The Billings Gazette from Billings, Montana (2024)

2B Wednesday, July i WJ The Billings Gazette Scoreboard ASU hires Hullah TANK ftFNAMAltf by Jeff Millar Bill Hinds WT LU0cVA5O0T IT, KIR MOI50PY CAlO. so Hitffcc? A MAKKefiMS nrvciii iff ilr'r iUi ii ia. As r' i I Fr? H7EA6 -fO IkIC. Wednesday PIONHR BA St BALL Billing Muilungi ot Lvth UOION BAbtftAlL Billing Royal, at Billing. Vo.if-fs 7 pm CobbFld ItNNlS Mwdowlorh Opw.

G-eotfalii TRAP SHOOTING Stale Open. Billing RODf Btlhngi Night Rodeo. Foui Gom Arena. 8 tody N.le Rodeo. 8 30 Thursday PIONHR BASEBALL ailing Mu.tongi il leth hndge 7 ItGION BASEBALL lethb-idoe tiki ol Billing Stm-ph 5 pm, Lelhbodge at Billing) Roytilv 7 pm Cobb Field TENNIS Metidowlaik Open IRAP SHOOTING State Open.

Billing RODEO Shendan PRO, 7 30 pm Billings Night Rtxleo. Foot Ciou Aieoa. 8 pm Cody N.te Rodeo 8 30 sion I District One coach of the year honors in 1989-90, after Dartmouth went 23-3. In nine years with the Big Green, her teams were 138-95. Before moving to Dartmouth in 1984, she was an assistant coach at Northwestern for four seasons.

One of the finalists for the Arizona State job was Montana State women's coach Judy Spoelstra. TEMPE, Ariz. (AP) Jacqueline Hullah, who coached the women's basketball team at Dartmouth to five consecutive Ivy League championships, was named Tuesday to a similar post at Arizona State of the Pac 10 Conference. She replaces Maura McHugh, who left coaching after last season. Hullah, a 1978 graduate of Cal-State Fullerton, won Converse Divi i) 1993 MilUiHinrJs DiMnbulwl by Univerul Picss Syndmtc Cuny wins Roundup NRA steer wrestling 465 Rob Deer, Detroit vs Cleveland, June 7 464 Andres Gokirogga, Colorado vs Chi cogo.

April 27 The home run distances Tale of the Tope, CO Sponsored by Mnot League Baseball ond IBM, ore de'ei mined by a gid system that takes into consid eiotion where the ball landed would have landed hod it nol hit something other than the ground All measurements ore approximations tcxmnncci tfwough July 5 tanking! bawd on tht volet ol Quoftefhcxie racing media repieiento-lives on 10 9 87 6 5 4 3 bout with place vote! in total points, lecord and week i lonhmg (A Age-Sex, coll. geld-ing. hofW. llalkon. lilly.

Mmore)! AS St I 2 3 Ph Pv, I Ireocheroxily 4 2G 5 5 0 0 12? 2 Deceptively 3) 3F 42 11 114 8 3 King Kholid 2 3G 65 10 110 I 4 Four forty Blall 4 3 5 4 0 1 101 3 5 Rerrigeralor 3 5 0 0 0 0 85 5 6 Finl Down And ten 3 4 1 2 0 50 4 7 SomeDalher 1 3 3 2 10 43 8 Sound Doih 4 6 2 0 3 42 6 9 Griswold 7G 2-200 39 9 10 Develop A Plan (I 2 3 3-0 0 23 Other! receiving Super Duper Couper 22, Wealth 22, Easily A Rogue 22. Juno! Request 19. Vital Class 16. Unruly Rogue 16, Seal! 16. Rare Form 14, Sables Secret 9.

Bullet Bullion 6. Frrsl-down louchdown 5. Md Hammer lime 4. Ducky Fred 4. Jumping Toe Flash 4.

A Dream Ol A Dash 3. My Mama Sad 2, Legacy Legacy 1. rHopkins I. Down With Debt I Royal Bushwhacker I Speedy Chick I $57 60, Don Horlrnon, tWIes City. 65, $57 60 Coll roping Steve Geisler.

Idaho Falls, ID, 10.1, $355 78, Chris Witcher, Miles City, 10 8, $272 06; Mark Cuny, Billings 116, $209 28, Joy Bill.ngsley. Glasgow. 12.9, $1 36 03 Steer wrestling Mork Cuny, Billings. 6.3, S3 14.88; Kennedy Walsh, Chinook, 6 8, Scott Sola, Chinook. 8 2 Jason BuHington, Malta, 8.6, $78 72 Team roping Kelly Gorrell, Beoch, N.D.-Bill Ayre, Glencbve, 7.2, J382.08 each; Jason Handy, Hunlley-Joy Murnion, Jordan, 77, $286 56 each; Jim Larson- Williams, Hyshom.

8.2, $191.04 each; Roy Seoholm, Grass RangeHarley Rindall, Sttepherd 8 9 $95.52 each. Barrel racing Jill Ferdino, Woll Point, 16.71, Taste Taylor, Miles City. 17 09, Dana Porim, Mies City. 17.38. $278 40; Jomte Ottun.

Forsyth, 17.48. $180 96. Breakaway Karen Mller, Absarokee, 2.3, $561 Kayleen Holgen, Melslone, 2.4, Noncy Peterson, Three Forks, 2 5, Ellis, Broodus. 2.8, $214 66 Junior breokaway Clay Kiencheto, iVWstone, 3.5, $84; Tro-cey Currey, Jordan, 4.2. Beau Fronzen, Sidney.

5.0, 42.00; Amy Wilson, Jefferson City. 6 0, $21 00 Junror barrel racing Kera Washburn, Cody, 17.12, $68 00; Jane McDowell, Boiemon, 17.16, Tero Taylor, Mies Oty, 17.61, Rolym Roesler, Mies City, 17 89. $17.00 ROUNDUP Mark Cuny of Billings clocked in at 6.3, taking the steer wrestling victory and $314.88 in earnings, Monday in the final go-ound at the NRA sanctioned Roundup Rodeo. Karen Miller of Absarokee won the breakaway in 2.3, winning $561.41 in prize money. Results Finoi go-round Borebock Steve Curler.

Helena. 74, $249 60, David Wash-burn, Cody, 71, 1 87 20, Dorrvl Lamb. Absarokee, 68, 1 24 80, Den Wrirsinski. Helen. 67, (62.40.

Saddle bronc Crrg Mller. Mies City. 71. $353 28; Curtis Flodager. Sheridan, 70, S264 96, Leighlon Seaman, Mel-stone, 69, 176 64, Walt loctey.

Angela. 67. 188 32 Bull riding Marly Penrod. Miles City, 74, $201 60; Larry Hoy. 74.

