'51 3 or 16D The Cedar Ante Parts A Service WE HAVE in stock late model and sizes motors, rear end and front axles, tires, drive lines, heaters, underbody cats, dump van bodies, hoist, 34000 pressure plates and clutch plates deal in truck parta exclusively PRUCK STANEK PARTS EM 2 000D V8 MOTOR, automatic, Trans: mission, differential mouth. $120. Sunday only. Palo, towa. WE HAVE bio selection of good used ALLEN'S SERVICE STATION tat Ave.
and 10th St. EM 49173 FOR SALE: Two snow tires. Tubeless white wall, Goodyear 800x14 less Than 2500 miles. EM 3 4381. SNOW fires, white wall.
snow tires and wheels. 760x15. Dial EM 2 1549 55.57 COMPLETE stick changeover, plus other parts for 55 Chevrolets EM 3-6154. EM 2 9014. 57 powerglide.
trans: CHEVROLET, radiator 2079 High MERCURY for parts and Up boxes. 377-4462. REBUILT POWERGLIDE TRANS. EM 1526 MISION WRECKER BOOM AND WINCH 2-9346 SNOW TIRE 365-5982 Mobile Homes Trailers 19 24' AIRSTREAM INTERNATIONAL with all the famous Airstream self contained features Plus TV antenna. Spare wheel and tire Carpeting Just like new Inside and out $4250 22' AIRSTREAM LANDYACHT All self contained Perfect $3250 20' MALLARD SELF Contained $1595 Langhurst Motor Co.
RAMBLER SALES AND SERVICE 2490 7th Ave, Marion 377-5188 M. Open Evenings Until 9 ONE ONLY TOWNHOUSE 10x55 $3995 FREDDIE'S MOBILE HOMES Open 9. to 7-Closed Friday Night and Saturday Highway 64 East, Marion. Iowa BARGAIN BUYS 1960-50x10 RICHARDSON, '60-50x10 WHITLEY. 42x10 TRAVELO.
'57 '57-46x8 STAR. '59 -35x8 HART. GLIDER RECONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED, NEW 50x10 ONLY $3795. 'COMPMOPELY FURNISHED Hart Mobile Home Sales 5424 Center Point Rd. NE EM 5-3148 10TH ANNIVERSARY SALE FREE 10x20 metal awning with purchase of new mobile homes during November.
Liberal discounts! Big Trade-Ins! AIRPORT TRAILER SALES Your Mobile home shopping center North old Airport. Bowling Street SW. DROP Temperature Has Dropped PRICES HAVE DROPPED Buy your travel trailer or pickup camper NOW and go South or on a unit for next summer. TRAILERS, INC. Marion, Iowa, Shopping Center NOW SEE THIS BEAUTIFUL Windsor 12'x60 frost free double door.
Refrigerator, carpeting, lined drapes, piped radio. Private dining room, Strictly deluxe, economically priced. VAN'S QUALITY HOMES Hwy. 30 E. Junct.
218 Ph. 364-1792 FALL CLEARANCE SPECIALS 6-8' Pickup covers, 8' and pickUp camper, two fold-down trailers, all 64 models, 8' Pickup Camper, 65 model. One used 8' pickup camper, a but at $355. LASSO CAMPER SALES mi. SE of Amber H.0.
2-3258 Evenings DRASTIC DISCOUNTS ON APACHE CAMPERS 3 left, buy now and save TRAVEL TRAILER SALES 3819 16th Avenue SW EM 2-6184 REDUCED AGAIN! $300 down payment should put owner 1960 two bedroom Detroite furnishings included. 6-2218 Fred Gibson or EM 3-8256 'IOWA' FOR THE BEST DEAL IN MOBILE HOMES SEE NELSON, Hgwy. 30 West PARRY SALES Toledo 484-2787-65 models tandem SC tub and shower $2,460, 18' $1565. 16' $1125, 47'x 10' $2965. 14 to choose from cash for used trailers.
R. S. Mobile Home Service AUTHORIZED Coleman dealer. Re pairs transporting. Cleaning and adiusting furnaces.
362-4112. 1963 VAN DYKE Expando 2- bedroom. Nice sized home for young couple. Ready to move into. Terms available.
LANDIS EM 4-2429. FOR SALE-1958 'Kozy' Trailer. 10' x15' Two bedroom, modern, fully equipped. Good condition. $2200.
Thomas Bergan, Elkader, lowa, Phone: 651-M. 1960 BUDDY 10x55-foot, 2-bedroom, dining area, new carpeting, furniture, air conditioning. Dial 366-0067 days; 377-4995 evenings. 1959 PACEMAKER 50'x10'. 275 gal.
fuel tank, large lot, 100 foot fencedin lot, newly reconditioned furnace. Dial EM 5-3061. 1962-10x55 VINDALE. Lot 64 Trailer court. Washer and dryer, Carpeting and financing arranged.
366-0664. 1959 GREAT LAKES 46x10. 2 hed-. rooms. New gun type furnace, hot water tank.
Asking $2,600. Tower Trailer Terrace D-11. 362-7823. 1953 2-BEDROOM 8'x36' Centennial reconditioned $950. Varlyn Fink, Anamosa, HO 2-2461.
8'x 41' 1956 ROLLAHOME A-1 condition. $1500. Write Edward Adkins Route 2, Riverside, la. 683-2504. 1- AND 2-BEDROOM TRAILERS FOR RENT.
ORCHARD TRAILER COURT, 365-6714. 1962 CONESTOGA, 50x10, 2 bedroom. Carpeted, reasonable. 7-4493. '64 PICKWICK camper with lack.
Like new. $1395. EM 3-2596. Auto Insurance 20 AUTO INSURANCE- -Preferred rates for Young driver Older drivers, have a problem. SEE Henry Witwer for "Good insurance" at WITWER 701 M.N.B.
Bldg. Phone 362-3149. Automobiles Wanted 21 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR CLEAN, MODEL LATES ALLEN'S Used Car Lot 366-1558 HIGHEST prices paid for clean late model used cars. We trade up or down. SCHAMBERGER MOTOR 717 3rd Ave.
SE TOP CASH DOLLAR Paid For Your Car Grant Williams Ford FORDTOWN 1st Ave. at 40th EM 4-0181 WANTED JUNK CARS AND WRECKS Katz Salvage Auto Parts 377-1527 JUNK cars and Trucks wanted. EM 5-9872, DR 7-4301. WANTED: Renault. Will pay $100 377-3643.
57. CHEVROLET 4 Door. Must be clean. EM 5-1302. 1956 OLDSMOBILE jet-a-way transmission.
EM 6-1266. Bicycles, Motorcycles, Karts 21A GOOD Kart with Homelite KR92 engine. Best offer takes it. EM 3-4557 CHEAP 59 BSA Rolled and pleated seats, chromed, 650 cc. 365-6335.
