1 0 0 SUNDAY, APRIL 6, 242-Farm Auctions HOWARD EVANS, Licensed Auctioneer, Faucett, Mo. Phone St. Joseph. 253-9511. KELLER AUCTION Co.
David Keller, Auctioneer, Savannah. 816-324-5963. All types sales. ADVANCE NOTICE of FARM AUCTION Hardly any small items, attend on time. Partial list includes: 1974 John Deere 6600 diesel combine with no.
216 small grain platform, John Deere 6 row no. 653 cornhead. John Deere 6 row- no. 643 cornhead. 1981 John Deere 4440 diesel tractor, fully equipped, 4 other tractors.
1981 Chevrolet Scottsdale, 4x4, ton pickup. Compiete line of farm equipment and other items. DELLA MALLER PLATTSBURG Eddie Pickett Auction Service, Stewartsvitte, Mo. 669-3433. 244-Farm Equipment BUTLER BINS BUTLER FANS AND HEATERS Stirring machines Electric motors Speed King transport augers, 6 $895.
All size auger parts in stock. FREE DELIVERY JONES BROS. CONST. BUTLER AGRI-BUILDERS Stanberry, MO 783-2990 CONTINENTAL BELLY blades, 5' cut, will mount on MOWER for small tractor, 3 point hitch. 233-0704, after 5.
Crustbuster 20' bean and wheat drill, 3 new 17' Krause centerfold hydraulic disk 9' chisel plow. 3 pt. 27' Kewanee flat fold field cultivator Noble Mix-N-Till pass soil prep Gehl 180 bu. box spreader endgate EARLEY FORD TRACTOR CAMERON, MO 632-7277 FARMALL 706 Wide front, power steering, 2 pt. Runs super.
EARLEY FORD TRACTOR Auction held at the farm located W. of Plattsburg miles on Hwy. 116 then N. on blacktop mile and mile. APR.
14 12 NOON CHILLICOTHE, MO. 646-0384 ALLIS CHALMERS, wide front, with belly mower, excellent condition. Ford 8N, 3 excellent condition. Fleek's, 913-989-4633 Wathena. FORD TRACTOR, 601 Work Master, with 5 rear mount mower, 7 blade, heat hauser, chains, excellent condition.
$3500. 233-9502 FORD TRACTOR, 1700 serles, 156 hours, 25 h.p., 6' dozer blade, 5' Ford brush hog. 324- 4877, Savannah. FORD, Kewanee, White, Servis, New Holland. Summa Maryville, Mo.
582-3101. FORD 3000 tractor, 8 forward, 2 reverse, very good shape, plow, rotary mower, sickle mower. 663-3377, after 5, Gallatin. FORD 5000, low hours, 8 speed, extra good; Heider auger wagon; New Holland 258 rake, like new. 816-928-3334 Skidmore.
FOR SALE: Plow, 101 Ford, 3 bottom, 3 point hitch. $200 firm. Stewartsville, 669-3738. FOR SALE: 13 row 17" skip row International air planter, Rt. 3, Cameron, 449-5812.
FOR SALE: 10' wheel disc. 238-3730. FOR SALE or trade: IHC 1256 diesel, duals, weights, 656 diesel, cab, duals, wide front, 1 with scoop, will run, $350; 2 7000 John Deere 4 row planters; corn and bean cups; notill coulters; dual rate monitor, choice $3,800. 2 IHC 4 row air planters; squadron hitch, drums, monitor, $1,000. IHC 56 4 row, extra sharp, $250.
Kewanee 18' field cultivator, 3 $250. Glenco 18' field cultivator with harrow, new shovels, pull type. $650. Ford field cultivator with harrow, pull type, new shovels, 5950. Kewanee 16' disc, $850.
John Deere 13' BW new blades, $400. IHC 460 field condition, $350. Crust buster 16' with harrow, $250. 7' 3 pt. shredder, $400.
6' 3 pt. shedder, $300. John Deere pull type shredder, $300. John Deere model manure spreader, $250. Noble 4.
row rear mounted field cultivator, danish teeth, $375. IHC 4 row rear mounted cultivator, $200. John Deere 4 row rear mounted cultivator. Open Sun. 1 5, adjacent to Squaw Creek Truck Plaza, Tri State Seed, 442-3819, Mound City.
GLENCOE 33 ft. field cultivator, will trade. EARLEY FORD TRACTOR CHILLICOTHE, MO Pat Earley 646-0384 GREAT PLAINS drill, 3 section, spacings, good. $6500. Jamesport 684-6607.
case SPECIAL -FIELD CULTIVATORS Case-IH, Krause, WilRich, Kent. See us for the best price on a Krause Landsman or Kent Discovator.8.8% Financing On Used Case-In. Financing On New Case-IN. Krause 21' Landsman $10,800 IH I 20.5" with mulcher. $5,200 Wil-Rich 22' and mulcher.
$5,400 Wil-Rich 24' and mulcher. $8,000 Wil-Rich 27' and mulcher. $8,300 Wil-Rich 31' and mulcher $8,800 USED TRACTORS IH 5288D, exceptional IH 5488D, low hrs. IH 560G $2,000 IH 606. $3,500 John Deere 730 4 propane $2,250 Farmall $1,000 Farmall 1066-D -Farmall 856-D Farmall 1486-D IH 966D IH 4586 WD-45, 3 $1,250 IH 4586 4 wheel.
drive Versatile 900 4 wheel drive USED PLANTERS IH 400 8 fow narrow IH 400 6 row narrow IH 400 4 row wide White, air, 4 row wide, with monitor $800 Allis Chalmers 600 4 row wide no till IH 56 4 row wide CASE IN 6006 Lake Ave. 238-4548 USED PARTS TRACTORS AND COMBINES CALL TOLL FREE 1-800-442-6132 in lowe 1-800-831-5730 National Rebuilt Fast Service Starters Prompt Generators Tractor Parts Shipment AUDUBON Masteroard TRACTOR PARTS Visa Accepted Audubon, lowa Hw. 71 South (712) 563-4214 CLOSE-OUT BARGAINS! Jet. 69 Liberty, Mo. or 1-35 69, 3 miles E.
on 69 or 5 miles S. of Kearney on 69. Good Troctors: IM 1586; John Deere 4650; John Deere 5020; IH 806; Ford 5000; Ford 4600; MF 165; John Deere 720. Loaders, for IH, John Deere and Ford Tractors. John Deere and Great Plains soybean or wheat drills, like new.
Combine heads, like new: John Deere 643, 843, 444, 220, 216, 222, 853A, 653; IM 863, 820, 744; Allis Chalmers 630G, 438, 15 ft. flex. Good Discs, IH 490 Kewgnee 1020, Kewanee 1020, Kewanee 12', Kewanee 6', Kewanee 10'. Plows: Ford 152, 6x18, like new; IH 720 6x18 on land; IH 560 5x16 semi; Ford 4x14 semi; Allis Chalmers 3x14. Cultivators, like' new: John Deere 6x30 Danish; IH 6x30.
Vibra shank with spray. Balers: John Deere 510; John Deer 214T; MF square; New. Holland 851. IM and Allis Chalmers sickle mowers. Haybines: New Holland 471; John Deere 1209., Rotary Mower: John Deere 15' and Ford 10'.