$201 60; Dvsttn Loughery. Whitehall. 65. First-round signlngs Controcts for players selected in the firsl round of the 1993 NFL droH: I New England, Drew Bledsoe, qb, Washington State, six yeoi SU.B8 million feported 7, Seattle, Rick Mirer, qb, Node Dome. 3, Phoenix, Garnson Hearst, rb, Georgia 4, New York Jeh.

Marvin Jones, lb, Florida State 5, Cincinnati. John Copelond dl. Alabama 6, Tampa Bay, ric Curry, de, Alobomo. 7, Chicogo, Curds Conway, wr. Southern Cat, three-yeor contract.

$3 3 million 8, New Orleans. Willie Roaf ot. Louisiana Tech 9, Atlanto, Lincoln Kennedy, ot, Washington. 10, Los Angeles Rams. Jerome Berhs, rb, Notre Dame.

I I Denver, Don Williams, de. Toledo. 1 Los Angeles Renders. Patrick Botes, db. Texas 1 3, Houston, Brod Hopkins, Illinois 1 4, Cleveland, Steve Everitt, c.

Michigan 15, Green Bay, Wayne Simmons, lb, Oemson, four -year contract, $3 million 16, Indionapolis, Sean Dawkins, wr. California 17, Washington. Tom Carter, db, Notre Dame. 18, Phoenix, Ernest Dye, ol. South Carolina 19, Philadelphia, Lester Holmes, ot, Jockson State.

20, New Orleans, Irv Smith, te, Notre Dame 2 1 Minnesoto. Robert Smith, rb, Ohio State. 22, San Diego. Darnen Gordon, db, Stanford 23, Pittsbuigh. Deon Figures, db, Colorodo 24, Philadelphia.

Leonard Renfro, de, CcJorodo, three one year contracts, terms undisclosed 25, Miami. McDuffie, wr. Penn Stale. 26, Son Fiancisco, Dana StubWeWd, de, Kon- LeTourneau wins big 1.863 6. Amlelo Monocelli, Venezuela, 1,848 7, DovkI Olio.

Vidor. Texas. 1,847 8. Bob Be noit, Topeka, Kon 1.836 9, Randy Pedersen, Hoi lywood. 1,823.

10, Warren Nelson, Fresno, CoM 1,822 11. Walter Roy Williams i Slock ton. Calif, 1.811 12, (he) Philip Ringener, Big Spring, Texas, and Derek Williams, Groves, Texas, 1,794 14, Dennis Horon San Diego, Calif 1,792 1 5, Dave Bolles, Modesto, 1 ,784 1 6, David Trober. Woodstock, III 1,781 17, Todd Cater, Ro cine, 1,778, 18, Mike Auiby, Indianapolis, 1,776 19, Bryan Goebet, Mernom, Kon 1,775. 20, Robert Lawrence, Austin, Texas, 1,767.

21, Brian McClure, Wichita Falls, Texas, 1,766. 22, Mike Rose Honeoye Foils, N.Y., 1,762. 23, Maity Deh, San Jose, 1,761. 24, (tie) John Mazza, Mount Clemens, MkK, Mark Scroggim, Amarillo, Texas, ond Richard Wolfe, Arlington, 1.757. 27.

Bryan Bailey. Grove City, Pa 1.752 28, Pete Weber, Si. Ann, Mo 1,744, 29, Porker Bonn III. Freehold, N.J.. 1.738.

30. John Forst. Sail Loke Oty. 1,737 31. Dave Arnold, Gilbert, 1 ,735 32, Eric Forkel, Cbohworth, Calif 1 ,732.

33, Justin Hromek, Andover, 1,731. 34, Curhs Odom, Winston-Salem, N.C 1.726. 35, Ron W.llwms, Fori Worth, Texas, 1.719. 36, Joe Boca, Dublin, Calif, 1,718. 37, Mchoel Fletcher, Son Bernoickno.

1,717. 36, Brion Voss, Boco Ra ton, Fla 1.714 39, Brod Kiszewski. Buffalo. NY. 1,712.

40, Brett Alan Sterley. Joplm. Mo. 1.701. 41, Ernie Schlegel, Vancouver, 1,700.

42, Billy Orli-kowski. Grand Rapids, Mich 1,699. 43, Mike Miller, Albuquerque, 1.689 44, Steve Wilson, Fort Lauderdale, Flo 1.688 45, ScoH Devers, Richmond, 1,686 46, Mike Edwards, Oklahoma City, 1,685. 47, Dennis Jacques, Monmouth Junction, N.J., 1,684. 48, Billy Yinger, Arlington, Texas, 1,681.

49, Don Moser, San Jose, 1,680. 50, Rich Abboud, Omaha, 1,678 51 Mark Bowers, Aberdeen, Md 1 ,676. 52, (tie) Dave Entremonl, Mddleburg Heights, Ohio, and Bob Vespi. Coral Springs. 1 ,674 PBA Senior MONTREAL (AP) Slondings Tuesday after the third round of the (75,000 Conodion PBA Senior Bowling Open ot Centre De Ouilles 440 with 18 game pmfoll totals (Top 24 odvance to match-play) 1.

Barry Gurney. West Hills, Calif 4.237. 2, John HiKsina, Franklin, Pa 4,190 3, Rich Bou-vier. Port Charlotte. 4.

1 65. 4. Bill Gould. Port St Lucie. Fla 4.163 5, Rich Moores, Roselle.

Ill 4, 1 62. 6. Denny Torgerson, Moqueto. Iowa, 4,124 7, Gene Stus, Allen Pork, MkK, 4,106 8, Leo Kiesewetter, Norman, Okla 4,083 9, Richard Beattie, Dearborn Heights, 4,073. 10 (he), Bobby Holmes, Adelphi, Md ond Lamar Taylor, Tifton, Go.

4,042. 12, Doug Johnson, Long Beach, Calif 4.038 13, Don Johnson, Los Vegas, 4,026. 14, BobMil-ligan. Rock Island, 4,008 15, Rich Holaen, Chinchilla, 4,006. 16, Ted Fraley, Tampa, Flo 3.997.

17, Hobo Boothe, Canoga Park, 3.982 18. John Tavono, Lauderhill, 3,978 19, John Handegard, Las Vegas, 3,975. 20, Gory Dickinson, Edmond, 3,973 21, Jim Robmerte. Woodridge, 3.956. 22, Jim Long.

Waldorf, Md 3.952. 23, Jim 8rynes, Port St L-oe, 3,949. 24 (he), x-George Joynes, Gcxthers burg, Md ond Les Shearer, Portlond, 3.947. Joynes defeated Shearer, 236-215, in one-game rolloff for final spot in match-gome hnols Tuesday BASEBALL American League CHICAGO WHITE SOX Activated Ron Ko.k vxe, cakhet. fiom the 15-day duobJed till Desig nated foci.