1963 HONDA "50 Sport. Good condition. $230 EM 2-9122. 2 11. 5, or 1 lic 5 75c i (3 I 1 Rapids Gasette: Nev.
1964 Motorcycles, Karts 21-A WE NEED USED Harley Davidsons Hondas Trade Up new modell Best Deals WILSON MOTORCYCLE SALES Center Road CHRISTMAS time Yamaha time selection of in stock. Lay away Yamaha for Christmas now CYCLE Financing able PAZOUR 1507 St. SW. ODDS and Ends on new tricycles Special prices on one of kind models left, Hail Bicycle, 405 2nd Ave. SE Go Kart EM 3-5659 Miscellaneous For Sale 22 BELFORT by Benrus ladies or gents wrist watches 112 95 JEFFERSON, school Regis, Washington and rings $7,50 WE ALSO have bracelet charms for above schools at $1.00 REG.
432 95 7x35 Binoculars $23.95 REG. $79.50 ladies' diamond soll faire 139 REG 15.95 gent's stainless steel ex: pansion bands. $1.58 REMINGTON Express shotgun shells above cost Walmar's Discount Center Doors from Paramount Theater MEN'S Johnson shoe skates. size worn twice; boy's shoe skates, site 4 buckle boots, size and pullon boats, size 11; rubbers size Corduroy slacks, size 10 slims Insulated underwear, size 14 167 size 18 Husky suit, man's carcoal. size 40.
Acrilon blankets Bates blue cowboy spread; miscel: laneous boys' clothes. EM 3-5096. SOUND and silent 16mm movie prolector Dynamic speaker F16 coated 2" focal length lens Micro phone and record player plug in 2.000 foot reel film capacity. One unit construction for home bustness $100, tape recorder, Pentron stereo-hi-fidelity. 4 rolls tape.
Orig Inal cost $238. Like new. $100 EM 2-5543. SPECIAL RUG CLEANING OFFER IT'S EASY 10 use U.S. Professional SHAMPOO SUPREME.
Cleans fast better and brightens rug colors qt, cleans two 9x12 rugs, Only $2.44 per qt. Rent Electric Shampoo Machine $1.50. Free de livery and Instruction. Call 365-9145 davs-363-8689 eves. OUT OF PAWN G.E Vacuum Cleaner $15 AUTOMATIC rifle $20 22 JEWEL Bulova $10 21 MELODY Saxophone $20 HAWAIIAN Electric Guitar $29 NORELCO Shaver $7.50 TRAXTICA 35 single lens reflex $45 SIEGEL'S 105 Second Ave.
SE JACKET SALE Hundreds To Choose From UNLINED Lined $3.95: Insulated Tanker $795. Bomber B-29 Deck $12.95, C.R SURPLUS STORE Corner of A Ave. and 1st St. NE WHITE ELEPHANT Open 9:30 to 5 p.m. PLENTY OF WARM clothing for the entire family.
Boy's suits and sports lackets, men's paiamas, bedspreads, vaporizer, electric heater Third Street SE. COLD WEATHER ITEMS BLANKETS $2.95. Insulated Under- wear $6.95. Thermo underwear $1.95. Insulated boots $6.95.
C.R. BARGAIN CENTER Across from Smulekoff's OLD WOOD fireplace mantel, gas heater, combination, 2 piece sectional. Can be used as twin beds. Corner table. Chrome set, blonde dining table, 6 chairs, blonde corner table, tricycle, large dresser, fiber rug 9x12, EM 4-0383.
FOR HER CHRISTMAS! TWIN matched silver fox skins made it at 509 Forest SE, Cedar Rapinto a beautiful a scarf at $60. See ids, lowa. MAN'S overcoat, alpaca lined, 2 suit coats, rain coat, size 42. Formal tails, striped pants size 40. Ladies fur lined coat, nutura lined; brown coat with racoon collar and cuffs.
size 10-12. EM 4-4957. BELLE HOWELL 8mm camera and Kodak projector, speed graphic camera, case and accessories; 35mm Kodak and flash, other cameras and photo equipment. EM 2-1415. THE IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT AUTOMATE Garage Door Opener shipped any place.
Installed or not installed. Guaranteed. OVERHEAD DOOR 1920 4th Ave. SE. EM 3-9976.
PHOTOGRAPHIC equipment, enlarger, electronic flash with batteries and several other photographic items. Excellent condition. 377-4488. REMINGTON typewriter, 3-piece Samsonite luggage, coffee table, lamps, floor lamps, vibrator, love seat, chrome table, Kenmore washer, miscellaneous. 366-2252.
SUPER LATEX 2 GALLONS $4.99 ROBINSON COMPANY 2020 16th Ave. SW all kinds of Fords parts for 55 on up. EM 6-1091. GAS SPACE heater, beaded movie screen, drafting table, gas conversion burner, coal stocker, 20-gal. delux double barrel shotgun.
EM 5-3298. GLASS DOOR bookcase $10, antique table and chairs $12.50, Victrola $10, Jasper ware, Queen Louise plates, etc. 363-1534. BOY'S SUIT, coat, shirts; baby clothes, maternity clothes, drapes, rummage, all day Sunday, Monday a.m., Tuesday. 409 20th St.
NE. YOU saved and slaved for wall to wall carpet. Keep it new with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer $1. Hunt's Drug, Cedar Hills.
AURORA road racing atlas, HO trains, transistor, tape recorder. All like new. 322 Liberty Dr. SE. EM 2- USED GAS CIRCULATORS, 35,000, 40,000 and BTUs Like New.
Good Savings! MARION SKELGAS 2445 7th Marion. 377-4841 30" ADMIRAL automatic electric stove, Frigidaire refrigerator, double, 1 single bedstead, Washington jacket size 38, McKinley size 18. 377-1661. LADY'S Coat, Suits, Dresses, finest quality. Like new.
Sizes 14-16. Shoes size and AA. EM 4-4708, after 10 a.m. AIR COMPRESSOR $85. 760x15 tires, electric heater, 1958 truck engine, 5775.
APARTMENT size gas stove, good condition. Combination wood screen and storm door. 363-8404. 2 QUALITY steel office desks 30x60, dextolite tops, matching swivel chairs. Used 3 months.
DR 7-4241. CEMENT mixer with electric motor. Tape recorder 2 track. Each $30.00. 364-5364.
LIKE NEW-Superba 77, 35 mm. Projector. Used Electric Hand Dryer. Dial 362-6708. 2 AMANA wardrobes, electric stove, Warm Morning heater, miscellaneous.
363-0407. FINGERTIP length brown seal fur coat. Remodeled last year. Size 18. $50.
EM 3-0637. THRIFTY used clothing store, 727 1st St. SW: Muskrat coat, toys, good winter clothing for everyone. LARGE, set of leather craft tools, and also Christmas gifts, cradles dolls. 4542, Center Point.
OIL HEATER $10, davenport $7.50, mahogany library table $20, 4 walnut chairs, need caning, $15. 364-5534 SEVERAL hundred cans paints, varnishes and finishes. All kinds to be sold as one lot. 364-5534. SWIVEL rocker $10, 21" GE TV $15, Baby bed $3, Wonda chair $10, table and 4 chairs $8.
EM 2-5404. CIRCULAR saw, table model. with motor blades. complete, ANSCO camera and parade drum, 2 train sets, road racing set. Make offer.