Auger Wagons: John Deere 410A, and Big 12. Kewanee 25 cultipocker, like new. Chisel plows, 8', 10', 12', 14', 16', 22'. Donahue implement trailer and field Cultivators: IHC 18' and Brady 27'. Chevrolet and IH grain trucks with hoist, hopper and floor grain trailers.
1971 White Freightliner, twin screw, $2700. livestock trailer, $850. KING 816-223-3937, days; 816-637-4242 evenings 816-667-5368. thefts. Sonder egger 324-3510, 324-3555 appointment, 238-3600.
246-Feed, Seed, Fertilizer AG CHEMICALS Save on these and other products in 110 and 175 pal. containers: Trefian 5. Atrazine, Genate, Bicep, Lasso. Bagged starter fertilizer. Order early.
Seed beans. New fertilizer attachments for Allis Chaimers planters, dry and liquid, less than half price. BURNS FARM SUPPLY, 203 S. Hwy. 71, Savannah 324-3136.
ALFALFA SEED, cleaned and bogged, hybrid seed, last vear's crop, $1.50 lb, Call 449. 5311 Maysville. BROME HAY, $1.25. Straw, $1. Square bales.
in barn, delivery available. 539-2989 Plattsburg. CERTIFIED Williams 82 soybeans, Muschman soybeans, Paymaster soybeans. Low prices. Butler Feed Milling.
3409 S. Belt, 233-2771. FERTILIZED ORCHARD grass hav. big bales. Covered with bonnets.
$13. Cosby, 378-3165. FOR SALE: recleaned red clover seed, 1985 crop. 685-3334 (local), or Dearborn 1-992-3529. Kansas Certified Larry Seed Oats: Certified Soybeans, AgriPro 350, AgriPro 330, Harper, Zane, Sparks, Williams 82.
High germination. Excellent quality. Custom seed cleaning by appointment. BUNCK SEED FARM, INC. Everest, Ks.
913-548-7443 LARGE BALES dairy hay, in barn, never been wet, $20. 667-5879. MANNA PRO Simil-8 minerals, $25 per ton discount the month of April. Manna Pro Farm Supply (formerly Carnation Country Store). Stockyards Lower Lake.
238-0684. SEED OATS, Otee, recleaned and bagged, or bulk germ. Harold Buhman, 667-5539. SEED OATS, registered, certified, non-certified. Keith Lewis, Union Star, MO 593- 2870.
SQUARE BALES crimped mixed grass hay, in barn, near Whitesville. Jimmie Clark, 324- 4187 Savannah. TRY STURDY grow white seed corn hybrids. Full maturity but quick dry down. Contact Mike Violett, 364-9021.
4, 233- 8509. WANTED: wheat straw, good bright, clean, tight square bales. 324-3316, Savannah. 248-Livestock ABS and Wisconsin springer heifers. Bred to Milkmaster Son.
667-5656, 667-5636. A FOUR YEAR old Simmental bull for sale. 324-5652, 324-4109. Savannah. ANGUS BULLS.
Sired by top growth and maternal bulls of breed. Complete, weight records. Hinderks Angus, Stewartsville, MO, 669-3685, 669-3442. ANGUS BULLS, big framed vearlings and year olds, pertormance tested. Holt Angus Farm, Savannah, 324- 4888, 324-3804.
ANGUS BULLS, registered. Big, past vearlings. John R. Shaw, Maysville, Mo, 449-2255. ANGUS BULLS coming two, performance tested, weighing 1,235 at 365 days.
Dwight Garner, 567-2511 Rosendale. ANGUS BULLS for sale or rent. Reserve 279-0189. ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION. dairy or beef cows.
Joe Edwards, 232-3780, or 233-5778. ATCHISON COUNTY Auction Atchison, Cattle sale Sat. 10 a.m., Hog sale Fri. 12 noon. 367-5278.
BABY HOLSTEIN calves for sale Larry Swope, Amity, 449- 5693. BIG GROWTHY Canadian Angus bulls, 2 year and vearl. ings. Kenny Miller, 442-5917, Mound City. Jackie Miller, 683- 5486, Craig.
BOARS DUROC purebred, good selection, tested bloodlines, validated herds, guaranteed breeders. Ken Keesaman, 675-2503, Osborn. BOARS, Durocs, excellent, ready to go. Hampshires ready in 2 weeks. Leo O'Brien, Easton, MO 473-3381.
BROWN SWISS bull purebred, 3 years old. Savannah, 324- 3428. BULLS, part Simmental, Hereford, 17 months old, good breeders; also vearling Brangus, big frame. 667-5580. BULLS, Angus and Brangus.
2 vear olds. 1500 to 1800 pounds. Yearlings, birth weights and performance tested. Byergo Angus. Barnard, 816-428-3205, 816-652-3241.
CALL CARRTOWN Food Lockers for slaughtering and processing of beef, hogs and lambs. 232-9131, 279-2148. CHAROLAIS BULLS, purebred 2 vears old. Havzlett and Quinn. 816-446-3373, Forest City.
CHAROLAIS BULLS, 2 year olds, vearlings. After 6 p.m. or before 8 a.m., 816-583-7781, Hamilton. CHESTER WHITE boars; Hampshire boars, durable, ready for service. Cameron, 632-7713.
CHESTER spot Durocs, crossed, open gilts, good quality, clean herd. 783-2980, 783- 2669 Stanberry. CHESTER WHITE boars, excellent quality, clean herd. Sager, 783-2075 Stanberry. CHESTER WHITE large white open gilts, excellent quality, clean herd, conditioned on dirt.
Sager, 783-2075 Stanberry. CHOICE HAMPSHIRE boars ready for service. Ed McPhee, Stewartsville, 424-3168. FOR SALE: 11 black crossbred cows with large calves. 424-6272 Gower.
FOR SALE: Holstein bull calves, well started, scour vaccinated, 667-5692, if no answer 667-5339. FOR SALE: Yorkshire, Hampshire and Duroc boars and gilts. (The Stout Kind That Work!) 2 miles north Morrili, Kansas, 913-459-2573, Warren Lee and Vicki FOR SALE: Holstein breeding bulls. A.I. sired; out of high producing cow families.
667- 5692, 667-5330. FOR SALE: 6 Holstein heifers, due to calve in September, $425. 449-2538 Maysville. FOR SALE: baby bull Holstein calves. 378-2005, Helena.
HOLSTEIN SPRINGER heifer, nice udder. Call Stewartsville 669-3574, evenings, early A.M. HOLSTEIN bull, 3 vear old, extra gentle. 473-2413 Easton. LARGE WHITE BOARS.
Randy James, Elmo, MO (816)742-3371, (816)742 3271; LIMOUSIN bulls for sale. Loren and Steve Clay, 367-4774 or 367-2389 Pattonsburg. LIMOUSIN BULL, 9 months old, excellent genetic background and potential. $600. 473- 3054 Easton.
NINE NICE Angus steers, six heifers. 688-7833. POLLED BLACK Chianina, Angus bull. 4 vears old. Papers.