Wiona cote he, Fo osugnmenl QEVfcLAND INDIANS Placed lorn piichef. on the ISay ditobled list Recalled Altwe lopei. pitches From Conton-Akton oF the Eastern League DETROIT TIGERS Purchased the contract of Sean Beigman, pitcher. From Toledo of the International Leogue Placed Bill Krueger, pitcher, on the 1 5tay aisabled list, retrooctive to July 4. OAKLAND ATHLETICS Placed Curt Young, pitcher, on the 15-day disabled list Recalled Kevin Campbell, pitcher, from Tocoma of the Pacific Coait Leogue SEATTLE MARINERS Purchased the contract of Marc Newfield, first baseman, from Jacksonville of the Southern Leogue Optioned Bret Boone, second baseman, to Calgary of the Pacific Coast League.

National Leogue FLORIDA MARLINS Recoiled David Weathers, pitches, from Edmonton of the Pocinc Coast Leogue Ploced Jim Corn, pitcher, on the 15-day disabled list HOUSTON ASTROS Placed Greg Swindell, pitcher, on the 15-day dnoWed list ST LOUIS CARDINALS Ploced Mike Perei, pitcher, on the 15-day disabled Int. Recalled Allen Wation. pitcher, from Louisville of the American Association. Arizona Foil Leogue CHANDLER DIAMONDBACKS Named Joe Sparks monoger. Grant Jockson pitching coach.

Lamar Johnson cooch, and Mark Neal and Frank Kyle trainers. TUCSON JAVE UNAS Named Davey Lopes manager, Jock Billingham pitching cooch, Ron Washington cooch, Greg Harrel and Keith Dugger trainers BASKETBALL Notional Basketball Association SAN ANTONIO SPURS Named David Schmidt team physician. FOOTBALL National Football Leogue NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS Signed Drew Bledsoe, quarterback, to a su-year contract. PHOENIX CARDINALS Signed Sen Coleman, offensive tackle, cmd Sieve Lofton, defensive back HOCKEY Nationol Hockey Leogue TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING Nomed Donny Gore assistant cooch. international Hockey Leogue IHl Granted on expansion franchise to Denver to begin play in the 1994 95 season SOCCER American Professional Soccer League LOS ANGELES SALSA Signed Kevin Gomes, defender.

Announced Denny Peno, defender, and Lawrence Louano, midfielder, were loaned to the team from the Son Jose Hawks for the remainder of the 1993 season COLLEGE ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY Named Jacqueline Hulloh women basketball cooch. CALIFORNIA, PA Nomed Jeff Durden assistant football cooch and secondary cooch, Sruce Owens defensive coordinotor, and Chris Hogan interior defensive line cooch. CLEMSON Named Jock Leggett baseball cooch IOWA Signed Vivian Stringer, women basketball cooch, to five-year contract. Named Phil Hoddy sports information director. UNLV Nomed David Chambers and Sheila Strike associate athletic directors.

VALPARAISO Nomed David Harms assistant football coach ond heod wrestling cooch. Ed LeTourneau scored a 78 to win the bull riding and earn top money during Monday's rough stock competition at the Billings Senior Pro Rodeo at Four Cross Arena Monday. In the other events, Jim Wins won the bareback competition, while Dan Corr led the way in the saddle broncs. Billings Senior Pro Rodeo Rough Stock Results Borebock Jim Wines. 78.

$228; Raleigh Wilson. 75. $171; Sherwood Cuch. 73, $1 1 Trm Barley, 67. $67.

$57. Saddle bronc Dan Corr. 76. $247; Wes Hertzog ond Bill Stockwell, 72, $123 50. Bull nckng Ed LeTourneau, 78, Tom Solberg, 71.

$228 00, Lorry Torberl. 70. 182.40; Gary Arzrno, 69. Clarence Grpson 68. NA.

Hall or Fame NEWPORT. Rl (AP Results Tuesday at the $200,000 Hall of Fame men tenors championships at the Newport Casino Singles First Round Shuio Matsuoka, Japan, def Bryan Shellon 1. Atlanta. 6-4. 3 6, 7-6 (7 4) Luis Herrera (2, Mexico, def.

Mouricio Hodad, Venezuela, 3 6. 7 5, 6 3 Javier Frono (3), Argentina, def Richard Schmidt, Madison, Wis, 6 3, 6 4. Grant Stafford (4), South Africa, def Gilad Bloom. Iiroel, 6 3. 4 6.

6 3. Alex Anlorntsch (5), Austria, def. Neil Borwtck, Australia, 6 7(11-9, 6 3,76 (7 3). Laurence Tieleman, Italy, def. Richard Malusiew ski (8).

Luti, Fla 2-1, retired. Swiss Open GSTAAD, Switierlond (AP Results Tuesday ol the $400,000 Swiss Open ATP tennis tournament: Singles First Round Sergi Bruguera (1), Spain, def Bernd Karbocher. Germany. 6-4, 6 0 Thomas Muster (2), Austria, def. Morttn Stnngari, Argentrna.

4-6. 6-2. 6-1- Romesh Knshnan, India, def Cedrrc PicJine (5), France, 6-3, 6-2 Marcos Ondrusko (8). South Africa, def. Guil-laume Marx, France, 4-6.

6-4, 6-4. Rodolphe Gilbert, France, def Olivier Deioilre. France, 7-6 (8-6), 1-6, 7-6 (7-3). Markus Zoecke, Germany, def. Renio Furlan, Italy, 4-6.

6-4, 6 1. Jason SloHenberg, Austria, def Slephane Simian, France. 7 6, (7-4), 4-6, 6-2. Marc Rosset (7), Switzerland, def. Gabriel Markus, Argentina, 6 1, 6 2.

54 lore Roberts 18 $192,817 55 Mtke Springer 19 $192,768 56 Billy Movfcar 20 $190,853 57 OoveRummells 17 $185,091 58 A Weibring 14 $184,849 59 Robert Gomez 17 $182,643 60 BobLohr 15 $182,617 61 BobEitei 18 $179,572 62 Duffy Waldorf IB $179,448 63 JeffSlumon 19 $175,622 64 Billy Ray Brown 13 $173,662 65 Steve Pate 19 $173,266 66 Fred Funk 22 $172,337 67 (MIGIosson 15 $158,324 68 John Adorns 18 $155,774 69JohnDoly 18 $153,765 70. Tom Sieckmonn 20 $148,091 71. JimGollogrvtr, Jr. 18 $146,479 72 Wayne Levi 17 $144,547 73 Brian Cloor 21 $144,405 74. Peter Jocobsen 16 $144,154 75MorkBrooks 20 $141,876 76.