EM 5-2541. BARBIE KEN and Tommy 'mlothes. New material, well made. Small deposit on lay-a-way. EM 3-4748 LADIES' coats size 12 and 38; 2 Electric vaporizer, 1 sabre saw.
EM 3-0774. LACY crochet table cloth, antique knitted bedspread, man's overcoat size 44. 1002 11th St NE. GIRLS' Clothes, junior size 9-11; Boys' clothes, size 10-16. EM 2-8655.
5 WOMENS' winter coats, size 14. A-1 condition reasonable. EM 5-6574 DOUBLE bed, complete; car luggage carrier. EM 5-2890. USED typewriter, bed, archery target, polishing head.
EM 2-6173. ARGUS, movie St. SW. camera EM and 2-2642. proiecPAIR men's Chicago roller 7.
skates, size EM 4-7582. BARBIE and Ken clothes. Call after 4:30. EM 4-0879. SECTIONAL, skates, etc.
210 4th 2 ELECTRIC motors, h.p. Charles Cottrell, Watkins. PORCH RAILINGS POINTERS, 701 Ave. NW. 362-5110 FASHION cleaners.
315 Ave, NE. All uniforms off Cash-Carry. LIKE new. snow thrower, 4 h.p, reverse. EM 4-6317.
heavy BARBIE AND SKIPPER CLOTHES. 366-0921. Miscellaneous For Sale 22 RAILROAD SALVAGE AND DISTRESS MERCHANDISE SAVE MANY On Norge Gas and electric dryers, automatic washers and refrigerators. Foll line of Curtis-Mathes and Westinghouse TV and Stereo, Save 20 to Complete 3 room groups of Living room, bedroom, kitchen furniture Reg. $675-Now $289.50 FILSWORTH CO.
319 Seventh Avenue SE 343-2041 Galyn's Corner Save on Unfinished Chests drawer Now 21.95 drawer Now 50 drawer Now $12.95 OTHERS NOT LISTED PETERSON'S FURNITURE Town Country Shopping Center SPECIAL A 15.95 Dymo Cloth printer set with 3 rolls of tape FREE WITH every $9.95 Dymo label maker. Reg, value $15 90, now only $9.95 This otter good while 15 sets, last. AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS THE KACENA 829 2nd Ave SE BABY clothes. snow suits. crib sheets, blankets.
accessories, me ternity clothes, size 10 to 12. Man's top coat and lacket size 42-44 4902 Broadway SE left off Mt. Vernon Road at Bertram firestation. RUG BINDING per yard Free Pickup Delivery THE CARPET LINE, EM 2-7996 ELECTRIC and gas hot water heat. er.
radiant heating system. Overhead doors, 250 gal. oil tank, and oil furnaces. CONWAY WRECKING CO, ICE GRIPPERS Why risk slipping 98c KILLIAN SHOE REPAIR dairy case. sliding doors.
stainless steel front, glass old, like new Phone 2-2421. Marengo, lowa. GOOD selection of nearly new fur. niture, priced reasonable to p.m APEX LOAN, 1001 3RD AVE. SE SALE--Portable Electric Sewing Machines $19 95 West Side Sewing Machine Shop, 125 Ave.
SW exchange. Guaranteed. Hydraulic lack and battery repairs. Renu Battery and HydrauRepair. 104 First Ave NW.
PAIR men's figure skates, sizes and 9. Like new. Boys parka size 16. EM 3-7136. FOR THE BEST in Garage Doors Get a Ro Way.
Free Estimates. SOVERN co. 'EM 4-1387 CHILDS furniture table and chairs, piano, bathinette bassinette, Maytag Wringer washer. A-1. EM 3-0994.
LIBRARY TABLE $8, Play pen $7, Stroller used radio. Vern's trade-all, 134 Avenue NW. CLOSE OUT paint, 98c per gal. and up, Interior and exterior. KEL TOR PAINT.
321 1st St. SW. BARBIE, KEN and Tammy clothes. art foam coat hangers and linters. EM 2-2273.
JUNGERS 6-room space oil heater, used only 2 seasons with 275 gal. tank. EM 4-7619. LARGE Baby crib, child's wardrobe. 1030 12th Street NE.
EM 4-4624. CONSTRUCTION sheds, reasonable. R. Electric Supply 616 Ave. NE.
EM 5-0479, EM 3-1103. DELUXE portable TV, used little. Nice Maytag wringer washer, both reasonable. EM 2-1308. 12'' BAND SAW Stand Motor $75.
EM 2-4208. MAHOGANY dining room set, upright piano, snow blow. EM 2-1905. SATIN formals (2) size 7-8, (2) size 9-10. 2 winter coats 9-10.
EM 6-0198. AND ACCESSORIES, PRICE 366-0126 AFTER 6 P.M. DRAPERIES and valances. Trundle beds, bowling ball. 377-3486.
SELLING out cameras and equipment. EM 4-5642. MOUTON Jacket, size 12, $50. Borgana Coat, size 12, $25. EM 5-1246.
FARMALL CUB and equipment. Lloyd Lacy, Alburnett 4426. LOOM complete, wringer washer, oak 4-8021. FURNACE, 100,000 BTU, and controls. Good condition.
TV GOOD CONDITION. MAN'S suit and top coat. EM 3-1959 USED screens, storms, combination doors. Alley, 8th Ave. 5th St.
SE. USED plumbing fixtures. Thomas Plumbing. 847 15th St. SE.
EM 4-2455 U.S. Professional Floor Beauty Products. Call 365-9145. TAPE recorder, chain saw, furnace, heater, refrigerator. EM 5-0125.
USED VACUUM CLEANERS REASONABLE. EM 3-5535 BABY bassinet and gas range. Dial 365-5506. SOUTH BEND, LATHE. '53 AND '54 PLYMOUTH.
5-0612. CLOSED body for Chevrolet, GMC pickup. Best offer. EM 2-8166 GREEN BRAID OVAL RUG 377-4153 VICTOR muskrat, fox traps: 21 1s, 5 366-0179. 8.00x14 snow tires and Dodge wheels, like new, $45.
EM 5-6534. SALE: HUDSON SEAL knee-length in excellent condition. EM 3-3885 PIANO BENCH, wringer washer, compressor, muskrat coat. 364-3108. WINTER overcoat, Society brand, 42, brown, $10.
EM 3-5116. OUTSIDE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS. EM 3-0713. LADIES' fur coat, size 18, good condition. EM 4-7797.
COMPLETE BEDROOM SUITE. MOVIE SCREEN. EM 3-9848. TABLE, freezer, hide-a-bed, 3-piece sectional. 446-2442 Atkins.
Boats Sporting Goods 22-A To Buy or Sell HUNTING EQUIPMENT Use This Classification COAST TO COAST STORES Craziest Gun Traders All Name a Brands, New, ASsed Guns IN NORTH TEXAS Bring Your Used Gun and Wear YOUR TRADIN' SHOES We're at 76 16th Ave. SW Cedar Rapids, North Texas WOW! THAT "white stuff" Is here! Get your boat motor winterized now. Let us store it too! CEDAR RAPIDS MARINE SALES 1895 Ellis Blvd NW EM 2-8149 WEATHER WEAR INSULATED underwear, sweat shirts, ski lackets, blizzard suits. Deep freeze vests. EBY'S, 1417 1st Avenue SE.