Excellent quality. 816- 783-2964 Stanberry. PUREBRED LIMOUSIN bulls. Red, black and polled. Performance tested from leading A.I.
sires. Goff Limousin, Grant City, MO, 816-564-2248. (FranPUREBRED, SPOT 446-2208, DO boars. 446- 3337, Oregon. PUREBRED Yorkshire boars.
Russell Jumps, Mound City, 816-442-3275. REGISTERED POLLED Hereford and percentage Simmental bulls. Performance tested. 992- 8995, Platte City. REGISTERED, SPOTTED boars, reasonably, priced.
LeRoyce Derr, 816-442-3474, Mound City. REGISTERED POLLED Simmental bulls. 816-675-2264 Osborn. SAVANNAH LIVESTOCK Auction. Sale every Sat.
Consignments appreciated. Call Larry Sonder egger 324-3510, 324-3555 248-Livestock SAVANNAH LIVESTOCK AUCTION SPECIAL DAIRY SALE APR. 9, 8 P.M. All consignments appreciated. Contact: LARRY SONDEREGGER 324-3510 days 324-3555 evenings SHEEP, registered Suffolk, January ewe and ram lambs.
vearling. 3 crosses. Allen, 992- 3407 Dearborn. SIMMENTAL BULLS, one registered, two unregistered. 2 and 3, vear olds.
5. 783-2834 Stanberry. SIMMENTAL bulls, horned and smooth polled, herd holds breed records, female weaning weight 874 former sire, top line, girth 473-2311 Easton, 6:30 7 p.m. SIMMENTAL BULLS Purebred commercial herds. Purebred, percentage, polled.
Good selection. Kagay Farms, 449-5348, 449-2239, Amity. SIMMENTAL BULLS. purebred vearlings, priced for commercial breeders. Daniel Critten, Gallatin, MO, 816-663- 2230.
SIMMENTAL bulls, 2 vear olds and vearlings. Gower 424-3360. SIX good weaned heifers, 275 350 calf hood vaccinated. 667-5346. 13 cows, calves.
good age, black, whiteface. Simmental bull. Buckskin horses. 546-3610, Platte City, 18 MONTH- black- butt; register. 324-4007, Savannah.
2 QUALITY heavy springer Holstein heifers, $500 each. 238-3369 after 3:00. 20 BRED GILTS, start farrowing in Mov. 816-666-2402, Darlington. 400 HEAD 40 60.
lh. feeder pigs. 442-5717, Mound City 46 CHOICE crossbred feeder steers and heifers, 400 vaccinated, castrated, poured, wormed, calthooded, Ready for grass. Jamesport 684-6607. 92 HEAD of good quality cows.
several with calves on the ground. Clarksdale 393-5387. 250-Poultry, Supplies BABY CHICKS. Broilers, lavers, turkey, ducks, geese, Barred Rocks. Bowen Chickerv, Union Star, 816-593-2545.
NEED TURKEY gobbler, will trade bronze turkey hen for gobbler, or buy. 233-2074. 252-Farm Miscellaneous COLORED Square pole buildings, portable tool sheds. King City Lumber 535-4337. CUSTOM BULLDOZING.
Terraces, ponds, structures, site grading. Andrus, 233-6129. FARM Structures. Square pole buildings. Savannah, 816-324- 4481, Cosby 378-2295, Stagner GOOSENECK grain livestock trailer, triple axle, electric hoist.
$2950 or trade for utility tractor. 233-2305. HEDGE POST cutting wanted. Good posts for sale. 'Will deliver.
E.C. Smith, Albany. MO, 816-726-3633. 1982 BLAIR bumper stock trailer, 16 ft. Call Jamesport 684-6529 before 8 or after 6.
750 POLLEY water on skids. 16.934 duals. 473-2961, Easton. 8 PEN AND 10 pen pull together, farrowing houses, excellent condition. other hog equipment.
546-3610, Platte City. 254-Construction Equipment D6C hydraulic dozer, salt rails. $15,000. 326-2655, Denver, Mo. INTERNATIONAL.
1972, 4200 with front hydraulic bucket. Fresh overhaul and paint. Karle Carriage Works, 802 South 9th, 233-3177. 25 TON lowboy trailer for sale, with beaver tail and ramps. 446-3782 Oregon.
310P Case track loader, new rails and sprocket, with trailer, excellent condition, $4,650. 783- 2877, Stanberry. PETS AND SUPPLIES 262-Small Animals ADORABLE PUPPIES, weeks, a good home. 364-3354. AIREDALE, 1 female, 3 vears.
Airedale pups, 2 males, 3 temales. 364-4563. AKC BLACK co*cker Spaniel, 8 months old. Good home only. $75.
Kelly, 324-4172 Savannah. AKC BLACK TOY Poodle puppies, ready to go. Males, females. Wormed, groomed. Call 233-1405.
AKC Maltese. terrier, 7 months old, 4 lb. Also Poodles. 913-985- 2469 Troy. BE AN informed puppy buyer.
St. Joseph Kennel. Club is member and your area representative of the American Kennel Club, 279-4244, 279-7265. FOR SALE: purebred vellow Lab pup, 9 weeks old male, shots started. Oregon (816) 446- 2617 after 5 weekdays, anytime weekends.
FOR SALE: dog runs, dog houses, bird dogs. Trimble, MO 539-2931. FOR SALE: Border Collie pups, 9 weeks old, vaccinated and wormed. 539-2686 Plattsburg. FREE BLACK Labrador mix, 18 months, very friendly, loves kids, needs room to run.
232- 7521. FREE PUPPIES 10 good homes, mother is registered Norwegian Elkhound, wormed. 364-5612. FREE small mixed breed male Terrier pup. 233-2870, anytime.
FREE TO GOOD home, male Miniature Dachshund, house broken. Before 2 p.m. 253-9692. FREE? DANGER! Don't give pets to lust anyone. Investigate! Many meet cruelty.
Samaritan Humane Society. GERMAN SHEPHERD pup, AKC registered, black and fan, wormed, puppy shots. 816-582- 8064, Maryville. ONE BABY gray co*ckatiel, $50 Call after 6 p.m., 364-5701. PUREBRED BEAGLES and medium doghouse for sale.
279-3766. RABBITS and cages for sale. Call anytime 232-0738. REGISTERED BRITTANY, 3 vears old, good hunter, does all. Oregon 446-3438, 446-2741.
SNOW WHITE Samoved male puppy. 5 months, very lovable. All shots. Only $75. Stanberry 783-2540.
WOLF HYBIRD cubs, registered 816-633-7607, Kansas City, evenings, weekends. SHEEP DOG male, free. Prefer farm home. 667-5607, local. Chihuahua puppies for sale.
Whitesville, 526-3205. 264-Registered Pets, Kennels AKC BLUE male Dobermon, 2 years old, obedience school. Must sell. Morgan 324-5013 Savannah. AKC BROWN Chow, 6 months, male, all shots.
Friendly. $150 or best offer. 364-6088. AKC CHAMPION sired co*cker puppies, 8 weeks old. 913-989- 3508 Wathena.