Kirk Triplet! IB $141,743 77 Clove Borr 20 $141,707 78 lonny Wodkint 15 $1 36,574 79 Joel Edwords 19 $134,938 80 Roger MolltM 14 $134,424 81 Sieve Lowery 20 $133,706 82 Roy Floyd 5 $126,516 83 Hate Irwin 15 $125,873 84 MrkeHulberl 21 $123,553 85 Dick Most 16 $122,419 86 Kenny Perry 19 $121,632 87 Ion (Joker-Finch 14 $120,167 88 Ken Green 14 $120,040 89 DougTewell 15 $118,517 90 Don Pooler 12 $118,175 91JohnFlonnery 20 $117,572 92. EdHumentk 19 $116,710 93. Dillord Pruitt 18 $114,675 94. Mrchoel Brodley 15 $114,574 95. Trevor Dodds 18 $111,946 96 Bloine McCollister 16 $111,689 97.

Kelly Gibson 21 $109,742 98. Curtis Strange 16 $109,300 99 Greg Kraft 13 $109,111 100 JoeOzoki 8 $108,627 101 Jay Don Blake 17 $103,678 102. Mike Smith 21 $96,593 103 Bruce Fleisher 19 $95,713 104. John Inmon 19 $94,493 105 Craig Slodler 15 $93,463 106 Ed Dougherty 23 $93,266 Seniors money leaders PONTE VEDRA. Flo (AP) Leading money win.

ners on the PGA Sentors Tour through the Kroger Classic, which ended July 4: 1 Mike Hill $579,782 2 Bob Charles $575,330 3 Jim Colbert $507,234 4 Dave Stockton $501,440 5. Roy Floyd $441,300 6. Gibby Gilbert $425,587 7. Al Geiberger $401 ,908 B. Chi Chi Rodriguez $392,102 9 Simon Hobday $343,658 10.

George Archer $342,006 II IsooAoki $341,705 12. J.mAlbui $319,541 13 Rocky Thompson $305,113 14 J.C. Sneod $291,556 15 TomWargo $289,256 16. LeeTrevrno $279,798 17 BobMurphy $261,938 18 lorry Gilbert $257,205 19 Bruce Crompton $237,875 20 Jim Dent $230,535 21 $218,839 22 Tom Shaw $201,897 23. Kerrrxt Zarley $199,090 24 GoryPloyer $198,163 25 Barber $197,551 26 Tom Werskopf $1 96.378, $192,715 28 Jock Kiefer $182,014 29 Larry Mowry $172,316 30 Dole Dougloss $160,737 31.

Don January $154,284 32 TommyAaron 33. Horold Henmng $149,623 34. DonBies $149,506 35. Bobby Nichols $148,000 36 Dewitt Weaver $139,925 37 BobWynn $139,852 38 Dick Hendnckson $132,644 39 Richard Rhyon $130,601 40. Charles Coody $129,968 41.

Tommy Ayeock $128,459 42 Mike Joyce $128,107 43 BobReith $113,155 44. Dick Lorz $111 ,697 45 lorry Ziegler $110,220 46. Terry Dill $102,402 47 Jimmy Powell $100,188 48 Orville Moody $98,736 49. lorry looretti $98,403 50 Rives Mcbee $89,626 27. San Francisco, Todd Kelly, de.

Tennessee 28. Buffalo, Thomas Smith, db. North Carolina. 29. Green Bay.

George Teogue. db, Alabama. The New York Giants did net have their original first-round pick after drafting in the 1992 supplemental draft Dallas ond Detroit hod traded their first-round picks rare- Broncos bring back cheerleading squad DENVER (AP) More than a decade after the demise of the "Pony Express" cheerleading squad, the Denver Broncos are forming another on-the-field dance squad called the Denver Broncos Cheerleaders, the club announced Tuesday. "We are always interested in enhancing the game-day experience at Mile High Stadium," Broncos owner Pat Bowlen said. The "Pony Express," which was disbanded after the 1979 season, was the Broncos' last cheerleading squad.

Bowlen said about three-fourths of NFL teams have cheerleader squads, and his team has received many calls and letters from fans over the years encouraging the Broncos to start a squad. "We feel that this will add to the great tradition of Broncos football that we have established," he said. Jay Howarth, who has choreographed and directed shows for the NFL, World League and NBA, will develop the squad. Tryouts will be announced later, the Broncos said. Pioneer linescores Monday Posse 16, Copper Kings 5 1st Gome USBL Playoffs Saturday's Games First Round Westchester 1 28, Long Island 1 20 Atlanta 1 23, Palm Beach 1 1 0 Miami 1 30, Connecticut 1 1 3 Monday Games Semi hnols At Milford, Conn, Westchester 131, Daytono 1 1 7 Miami 135, Atlanta 120 Tuesday Gome Championship Al Milford, Conn.

Miami 139. Westchester 127 Suite 000 002 3 5 8 3 Pocofello 124 531 16 17 0 Dow. Hendricks 2, Morrill (3, LoPoinl (4, ond Steve's; Ploeger and Tokayoshi. Ploeger I Dow (2-l. HUs Butte, Tomasello (2).

Posse 7, Copper Kings 6 2nd Game-8 innings Shaq leads celluloid heroes into Indiana Butte 003 000 3 0 6 15 4 Pocatello 100 400 1 1 7 11 0 Kelley, Williams (6). Week (7). and McCuw.n, Dior. May (4). Bndt (7 ond Hunt, PostiH 8 Burt (1-1) Weeke (0-2).

HRs Pocatdlo, Fiftpo-tnck 2 (5). Brewers 16, Braves 5 Heleno 540 400 030 16 18 1 Idaho falls 003 010 001 5 7 Anas, Werner (6), (9), and Compillo; Tyner, Wells (3), Simmons (6), Bock (9), ond Rodn-gue. Anas (1-1). Tyner (0-2). HRs Idaho Falls, Buggfl).

Mounties 8, Mustangs 7 lethbridge ab bi fillings ib bi ABrown ct OAkers 2b Tour de France VANNES, France AP) Results Tuesday of the Tour de France 118 miles across Brittany from Vannes to Dmard: 1. Diamolidine Abdouoporov, Uzbekistan, Lampre, 4 hours, 41 minutes, 53 seconds. 2. W.lfned Nelissen, Belgium, Novemail, same time. 3 Mono Cipollim, Italy, GB-MG, same time 4.

Johan Capiot. Belgium, TVM, some time. 5 Laurent Jalabert, Fronce, ONCE, same time. 6 Olof Ludwig, Get many, Telekom, some time. 7 Stefano Cologe, Italy, 10, some time.

8 Johon Museeuw, Belgium, GB-MG, same time. 9 Christophe Copelle. France, Gon, some time. 1 0. Andrea Ferrigato.

Italy, Anoslea, same time. 11 Rolf Joermonn, Switzerland, Arrostea, same time. 1 2. Atossimo Ghirotto. Italy, ZG, some time.

