. and board.

Chas. Calder, Granby, Mars. Mon. Bldg. a.

In. loom 20G, Commercial Ink. WANTED-linish and color varnisher, c. perienced glazier on windshield wort MEN wanted to help me handle the fast Royce of Ainerica, 64 est territory selling auto Worcester necessity and on the WANTED--Local Hampden manager for marvelou ties. Box Union.

Office. coun- automobile Invention doubles powe MIEN wanted mileage, efficiency. cost. Armi to sell a bigh-grade auto day. indorsed by thousands, A permanent tire and tube direct to car owners In position worth $140 weekly, sample outHampshire county, liberal commission.

At and Ford car furnished free, writer Address Box 1729, Union office. quick. Ovee Company, Dept. 650, Louis. MEN- Taking orders for dependable trees ville.

Ky. And shrubs is pleasant, profitable, per- WIDE AWAKE MAN to take chargo manent work: We have spare time agents our local trade; $6 to $8 daily steady. earning up to $40 weekly and full time experience regulred, pay starts nit once men making from $30 to $200 weekly; write today. American Products 8289 earnest, fambitious men and women American Cincinnati, 0. needed furnish free dow; we outfit: teach write you the today.

work and WOODCHOPPER wanted: Bros. Rochester, 'Y. Brown good pay. Chicopee Wood Yard. I good chopping, Tel.

Chicopee 1 3.

The Springfield Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.