EM 3-2645. BOAT STORAGE Reasonable rates HARPER'S MARINE CITY Hwy. 30 South EM 5-1539 NEW AND used shotguns, rifles. pistols. We buy, sell or trade.
Walt's Bait Shop, 1001 14th Ave. SW. EM 3-9823. 12 GAUGE RELOADER EM 5-6262. WINCHESTER, MODEL 366-1483 12 TRAP Auctions Antiques 22-B FOR SATISFACTORY RESULTS Consign your furniture to the MADISON AUCTION HOUSE, EM 2-4027.
1881 MINIATURE cast-fron cook stove, 20x11x20 high with ten utensils. Perfect condition. 3-1801. LAMPLIGHTER ANTIQUES 1402 18th St. SW 5-6498 Auctions Antiques 22 PUBLIC SALE TOOLS MISCELLANEOUS Located 1117 11TH STREET NW CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA SATURDAY NOVEMBER ROTO snow TILLER plow.
garden blower plow; Crafts newl tractor snow plow with blade, 12. ft. wooden boat with bottom 22 horsepower Johnson out board motor: 1 wheel frailer port able compressor. very post drill and motor 1 ton hoist: oil stove and barrel block and tackle large blacksmith set of bolt tap and ladder step ladder, 3 gallon hand bench grinders and mo tors! 4. wrecking bars ONE 6 cross cut saw, 2 one man Garden hosel hammers: sledge spades and shovels and other Items too numerous to TERMS CASH Not Responsible of Accidents C.
W. MINOR, Owner VIRGIL HEINS, AUCTIONEER Auction! TAVERN CAFE GROCERY Equip ment and stock selling THIS DAY, NOV 25 at 1:00 LEE'S CAFE AND GROCERY Quitting Business' In Brandon, lowa JORDAN sliding door reach in box (53 inches wide. 70 inches hich by Inches deep); Frigidaire slant front cooler full doors in rear, 7 Ideal for meat or bottles): foot self-serve freezer 8-foot vegetable cooler: Hobart Mo. 412 chopper: Am, slicer: Sanitary V-10 scale: 45 toot shelving: Hot Point table fryer: Southbend 24 inch gas grille: 38-Inch 3 compartment sink 55 hood, p. fan; 2 adding cash drawers; 20 foot counter: 12 red and chrome chair back a mixers: coffee makers; modern brick building Stock and fixtures sell plecemeal.
$2,000 grocery stock in lots. Illustrated brochure on re quest Lee Bosley, owner, GROSS AUCTION CO. 508 EDWARDS, WATERLOO, IA. -Since 1896- SMALL light oak writing desk, lift top lid and book self stretcher: large polished pine bowl: fruit 21 craved Gilbert clock: cherry red French porcelain charcoal pail; Mettlack steins; wrought iron plant stands: Swedish telephone. collecfion of brass.
wrought iron and crystal candlesticks and candelabras; crystal compotes; owl still bank. EM 3-1801. POWERS AUCTION HOUSE OPEN DAILY 9 TO 5 GLENN T. POWERS AUCTIONEER 4600 Mt. Vernon Rd.
EM 2-2531 MATERIAL for chair and rocker caneing. Complete Instructions. Anfiqueing kits made to order. KEL TOR PAINT. 321 1st St.
SW. "BAILEY'S Antiques, highway 13, In Central City, lowa. Many nice Christmas Items, also some furniture. Open evenings and Sundays. BRUCE PFLUGHAUPT AUCTIONEER 364-5534 ANY TYPE OF SALE ANYWHERE BOB WRIGHT, AUCTIONEER Reasonable Rates.
Phone 365-2418 5 ANTIQUE maple side chairs. Newly recaned, refinished. Reasonable. 2418 Reynolds Ave. SW.
ANTIQUE TELEPHONES, $15, $20 2 365-9308 DOUBLE Barrel Flintlock Shotgun. $1200. 4-0567. Home Furnishings 23 Auctions A Antiques AUCTIONEER CARL NEWELL, 344 4591 Home Furnishings SEE THESE BARGAINSI NEVER USED cu. RCA Whirlpool ft.
refrigerator freezer Twin wrought Iron sprinus and Can mattress, twin sire bed. MOBILE HOME, SALES USED REFRIGERATORS 81.25 Per 2-with cross top freezers. Very ondition. 1- Combination refrigerator freezer. Runs 000D STORE 402 and Avenue 6 1807 3 ROOMS of furniture out of storage.
No mon down. Take over payments, month. ACE FURNITURE 4398 Mt. Vernon Road SE 345-2842 Open Tuesday and Friday Evenings USED BUNK HIDE BED, A BED 850 MAPLE COMPLETE $40 HALL-EKFELT 400 THIRD AVE. SE USED REFRIGERATORS $19.95 UP ELECTRIC RANGES, STARTING AT 879 95 up ROBB'S APPLIANCE CO.
107 Second St. SE 364 8821 USED WASHERS $17.50 up, Good condition. Used dryers from 149 BARTUNEK'S APPLIANCES 98 16th YOUR Ave. SW MAYTAG DEALER EM 3-6762 DO YOU have favorite wife? Give her gift. she'll Use every day A LOGAN LOGAN KITCHEN EM 2-1142 826 2nd Ave.
SE FOR SALE OR RENT USED electric ranges, washers and refrigerators, TOWA ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER COMPANY BIG SAVINGS ON ALL PHILCO FLOOR SAMPLE REFRIGERATORS AND STOVES A APPLIANCE, MARION ALL PRACTICALLY NEW PIECE bedroom suite, mahogany hi-lo table. 2 new bachelor chests, drop head sewing machine. Other small articles. EM 2-7986. 12x15 WOOL RUG, 9x12 cotton rug, occasional chairs, record playerradio, Hollywood bed, bookcases, end tables, lamps, TV, scooters.
EM 5-5486. A WONDERLAND OF CARPET AT THE CARPET LINE curtain. Good condition. DR 7-2527. DUNCAN PHYFE Mahogany DropLeaf Table, 2 Leaves, Pad, 6 Chairs, Host Chair.
Excellent. 2746 Dalewood Ave. SE. DELUXE GAS RANGE with Timer Clock, 4 burners, oven, broiler. Good condition, clean, $35.
Modern Couch, $10. Call evenings, EM 5-5324. WALLY'S CARPET and UPHOLSTERY CLEANING SE VICE. Free pickup and delivery. EM 3-9540 if no answer call after 3:30 p.m.
REFRIGERATOR, Electric Stove For Sale. All in working condition, $15 each. 1944 First Ave. NE. Call after 5 p.m.
3 YEAR old Roper gas range, good condition, $70. EM 5-5864. ROSE BEIGE davenport and chair. Good condition. EM 3-2964.
BEIGE -piece sectional, excellent condition. 362-3232. PHILCO UPRIGHT freezer. Good condition. $85.