AKC PUGS for sale, tawn with black masks; shots and wormed. Stanberry 783-2306. AKC REGISTERED Basset Hound, male, 12 weeks old, shots, wormed. 238-5306. AKC SIBERIAN Husky puppies, red and white.
Black, white. Blue eves. Shots, wormed. Atchison, 913-367-2172. AKC, FIVE co*cker puppies, blond, 2 black.
$75. 324-5735, call after 5:30, Savannah, ALL BREED Grooming and boarding. Call for appointment, 238-3600. -Registered Pets, Kennels DOBERMAN, registered male, 15 months old, black and tan. month showing 816-845-2821.
845-2615 Martinsville. POODLE GROOMING. No tranquilizers, quick service. Stroud, 233-7517, 232-8945. REGISTERED Pit Bull puppies, 10 weeks, sale priced.
324-4007 Savannah. REGISTERED MALE Poodle, 5 years old, needs good home, older kids. Asking $100. 279. 6971.
266-Horses and Ponies APPALOOSA filly, registered 6 vear old, with blaze, 5400. Call after 5:00, Savannah 324-3613 BLACK AND WHITE, tered Paint. Stud service. Outstanding disposition, almost 16 hands. Avenue City.
662-4665. FOR RENT: 40 improved acres, pond, barns, for horses. 669 3608, Stewartsville. GALLATIN Livestock Auction. Gallatin, Mo.
Regular Sale Wed Horse Sale 3rd Sat. night of each month. 663-2177 GELDING QUARTER horse, 8 vears old, $400; bridle and saddle, $250. Stewartsville, 424- 3376. HORSE BUILDINGS.
Design and construction by Wick any size. 913-724-2418 Basehor, KS or 800-356-0822. HORSE PASTURE for rent, tack facilities, corral, spring water, miles S. on V. $50 month.
238-3162, 238-1478, Roger. MONROE ROPING saddle, $200. 324-4831, Savannah. REGISTERED APHA sorrel and white, 5 vear old gelding. 6 vear old brown gelding, 4 white feet, blaze face.
Both broke and gentle. 473-2624 Hemple. REGISTERED QUARTER horse, brood mare, red dun, Bill Cody bloodlines. Will foal this month. Gallatin, 663-3165.
REGISTERED QUARTER RE horse filly, 3 vear old sorrel, broke, daughter of Pine Wampy. Gallatin, 663-3165. RIDING HORSES registered and grade. 913-989-3491, Wathena. SAVANNAH LIVESTOCK AUCTION SPECIAL CONSIGNMENT HORSE SALE APRIL 7TH Tack 6 P.M., Horses 7 P.M.
All consignments appreciated. Call: LARRY SONDEREGGER 324-3510 days 324-3555 evenings SEVERAL GOOD ponies and saddles for sale. Call 913-989- 3491 Wathena. SINCO SADDLE, 2 tone, full size, $125. Also western 2 tone, mid size, $100.
667-5580. SUNDAY APRIL 13th, Horse Show and Swap 'N Shop. Shepherd Memorial Arena, Kearney MO. For more information, 424-3655, 424-6478. SWAP AND SHOP Tack Sale, April 6, 5.
Indoor arena. Leavenworth Equestrian Center, 913-682-6500. 3 YEAR OLD Black Appaloosa with white blanket on the rump. Registered and broke well. Chillicothe, 646-5845 after 6 p.m.
5 YEAR OLD Arabian, 15 hands. 324-3786, Savannah. 7 YEAR OLD Appaloosa mare. 232-5234. EMPLOYMENT CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE FOR REPLIES TO NEWS-PRESS GAZETTE BOX NUMBERS Readers interested in a advertised with a NewsPress Gazette box number but desiring to avoid replying to a certain firm may still respond to the ad.
Address vour resume to the box number and place it in an envelope addressed to Classified Advertising Secretary. St. Joseph News Press Gazette. P.O, Box 29, St. Joseph, Mo.
64502 along with a note listing the firm or firms you do not want your letter to reach. If the advertister is anyone on your list, we will destroy your letter (sorry, we can not return your letter without violating the advertiser's confidence). 272-Employment Services ADMINISTRATIVE secretary, salary negotiable. Assist busy exec. Great spot for someone who likes responsibility, varietv.
Fee paid. Sue, Express Personnel 364-5775. LEGAL SECRETARY, sharp typing skills, display writer, dictaphone. Split fee. Call Soozie, Personnel Service, 364-5775.
Medical Fee Paid FAMILY PRACTITIONER Kansas City Location: Relocation expenses paid, excellent starting salary guaranteed, and great family benefits. Medical Employment Directory 4050 Broadway, Suite 214 Kansas City, MO 64111 (816) 756-3445 (Call collect or send resume) 274-Temporary AUTOMOTIVE or truck inventor control. Optional Business Services, 279-6666. EXPRESS TEMPORARY Service, 3613 Faraon, 364-6089. KELLY SERVICES INC.
"The Quality name in temporary services': Not agency never a fee. 233-3411, EOE MANPOWER, The World's Largest Temporary Service. 364-1104. 276-Help Wanted A-1 OPPORTUNITY One Management Position Available Company looking for representative to sell photography in rural areas. Base, commission, plus bonus.
Enjoy overnight travel. Must have sales experience or strong desire to achieve. If you're reliable and have dependable transportation, send resume: Hixlin Photography, 9523 Mission Road, Overland Park, KS 66206. White Space Increases Readership Use It! -276-Help Wanted BABYSITTER, our home for rear old, immediate start. Responsible, dependable, nonsmoker.
For mornings 5:30 to 12:30 Monday thru Thursdav. some Fridays. Could become summer job. Serious inquiries. 279-6104 after 5.
BABYSITTER WANTED. Prefer my home. Will consider Hyde School area. 238-5613, call preferably after 6. BABYSITTER, loving experienced person to care for Infant, my home (near Heartland East).
Transportation needed. Monday Friday. References. 232-8750 after 5 or weekends. BABYSITTER, my home.
18 month; 8 vear old. 3, days weekly, evening shift. Must be reliable, provide quality care. 3 references, own transportation. 232 6323.
BABYSITTER wanted, my home, infant, days, south end. 238-5052 after 10. BABYSITTER, responsible, for one vear old bov. Hours: 8:30 to 4, Monday thru Friday. Please call 233-2324, after 5.
BABYSITTER needed for 6 month old and kindergarten in John Glenn school district, weekdays: 232-8298. Wanted 242-Farm Auctions AUCTION Location: (from Wal-Mart Store of Hiawatha), go 2 miles on Hwy. 36, then 4 miles S. on blacktop and miles W. of Hiawatha, 8 miles Er on Hwy.
36, then miles S. on blacktop and mile w. of Fairview, mile 1 mile N. and mile of Powhattan, Ks. APR.
7 12:30 P.M. TRACTORS: 1980 Steiger 270, 4 WD with 8 hydraulics. field ready, excellent condition; 1972 1466 disel, with cab. duals. weights; 1971 IHC'826 diesel, with cab, duals, weights.