13. Jocky Durand, France, Castor oma, same time. 1 4 Bfarne Rs. Denmark, Anostao, same time. 15.

Francois Smon, France, Cos tor oma, same time. Motorola riders 17. Maximilian Sciandn, Italy, same time. 18 Steve Bauer, Canada, same time. 19.

Sean Yates, Britain, same time. 37. Lance Armstrong, Piano, Texas, same time. 47. Alvaio Meiia, Colombia, same time.

50. Phil Anderson, Australia, some time. 7 1 Michel Demies, Belgium, same time. 76. Andy Hampsten, Boulder, Colo same time.

176. Frank Andrev, Dearborn, 3 minutes, 1 5 seconds behind Overall Standings (After three stages) 1 Nelissen, 1 5 hours. 23 minutes. 1 6 seconds. 2.

Cipollini. 25 seconds behind. 3 Abdouiaporov, 28. 4 Miguel Indurain, Spain, Banesto, 29 5. G.onm Bug no.

Italy. Gator ode, 38. 6. Thierry Marie, France, Festino, 40. 7.

Alex Zulle, Switzerland, ONCE, 4). 8. Jalobert. 42 9 Roul Alcala. Mexico, Word Perfect.

45 10 Tony Rominger. Switzerland, CLAS, 47. 1 1 Rolf Sorensen, Denmark, Correro, 51 1 2. Claudio Chiappucci, Italy, Correra, 53. 1 3.

Zenon Jaskula, Poland. GB-MG, 54. 14. Stephen Roche, Ireland, Carrera, 57 1 5. Bruno Cenghialta, Italy, Anoslea, 58 Motorola riders 33 Bauer, 1 minute, 6 seconds behind.

37. Hompsten, 1 09 52. Armstrong, 1:14. 54. Mei.a.

I 14 65 Sciandn, 1:19. 74 Dermes. 1:21. 118 Yates, 1:36 151 Anderson, 2 06. 173.

Andreu, 4 46 Tour de France stages PARIS (AP) Stages of the 1 993 Tour de France cycling race, approximately 2,312 miles from July 3 to 25 with stage winner ond overall leader: July 3 Prologue at Puy du Fou, 4.2 miles (Miguel Indurom). July 4 1st stoge Lucon to Les Sables O-lonne, 1 34 miles (Mario Cipollim Indurain). July 5 2nd stoge Les Sables Otonne to Vannes, 141 miles (W.lfned Nelissen, Nelissen). July 6 3rd stoge Vannes to Dtnard 1 1 8 miles (Diamolidine Abdoutoporov; Nelissen) July 7 4th stoge Dinard to Avranches, team time trial, 50 miles. July 8 5th stoge Avranches to Evreux, 140 kmiles.

July 9 6th stoge Evreux to Amiens, 9B miles. July 10 7th stoge Peronne to Chalons Sur Marne, 124 miles. July 11 8th stage Chalons Sur Marne Verdun, 114 miles. July 1 2 9th stage Lac de Madine, Individu of time trial, 37 miles July 1 3 Transfer to Grenoble July 14 10th stage VillardrJe Lore to Serre ChevoJier, 127 miles. July 15 1 1th stage Serre Chevalier to Isoto 2000, 112 miles July 16 12th stoge I sola 2000 to Marseille, 1 79 rmles July 17 1 3th stage Marseille to Montpe lier, 1 13 miles July 18 1 4th stoge Montpelier to Perpig-nan, 1 39 miles July 19 1 5th Stage Perpignon to Andorra, 1 44 mles.

July 20 Rest day July 21 16th stage Andorra to Saint Lary Soul an 143 miles July 22 1 7th stoge Torbes to Pou, 1 1 8 miles. July 23 1 8th stage Orthez to Bordeaux, 125 miles. July 24 19th stoge Bretigny Sur Orge to Morrthihery, individual time trial, 30 miles. July 25 20th stoge V.ry Chotillon to Parrs, 122 miles. 6 1 1 5 1 1 5 0 2 5 1 2 1 Sexton ss 1 Gann 3b OOyasrt 2 Towte 1 Eddie 1b 0 Thomas ct 1 Ashton dh 0 Baker It OBakoph 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 Segura ss Baugh 3b WBrownrf EJonfttoH Jones lb Lea dh Reiber Keete 2C LusSMTpr Cordova ph Marshall Mills 2b 10 0 0 LPGA money leaders The money leaders on the 1993 LPGA Tour through the Jamie Farr Toledo Closvc, which ended July 4 Trn Money I.

PattySheehan 14 S437.145 2 Tommie Green 13 1284.884 3 Irish Johnson 1 1 S266.676 4 Betsy King 15 S260.012 5 Brandie Burton 15 1248,529 6. Helen Alfredsson 12 5239,222 7 KristiAlbers 14 1213,941 8 Sherr, Steinhauer 15 SI97.855 9. Meg Molten 14 $192,544 10. Michelle McGann 15 $188,476 1 1 Laura Davtes 11 $178,001 12. LouriMerten 14 $175,706 1 3.

Jane Geddes 15 $169,761 14 Kelly Robbin) 14 $167,005 15 Rosie Jones 13 $166,350 16 Kris Tschetter 15 $165,341 17 Down Coe-Jones 14 $157,487 18 TinoBorrett 15 $151,551 19 Jane Crofter 14 $146,311 20 Money Lopei 10 $146,099 21 Elaine Crosby 15 $1 38,433 22. Dome Mochne 13 $135,537 23. Hollis Stacy 12 $133,938 24. Lisa Walters 14 $133,598 25. Hiiom.

Koboyosh, 12 $124,748 26. Judy Dickinson 14 $124,262 27AmyBeni 14 $121,862 28. Shelley Hamlin 14 $107,614 29 JoAnne Corner 12 $106,546 30. Deb Richord 13 $105,479 31. Barb Bunkowsky 13 $103,965 32.

Vol Skinner 15 $103,121 33 Beth Daniel 1 5 $98,674 34. Pot Brodley 1 3 $92,407 35 Cindy Ronck 15 $92,399 36. ALICE RITZMAN 14 $89,358 37. Noncy Scrantort 16 $87,196 38. Missie Berteotti 15 $85,721 39 Jon Stephenson 14 $83,795 40.

Alison Nicholas 1 1 $80,468 41. 14 $80,206 42. Pott. Rizio 1 1 $75,964 43. Nancy Ramsbottom 14 44 Mary Beth Zimmerman 1 5 $72,626 45.

Liselotte Neumann 10 $70,981 46. Marto Figueras-Dottr 1 5 $69,282 47. Dana Loflond-Dormonn 16 $68,346 48. Danielle Ammoccapane 15 $65,689 49. Chris Johnson 16 $62,596 50 Donna Andrews 12 $61,966 PGA money leaders PONTE VEDRA, Flo.