EM 3-0684. 4107 Center Point Road EM 2-7996 HOT POINT Electric Stove, chrome table, chairs. Table lamps, bedroom, Ilving room draperies, cafe SMULEKOFF'S NEW USED THRIFT FURNITURE ANNEX RUGS A APPLIANCES 4 AT BUDGET PRICES 309 FIRST STREET NEXT DOOR TO SMULEKOFF'S MAIN STORE 3 ROOMS of furniture consisting of 2-piece living room suite-2 step end tables--matching coffee table-table lamps and a full size bed spring and innerspring mattress--a vanity -and chest of either drawers-and stove or 5-piece dinette and your choice of a refrigerator-all of this for only $199.95. COMPLETE Living room group-10 pieces includes Sofa Bed and matching chair, plus Ottoman and 2 matching pillows, 2 step end tables and coffee table, also 2 matching table lamps-all of this for only $177.77. USED Refrigerators, fully guaranteed, now $40.
Many sizes and makes to choose from. DO YOU need a new table -We have many to choose -starting as low as $4.95. TV's-Fix them yourself. Sold as PLATFORM ROCKERS. Brand new.
Upholstered in nylon and plastic for long wear- -choice of several colors now $29.88 5 PC. -brand -has heat resistant table top--plastic upholstered finish-now only $49.95. 21" CONSOLE TV-completely guaranteedcabinet- now only $69.95. LARGE SIZE swivel rocker-fully upholstered in beautiful plastic- -several colors to choose from-now only $54.95. KNEE HOLE desks--brand new-your choice of either walnut or maple color finish-7 drawers for plenty of storage space-only $39.95.
NEED A SOFA-we have several extra nice ones from model homes-prices have been reduced -save as much as fabrics--modern styling. END TABLES-brand new 3 pc. ensemble consisting of 2 step end tables and matching coffee table in beautiful walnut color for only $29.95 for all 3 pieces. BRAND NEW 3 piece bed room suite -full size bookcase bed -double dresser and mirror-plus large chest of drawers in your choice of greytone or walnut color finish-now you can have that new bed room suite for only $99.95. USED ELECTRIC -all are in good working condition-from $25 and up.
NEED A NEW comfortable mattress- our specialsone to fit your needs at low-low and up. You Do Not Need Cash At The Annex Use Smulekoff's EASY BUDGET TERMS Heme Parmishings DOOR Point refrigerate combination refrigerator, top blonde Zenith Model TV Admiral Motorola Table Model' MODERN APPLIANCE APPLIANCE OPEN THURSDAY 110 Third Avenue EM 5-7544 ON PILL GOOD USED Reconditioned Appliances fool, 859.95 EP DRYER. SPEED QUEEN Wringer Washer 95 STANDARD APPLIANCE CO. 2nd Ave, and 10th St. SE 364-7178 NYLON CARPETING 34.95 COMPL OF QUALISELECT FROM TIES AND PATTERNS.
CARTWRIGHT'S. 119 Third Ave. EM 3-0231 USED Dexter Double Tub Washer, USED Refrigerators and Freezers, USED Norge Washer and Dryer. USED Jungers Oil Heater, MOORE'S Gas Space Heaters, BARNETT'S 204 1st 'St. SE USED REFRIGERATORS AND UP WRITTEN KEHRER WHEATLAND, INC.
620 Second Ave. SE. EM 40213 NORGE Defrost Refrigerator $85, Apartment Size Gas Stove $20. Kenmore Automatic Washer, needs pairs $10. 1634 A Ave.
NE, after IT'S Inexpensive to clean rugs and upholstery, with Blue Lustre, Rent electric shampooer $1. Peterson's Furniture, 363-9659. MATCH YOUR FURNITURE With Unpainted Furniture BARNEY'S PAINT -WALLPAPER WESTINGHOUSE refrigerator. with freezer top, excellent reasonable. EM 2-9465 after 2.
MAHOGANY drop- table, Phone 6 chairs 2-6691 Mangle. Marengo. REFRIGERATOR-14 cubic foot 2- Door Coldspot, Freezer top, lefthand door, near new, $175. 366-0952 CORONODA Wringer Washer, years old, excellent condition. Dial EM 5-5886.
100 YARDS beautiful carpeting, Gas stove like new. Must sell- Bargain. EM 3-3097. MAPLE BUNK BEDS COMPLETE, Large Maple Dresser. Maple Desk.
Dial EM 2-3369. NORGE refrigerator, pair red chairs, defrost car bed, bassinet. EM 2-5535. HIDEABED $50, brown rocker $30, air-conditioner refrigerator, best offer. EM 5-3718.
GAS stove, refrigerator, automatic washer, good condition. EM 4-6016. MAHOGANY dining room set, butfet, table, 5 chairs. EM 3-0625. MAYTAG automatic washer.
Reasonable. Dial 377-1716. AUTOMATIC Maytag washer, Bendix dryer, $75, Like new. EM 3-7216. REFRIGERATOR for sale, 50 lb.
freezer top, Reasonable. EM 3-8618 KITCHEN table and 6 chairs. New in August. $90. 366-1615.
LIMED oak bookcase double bed complete. Almost new. 363-7346. APARTMENT size gas stove. 885 Valley View Marion.
PHILCO Electric Stove, excellent condition. 362-1225. LIVING Room Chairs, Pole Lamp, Pictures, Portable Radio. EM 5-7453. BLONDE END TABLES AND COF.
FEE TABLE, DIAL 364-7853. CHERRYWOOD DROP- LEAF TABLE, $15-EM 2-8000 KROEHLER 5- PIECE BEDROOM SUITE, $75. EM 4-3174 DAVENPORT and chair. Good condition. $65.
377-2572. GRAY Bids davenport and chair. 7-1831. 40 in. ELECTRIC, range, very good condition clean.
C. R. Piano Organ Co. 365-8689 322 First Avenue NE TRY THE CORDOVOX. It organ sounds with an accordion.
You can play the voices of the Cordovox alone, in combo with other instruments, or you can play the accordion by itself. Eastern Iowa's Accordion and Guitar Headquarters BODDICKER SCHOOL OF MUSIC 307 First Ave. SW 365-8658 SPECIAL LOW COST CHRISTMAS RENTAL PLAN ON NEW PIANO, WITH RENT TO APPLY. HILTBRUNNER'S 116-120 2nd St. SE EM 3-2667 TRIAL RENTAL PLAN ON NEW AND USED BAND AND ORCHESTRA INSTRUMENTS TAYLOR MUSIC EM 2-2598 2 USED walnut Spinet pianos.
Like new. Very reasonable, $375, SIEPMAN PIANO CO. 836 1ST AVE. NE. EM 4-5907 SEBURG ELECTRONIC ORGAN BIG discount.
ACE FURNITURE, 4398 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE, 365-2842. BALDWIN organ separate speaker, full pedal. Like new.
614 Greenwood Dr. Iowa City. Phone 338-3778 BUNDY golden tone flat in good condition. 363-3897. PIANO TUNING FREE ESTIMATE ON REPAIRS.