COMBINE: 1974 IHC 915 diesel corn and soybean special; 1974 863 6 row cornhead; 1974 810 platform, 13' with bean bar. 1981 Feather -Lite all aluminum 7x16 stock trailer. MACHINERY: IHC 8 row cyclo planter; IHC 85, 8 row front mount fold UD cultivator: IHC 6x16 teeroble plow; IHC 3 pt. chisel with Anhydrous applicator; Great Plains 30' told up grain drill, wit 7.5** spacing and double opening disk; 1980 John Deere 331, 33' disk, hydraulic fold, cone disk; 1979 Hesston 33' field cultivator; Ford tandem disk, 3 Anhydrous applicator for 33' field cultivator: Anhydrous 21' tool bar, 3 Anhydrous tank on running gears; IHC 40 stalk shredder: '1979 RMC 3 pt. 300 gal.
fiber g- lass tank sprayer; 1979 3 pt. roller sprayer; front mount L-shaped sadle tanks and frame; 300 gal. pull-type spraver with aluminum tank; Heider gravity flow wagon with airplane tires; Parker gravity flow wagon with airplace tires; 2 4 wheel wagons: with steel boxes and hoist: rer track scratcher, 3 portable cattle chute, adjustable; New Idea row corn picker, pull type, good; Woods Bros. 1 row corn icker, pull type, good; 2 500 gal. fuel tanks; 2 300 gal.
fuel tanks: 3 fuel tank. stands: wooden cattle feeder. GARY OSWALD 913-474-3425 Auctioneers note: the above machinery is a good line of field ready equipment has been shedded. There will be some miscellaneous articles, but be on time as there aren't many small items. Sale to be conducted by: The Sam Williams Auction Service, 913-742-3486.
Hiawatha, Ks. 66434. Terms: cash. Bring proper I.D. Not responsible for accidents.
FARM AUCTION 1 A MACHINERY PICKUPS Miscellaneous AntiquesALLIS CHALMERS TRACTOR Located: 4 miles southwest of Maryville, Mo. on R1. to Rt. 3 miles south on RI. (to Shipps Grain Elevators), mile west OR miles west of Pumpkin Center (Jct.
of Hwv. 71 and Rt. A) on Rt. A to R1. follow RI.
5 miles north and east (to Shipps Elevators), mile west. All weather. road Watch for signs! APRIL 12 11 A.M. MACHINERY: Oliver 1755 tractor, cab, heater, front like new rear tires. 35 hrs.
since overhaul, real good; Allis Chalmers WD45 tractor, wide front, mechanically good; Allis Chalmers front loader, extension on scoop (sells 2 ways); Allis Chalmers fold over tandem disc; IHC No. 37 12' wheel disc; Sear's 8' tandem disc; John Deere 4-14 plow, 3 Allis Chalmers 3-14 plow; IHC 3-14 pull-type plow; John Deere 494A corn planter, insecticide, herbicide; Allis Chalmers 2 row lister planter; Ford 4 section rotary hoe, 3 Dempster 4 row cultivator. 3 Allis Chalmers 2 row front mount cultivator; RB2, 3 pt. John Deere 2 row cultivator; 2 row Go Devil; New Holland 451 7' mower, 3 extra sickles, real good; John Deere No. 5 mower; David Bradley side delivery rake; rubber tired wagon, hoist; electric wheel rubber tired gears; John Deere 34' grain elevator, motor mount; David Bradley tractor manure spreader, 3 pt.
3x6 3 pt. utility box. ANTIQUE PICKUPS, MACHINERY: 1940 GMC ton; 1948 Chevrolet ton, with duals; Allis Chalmers WD tractor, 12 hole grain drill, McCormick deering 5' horse mower, set fenders for 1936 Allis Chalmers; other old machinerv. Above needs repair and restoring. Sunvisor for 1949-50-51 model Chevrole SPECIAL! IHC 450 tractor, 2 MH 2 row mounted cornpickers, good condition, sells 2 ways; narrow front end -for Oliver 165 tractor.
PICKUPS, CARS: 1974 Chevenne Chevrolet ton, mechanically good, practically new. brakes; 1967 Chevrolet 10 ton; ton Chevrolet pickup rack; 1966 Chevrolet Bel Air, 4 door, automatic. GARDEN, YARD EQUIP. MENT, MISCELLAN EOUS: John Deere 110 36" riding lawn mower, 10 h.p. motor; David Bradley garden tiller, h.p.
motor, pair 14-9-28 tractor chains; hydraulic 2 way cylinders; 6 cypress gates; 2 electric fencers including Cormack; Husker 500 air compressor: practically new portable Force' air tank, pump jack, Homelite Super 2 12" chain saw; Sure Fire electric battery charger; Coast to Coast 3 h.p. rotary lawn mower; wagon hoist and other miscellaneous found at a sale of this nature! HAY: 5 large round bales clover hay, 4 large round bales oat hay, 50 small square bales good alfalfa, 50 round bales good grass hay. ANTIQUES: Hand powered half-moon shaped tub washing machine (darling); well pump; treadle Singer sewing machine; oak folding sewing machine box; kraut cutter; horn seeder; hay knite; horse bridle, glass chick, waterer for at. jar, pastel picture and other; 12 print feed sacks include one Mickey Mouse, 12 glue fruit jars, brass hardware for wooden ice box and other. COLLECTABLES: 3.
Avon Christmas bells, 1976-77-78. HOUSEHOLD GOODS Terms: cash! Nothing removed until settled for. Not responsible for. accidents. All property sold subiect to owner's confirmation.
Identification please! All buyer's must register for buying number. Lunch by Rockford Club. MRS. GLEN (IRENE) RENSHAW Denton McGinnis, Auction Real Estate, 710 S. Main.
Maryville, 816-582-4730; Todd Thacker, Auctioneer, Maryville, 816-582-3850. Clerks: Henggeler and Tracker, CLIP PUBLIC AUCTION Due to the death of my husband, Charley Greer, will hold a sale in Hemple, Hemple is located approximately 5 miles E. of Easton, Mo. APR. 11 11 A.M.
Lunch. This is a very nice quality offering; we hope you'll plan to attend. Kenmore 23 cu. ft. chest type deep freeze, 7vrs.
old; Wards 20 cu. ft. side by side refrigerator freezer, white, 5 vrs. old; Tappan gas stove; oak round dining Table with leaves and pad; 6 oak dining chairs; nice Queen Anne oak buffet; Hoover apartment size washer, dryer; 8N Ford tractor with near new rear tires, almost new battery, equipped with easyride seat, nice; 3 pt. rotary cutter, 5'; Wikomi 3 pt.
heavy duty- 12' posthole digger; 3 pt. tandem disc; 3 pt. blade; Dearborn 2 bottom 14" plow; small 2 wheel trailer; 8 h.p. cut 3 speed riding lawnmower with electric start. Real estate: my modern, 3 bedroom home with central air, propane heat, insulated, and vinyl siding, outbuildings including excellent, 2 car garage storage shed located on 7 acres is available at private treaty.
MRS. CHARLEY HEMPLE, MO 473-3660 Eddie Pickett Auction Service, Stewartsville, 816-669-3433. Nic Green, Kearney, 816-635-5986; Phillip Farrell. Rt. 1, St.