(AP Leading money win. ners on the PGA Tour through the Western Open, wtxch ended July 4: Trn Money 1 NickPr.ce 12 $1,037,879 2 PoulAzinger 16 $825,969 3 Greg Norman 10 $818,337 4. Payne Stewart 20 $810,525 5- LeeJonzen 19 $806,990 6. Tom Kite 14 $686,876 7. Bernhord Longer 5 $626,938 8.

Rocco Mediate 16 9 Fred Couples 14 $532,322 10. CoreyPavin 17 $515,831 I I Steve Ellington 15 $469,212 12. Larry Mile 14 $430,568 13. Dovrs Love III 17 $417,020 14. JeffMaggert 19 $406,463 15.

Gil Morgan 16 $404,042 16. Fulton Allem 21 $403,380 17. JimMcgovern 21 $402,296 18 David Frost 16 $393,601 19 Chip Beck 18 $393,177 20. Scott Simpson 15 $389,480 21 David Edwords 13 $384,066 22. Viiay Singh 8 $377,081 23.

Don Forsman 16 $351,819 24. Nolan Henke 18 S349.412 25 JoeySrndelor 19 $345,416 26. Howard Twitty 19 $342,117 27 Gronl Wane 19 $335,775 28. Tom Lehman $322,443 29. John Huston 18 $315,387 30.

MorkWiebe 17 $304,305 31. MorkOMea 17 $301,643 32. Brett Ogle 12 $296,725 33. Ben Crenshaw 15 $285,865 34. Mark McCumber 12 $285,124 35.

Donme Hammond 16 $282,765 36. Keith Clearwater 21 $282,025 37. Joy Haas 18 $273,225 38. Mark Crjicovecchio 21 $267,208 39. RickFehr 16 $262,180 40.

PM Mtckelson 15 $258,408 41. MrkeStandly 21 $257,812 42. Scott Hoch 17 $249,872 43 Billy Andrade 19 $248,233 44. Tom Watson 13 $240,155 45 Dudley Mori 20 $223,541 46 Cro Parry 16 $222,462 47 John Cook 14 $219,768 48. Russ Cochran 19 $217,084 49 Andrew Mogee 18 $203,973 50 Greg Twiggs 19 $202,478 51.

Fuzzy Zoeller 13 $201,144 52 Brod Faxon 15 $200,336 53 Mrehoel Allen 17 $193977 Totals 44 113 Totals 31 7 12 I Lethbridg 004 20001001-8 Billings 203 011000 00-7 Harvelt. Thomas 2. Keete 2. Brown. Sexton, Connors DP Lethbridge 2 LOG Lethbridge 9, Billings 3 28 Bonitmio (3), Oyas (4).

3B Brown (2). A. Brown (2) HR Fteiber l). Sexton (1), Jones (1). SB Sexton (7).

Oyas 2 (9). Towte (2). Ashton (3). Sac. Thomas.

A. Brown Ryder Cup points PALM BEACH GARDENS, Ft. (AP) The point leaders for the United States and European teams that will compete for the Ryder Cup at the Belfry in Sutton Coldfield. England on Sept. 24 26, 1993.

Points for the U.S. team will be compiled from Jan. 12 until the 1993 PGA Championship ot Inverness Club in Toledo. Ohio. European pants are based on Volvo Order of Merit events from Sept.

1 1 992 through Aug. 31, 1993. The top 10 U.S. points leaders and top nine European points leaders automatically qualify for their teorm and the remaining two American! and three Europeans will be selected by team captains Tom Watson and Bernard Gallochec, respectively: Through July 4 United States Fred Couples, 1,010.500 2, Paul Azinger, 987.167. 3, Tom Kite.

953 333 4. In Jonzen, 873.810. 5. Payne Stewart. 798.393 6, John Cook.

697 500 7, Corey Povm. 647 500 8, Dovrs Love III, 640 000 9. Mork Meoro. 506 250 10, Don Forsman. 484.250.

II. Chip Beck. 484.167. 12, Rocco Mediate. 453 929.

13. Tom Lehman. 434.286 14, Jeff Maggert, 431.250. 15. Kerlfi Clearwater, 419.166.

16, Jim Gallagher, Jr 417.500. 17, lorry Mize. 405.239. 18. Brod Faxon, 398 333.

19, David Edwards, 380.000. 20. toy Floyd. 377.500. 21, Jeff Sluman, 370.833.

22, Nolan Henke. 364.643. 23, Jay Haas, 350.262. 24, Joey Smde-lor, 344.643. 25, John Huston, 317,500.

Europe Nick Foldo, England, 392,332.50. 2. Barry Lane, England. 337,347.75. 3, Mark James, England, 324,844.08.

4, Colin Montgomery, Scotland, 322,723.08. 5. Bernhord Longer. Germany. 317.393 98.

6. Constantino Rocca, Holy, 291.775 25 7. Sam Torrance, Scotland, 285,765 95. 8. Jose Mario Olazobal.

Spain. 268,758 14 9. Jookim Hrjeggmon, Sweden. 237.13676. 10, Jamre Spence, England.

228.650.3! II, Povrl Brorsdhursl, England, 228,649.28 12, Steven Richordsan, England. 222.278 41. 13, Gordon Brand, Scotland, 212,109 43. 14. David Gilford, England, 211,716 57.

15. Jim Payne, England, 206.734.84. 16. Mork Roe. England.

203.650 41. 17. Sandy lyle. Scotland. 188.803 68.

18, Msguel Angel Jimenez, Span. 182.590 32. 19. Ian Wooinom, Wales. 1 76,501 87.

20, Ronon Srjfferry, Northern Ireland. 173,902 66. 21. Peter Baker. England, 166,186.17.

22. David Feherty, Northern Ireland, 162,973.17 23. Anders Forsbrond, Sweden, 157,441.04. 24, Carl Mason. England.

150,155.87. 25, Poul McGinley, Ireland, 135,627.73. IP ER BB SO 1 8 6 1 1 1 23 413 Thoroughbred poll NEW YORK (AP) The National Thoroughbred poll for 1993 conducted by Thoroughbred Roang Communications, Inc. (TRC), covering racing performances through July 4. Rankings based on the votes of sports and thoroughbred racing media representatives on a 10 9-8-7-6-5-4-3 2-1 basis with first-ploce votes in parentheses.