EM 4-3648 HAMMOND Spinet organ, $695, mahogany. 400 Mayberry Dr. NW. RESTYLED PIANO 362-6708 MAHOGANY EVERETT, STUDIO PIANO. 363-6587 FENDER electric steel guitar and amplifier.
DR 7-1423. GRETSCH guitar; Gibson amplifier. 1527 St. SW. EM 2-2642.
UPRIGHT PIANO EM 5-3656 SLIDE trombone. Excellent condition. Reasonable. DR 7-0548. LIMED OAK Lowrey organ, like new, 2 years old.
EM 2-9262. TV. Radios, Hi-Fi Service 25 TV CALLS, $3.00 MIDWEST TV RADIO 603 8th Ave. EM 5-2761 FORMERLY TV RADIO SPILL'S 2 USED TV CONSOLES GUARANTEED $10 DOWN B. F.
GOODRICH 500 2ND AVENUE SE JENSEN SPEAKER SYSTEMS Stereo Components, Kits, Trade-Ins HOLLAND STANDARDS INC. 407 Second Ave. SE EM 5-4760 Open Noon to 9 P.M.-Sat. 9 to 5 19 PHILCO 1964 MODEL TV Assume Payments, Only $10 Month FIRESTONE STORE 2nd Ave. at 10th St.
EM 4-9175 TV CALLS, $2.00 Day or Evening, EM 5-7070 PHIL PREVO TV TV FOR RENT NO repair bills, ownership credit. NO repair bills, ownership credit. Ken Best Apliance Service. 362-2135 21" PHILCO Blond console TV. Completely, reconditioned 'and guaranteed.
Very reasonable. EM 2-8884. SERVICE calls, 9 a.m.-9 p.m., including Sundays, 20 years experience, City TV Service, 363-4186. MAKE your service dollars count. Jim Reeder Radio and Sound.
Ph. 364-5919. TV CALLS, $3 Cedar. TRUAX Hills TV. and 365-2919 Fairfax RECONDITIONED 21" TV.
2812 AVENUE NW. EM 4-2311 SYLVANIA console stereo years old. $135. EM 3-1095 before 4 p.m. NEAR new stereo.
GE console. Bargain. EM 4-3101. deluxe RCA slimline portable reasonable. EM 2-1308.
new, 17" ADMIRAL TV with remote control. 377-1145. USED 21" Philco table model TV, $17.50. 612 A Ave. NW.
Radios, HI.Pl A Service 25 Reconditioned TVs, Console Type, Most Makes. $35 $45 $55 PEOPLES FURNITURE 220 lat Ave. NE EM 2-3919 -TRANSISTOR RADIO REPAIR BAL co*cke Point Translator Office and Store Equipment 24 RESTAURANT Equipment and Supplies 420 EM 43423 BUY new portable typewriter for Christmas, down week or Use our A Mervesux Typewriter a CASH registers. adding machines. photo copy equipment.
A and Sales, used 364 rental 8176. and service, RENT an adding machine or calculator the week or month. lowa Typewriter Co. EM 4-8181, NORELCO DICTATION AND ERA'S Service Ave. MACHINE AND SUPPLIES RENT TYPEWRITER -Every make of typewriter repaired, Mochnick Typewriter Co.
EM 2-0736. DESKS AND CHAIRS -EM 5-9121 Building Materials 27 PRE-INVENTORY SALE Only 6 Shopping Days Left ft. pa. panel field steel fence gates $24.65 $24.95 5x8 corner posts, pressure treated 1.84 3 ax6Va pressure treated posts 69c Tee steel posts Loose rock wool Insulation 78c Bag covers 18 sq. ft.
thick Zonolite Insulation P8C Zonolite Econofili Insulation 98c Bag covers 13. sq. 1. thick 9x7 Sectional garage door and hardware $49.95 Heavy hog barb wire 7.95 White Kofe celling tile, each birch plywood 4.32 Prefinished Ivory ranch plank luaun. 4.32 No.
1x8 car siding $129.95 4x8 Va Fir. plywood shop 2.32 Regular asphalt file, each 235 lb. shingles 6.75 PAYLSS CASHWAY LUMBER STORE Manchester, Iowa East Hwy. 20 Phone WA KILN-DRIED NO. 1 DOUGLAS FIR 2x4 8' thru $119.50 4x8 gypsum 1.48 4x8 gypsum 1.72 4x8 mahogany paneling 4.79 12x12 white ceiling file .11 Odd lot aluminum doors 15.00 1x8 weathered boards 75.00 These Are Our Every Day Low Cash Prices Largest Stock In Eastern lows Open All Day Saturday -Taket Lumber Co.
I Highway 30 South EM 3-3508 LONG LIFE LOGAN LONG 240 LB. class Wind resistant self sealing 3 tab shingles $7.95 KILN dry No. 1 Douglas fir precut 2x4-7' (Sun Studs) .56 2x10 KD No. 1 Douglas $120.00 A 2 Mahogany $11.20 CD 5 ply DFPA 3.04 SWISHER FEED LUMBER co. Swisher, Iowa Ph.
445-2681 8" WIDE flange beams in stock. 13 and 17 lb. foot. Also beams. Columns fabricated.
Henderson Metal Products 1203 Rockford Rd. SW. EM 5-0469, Cedar Rapids. Construction Equipment 27-A CASE 800 Cat with trailer and dump truck. Top condition.
EM 4-0305. Good Things To Eat 28 FESTIVE FOODS Your daily guide to the best food buys. BEEF SIDES and quarters for your freezer. Free delivery with 60 days to pay. Also complete food freezer with 4 to 6 months bank financing, 25 to 50 lb.
assorted beef bundles, custom butchering daily, poultry and deer processing. All food fully guaranteed. VOREL'S FROZEN FOODS, 920 2nd st. SW. Open 6 a.m.
to 5 p.m. 362-8736. RAY'S MARKET CLOSING SPECIALS Potatoes 20 lbs 89c; 100 lbs. I Red Delicious apples $2.79 Jonathans $2.59 acorn squash 5c each; onions 10 lbs. 59c, cabbage 50 lb.
bag 98c. Street and Bowling SW. or half or whole pork, Home smoked ham, bacon, meat products. Custom butchering-processing daily. CEDAR ACRES MEAT Processing Plant Across from REA plant, St.
SW EM 4-2985 GEESE, GEESE! 100 NICE White Emden's, $3.00 allve or $4.00 dressed. Come and get them or will deliver 6 or more. Wayne Robinson, Clarence, Iowa, Phone 452 3187. TURKEYS HANSON'S CONOCO 3325 AVENUE NW RESERVE YOUR HOLIDAY FOWL! Geese, Ducks, Turkey, Pheasant, Guinea Hens. Restless Wings Game Bird Farm, 377-3704.
QUALITY apples, Jonathans, Golden and red Delicious. Cpen every day "til 6. HOLLAND ORCHARDS, 4 mi. W. on Hwy.
30. MUSCOVY DUCKS for sale. Dan Bizek, mi So. Hawkeye Downs. EM 4-3891.
FRESH, DRESSED CAPONS, roasting chickens. EM 5-3206. HEAVY geese, $3 head. Howard Williams, miles south of Urbana DRESSED GEESE, 45c LB. DIAL EM 2-2991 LIVE GEESE, DELIVERED 7-2985 HALF or whole corn fed beef.