Joseph, 816-667-5368. 242-Farm Auctions EDDIE PICKETT Auction Service, conducting successful auctions for 26 vears. 669-3433 Stewortsville. FARM AUCTION APR. 10:30 A.M.
We will start selling machinery between 1:00 and 1:30 p.m. As I am quitting farming. the following will sell at: N. edge of Smithville, Mo. on 169 Hwy, to Blacktop KK.
W. 3 miles on KK, then N. on gravel past crossroads to. 2nd house. on 6.
side of gravel or 3 miles S. of Edgerton on Blacktop to Ridglev. then S. on gravel miles. Sale signs posted.
TRACTORS '78 IHC 1486, fully weighted, triple hydraulics. 20.8-38 radial tires with hub mount duals, cab, air, 1700 will sell weighted and dualed; 1256 IHC with 18.4-38 tires, dual hydraulics and hub duals: 1206 IHC: Allis Chaimers D17 with snap couplers; MF 65 multi power with MF 101 loader John Deere MT, motor stuck. COMBINE MF 410 combine with cab and 3 heads; 422. 4 row cornhead; 421, narow row cornhead; 14 platform MACHINERY IHC 490. 24 -10 hydraulic told disc: IHC 37, 14' disc with blades: THC 400, 6 row air planter with monitor and insecticide; John Deere 145, 5x16 plow; MF 3 pt.
3x16 plow: Servis Flex 15 rotary mower with hydraulic fold; John Deere RM 630, 6 row cultivator with rolling tenders and spring shanks, IHC 1150 grinder mixer: section pull type harrow: Danhouser post hole digger with 12' and augers; 3 pt. 6' rotary mower; Speed King 50' grain auger: 2 wagons with 7x14 box, 1 with hoist; Toro pull type mower; 8' 3 pt. tractor blade: 100 bu. auger wagon; PTO elevator with drag; N.I. manure spreader: Brilliant seeder with truck wheels: John Deere 14x7 Model wheat drill; PTO seeder, 3 pf.
Carry All; Haybuster 1205 drill; 2 heavy duty wagon running gears. LIVESTOCK EQUIPMENT 4 6 unit portable farrowing houses 72 x22' 40 A frame hog houses with lift open tops: 10 20' open trot hog houses; ringing chute; portable loading chute with gates on both ends; 5 80 bu. and 2 100 bu. hog feeders; 5 cattle rubbers: 7 feed troughs; 6 stock tanks: 150 hog panels; 20 cattle panels: 15 hog panels with metal tubing around 8-12 and 16' long; 20 gates; 7 large bale feeders; 100 bu. portable metal cattle selffeeder on rubber; 14 pig creep feeders; approximately 30 hog pans; SureWeight portable livestock scales weighing up to 2000.
VEHICLES ACCESSORIES '79 GMC 1 ton, 4x4 pickup with 350 engine; 2 '75 Ford ton 4x4 pickups with 360 engines; '70. Ford ton pickup with 360 engine; '66 Chevrolet 2 ton 6 cylinder truck with 16 flatbed and hoist; '65 Chevrolet 2 ton truck with grain box hoist and 327 engine; 32' gooseneck flatbed trailer with 3 axles and double brakes; 20'x7' gooseneck stocktrailer; slidein pickup racks. HAYING EQUIPMENT New Holland 489 hay bind: New Holland 851 big round baler with hydraulic wrap; Allis Chalmers small round baler; New Holland 283 twine square baler; 2 New Holland 56 hay rakes; 2500 lb. 12 volt wench with bale fork for pickup; New Holland 3 pt. hay fork.
MISCELLANEOUS Lincoln 225 electric welder; drill press; Acetylene tank, torches; air compresor; 500 gal. gasoline and 500 gal. diesel tanks; used tin; XL12 chain saw; 3 used, electric motors; 2 pickup gas tanks; 200 steel posts; 50 creosote corner posts; 3 360 bu. bunk bins; Gray commerical type air jack; usual miscellaneous farm items too numerous to mention. Terms: cash.
I.D. required. Lunch. Not responsible for accidents or theft. FRED E.
UTZ 816-532-0422 Auctioneers: Gary Roach, Dearborn, 992-3747; Robert Wolfe, Dearborn; Abie Showalter, Craig. CLARKSDALE LIONS CLUB CONSIGNMENT SALE The Clarksdale Lions Club will hold a consignment sale of antiques, farm machinery, many shop tools, furniture, and other items at the city park in Clarksdale, Mo. on APR. 12 9:30 A.M. The Clarksdale Lions Club is not responsible for condition or statements about items to be sold.
The Lions act only as an agent between buyer and seller. No consignments taken after sale begins. Will take consignments until sale day. Statements made day of sate take precedence over all printed matter. Household items: Hammond electric organ; corner cabinet; GE refrigerator; blonde bedroom set; Montgomery Ward console TV; brown recliner; swivel rocker; dinette set, 6 chairs; bed frome, headboard; Kenmore washer, dryer; JCPenney portable color television; console stereo, 8 track; swivel rocker; full size sofa; octagon shaped magazine table; Might Maid vacuum, accessories; chest of drawers; radio cabinet; Zenith stereo cabinet; record plaver; matching divan, chair; 3 piece wooden bedroom suite; wooden dining table, wooden dining chairs; studio couch; telephone table; bed; coffee table; foot stool; vanity dresser, chest of drawers; bedroom chair; manicure table; Zenith black, white TV: table lamps; utility table; refrigerator; gas range; chrome kitchen chairs; gas GE dryer; IHC.
deep freeze, 16'; New Coleman camp stove. Toys: Master of Universe figureines; Castle Greyskull; Snake Mountain. Farm machinerv, equipment: Massey Harris no. 22 tractor; front blade (homemade); 13 hole Moline grain drill on rubber; Ford 3 pt. 2 bottom plow; late model 494A John Deere planter, fertilizer, insecticice boxes; John Deere 1 row mounted corn picker; log splitter: Buzz saw; wood cutting equipment; Sabre h.p.
garden tiller; John Deere 110 lawn tractor, 42" mower, front end blade, front end snow thrower; John Deere model 68, 8 h.p. cut; Turff Master 36" cut riding lawn mower; pickup 110 gal. dual compartment fuel tank, pumps; Murray riding lawn mower 11 h.p. 19" push mower, in real good shape; 18" Sears electric lawn mower '(near new); 2 push mowers, cut; Sears Roebuck self-propelled 22" cut, grass catcher, lust like new. Harness: PRCA approved rodeo 'bunk saddle, excellentcondition.
Motorcycle: 1981 Kawasaki CSR 305, excellent condition. Hay: 300 bales a)falta hay (square bales). Antiques: antique clothes closet; white bedroom set, regular size. bed, dresser, desk, hutch, 2 night stands; oak buffet; oak china cabinet; DeKalb County Mutual Fire Ins. Co.
roll top desk; copier; adding machine. Cars: 69 Ford Torino GT 351W automatic, 96,000 miles; 70 Ford Torino GT 351C Hurst speed; good show car. Miscellaneous items: framed hog panels; McCulloch chain saw 5-10, case, 2 spare chains; Super movie camera, prolector, screen; Holley camper shell; 2 rolls new barb wire; Mid-West wagon hoist; shoe buffing shaft: church pews, 14' ladder; bathroom sink; doors; storm doors: 10 gal, aquarium, supplies; ceramic supplies. Auctioneers note: 50 many consignments, this is only a partial listing, many antique dishes and more expected by sale date. Come early as sale will begin on time and get a bidding number.