1993 record ond total points (A Age-Sex, C-ccJl, G-gelding, H-horse, F-filly, Mmore): A Sl-1-2-3 Pts Pvs 1BeslPal(4) 5-G 511-1 235 2. Star of Cozzene (4) 5-H 7-4-3-0 232 1 3- Devil H.s Due (13) 4-C 6-4-0-0 224 7 4. Jovial (5) 6-H 4-3-0-0 168 2 5. Paseana(l) 6-M 4 2-2 0 162 3 6 Sky Beauty (1) 3-F 3-2-1-0 136 5 7Kotoshaan(2) 5-H 5-3-1-0 127 4 8 Lure 4-C 5-3-2-0 126 6 9 Flawlessly 4-F 1-1-0-0 79 7 10. Prairie Bayou (1) 3-G 8 5-2-0 48 10 Others receiving votes: Bien Bien 45, Lil E.

Tee 32, Cherokee Run 23. Bertrando 16, Turnback the Alarm 12, Colonial Affair 10, Sir Beouforl 9, Joly-pho 8, Toussoud 5, Latin American 3, Classy Mi roge 2, Casual Lies 1 Ibero 1 Lion Cavern 1 Standardised poll WHITE PLAINS, (AP) The Notional Ston-dardbred poll conducted by Hombtetonion Society Breeders Crown, covering roang performances through July 4. Rankings based on the votes of 35 sports and harness racing media representatives on a 10 9 8 7 6-5-4-3-2-1 basis (firtt-ploce votes in parentheses; A-G Age-Gait, P-Pacer, T-Trofter): A St 1-2 3 Pts Pvs 1 Presidential Ball (30)3-P 8- 7 1 0 343 1 2. Staying Together (5)4 14 10-1-0 320 2 3. Silver Almahurst 5-P 22 12-3-2 238 3 4.

American Winner 3-T 10- 8 1-1 230 5 5 Combest 5-P 17- 9-4-2 208 4 6. Ellamony 3-P 11-10-01 1B6 6 7 ShodyDaisy 5-P IB- 6-5-3 134 7 8. Life Sign 3-P 6- 3-2-1 59 9 9 Bilateral 4-P 9 4 1 2 52 8 10 Winky sGool 3-T 2- 2 0 0 31 Others receiving voles; Riyodh 30, Vine Street 12, Capital Star 11, Village Jiffy 11. Program Speed 10, Cam's Coal 7, General Ring 7, Justice 6, Pine Chip 5, Eorl 4, Survivor Gold 4, The Starting Gate 4, Jet Jockey 3, Magical Mike 3. King Lavec 2, J's Photo 2, Majestic Osborne 1, Sweet Dragon 1 Ultimate Goal I AQHA Futurity Poll AMARILLO, Texas (AP) The American Quarter Horse Association racing poll for the leoding 2-year-olds which ore contenders for the $2 Million All-Americon Futurity on September 6 al Ruidoso Downs.

Rankings, covering racing performances through July 4, ore based on the votes of medio and industry representatives on a 1 0-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2 1 oasis with first-place votes in parentheses, total points and last week's ranking (Sex: C-colt, G-geld-ing, H-horse, F-ftlly, Mmore); A St 1 2 3 Pts Pvs 1 Treocherously(U) 2-G 5 50-0 157 1 2 Md Hommertime 2-G 4-2 1-0 105 2 3 SixKix 2-C 4-2 1 0 99 5 4 Dash By For Randy 2-C 7 5-1-1 98 3 5. Bullet Bullion 2-F 5 2-1-0 80 4 6. Jumping Toe Flash 2-F 5 4-1 0 75 6 7. Develop A Plan (3) 2-G 3 3-0-0 67 8 A Dream Of A Dash 2-C 2 1 1-0 40 9 9 Ducky Fred 2 613 1 44 9 10 Good Gorgeous 2 7 4 1-0 29 8 Others receiving votes: Daily Triple 26, MM Magnum 21. Zipmno 17, Redigo Rona 15, Assured Dash 14, Coup De Mam 13, Triathlon 8, Good Bye Norma Jean 5, MogK Mogtc Mogrc 4, Mollie Six 4, Master Rogue 3, Pntzi Dash 3, Stormm Avenger 3, Kapesh 2, Angels Hero 1 AQHA Quarterhorse Poll AMARILLO, Texos (AP) The American Quarter Horse Association racing poll covering racing per- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 ER BB SO 1 0 IP plays a coach trying to rejuvenate the basketball program at fictitious Western University.

The movie co-stars Mary McDonnell, who also appeared in "Dances With Wolves." Visitors began filing into Frankfort, about 50 miles northwest of Indianapolis, over the holiday weekend. Woodruff estimated the number of newcomers has increased by about 15 percent daily. The 27-member police force has been working lots of overtime directing traffic and providing security for film crews preparing the high school arena, home of the Frankfort Hot Dogs. Paramount will give away free hot dogs, soda and peanuts to all spectators at the games. The arena holds about 5,100, and all four sessions are sold out.

The movie company has dedicated about $1 million to pay for expenses in Frankfort, Woodruff said. "This is probably the most exciting week ever in Frankfort," the mayor said. After filming in Frankfort through July 15, the scene shifts to New Orleans before returning to French Lick, the hometown of Larry Bird, for a parade July 24. Other sports movies that have been filmed in Indiana include "Breaking Away," "Hoosiers," "Eight Men Out," "A League of Their Own" and "Rudy," which is due for release this fall. "I think this is something that's developed over time," said Jane Rul-on of the Indiana Film Commission.

"I think the awareness is building in Hollywood that we are here and that we have some wonderful locations here." Davidson Balance Terminte W.1-0 Haddock S(1) Billings Harvell McKenzie Witzel Connors L.O-t Sullivan 323 213 0 0 1 213 3 1 23 0 0 0 2 FRANKFORT, Ind. (AP) Sha-quille O'Neal led a celluloid "Dream Team" into this tiny, overstuffed town Tuesday, where thousands squeezed in to see Hollywood meet the hardwood. O'Neal and recent NBA first-round draft picks Anfernee Harda-way, Calbert Cheaney, Bobby Hurley and Greg Graham are among the players on hand to film scenes for Nick Nolte's upcoming movie "Blue Chips." "He is quite a sight," Frankfort mayor Harold Woodruff said of O'Neal, the 7-foot, 300-pound NBA rookie of the year. "And there's some other good-sized men out there, too." Also scheduled to play in the four-game filming from Thursday through Monday are Matt Nover and Chris Reynolds, teammates of Chea-ney's and Graham's at Indiana University. Last spring, Nolte visited Indiana to study Hoosier coach Bob Knight.

Knight and Kentucky coach Rick Pitino will have parts in the movie. It all adds up to a recipe for hysteria in basketball-mad Indiana. "We've probably never had that many superstars in one place at one time," said Woodruff, 60, a Frankfort native who took office in January 1992 after serving as police chief. "We're just happy to be a part of it." Woodruff estimated 10,000 tourists will be in Frankfort (pop. 15,168) by the time filming begins Thursday at Frankfort High School's Case Arena.