Buy now and save. EM 2-0685. CHICKENS, GEESE AND DUCKS cheap. EM 5-7953. CHOICE nut meats, comb and extracted honey.
Delivered. EM 5-0021. Nursery Stock and Flowers 29 SHEARED and sprayed Norway and Spruce, Box 22, Baraboo, Wis. EL 6-5457. Dogs, Pets Supplies 30 GIVE A LIVING GIFT 63 precious the GIFT most all! PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPHERD PUPS, $25.
377-3961 160 DOMESTICATED Mallard ducks. J. E. Cox, Williamsburg, la. DACHSHUND PUPS.
AKC. 637 W. Sixth, Monticello, Iowa. MALE BEAGLE 9. months desires home in country, $25.
364-0582. FOR SALE CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES 377-0126 AKC LABRADOR, male, 11 months, partly trained. Gene Brecht, Lisbon. GREAT DANES A.K.C. Can be seen at Willman Street, Hiawatha.
PUREBRED Boxer pups $35. 1489 Miami Dr. NE. FOR SALE- -CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES EM 5-5339 PUREBRED GERMAN SHEPPARD pups. 118 Ave.
NW. AKC BASSETT PUPPIES EM 5-2217 AKC Basset hound $25. Phone 445- 2331, Swisher. BOSTON TERRIER PUPS, $20 DIAL EM 3-4972 COLLIE Shepherd puppies $3 and $5. Richard Schmid, Central City.
2 YEAR old female Schipperke, puppies 2 months. old. EM 2-8583. POMERANIAN puppy, male. Loves children.
$30. Center Point 3143. AKG Chihuahua puppies, order now, hold 'til Christmas. 365-3275. WELL-BRED BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES.
Atkins 446-2874. and hutches. Charles CotWatkins, la. FOR SALE: Registered dachshund. Dial 365-7061, LARGE, DIAL WHITE, 3-5391 RABBIT.
Dogs, Pets Supplies 30 Female Squirrel Monkey NOW $34.88 10 Gal. Aquarium Outfit REG. $19.99 5 Gal. Aquarium Outfit REG. $12.93 NOW $9.99 Hamsters, Male and Female $1.69 EACH Bird Cage Stand REG.
$6.29 NOW $4.88 Floor Cage REG. $7.99 NOW $6.88 TURTLES NOW 44c ANT FARMS $2.88 MALE CANARY $5.88 GUARANTEED DAYS SING SEARS ROEBUCK CO. LINDALE PLAZA CEDAR RAPIDS, IA. TOY POODLES AT STUD Beautiful STARDUST sliver CHAMPION COOPER'S COMET. ALSO pointed white and show quality Black, Puppies usually available, COURT HILL Tama, lowa HU 4-2623 JIM'S AQUARIUM Tropical Fish and Supplies 1033 8th Street, Marion DR 7-0850 SNOW WHITE German Shepherd Police Friendly, Intelligent.
Registered. $35. service, Gordon Kay Miller, route No. 2, Kalona -Phone 656-2560. FOR SALE Dalmation pups Phone P.B, not registered.
Real cheap, Dee ey 334-2474. M. J. McCardle, Independence, lowa. BEAGLE puppies.
Purebred, 2 mo. old. Female $5, male $10. James Kouba, Center Point, lo, Phone 2545. PET FOODS, pidgeon, dog, rabbit and guinea pig.
Free pidgeon record cards. Coldstream Poultry Farm, EM 2-6141. AKC Pekingese dogs and pups. Reasonable, Five Bee's Kennel, Central City, lowa. BASSET PUPS C.
Reg. Finest markings Rev. Saunders, Janesville, la. VA 6-2596. FOR SALE- English setter.
Points and retrieves well. Call Hopkinton, la. 2644. Louis Parsons. co*ckER Spaniel pupples: BLACKS, BLACKS TANS, BUFFS, PARTIS.
Warlo Kennels, 1311 Oakland Rd. CHOCOLATE Labrador puppies AKC registered 9 weeks old. Jerry Kolsrud, Shellsburg, Iowa. CHOCOLATE Labradors. 2 months DR 7-0201.
497 8th Ave Marion. SIAMESE KITTENS $10 365-1717 THOROUGHBRED German, police puppies $15. 2478 KANE'S choice Dachshund pupples. 2121 street SW. EM 2-9249.
PUPPIES, Beagles, co*cker, Dachshund. Terrier. Phone Solon 644-3725. 16 16-MONTH-OLD male beagle, trained. AKC registered.
2-2288. Collie Pups, EM 4-1608 Wanted 31 WANT TO LIVE in your home and care for it while you winter vacation. Write middle-aged couple, Alburnett, Box 151, Phone 533. THRIFTY used clothing store, 727 1st SW. Children's snow suits; men's jackets and sweaters.
WANTED: HI-FI or Stereo, Radio, Ping pong table, 30" Tappan gas Stove. Box U-320 Gazette. COINS STAMPS BOUGHT-SOLD FREE EXPERT APPRAISAL Jerome's Coins, 206 1st Ave. NE BUY used pianos for cash reasonable. SIEPMAN PIANO CO.
AND MRS. dresser and mirror; 3-drawer filing cabinet, small writdesk. EM 2-6617. WANT: Used lumber or buildings be demolIshed. Phone 221, Alburnett.
GRILL PRESS. REASONABLE. EM 4-6735 OR 8 MATCHED DINING ROOM CHAIRS REFINISH. EM 4-2311. FURNITURE, guns, antiques, any miscellaneous.
Newell 364-4592. PORTABLE TV, working or not, other model. EM 5-5966. NEWER USED LIVING ROOM FURNITURE, 365-5432 WANTED-16 OR 20 GAUGE SHOTGUN. DIAL EM 5-5485.
PING PONG TABLE 363-4990 SET OF ENCYCLOPEDIAS EM 4-1227 WORLD Book encyclopedia, recent edition. 377-4235. COMMODES AND WASH STANDS EM 3-2518 Coal Dealers 32 WHEN "COALED" YOUR COMFORTABLE ORDER Sahara Home Stoker Coal for clean, warm, comfortable heat at an economical Phone 364- 8108 today. HAEGG COAL CO. 329 6th Ave.
SE Coal and Wood 33 KINDLING per bag 50c. 4 Presto logs colored uncolored $1.35. HEABEL'S, 701 Center Point Road NE. Phone EM 5-0571. DRY wood $8 Ton.
You haul. DR 7-0985. Business Opportunities 34 ARE YOU A MAN Looking for a Future, now living in Norway area? We have a service station for you, and can work into bulk sales, also LP gas. Financial assistance available. Call EM 4-1818, 6 p.m.
to 9 p.m. TV AND Radio Sales and Repair Shop in Urbana, Iowa. Building included. Long established business. A wide-open opportunity for the right person.
Contract possible. FRANK BAIRD REAL ESTATE AGENCY, VINTON, IOWA. PLUMBING, heating, hardware and bottle gas business in prosperous Northeast lowa town. Profitable operation. Dissolution of partnership reason for sale.