There may be two bidding lanes going at a time. For. more information concerning sale or consignments contact: Cleo Plowman, 816-393-5294; 816-393-5223. Terms: cash. Lunch.
Not re-sponsible for accidents or thefts. 1986 244-Farm Equipment GREAT PLAINS press drill, 3. section, 7" spacing, field ready, $8000. 816-446-2411, Ore: gon, MO HARROW, flexible tine, excel-. lent tor pastures, or chemical incorporaion.
2, 12' sections. Plattsburg, 539-2989. H.H. HALFERTY SONS Massey Ferguson, New Holland, International Harvester, Krause, Great Plains drills. Smithville: MO 532-0221.
THE CUB tractor with under. belly mower, plow, front blade and cultivator. Call after evenings. 736-5351 Tarkio. IHC 400 4-row cyclo planter, excellent condition.
Gower 424- 3360. 1HC 56 4-row planter; excellent condition. 279-9273. IH 656 with cab, 3 pt; Ford 1600 4X4 with Estate mower and front blade: Ferguson TO 20 blade: Bobcat 310 loader: Ford 8N. 232-2710 days, evenings 253-9620.
Crail Tire Service Inc. INTERNATIONAL tractors. The has cultivator. After 4:30, 233-1718. INTERNATIONAL 14x7 drill with grass seeder.
No. 370 12' disc, real good. 816-928-3334 Skidmore. INTERNATIONAL 2 row mounted corn planter, $35. 913- 989-4675 Kansas.
INTERNATIONAL 715 gas hydrostat with 13' flexible head and 744 cornhead, clean, shedded. $5500. 685-3262. INTERNATIONAL no. 46 square baler, excellent condition.
535-6296, King City. INTERSTATE Tractor Sales. Bethany, Mo. 816-425-8012 or 425-3017. Buy Sell Trade JOHN DEERE 60, new pistons, rings, and head.
Good condition. 667-5330. JOHN DEERE 4 4430, air and heat, 3500 excellent condition, $10,500. 402-863-2224; Bancroft, Ne. JOHN DEERE equipment: 1975 4430; disc; model 1000 21'6" field cultivator.
324-5801 Savannah. JOHN DEERE A tractor, 3 point hitch, good condition. 279- 7911. before noon weekdays, anytime weekends. JOHN DEERE 8300 drill, 23x7; 11' Case chisel plow; 13' AW John Deere disc.
816-324-5375, Savannah, evenings. JOHN DEERE R6630 cultivator with fenders, Ford 4 row cultivator, Case 4 row cultivator. 663-3377, after 5, Gallatin. Jubilee Ford 5000 Ford, diesel, selecto speed TW30 Ford hub duals, new engine 2940 John Deere, 704 hrs. 1466 IHC, cab and air, duals, overhauled 806 IHC diesel 3600 Ford diesel, 800 hrs.
70.10 Allis Chalmers, 1400 hrs. John Deere skid loader, No. 70, with bucket EARLEY FORD TRACTOR CAMERON, MO 632-7277 KEWANEE 18 ft. disc, No. 1010 hydraulic fold, good condition.
632-3473 Cameron. KEWANEE 14' disc, good, $300. 535-6296, King City. KRAUSE Used 25' disk with 2-bar coil-tine harrow. EARLEY FORD TRACTOR CHILLICOTHE, MO 646-0384 KRAUSE 15' centerfold disc, Landoll 11' chisel plow, New Holland 451 9' cutter bar mower, John Deere 1240 plate planter, 8 row field spraver.
238-3457, after 3:30 weekdays. KUBOTA TRACTORS Sales and Service EARLEY FORD TRACTOR CHILLICOTHE, MO PAT EARLEY 646-0384 MACHINERY CLEARANCE New fertilizer attachments for Allis Chalmers planters, dry and liquid. New 2319 disc, hydraulic told. 12' Allis Chalmers chisel plow. Many other new and used items.
BURNS FARM SUPPLY, 203 S. Hwy. 71, Savannah NEW CASE 1835 and 1845 uni-loaders, financing. New New Holland 785-250 skid loaders. Used New Holland L775 skid loader with Duetz diesel motor.
H.H. Halferty Sons, Smithville, Mo. 532-0221. NEW HOLLAND mower, 450, 9'. Evenings, 783-2365, Stanberry.
NO TILL DRILL, 'Haybuster No. 107, low acres, excellent condition. Plattsburg, 539-2989. PARKER GRAVITY flow wagon; 8 row John Deere 1280 planter. 816-324-5375, Savannah, evenings.
PLANTER PARTS, 12 John Deere corn neters, 12. coulter blades, fluted type. 593-2572, Union Star. SET 15.5x38 duals, with all hardware, $200. 992-3533, Dearborn, after 5 weekdays, anytime weekends.
SMIDLEY HOG HOUSES, farrowing equipment, and feeders. Sweeney, 232-1007 after 6 p.m. STEIGER, 325 h.p., air, heat, 2200 triple hydraulics, duals, $15,800. Excellent! 402- 863-2224, Bancroft. Ne.
SUPER FARMALL, live power, live lift, 200 hrs. on overhaul, power shift, 12V, 15.5 rear tire. 816-725-4594, Burlington Jct, Shop Talk An all-steel Butler shop building can hoist up to two tons from its beams. Don't osk a wood frame building to stand up to that test. Butter buildings also assure batter protection against wind, water, pests and fire.
No need to shop around. For a shop building with Butler strength and hefty savings call us this week. Automated Farm Structures, Inc. 3220 S. 160 232-5428 Serving N.
Me. Since 1966 244-Farm Equipment PRE-OWNED TRACTORS 1980 Ford 3600 Diesel 1969 Ford 5000 Diesel 1977 Ford 9700 with cab and air 1980 Ford TW20, cab, air, duals 1980 Ford 7700, 900 hours. cab and air 1979 Ford TW10, with cab. air. duals 1979 Ford TW30, low hours 1976 MF 265, 1200 hours 1978 Allis Chalmers 7020, with cab.
air and duals 1969 Ford 8000, cab and air 1968 Ford 8000 SPECIAL ONLY. Kewanee 1110 Flex Wing Disc, $7800 ST. JOSEPH FORD TRACTOR, INC. 3525 Pear. St.
233-3149 TRACTOR clampon duals. 16- 9-34. Tires and hardware, $160. Union Star, 593-2391. TRADE OR SELL, 11' chisel plow and bottom steerable plow.
Easton, 473-4251, nings. TYE BEAN DRILL, 24 hole, 3 pt hitch. 644-5702 Breckinridge, USED MACHINERY MF 2705 MF 2775 Formall 1466 464, gas Farmall Super IH 4366 3. pt. New Holland 495 12' hay bind New Holland 850-851 balers Vermeer 504C baler DeWeeze SP bale wagon IH 183 8 row cultivator MF 24' field cultivator NEW MACHINERY Farmall 5088 Case 2096-2394 Great Plains 24' drill, $15,500 Krause 18' Landsman, $10,500 Krause 12' chisel plow; stock slicer, $4,500 Krause 21' disc H.H.