The 30-year-old facility has been transformed into the "Dolphin Dome" for the movie, in which Nolte Tropics win USBL MILFORD, Conn. (AP) Ken Bannister scored 35 points on 14 of 15 shooting Tuesday night as the Miami Tropics successfully defended their USBL title with a 139-127 victory over the Westchester Stallions in the championship game. Bannister made his first 13 shots and grabbed 10 rebounds to earn most valuable player honors. Cliff Robinson added 28 points and eight rebounds and Duane Washington had 23 points and 16 assists for Miami. The Tropics are owned and coached by John Lucas, head coach of the NBA's San Antonio Spurs.

The Stallions were led by Elmer Anderson with 32 points, Sebastian Neal with 31 points, and Damon Patterson with 19 points and 11 rebounds. Davidson faced two batters in the fifth. HBP Brown (by Harvell). WP McKenzie. Sullivan Balk Witzel PB Towte 3.25.

A 3.218 (24,332 eight dates). Managerial Wins By The Associated Press (x-active) 1. Connie Mack 3,776 2. John McOaw 2,840 3. Bucky Horns 2,159 4.

Joe McCarthy 2,126 5 Sparky Anderson 2.041 6, Walter Alston 2,040 7, Leo Durocher 8, Casey Stengel 1,926 9, Gene Mooch 1.901 10. Bill McKechme 1,898 Tale of the Tape Through July 4 AM distances in feet) 484 Cecil Fielder, Detroit vs. Texas. July 2 477 Deon Palmer, Texas at Detroit, April 20 475 Cecil Fielder, Detroit vs. Balhmore.

May 16 475 Cecil F.eder. Detroit vs level ond June 14 471 Ken Griffey, Seerrrte ot Detroit, April 19 470 Aichi Gorrfrocco, Montreal at Color ado April 1 1 467 DowJ Justice, Atlanta at Colorado. May 9 466 Derek Bell, San Diego at Colorado June 20 Cody Nite Rodeo Steer wrestling Chris Connolly, Powell, 58.6. Calf roping Don Cross. Powell, 1 1.7; Russell WcmcHord, 16.2.

Team roping Shane Get hor eft-Jeff Gerhordt, Cody, 10 Don Jensen, Cody, 14.4. Steer riding Justin Viles, Cody, 72. Novice boriefs Tiffany Curtis, Cody, 16 6, Kon Cross. Powell, 19.9; Ryan Sontter, Cody. 24.5.

Lotties barrels Shannon Blondford, Cody, 18.2; AncjttHernran, Cody, 18.3. Bull riding Cresley. iWXonnell, Cody, 6 1 Govm Gleich, Australia, 60. PBA Tucson Open TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) Standings Tuesday after the first round of the $130,000 PBA Tucson Open with bowler, hometown ond eight-gome pnfoJI totals: 1, Norm Duke, Oklahoma City, 1,904 2, (he) Joe Frrpo, Lake Worth, Flo, and Ricky Ward.

N. Fort Myers, Flo 1,874 4, Mike Saoggins, Amarillo, Texas, 1.865 5. Dove Ferraro, Kingston, N.Y., Wednesday's sports on TV lando, Fla. (Taped) 845910 3:00 23 PSN Orange County Performing Arts Center Triathlon (R) 19113 3:30 HI ESPN Up Close 5931 15 4:00 51 PSN French Open GoK Highlights (R) 98620 'ii, ESPN Inside the PGA Tour 666200 4:30 ID ESPN Max Oul Extreme sports. 648264 5:00 23; PSN Pago One Host Bob Page examines current issues in the world of sports.

57397 ESPN Sporrscenter 375200 5:30 PSN PGA Today 801 13 25, ESPN Bodybuilding NPC Women's Junior Nationals. From Myrtle Beoch, C. (R) 578736 EVENING JULY 7, 1993 MORNING 6:30 ii PSNJ Gymngttkt Japan vs. United States. From Hamamatsu.

Japan. fR) 306484 25 ESPN Spoctnentet (R) 122945 8:00 USA American Gladialon 360939 St ESPN, (R) 157026 8 30 Ss; ESPN Sporticenfer (R) 156397 9:00 PSN Tailing Bate ball Ed Randall. 10113 9 30 J3, PSN Sport, forum 36649 10:00 23 PSN Bowling ABC Team Challenge Grand ChampiorrshlfH Semifinals. From Reno, Nev. (Taped) 63561 1 1:00 PSN Horteworld 24755 11:30 ESPN Soccer World Indoor 6:00 PSN APSl Soccer Vancouver 86ers at Colorado Foxes.

(Taped) 24533 6:30 21 ESPN Major leogue Baseball Teams to Be Announced, (live) 285200 8:00 SS PSN PGA Today 46281 8:30 Si PSN Pro Shop 38216 9:00 SI PSN GoK Colorado 94804 CNN Sporti Tonight 435281 9:30 SS PSN Golf Colorado 23129 US ESPN Sporttconlor 881571 10:00 SI PSN Gymnastics USAIGC National Championship. From Haines City, Fla. (R) 18484 ESPN Baseball Tonight 151842 10:30 25: ESPN U.S. Senior Open GoK Preview 137262 11:00 ESPN Pro Beach Volleyball Four-Man Tour. From Phoenix.

(Toped) 853303 1 2:00 US PSN Talking Baseball With Ed Randall. 839408 Ss ESPN Inside the PGA Tour (R) 433972 12:30 (2D ESPN Sportscenter 781021 ji CNN Sports latenight 232330 1:00 PSN Drag Racing NHRA Springnotionals. From Columbus, Ohio. (R) 336021 (2D ESPN Up Close (R) 990705 1:30 SS ESPN Boxing (R) 138040 2:00 PSN Jot Skiing Pro Tour. From Denver.

(R) 895345 2:30 PSN Women's Pro Beoch Volleyball From Boston. (R) 767601 3:00 3D CNN Sports Latenight (R) 178021 4:00 PSN Sports Forum 895525 4:30 PSN High Five Paraglide. 461156 Championship Brazil vs. U.S.A. (Taped) 734465 AFTERNOON 12:00 II PSN Thoroughbred World 32179 17:30 51 PSN U.S.

Senior Open Golf Preview 602571 ESPN Water Skiing World Tour. From Phoenix. (R) 706303 1:30 PSN PGA Today 39736 ESPN Surfing Women's World Cup From Oahu, Hawaii. (R) 877378 2:00 23 PSN Surfing Pro Tour. From Ocean Beach, Calif.

(Toped) 75991 '25 ESPN Dream Leogue Sports contests ond trivia 'R) 351620 2:30 25, ESPN World Roller Hockey Looguo Express vs. Wove. From Or- ELK BUGLING by ABE SONS Natural Elk Calls July 9 7:00 p.m. Adm. 5 Door Prizes 141 MOORE LN.


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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

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Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.