Box B-302, Gazette. MACHINE shop and engine rebuilding plant in lowa. Well equipped. Steady increase in volume over 30 years in business. Will sacrifice for quick sale.
Reason: Retirement. Box K-310, Gazette. TAVERN: Grill and co*cktails. Also other taverns. CRYSTAL Cafe at Coralville.
Illness forces sale. Easy terms. Submit your offer. GASKILL REALTY, EM 4-4803. FOR SALE -Implement business, low established Radiator Repair Shop- good overhaul business.
Brown Impl. Jesup, la. Phone 3021. HOTEL DINING ROOM EQUIPPED, IOWAN HOTEL, AMOSA, NEAR COLLINS. LEMAN 3- 5203 or EM 3-5805.
WANTED: Tavern. Have cash availbuilding or lease of desirable business in Cedar Write P.O. Box 697, Cedar Rapids. MAJOR OIL CO. SERVICE station for lease.
Good potential. First Ave. location. EM 4. 3568.
EM 3-7468 after 5. BARBER shop for Sale in small town NE towa. Rent very reasonable. Apartment in same building. EM 364-4637.
PLUMBING, Heating, and Hardware Store for sale. Write Gazette Box H308. WANT YOUR OWN BUSINESS? CALL 848-2401 OR 848-2403 IT CAN BE ARRANGED. Business Opportunities 34 The Gazette 27 where business offered for sale cannot. however Guarantee offers, recommend you Investigate fully before YOU Invest.
Dr. SE UNUSUAL FRANCHISE OPPORTUNITY WE WILL select one person from this ares for the opportunity to make $50.000 up annually. He will be flown with all expenses paid, to the home Investment office for training, Inof $12,500 secured by Inventory. Financial assisiance available to qualified party. CALL FOR APPOINTMENT MR.
DANFORD Holiday Inn 365-9441 After Noon Monday PER MONTH net profit for man and wife operation. SE lowa town. $8,000 down on contract will handle bullding, business and source of additional Income. Owner retiring. DELICATESSEN Well established business with outstanding reputation, Excellent equipment.
Open only 42 hours per week making It an ideal family operation. CONTACT 364-0842 DICK MONTHIN (Res.) TOMMY TUCKER REALTY CO. REALTORS 365-6956 CAR WASH U-DRIVE-THRU IN ONE MINUTE 50c 21 INC. VERY profitable. Up to return on your Investment of $15,000, Put a unit on of your choice.
A FULLY WAND TYPE AUTOMATIC CAR WASH NOT NO WORK driver who drives slowly through and car Is automatically washed sparkling clean in 1 minute. Women like it. CONTAINS bullt-in underwash. Popular in winter. 4425 cars washed during October in Iowa's first unit.
WRITE OR PHONE Hedges Distributing Inc. 2841 Southwest Blvd. Kansas City 8, Mo, DE 3-5565 WE 1-9186 BUSINESS IS OUR BUSINESS CHECK our opportunities! We either have what you want or can find it for you! BOWLING: lanes, AMF. INDEPENDENT GARAGE: Near Codar Rapids. TRIALER COURTS: 37 spaces, Cedar Rapids area; 75 spaces, Water10o-Cedar Falls.
MOTELS: 8 units, Cedar Rapids; 12 units, east lowa, No. 30; 16 units, 3 bedroom home, No. 20. HOTEL: downtown Cedar Rapids. HARDWARE.
LOCKER AND GROCERY. DON KUHN REALTORS 216 ARCO 365-0734 Anytime BONANZA EXCITING, lucrative, 10 catering business. Will $10,000 easy, minimum, Business is running owner willing to help you start. Priced reasonable. HIGHWAY NIGHT SPOT COMPLETE dine, dance, bar setup.
All equipment ready to operate. Immaculate condition. Also living quarters. Huge lot. Priced below market.
Take terms or trade. Mike, EM 6-0314 Call Bob, EM 5-6278 LEHMAN REALTOR-EM 5-2326 TAVERN BARGAIN WE HAVE listed for sale 8 real clean tavern in a nice town of about 4,000 friendly people. This Is not the "Run-of-the-Mill" tavern that Is for sale, because the equipment is worn out or business is slow. This is a going business, nice fixtures and showing a good profit. The books are open to a qualified buyer.
Five- modern apartment upstairs, some terms avallable. Call for more details. GLENN W. TECHAU EM 2-6040 TECHAU CO. REALTORS 1901 Mt.
Vernon Rd. SE EM 2.1 2-1181 1. HIGH profit can be yours In this nearly new meat processing plant near Cedar Rapids. All modern equipment for processing, curing, and sausage making. Moderate price with terms or trade.
2. TAVERN and living quarters In Oxford, Iowa. Will trade for bungalow in Cedar Rapids. Call to GENSICKE REALTORS EM 4-2453 Mann EM 2-0045 Gensicke 4-8540 ARE YOU QUALIFIED TO RUN a business of your own? What kind of business should you consider? How can you get started? These questions, plus many more are being answered by a group of experts, who are making it their lob to help you succeed. Write for free list of franchise opportunities in your area and information P.
S. Profile. PARTAKE OF CEDAR RAPIDS, 1204 MNB Building, Cedar Rapids, la. $40,000 GROSS BUSINESS LARGE bar, dining area, 2 large kitchens, all goes. Building, 4 lots, large double garage, booths, 1a- bles, deep fat fryers, etc.
Also 3 room living quarters. Very good terms. Call. Max Miltner 644-2287 Solon. Miller Realtors EM 5-7591 EM 5-0561 VARIETY STORE -TERMS zette.
SERVICE STATION GUARANTEED moneymaker and going strong. Small town, lunch counter, paint full line now in stock. Owner will accept terms and books are open to qualified buyer. Call. Chet Gralund 362-5749.
Miller Realtors EM 5-0561 EM 5-7591 CONOCO HIGH volume well located golng service station for lease. Some capital necessary. We will pay you a salary while attending our dealer training center. CALL EM 2-4851 days or EM 2-6185 evenings. BY OWNER: Very profitable cash business complete with equipment.
Will consider joint venture with the right man with small investment. Should have some building and sales knowledge. Let me show you this business. Box E-305, Ga- MODERN 2 bay service station for lease. Located on a busy thoroughfare In NE Cedar Rapids.
Investment requirements are low. F1- nancial assistance available for qualified. Call 366-1141. SERVICE business for sale. Be your own boss.
No selling, service. Can be started part time. Total investment $6,000. Financing available to right party. Complete training.
All replies confidential. Write to P.O. Box 134, Iowa City, la. BARBER Shop for Sale. Excellent business, low overhead.
A Box R-317, Gazette. CAFE IN LISBON. Real good business. GOOD'S REAL ESTATE, Newhall. Elmer Moeller, 446-2659 Atkins.
Money To Loan 36 Money To Loan 36 For the cash you need. $50- or more. Call me and I'll have the money waiting for you. G. A.
(Pat) Fitzpatrick Cash Credit Corporation 834 1st Ave. NE EM 2-3137.