HALFERTY SONS Smthville, Mo. 532-0221 USED TRACTOR SALE NO TRADE 1466D $6,500 Farmall $1,450 ST310 Steigers $37,000 656G $4,900 1066D $8.500 806D $4,900 766D $3,900 1456D $6,200 2-856D $6,500 NEW TRACTORS 3450880 some as low as $30,500 with no programs. 1280 Steiger Puma Steiger 2096 Case IH 4994 Case IH Used 14' blade for Steiger or Ford wheel drive tractor. Used cab off 1466 tractor. Used cab off 255 Massey Harris.
Used parts for home IH combines. Big inventory of new and used disks. Bargain of the week: Krause disk. $1500 38' Glencoe field cultivator. 32' 496 disk.
OREGON TRUCK TRACTOR 446-3394 SALESMEN: Francis Nolte City, NE 402-245-5519 E.C. Carter Oregon, MO 816-446-3651 USED tractor and combine parts. All brands. Terry Implement Gallatin 663-2183 USED ft. field cultivator with buster bar.
Farmers Tractor Implement Co. 644 S. 6th, 279-5298. USED 6 row dry fertilizer attachment with auger fill for a 7000 planter. Hall Implement 238-3382.
Vermeer 605F baler New Holland 851 auto baler Hesston 5800 big baler New Holland 276 wire square baler Heston 6400 self propelled 12' windrower EARLEY FORD TRACTOR CAMERON, MO 632-7277 WANTED: TIRE scratchers 10 mount on 3 pt. hitch for bean drill. 688-7833. WANTED: FOUR ROW lister. write: make, age, condition, price.
George W. Manning, Albany, MO 64402. WANTED TO BUY: Snap coupler posthole digger with or 9" auger. Sandlin, 253- 9484. WANTED: ROTARY mower, 7' to 8'.
2 or 3 rotors. 539-2989 Plattsburg. WANTED: SOIL MOVER or Everman, in good condition, reasonable. Henry Fisher, Gower, 816-424-3026. WANTED: Gleaner combine, reasonable.
778-3766, Hopkins. WOODEN STOCK racks, 8', good condition. 238-4091. CASE IH, MF, Versatile, Great Plains, Krause. 6006 Lake Ave.
238-4546 Krouse wheel disc. 473- 2961, Easton. 1969 INTERNATIONAL 315 combine and cornhead. 688- 7670. 1974 FORD 3000, Ford 3 pt.
216 plow, 501 Ford mower. 688- 7670. 1976 and 1978 ALLIS Chalmers 7000 diesel tractors. Two 1979 John deere 7000 planters, hitch. 1980 Noble cultivator.
Spring Devil 8 row cultivator. John Deere and disc. John Deere 400 rotary hoe. 1966 Ford 2 ton truck, new engine. 1981 Dodge ton.
4x4 pickup. 1982 6' BMB shredder. 442-5717 Mound City. 250 gallon saddle tanks and bracket, fits International or John Deere, 1000 r.p.m. pump and hydraulic pump.
535-6296, King City. ROW SPRING Devil cultivator, $300. 535-4497 King City. 400 GALLON, slimline saddie tanks. 378-2422 Cosby.
6 3 point tandem disc, excellent condition, $250. 2 bottom plow, $30. 253-9738. 8N FORD TRACTOR, 7' rear blade. Ford front end loader.
Good shape. Call Wathena 913- 989-4731 nights. 232-1446 days. 9N FORD TRACTOR, new batterv. good tires, overdrive, runs good, blade changed.
$1450. 233-7979. 246-Feed, Seed, Fertilizer BROME HAY, big rounds $15. square bales $1.25 delivered or less at farm. 685-3262, 685-3463.
BANK EXAMINERS The State of Missouri is individuals with banking experience to become State Bank Examiners. Starting salarv will range from $17,000 to $24,000 depending on qualifications. A comprehensive ing program provides excellent opportunities for advancement 10 higher level positions based oir performance: Requires 4 vear degree plus 2 vears practical banking experience or 6 vears of such experience without a degree. Positions available in the Kansas City and St. Joseph areas with some overnight travel required.
Submit resume to: Divison of Finance P.O, Box 716 Jefferson City, MO 65102 Equal Opportunity Employer BOEHRINGER INGELHIEM Animal Health, Inc. has a im." mediate opening for a individual to assist the national sales manager, with the development and organization of sales department functions, sales support services, special projects and activities. within the sales department. Limifed travel necessary. Qualified candidate must have good oral, written communication skills and possess the ability to organize, prioritize activities and meet department goals and deadlines.
Two vears college desired or equivient business management experience. For confidential consideration send resume with salary requirements to: Personnel Director, Boehringer Ingelhiem, Inc. P.O. Box 999 St. Joseph, MO 64502 E.0.E.
CARPENTER with ability to finish cement. for about weeks. Character and work references required. Box 931, News CASHIER, part time, computer experience. Apply in person, Haul 1717 N.
Belt. CHILD CARE. Need someone in Hawthorne School district to watch 5 vear old, days. ences 238-1724; 279-8270 after 5:00. CHILD CARE.
Woman to care for children 4 months, 6 vears, my home. Weekdays. Ellison School. After 5. 364-4441.
CLERICAL, part time, general office skills required, experience in automobile business helpful. Send resume P.O. Box 365, Elwood Kansas 66024. COOKS AND WAITRESSES needed. Apply in person at Monty's.
DELIVERY PEOPLE needed. Chauffeurs license required. $3.40 per hour plus tips and commission. Call after 3 p.m.. Pizza Stop, 232-1100.
MANAGERS WANTED working with Benefits. management vacation, insurance and retirement, additional information, sand letter I interest Motel 8 Inc. Regional Office 100 Decker Suits 120 Irving, TX 75082 (214) 659-9800 Equal Opportunity Employer OWNER INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY! Openings available for single drivers Continuous movement operations Home regularly Drop and hook Predictable revenues Customer service bonus: Paid all miles Average 2200-2700 Running Midwest, East and South regions 23 years of age or older year recent, overthe-road, accident-free experience Requires 1980 or newer tractor Call 800-558-3818 COS IS PART OF SCHNEIDER. NATIONAL. The Milton Mile a Day Switchboard Receptionists Immediate Openings Varco-Pruden Buildings, a leading manufacturer of pre-engineered metal building systems is seeking candidates.
for Switchboard Receptionists. We are seeking to fill this position with 2 candidates on a job sharing basis. We are offering permanent part time employment of 20 to 24 hours per week with flexible hours and a competitive salary. Normal business hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The successful candidate should have good typing skills and an outgoing personality. Excellent communication and telephone skills are a must. Qualified candidates may send a resume or apply in person to: VARCO-PRUDEN Attention: David Holz P.O. Box 369 2250 Lower Lake Rd. St.
Joseph, Missouri 64504 Equal Opportunity Employer.